Indie sucks, hardline sucks, emo sucks, you suck |
[02 Apr 2002|09:55am] |
Uh huh uh huh, go Anti Flag! Yeah, only two more weeks til the Hatebreed concert and I presume I am going alone, unfortunately. No one appreciates good music anymore. Fuck them all, I guess. School computers suck. They break alot, really goddamn slow, and half of them are missing components, like a mouse, keyboard, or even the damn monitor. Grrr, and they closed the actual DECENT lab so I can't even be semi productive, instead, I waste this whole class period. That doesn't really bother me, but, it's annoying. I would have liked to do some work here so I don't have to do it all at home. Okay, I'm off to be lame again.