Tiara ([info]mydemand) wrote in [info]metaquotes,
@ 2004-09-28 12:21:00
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from [info]pottersues:

Today I read an article about tarantulas. There was a bit where it talked about a pet tarantula which was kept in an aquarium with multicoloured gravel in the bottom, and the spider, apparently not having anything better to do, spent a few weeks meticulously sorting the gravel into piles by colour. In other words, not only are tarantulas big, hairy, ugly, and have colour vision, they are smart enough to get bored. This worries me deeply.

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2004-09-27 21:26 (link)
ocd tarantula! :D

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2004-09-27 21:29 (link)
I <3 the pinktoed ones. Ballerina tarantula!

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2004-09-27 22:11 (link)
Great, something else to worry about!

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2004-09-27 22:17 (link)
This suggests that someone should invent a line of tarantula toys. Either that, or people should stop keeping them in cages...

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2004-09-27 22:18 (link)
Instead of scaring me, that makes me want a pet tarantula. I'd name him Buggy.

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2004-09-28 07:05 (link)
I want a Tarantula too.
I shall call him Squishy and he shall be my Squishy...

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2004-09-28 01:09 (link)
   So cute!

   <3 the spider loving!

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2004-09-28 01:37 (link)
Okayyyy, now that's scary....
Now we know what the B5 Shadow creatures evolved from. [/geek]

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2004-09-28 02:41 (link)
I was thinking the very same thing XD

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2004-09-28 10:02 (link)
Heh, me too ;)

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2004-09-28 09:11 (link)
That makes me want to get some multi-colored gravel, put it in a dish, and give it to my Mr. Tingles.

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2004-09-28 11:40 (link)
You named a spider Mr. Tingles? *blinks* That's both strange and kind of beautiful.

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2004-09-28 17:21 (link)
Yep, her name is Mr. Tingles.
It should be Ms. Tingles, but I liked the sound of Mr. better.

Tingles comes from the "tingling" effect her urticating hairs (she's a rosehair).

She's quite pretty. At least, I think she is.

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2004-09-28 09:33 (link)
Stuff like this is why I'm an arachnophile

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2004-09-28 11:41 (link)
Rather than scaring me, this is making me want to get another tarantula (mine got out once. The 'rents held a rather dim view towards pets with more than four legs after that).

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