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+ m.e.g.a.n

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[30 Nov 2001|10:54pm]
I am 0-20% Ghetto

I don't even know what ghetto is? Fuckin Preppy. I better hop in my beamer - head for the hood and get some chicken, watermelon, and neports.
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[29 Nov 2001|03:38pm]
[ mood | lonely ]

i fucking hate you. i give up. i wish i was dead

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+ distance means nothing to me [26 Nov 2001|03:56pm]
[ mood | gloomy ]
[ music | + nfg | it never snows in florida + ]

im thinking about moving to new jersey. yup. by myself. i met boys on vacation. woo vacation..but thats a whole nother story. anyway..their names are casey and joe. and they live there..and i wanna move there. yup.

i also met some one really really cute from west islip. yup. his name is mark but me and jess called him nick cauz he looked like dan's brother.

i miss vacation. i want to go back. i had such a good time. i haven't been happy like that in a while..i was a different kind of happy. a new love kinda happy. i had some of the best nites there. i stayed out till 6 in the morning. ugh. im gonna go. this is sad

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+ he keeps telling everyone about me [20 Nov 2001|03:51pm]
[ mood | impressed ]
[ music | + saves the day | rocks tonic juice magic + ]

i have never had so much fun in my entire life. SAVES THE DAY IS AMAZING!! they are awsome live, and they are just plain awsome. i had soo much fukin fun. thursday is a great band too, and hey mercedes is good. ahh i had so much fun. i got the crap beat out of me but i still had fun. some one punched me in the back of the head and i fell in the pit. woo hoo it was fun. ahhh pits are really fun toooo. oh god. they are amazing, last nite was amazing, everything is amazing. i wish i had a voice like chris. hes amazing. ahhhh.

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+ give me some more time is what you say [18 Nov 2001|08:30pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | + saves the day | rocks tonic juice magic + ]

ahhhhh. :-D !!!!!!!!!!!!! the saves the day show is fricken t o m o r r o w!!!!!!!!!! i cant wait omg. im so excited. its gonna be awsome. i love them sooo much. they are amazing. for the last week ive been psyching myself up with all their music and now im sooo excited. and i keep asking pete all questions cauz im like nervous. woo hooo im sooo frigen excited. you dont even understand. i am like insanely excited out of my mind. my god. i was having a shitty week till i realized the show is TOMORROW!! and that made everything all better. im sooo excited. omg.

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+ youre my enemy and soon youre gonna see you gotta be yourself to be happy [15 Nov 2001|05:04pm]
[ mood | ditzy ]
[ music | + mest | without you + ]

i have nothing to say. im happppppy. yup. i am. i was in an airhead for some reason today. my airhead days are quite funny tho. this music makes me happy. and hot john makes me happy. and cute blue haired sean m. makes me happy. jess makes me happy. and im about to go see her. what a coincidince. were gonna go to dinner with her daddy. then were gonna go home and go to sleep so we can get ready for school tomororw. hehe. im gonna go. my moms home. bye bye. <33

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+ the only thing i know is akward silence [14 Nov 2001|08:36pm]
[ mood | pleased ]
[ music | + no music + ]

la la la. i gots to school late today. my bus forgetted to pick me up so donna had to drive me. and when i got there i didnt hafta get dressed for gym. yay. and hot john told me to come sit next to him. ahhh. hes hot. i wanna marry him. then i gotted picked up at the end of the day and i went to visit the high school. yay. then me and jess and chris went back to jess's house. and they put blue hair dye in my hair, which had no affect at all. and chris wouldnt let me come near him cauz he said i was blue. yah yah. then we washed it and me and jess fell asleep on the couch. her mom made us noodles with butter. nooo butter for me im gonna have a stroke. yup. then i went home. and i went to sleep again.

tomorrow is the last day of school for this week. yay. and its gonna go quick. then im gonna go to jess's and we're gonna go to the olive garden for dinner with her day. then im sleeping over, and were gonna go to school together tomorrow. uh huh.

on friday were gonna go to the mall. me, jess, and nicole, and were gonna pick up cute cute sean with blue hair, russ, and his friends. and im gonna bring a video camera so i can be all cool and stuff. its gonna be funnnn. then im sleeping over jess's. yup. ok. nite nite. im gonna go talk to my peoples yo. <33

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+ i cant be happy without you.. you cant be happy without me..but you always want to pick a fight [13 Nov 2001|04:17pm]
[ mood | loved ]
[ music | + this glassjaw song joe sent me + ]

woo hoo. i met the cutest boy today. hes the only person in my school i would ever consider going out with, and he talked to meeee. hes in 10th grade and hes so adorable. his name is john. he came and practically sat on my lap during gym. then when we had to make teams he asked me to be on his team, and i was the only girl. our team sucked but he did throw me the ball. and he gave me a high five and pulled me into a hug. it was so cute. ohhh hes so adorable.

sean m is really cute too. i hope i see him one day again. he is russ's friend, and he signed my shoe at the mall, and drew the cat in the hat. yup, thats right. hes so cute. i want to hang out with him one day. but he never ever goes online. so i hafto just wait for him to call me. hes so cuuuute. ahhh.

jf is making me listen to this song. and i like it a lot. its glassjaw or something. but its really good. so im gonna listen to it. bye bye. <333

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+ since youve been gone my heart has skipped one million beats [12 Nov 2001|08:21pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | + get up kids | words unspoken + ]

egh. this weekend officially sucked. friday..SUCKED. saturday..WAS BORING except i got to spend time with jess and jf. i made jf watch porn with me and he felt akward. it was funny. he was like uhh can we PLEASE change the channel. and me and jess were like oh joe what are you gay or something, every guy dreams of watching porn with a girl. and my cousin took me to the mall which was cool cauz hes nice like that when hes around. sunday WAS SCARY. i went to jess's house. she had billy, dawn, and brandon over. brandon was so nice, he gave me a hug when he came in. we died everyones hair, blue. and i guess being in the small room with so many people breathing in that stuff i almost died. i felt so sick so i went to lay down in jess's room, and brandon layed next to me, and dawn tucked us in. the next thing i know, the lights off, me and brandon are sleeping, and my annoying phone was ringing. and then i fell asleep. at like 9 oclock. and i slept till 10. so i didn't really do anything sunday but i was tired. i slept at jess's. and then i went home to get my braces fixed. i finally have normal full braces. theyre once again black. sooo original. then jess came over till i had guitar. we ordered dominos, and i went to 7-11 to get butter. such a productive weekend.

on wednesday i get to go see bethpage :D. i have a 2:00 dismisal so im making my mom pick me up and drop me in bethpage. and on thursday im sleeping over jess's cauz i have no school on friday. im gonna go with her again all day on friday. yay.

im gonna go watch seventh heaven, cauz i kinda like that show. its nice. bye bye. <33. my teeth hurt really really bad. ow ow ow. theyre so sore i cant even eat. oh yah. bye.

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:-x haha [11 Nov 2001|04:08pm]
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+ im trying to make the answers more than maybe [11 Nov 2001|03:49pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | + mest | is this the end + ]

me and jess had the most boring, but relaxing night last nite. we spent half the night on the phone with mike chiddo. then pete and dan parisi called and they were really funny. they kept saying mr. bojangles. me and jess kept trying to figure out what it meant. we did absolutely nothing all night, but i still had fun. we got mad at mike chiddo, cauz he was being a stupid idiot. he was too cool to take a taxi to my house. but pete and dan were making us laugh. we had them on speaker phone. lol. im going to jess's house again in like an hour. her cousins billy and dawn are coming over so she can dye billy's hair blue. and them im going to sleep there. were probably gonna wind up doing nothing again tonite. oh well.

my outfit im wearing right now is really cool. :D. im wearing my rainbow kneesocks and a black skirt. then i have on a black shirt with a blue shirt over it that says on it with a geeky girl on a computer. it used to be a long sleeved shirt but i cut the sleeves off so now its cooler than you. blah. im wearing jess's sneakers cauz she has my converse. she stole them from me. and she stole my cell phone, but that was on accident. i hafto make sure im not dressed cooler then jess, she warned me. oh well.

egh. i hafto go iron my hair again, its really really frizzy. bye bye bye.

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+ everybody*s changed but they*re all the same [10 Nov 2001|06:43pm]
[ mood | stressed ]

egh. i hate people. yesterday was the worst night of my entire nite. i cried like a billion times. i cried in the middle of the frieking mall. like 2 times. oh well, thats what i get for being wayy to over sensitive and getting involved with pointless people. but jess was with me, and she is always awsome. zach is really nice. jess had his jacket and i was cold, so he was going to give me his shirt. but i felt bad so i let him keep it. justin is really nice too. i stole a ciggarret from him. it was funny. i choked to death.

guess what. im 64% slut

im bored. jess is on her way. yayy. with mcdonalds. we have no life. lol. we couldnt find one single person to come over and hang out with us. maybe some one will be cool enough and surprise us. that would be awsome. she better get here soon. this house is sooo scary. im going to like die of a heart attack. blah. im gonna go now. boys suck. suck suck. girls fucking suck more. they should all rot in hell.

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+ don*t let people*s opinions change must stay stronge [08 Nov 2001|05:57pm]
[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | + mest | what*s the dillio + ]

yay. another dress-down day tomorrow. i have nothing to wear. god. they give you such short notice on that kind of stuff. oh well. it*s all good ::smiles:: tomorrow's fridayyy. my favoritest day. but egh. i hafto go to the doctor for a stupid physical. the doctor scares me. i*m afraid he*s going to like rape me or something. oh well. after that i*m going to the mall again with jess. we*re regulars at the mall now-a-days. and then we have off on monday. woo hoo.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUSTIN HIMES. it*s his birthday. so happy birthday to him.

on saturday i*m finally getting a cool color of converse. but i said that already yesterday. shawn gregory is gonna hang out with me on sunday. ::smiles:: he*s so nice.

i finally finished my website. i think this is the first website i*ve ever finished. all i hafto do is add more pictures. but that doesn*t count. all the writing parts are done. i wrote a frieken story to jess on the friends page. it made me cry to write it. that*s alroight. it*s prettie.

and to make today even cooler..i got dr. makes me sooo happy. it*s a prettie drink. even though jess doesn*t like it. lol.

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+ i lied my face off when i said i*d be okaye [07 Nov 2001|03:52pm]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | + thousand mile summer | 3 days now + ]

nothing exciting has happened in the last few days. so i have NOTHING to write. but i have nothing to go so im going to write in here anyway. tomorrow is cool justin's (that i met at the mall) birthday. HAPPY ALMOST BIRTHDAY JUSTIN

i hate boys. egh. no i don't. i love boys. they are so confusing though. and i can't even like one at a time. i never know who i like. there are about 4 people now who i think are really cute. but i know i only 'like' two of them. and i would go out with those two in a millisecond. and the confusing part am i ever sposta let them know how i feel. blegh. i want a boyyyyyyyyyyyyyfriend.

im going to go now. bye bye.

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+ you see us as you want to see us [05 Nov 2001|09:35am]
[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | + goldfinger | 99 red balloons + ]

:x I didn't go to school today. At 10:30 last night all the power on my block turned off so my clock got messed up. Soooo I just didn't go to school cauz I overslept. Oh well. Now I hafto fold laundry which isn't very fun at all.

I had an awsome weekend. On friday I went to the high school, and went home with Jess. We went to JF's house and then went to town for a millisecond. I uhh needed to buy a lamp. Yup. Then we went back to my house, I cleaned my room, and Jess stole my clothes. Then we went to town again and her mom picked us up. We were sposta get driven to the mall but Jess's mom couldn't drive. So Jesska went psyco. Then we were going to go back to town and we saw Mike Chiddo, Shawn Gregory, and Shawn Golden. They were going to the mall and they took us with them. That was really nice of them. I met really cool people. Sean M, Russ, and Ryan all signed my shoes, and they signed a wet seal bag that I hung on my wall :D. James King was there, he's really nice. All the little boys from my school were there too. A billion people were there actually. After the mall we went back to Jess's and I slept there. Then on Saturday..We cleaned Jess's room, and I had to force her to go take a shower so we could be productive. At like 7ish we went to the mall. This time I met more cool people. Ricardo is funny. I met him, he remembered who I was even though he was majorly drunk Friday night. Umm, I met Justin. He's awesome. His friend kept trying to eat my hair, and Jess's hair, and Steve Gerbino's hair. It was strange. Justin signed my shoe. So did Scott, the kid with the sign that said Kisses- $1.00. We saw Dan Parisi too. I haven't seen him in a million years. I missed him. Jess saw Zach, he signed my shoe. He was really nice. He looked like Dean from Gilmore Girls. Then my mom picked us up. And Jess slept over. I fell asleep early and she was online downloading a billion songs when I woke up. It was funny. Then yesterday I hung out with Anthony Seiter. He was really nice, he came to my brother's fag flag-football with me. And the whole time he listened to me complain about the concept of the game. Then he came back to my house. And then he went home.

Now I'm home today. And I'm bored, and I think I'm going to go fold the laundry. Fun Fun Fun! I'm really hungry too. Okie Dokie. It's really time to go now. I'm missing the Breakfast Club. <33 Mwuah..

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+ im in schooooool [02 Nov 2001|11:11am]
[ mood | nerdy ]
[ music | + Less Than Jake | All my Best Friends are Metalheads + ]

Hehe. I'm in school right now. We have a sub in computer and no one is doing what they are supposed to do. So I decided I would do all geeky internet stuff. I was looking at my webpage before and I got bored, so I figured I would just write in here. My head is really itchy for some reason. Noooo, I do not have any lice.

I can't wait till the end of the day, my mom is gonna pick me up, and I am going to go visit the high school. Two days in a row, woo hoo. Even though I saw everyone yesterday, I still want to see everyone today. I love them all so much.

Hmm, I wonder what time this period is over. Soon probably, we've been here long enough. Even though I don't mind this class that much. Egh, next period I have Spanish. It's the most annoying- gayest class. I hate it so much. I can't even understand the lady cauz she's from like Mexico or something Spanish.

Ok, I'm going to go now, I don't want to be a million minutes late for stupid Spanish. I don't really feel like having detention with some gay mean bitch teacher. <33 Bye bye.

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+ how could you forget i was here [01 Nov 2001|08:26pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | + catch 22 | point of blame + ]

halloween is my new favorite holiday. i had so much fun yesterday. it was scarey, and it was frustrating. but it was great. too long of a story. but it was still great.

i went to the hs again today all day. it was fun. i met a really cool dude. i had frieken agada running from the principle guys all day. it was weird. but it was still fun.

my head hurts. i think im gonna go to sleep..

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+ we*re gonna tear this building down [30 Oct 2001|09:45pm]
[ mood | drained ]

omg. haunted housed are sooo scarey. don*t friekin try to tell me different than that. i just got home from one with nicole, jess, floppy, and jf. floppy kept pushing nicole to the front cauz he was too skared. jf kept pushing jess to the back cauz he was too skared. and i was in the middle clinging to anyone i could find. i lost my voice from screaming so much and i only opened my eyes like twice. every time i did open my eyes i saw a giant floppy running around. like the hunch back monster dude. he looked like floppy. then the friekin chainsaw dude. oh god don*t even get me started with him. he made me fall. i fell and it hurt and now my jeans are all dirty. my poor pants suffered more than i did. first i ripped them on the road divider that tried to eat me. i needed stiches in my butt. every one found that funny. then i fall in the dirt by mr. chainsaw man. and i also hurt my knee really bad when the dog was eating my legs. that was my experience. no more haunted houses this year. not even the stupid adventureland one. nope. none. it tired me out so much. i think im going to have an asthma attack.

im wearing gloves right now cauz im really cold. black and white striped gloves. with a white and hot pink cheerleader shirt. gray sweatpants. and striped pink toe socks. i look like im all dressed for tomorrow already. speaking of tomorrow. i am going to be floppy. he better give me his dirty clothes. and then im going to wear jess' broken wings. and ill carry a bag of bird seed around. aw. how cute.

ok. its bed time. gotta get up early so i can shower and stuff. bye bye <33.

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+ alone in a crowd and paranoid of every sound [29 Oct 2001|07:21pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | + catch22 | point of blame + ]

Megan is a happy little girl today. I do not know why. Maybe cauz when I got up to take a shower today it was actually light out! I felt like I wasn't waking up in the middle of the night to shower. Yay. But it is sooo cold. And nooo of course my mom wont put on the heat. Oh well.

Ew. My feet smell. It's from the shoes I was wearing. But dont blame it on me. They are Jess's shoes. :-x. They are my favorite though. I like them a lot.

I just had guitar lessons like a half hour ago. I do really good. Oh yes, I am so cool, I can play all the chords and stuff.

Nothing more to write for now. So I am going to go talk to my beloved friends whom I love. <333

megan . loves . you . you . should . marry . her

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+ Pretend they're not the same as you [28 Oct 2001|06:53pm]
[ mood | flirty ]
[ music | + Get up kids/Saves the day | words unspoken + ]

Whoop. I am in a good mood. I have no clue why. It just happened. I think it's cauz of the music I was listening to. And I made my webpage pretty. I can't wait till tomorrow. I'm like 99% sure that I'm going to the Saves the Day concert. Yayyyy. It's going to be really cool.

I am so tired today. It was a very mushy blah day. I don't feel like getting up early tomorrow to shower so I think I'm going to shower tonite. Yup, as soon as I get off my ass. I am so comfortable. I'm wearing my dad's pants, that I stole from his house, and Joey F's sweatshirt. I should probably return both things to their owners. Oh well.

Ya know what. I do not understand this whole Daylight Savings Time thing. Why exactly do we set our clocks back. That is just annoying. It takes me like 4 months to adjust to the time change.

I smell tea. I think some one is breaking into my house and making tea. Weird. Very, very, weird. I think it's my mind sending me a message that I am craving tea. Maybe. I think what I really want is Dr. Pepper. I loooooove Dr. Pepper. Hmmm. I think I'm hungry too. I think people are supposed to eat once in a while. My mom better get home soon so she can feed me.

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