Moving Advice Wanted |
11:04pm 09/12/2004 |
mood: hopeful music: Great Big Sea - Something Beautiful
So, I'm moving. This has become pretty final, it looks like. After New Years (and college football bowls). What I'm looking for is advice about moving. I know a bunch of you have moved recently, and some often. My family moved once when I was 7, and other than that, I've just gone off to college and come back. This is the official Moving Out. What advice can you offer me? What do I have to do when moving to a different state? I'm just looking for some advice so that I don't forget to contact someone or change something along the way and have that bite me down the road.
Anything you can offer is very much appreciated. :) |
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Reason for Moving is Moving |
11:28pm 04/12/2004 |
mood: depressed music: Linkin Park - Somewhere I Belong
So I'd finally got off my butt and was doing something tangible and serious about moving to Minnesota, something I've wanted to do for more than a year. I'm up here this weekend, staying with the people I'd be living with, and stopping by a few temp agencies on Monday to get them to start finding something for me.
Only to have my best friend (and college roommate) inform me that she and her boyfriend are moving to Utah at the end of January to take over her dad's business.
The entire move seems pointless now. I know, I know, there's more up here than just her and her boyfriend, but I'm just so upset about it. I was looking forward to spending all this time with her, and now she's moving to Utah a few weeks after my projected move-in time. As I told her at dinner tonight, when they broke the news, I can't just drive out to Utah like I can just drive up to Minnesota. As it was, I only made it up here every three months. But Utah is ... way far away.
I'm all depressed now, but I know I shouldn't let this stopping me from moving. I'll still be far happier up here (even Amber-less) than I am now at home. |
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The Return |
03:46pm 28/11/2004 |
mood: mellow music: Great Big Sea - Seagulls
It's been about five months since I last posted, seven months since the time before that, and probably more than a year since my online time has been "normal" for me. I've pretty much written off this year as a loss, but as a friend pointed out to me last night, as long as I'm still alive, the year isn't a total failure. I have to give her that point, but the year certainly wasn't good. If you want details, feel free to email me or catch me on AIM. I should be there far more often now. I know I disappeared for a good long time, but I'm hoping to reconnect with a lot of you. Some of you I've already caught on AIM, and others I've emailed.
I've become quite the San Diego Chargers fan, due almost entirely to their kicker and kick-off returner, both of whom went to Iowa. I even saw Timmy Dwight (the kick-off returner) play a game while he was still in high school (his team absolutely slaughtered my school). San Diego is certainly having a great year. Nate Kaeding (the kicker) had a crappy day today (missed two field goals), but made the ones at the end of the game for the win. And I *finally* got to see the Chargers on tv. Because they're a team that was expected to finish dead last in the entire league, they weren't exactly given good tv time. No Sunday night or Monday night games. Today I only saw them because the Vikings game ended before the Chargers game did. But I got to *finally* see them play, and see them win, and see Nate kick. (He made that one :))
To abruptly switch topics, I checked out OotP on cd from my library, and listened to it at work. It got my interest in HP all rekindled, since it had virtually died out during my absence. I found a couple of just-started fics on my hard drive, and got a new idea for turning Hermione evil. What disappoints me is that I didn't even realize November=NaNo until about November 7th. Completely didn't even enter my mind. I'm thinking if I just get writing again, that will be a decent start. To jump into NaNo after doing virtually no writing since March wouldn't be the best plan, I think.
My parents got DSL and we set it up on Thanksgiving, one of the biggest reasons I'm now online. There are others, but those aren't something I'm going to reveal in a public post.
My paid account is expiring soon, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to re-up for another year. Pretty sure. Not that I really took advantage of all of the features this past year of paid account-ness...
In late June, I discovered a Great Big Sea cd in my local Best Buy. Actually, to be more specific, I discovered *four* GBS cds in my local Best Buy. So I promptly bought all four. I then managed to special order the remaining three I didn't have, so I have all of their cds. Now I just need the DVD... :) I also found Amanda Marshall, Sense Field, and the Trans-Siberian Orchestra in my local Best Buy over the summer, and Dar Williams and Travis at a used music store. It's been a very good music summer, at least. Now, I'm looking for some 54-40, Punters, Bif Naked, the Ennis Sisters and Spirit of the West. I'm seriously doubting finding *them* in my local Best Buy... If anyone knows where I can find them, that would rock. :)
Oh, and finally, Morgan Reese Fairhead is in a production of A Christmas Carol in Auckland through mid December. A plane ticket to New Zealand is *only* $2800, and my parents refuse to pay for it. :( So, if any of you are in the area, stop by, check it out, buy me a program. :) |
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A (Temporary) Farewell |
08:01pm 27/06/2004 |
music: Great Big Sea - French Perfume
Hey all. I've decided that, for now, I need to take time and figure out just what I'm doing with my life. Unfortunately, the easiest way for me to do that is without an internet connection for the time being. I should be back online on before the summer is over, hopefully. I'll certainly be online to check the standings of the Tour de France, but I doubt I'll be around much for chatting until fall-ish. The easiest (and by far quickest) way to get in touch with me would be my email at work. If you'd like it, drop me a line at my yahoo account, and I'll give it to you. I'm not giving it out in this kind of public forum because one, it's my work account, two, it's my real and full name, three, it's where I work, and four, it's my work account.
Thanks for being there and being my friends. See you in a few months. |
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Thought for the Day |
12:07pm 07/05/2004 |
mood: amused music: Bif Naked - I Love Myself Today
Half of the people who report to the emergency room for shuffleboard related injuries are senior citizens. That means that the other half are not. |
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AFK Weekend |
10:51pm 22/04/2004 |
music: Punters - Jolly Jack
Off to Wisconsin for the weekend. Some college friends are getting married. Won't have internet access until Sunday night.
Just thought I'd let you all know |
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Clay Concert |
10:08am 17/04/2004 |
mood: tired music: Amanda Marshall - Double Agent
Yes, I know, I haven't updated in absolutely forever.
I went to the Clay concert last night in St. Paul with CLF. Concert was amazing. Well, to be more specific, *Clay* was amazing. The opening act screamed their name during the applause after their first act and no one really knew who they were for a very long time. Kelly went after Clay and acted *really* ditzy, which detracted quite a bit from my appreciation of her performance. Clay was outstanding. He managed to sing almost every single song on his cd that I don't especially like, but I'm pretty used to that happening at concerts now. He had so much fun, and seemed so much more professional than Kelly. Kelly kept getting distracted by the fans, whereas Clay used the fans to further the performance. (In my opinion, at least.)
I met risti at the Mall of America yesterday afternoon. We had fun. Walked around the mall and made fun of all of way freakier Clay fans that exist. Trust me - some of those people are insane. Legoland had *two* Harry Potters made out of Legos. Both had the scar. risti and I were joking about that as a fic. :)
Spent Thursday night with college roommate, and spent last night and will spend tomorrow night with different college friends up here. I hadn't seen them since late August, so this is really great.
I'll be home Sunday night, hopefully in time for Alias and The Practice. Gotta love James Spader. :)
Oh, and kimera, I bought Amanda Marshall's cd with Sunday Morning After last week. It's amazing. I was very surprised I loved it as much as I do. Thanks for making me download it two years ago. :) |
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Read my fic :) |
09:20pm 20/03/2004 |
music: Clay Aiken - Solitaire (long version)
I wrote a short Draco fic about a month ago, titled Beater Practice. It was posted at Fiction Alley on Thursday, a fact I discovered Friday when I signed on and saw my friends promoting the fic in their livejournals. (Thanks, guys :)) You can read it here. I'll probably get it on my own webpage eventually...
I tried to do the name meme, but none of the standard formatting seemed to work, so I gave up after three tries.
I decided Thursday morning at 9 am to enter the office pool dealie for the NCAA tournament, and filled out the brackets with absolutely no research in about ten minutes over lunch. After today, I pretty much have no reason to care anymore. Except maybe to complain about Nevada and Alabama...
I finally started reading Last of the Amazons by Steven Pressfield. I bought this book in hardcover, which I never do, in late June 2002, and never made it past the first chapter. Once you get away from the person telling the story and get into the story itself, the book definitely picks up. It's about a war the Amazons apparently fought against Theseus of Athens back in the 8th century BC, a time when it's hard to distinguish how much is just myth and what really happened. As either the author's notes or the book jacket say, this is still a generation *before* the Trojan War. I adore historical fiction, and Steven Pressfield is quickly becoming a favorite author of mine because he writes historical fiction about Ancient Greece. If fifth century Greece interests you at all, check out Gates of Fire. I read that book for the first time in Greece, and it completley changed the way I viewd Thermopylae. Go read it. I'll let you know how Last of the Amazons turns out.
That's about it, for now. :) |
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Morgan! |
10:53pm 14/03/2004 |
mood: ecstatic music: that song at the end of the show
I slept a *lot* yesterday, under the idea that I was sick and needed the rest. Well, last night, I couldn't sleep at all, which I fully blamed on sleeping too much on Saturday. Therefore, I was awake at 7:30 this morning when Power Rangers Dino Thunder came on. I'd been warned by a few good friends that I needed to see this episode, so I was already taping it by the time I stumbled downstairs and turned the tv on.
And there was Morgan. Morgan Reese Fairhead, an actress I've admired since 2000, at least. This is the first time I've ever seen her in an episode that aired on tv on a relatively new basis. I worked for six months to get Young Hercules on tape, and I'm still working on finding her four Xena episodes. All it took for me to get her Power Rangers ep was some helpful friends and a vcr. Considerably less effort on my part, for a change.
As episodes go, it was Power Rangers. Corny monster of the week focuses on problem Our Heroes are having, which happened to deal with an old friend turned shallow after she was discovered by the music industry. Yes, Shallow and Famous Girl was Morgan :)
Right now, as I'm basking in how great it is to actually be able to see one of my favorite actresses actually acting again, I'd be ecstatic if someone *cough*Jacky*cough* would get screen caps for me of Morgan to use on the shrine I'm making for her. I managed to find one image to make into the icon, but I'd like a freakishly large amount of them.
Yay, Morgan episode! :)
*happy dance* |
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Update :) |
08:00pm 13/03/2004 |
mood: tired music: Three Days Grace - I Hate Everything About You
Wow, I haven't been online in a week. That's probably a record for me or something...
My parents went to Las Vegas last weekend for the NASCAR race, leaving my sister and I to fend for ourselves. It was nice having them gone, as it just reminded me of why I desperately need to move out. And why I desperately need a faster internet connection. (I downloaded the first Dino Thunder episode from Jacky, and it took about 14 hours. Since my parents weren't home to freak out, I let the thing download while I went to bed Saturday night.)
The really loud person at work whom I've disliked since she started got fired on Tuesday. I felt guilty. Yes, I talked about wishing she would get fired, but I never really expected it to happen. And now that it has, I feel bad that I may have been a reason for it. I had only complained once about her to Someone With Power, and that was a month ago. I still feel bad, even though it is so much quieter now that she's not constantly on the phone.
I gave the box of Girl Scout cookies to the guy on Monday. I acted like I just had an extra box that I'd discovered over the weekend, and thought he would be interested. So maybe he doesn't think I'm a scary stalker person. Thanks to everyone who offered advice. :)
My mom came back from Vegas with a cold, which she promptly gave to me. So I've been overdoing it with Orange Juice and Vitamin C (and Nyquil to sleep). That's another big reason why I've been offline - so very tired.
I've officially been at my job for a year now. I've certainly moved up since then - I think I may be eligible for my raise soon. And with the training I just completed, I'm eligible to be hired on by the company instead of being "just a temp." While I'm proving that I'm competant at my job and that I'm incredibly hire-able, I'm a little worried about what will happen if I *do* get asked to become a full employee. Will I be condemning myself to this job and this area? What about all of my great plans to move to Minnesota (or Boston) and write? As much as I said as a senior in college that what I wanted was a "cubicle in corporate America", I'm terrified I'll never be able to break away from it.
But enough about my emotional problems. I just finished The Gates of the Alamo by Stephen Harrington. It's historical fiction about the battle at the Alamo. Very good book. A lot of Spanish that the author doesn't bother to translate, which got a bit annoying for me. But, finally, a historical fiction novel about another of my favorite times in history. I finally sat down and read A Time to Stand by Walter Lord, his nonfiction account of the battle. Walter Lord is also an amazing author. His book on the Titanic (A Night to Remember) is incredible, and I actually have three copies of his book about Pearl Harbor (Day of Infamy). I got to contemplating just what some of my favorite time periods are, and the historical fiction that spawned the interest, but that's a longer post for a different time.
That's about it, for now. :) |
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Something Stupid |
09:30pm 03/03/2004 |
mood: listless
I think I did something remarkably stupid at work. Well, I haven't actually done it yet, but I've backed myself into a corner.
As I've complained earlier and often, if you're on the phone at my work, everyone else can hear you. I sit near four people who are all early outgoing and they're all becoming good friends. Being the anti-social kind of person that I am, they don't exactly talk to me much. But when they're on the phone, I hear it, because it's almost impossible not to. So one of the two guys - the one that sits closer to me and is a year younger than me - was on the phone before leaving work back in early February, and I didn't have my headphones on for whatever reason, so I heard him. He called some lady and asked if her daughter would be selling Girl Scout Cookies any time soon. He sounded fairly disappointed to learn that the cookie selling season had just ended, because he was craving some Carmel Delights.
Monday, my own personal cookie order came in, and I remembered that phone conversation. At lunch, I called the local Girl Scout Council and learned that they did have boxes for sale there at the council office. So I drove over there at lunch and bought a box of Carmel Delights.
My problem is that I don't exactly know how to give them to him. I was just going to leave them on his desk, but then I realized that if a random box of cookies just showed up on my desk without any way to know who they were from, I certainly wouldn't eat them. However, if I just give them to him, I'd probably creep him out and make myself look like some kind of stalker. Alienating him and his friends is the last thing I want to do at this point of the game, but I want him to have the cookies, because that's why I bought them. |
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Calendar Sale |
08:46pm 21/02/2004 |
mood: happy music: The Darkness - I Believe In a Thing Called Love
I went shopping with my mom today, and the bookstore was selling the last of the 2004 calendars for only a dollar. I picked up the Harry Potter one because dude, only a buck. The best part is, November's image is titled "Hermione versus Draco." :) It's from when the Gryffindor team learns Draco is the new Seeker, and Draco calls Hermione a Mudblood, and then Ron tries to curse Draco and ends up cursing himself. You know, that scene. They actually named it "Hermione versus Draco." Very excited. :)
I also picked up a calendar featuring the U.S. Soccer Men's National Team that did so well in the World Cup in 2002. (Also just a dollar.) I got two very good sized photos of Landon Donovan that I can now use to decorate my walls.
Very good investments, in my opinion. O:) |
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What's That Behind Curtain #3? |
10:16pm 16/02/2004 |
mood: bouncy
Why, it's a Brand New Car!
Sorry, Price is Right moment there. :) Yes, I bought a new car. Last Thursday. A 2004 Saturn Ion QuadCoupe in electric blue. (I still love saying that :)) I had gone to an auto show the weekend before and learned that in the month of February, I was eligible for some great discounts from the dealer, and if I didn't buy that month, I'd definitely lose the one for being a recent college graduate because it frankly isn't that recent anymore. So Wednesday, my dad and I went to the dealer and learned that it was in fact fiscally possible, and on Thursday, we went back and closed the deal. Signed my life away and almost ruined the whole deal with the add-ons the dealer thought I should get (like if I die, the car would go to my beneficiaries completely paid off). But we worked around that and I have a brand new car. :)
I've wanted a new car pretty much since I've ever had a car, and I've wanted a Saturn for about as long. I'm still giddy about it. :)
A pic is here. This is a pic my sister took with her phone and then emailed to me. ETA: Those wheels will be replaced on Wednesday. That version, 18 inch, are $2000 extra. Too much for tires, in my opinion. |
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Neville musings |
10:05pm 11/02/2004 |
mood: contemplative
Got to thinking at work again today as I'm reading GoF. Trelawney is spending a lot of time predicting Harry's death (of course) based on what they're currently studying, which is the movement of the planets. Well, they spend a fair amount of time basing that on when they were born. Neville and Harry have birthdays close to each other as we learn in OOP. So, where does that put Neville for all of this "bad stuff will happen to people born near the end of July" that she's predicting? What's he think of all of that?
Yes, I'm bored at work again |
Post |
11:03pm 09/02/2004 |
I never have an excuse for a pure icon post, so, having made my own icon and taken far too long to do it (all evening), I want to show it off. I tried to add text, but that just made the image really crappy and far too large. So no text, for now.
But yay! Now I have an image for Harry Potter posts, and one I made myself. Which is darn rare for me. |
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Fic Ramblings from work |
11:53pm 07/02/2004 |
music: Clay Aiken - The Way
I finished rereading Chamber of Secrets Wednesday, and found myself wanting to write Penelope Clearwater fic. I’m not really sure why, of course, but it’s odd. Is she Muggleborn too? I know that the attack that got her and Hermione was aimed at Hermione to get Harry all driven to solve everything, so was Penelope a target too? Seeing how it was Ginny doing it all, and she knew about Percy and Penelope, that could be a interesting little bit. Just who would date Percy? And how does she react to GOF and OOP Percy? Just where is she in GOF? Why don’t we get a mention of her at the Yule Ball, since she definitely is a fifth year in COS. I remember those discussions from HPFGU at least. Writing Penelope fic would be interesting, I still think. I just don’t have a plot. I don’t want it to be a romance, not really. I can’t really see myself writing romantic Percy/Penelope. That’s just… too much for me. That and I don’t really want the stamp of being an AT writer. Okay, not stamp, really. I also want to write Neville overhears Ron telling Ginny to go to the Yule Ball with Harry. It’d be an interesting Neville moment, I think, without truly being a Neville/Ginny romance. Of course, it’d probably end up in the Astronomy Tower once the fic is done, but some of those fics are decent. You can’t tell that when dinging AT, but I’ve heard that good fics exist there. :) Neville and Ginny in GOF could be interesting. I had an plan last night that in order to figure out just what to do with Penelope for a fic was just start writing in first person until I got to a conflict, then do that conflict as a fic in third person. I don’t want to write in first person, because it seems like too many fics of mine could be that way. If I don’t really feel all that confident about their characterization, I put the fic in first person and go with it. That may be the reason why I never finished my “real reason Snape hates James” fic. That one was in first person. And some massive style issues that I couldn’t resolve.
Okay, break over. Back to work. |
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Email Scam |
09:11pm 04/02/2004 |
mood: amused music: I Fought the Law and the Law won Pepsi commercial
I just finished reading my email, and I actually received one of those "please reply to this email and tell me your PIN number" email scams. What's incredible about the entire thing is that in the entire bulk of the text, there can't be more than five words spelled correctly. It doesn't look anything close to official, so even if someone *did* actually believe that the credit card company needed to know your PIN number, this doesn't look anything like what said company would say.
Here's an example:
"You must cmpetole this pocsres by clicking on_the_link beloww and enttering in the litlle window your _ATM_ card number and PiN that you use in local Atm_Machine."
And people actually fall for these things? That's quite sad. I'm off to find a way to report it. |
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Ice Storm Update |
12:06pm 02/02/2004 |
There's quite a few things I really should say here, and I really don't know how many of them I'll get out. First of all, I crapped out of going to work today because my area got hit with an ice storm and I barely made it out of my court. I slowly turned around and slid back downhill to where I live, parked, came inside and called in saying I couldn't make it because of the roads. Of course, thirty minutes later, the salt truck came through and made me feel *really* guilty for crapping out. I had planned to go in by 10 or so, but then it started snowing. So I got online.
I'm sorry I wasnt' around for the renewal of ADDICT. I havne't been online since last Wednesday, and even then, I haven't *felt* truly online for more than two weeks. Why, I'm not really sure. Lots of reasons, I imagine.
Watched Survivor. Loved the drama of all of that security, and then the interviews this morning with the person booted saying they "didn't really believe that that was going to be [their] tribe." Love the Robs, dislike the Jennas. :)
Superbowl was ... okay. Wrong team won, refs didn't let them play, and the first half was *so* boring. Didn't watch halftime, so I don't especially care.
Still playing Diablo 2 far too much. My assasin just defeated Nilathak on Nightmare, and my Sorceress just found her cube on Normal. The amazons are everywhere - one at level 77 who basically is just trying to find everything gear-wise for the lower levels, one who just passed Nightmare and is approaching the Monastary in Hell, and one who just passed Normal and I think is somewhere in Act 1 of Nightmare.
Personal life wise, it's just getting more and more confusing, so I won't bother you with the details. I'll try to be online more. |
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Webpage Update |
11:11pm 22/01/2004 |
mood: creative music: Clay Aiken - The Way
I know, I probably shouldn't be using Livejournal to announce that I've updated my webpage, but seeing how the last update was almost a full year ago, I'm going to.
First of all, I finally got the Neville fic on there on the fanfiction page. Complete with shiny "new" signs. :)
The big update is that I finally got started on the Eury shrine. I really would like to have a comprehensive site on the character of Eurydice in Young Hercules, actual mythology, and then feature the actress that played her, Morgan Reese Fairhead. What I have now is an almost entirely text page explaining why a Eury shrine, who Eury was on YH, and who Morgan Reese Fairhead is. I also included a intended-to-be-brief synopsis of the plots of Eury's four YH episodes. All rather crude and not at all flashy, but it's a beginning. This is something I've meant to do since I started that rather crappy webpage long ago.
Check it out, tell me what doesn't work or look good, make me graphics, whatever. Please :)
Oh, yeah. Webpage is The Elysian Fields. |
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Update |
09:31pm 20/01/2004 |
mood: tired music: American Idol on tv
Have had a cold. Been sleeping a lot. Hate work. Horribly behind on email.
Reading the Silmarillion. Surprising good book :) |
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