I want stuff. A coat, a new purse, new shoes... various other thingys. So humph.
I'm having difficulty with the Lent thing.
My father is having surgery th 8th... I'm worried, though I shouldn't be...
My father is also going to finally become a real live Catholic after practicing the faith for 14 years.
I have a plant at work... I adopted him when I started working. He sat by the window and no one loved him. But! I've names him Mr. Squiggles, cause he's squiggley. He's all back to life now and looking better then ever!
Hair is UBERcute today. Funny thing. No one at work has seen me with my hair curly and down before, I usually have it up, and the couple times I've had it down it's been straight. So everyone's all "Nice Hair"...
neenerface finally told everyone it wasn't special, I just gotten a shower before work instead of the night before... either way, again - UBERcute.
Making plans for meeting up with an old friend. Super happy about this. Hopefully all will go as it's
sorta planned.
I will make this office be more friendly if it kills me!!
So yes. Life is good right now. Apartment hunting is going slowly, but going. Life is getting in order. I'ma happy girl!!
Current Mood:
Current Music: Blue Men!!!!!!