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Current Music:Cake - Frank Sinatra
Current Mood:shifty
Time:11:19 pm
You are Shifty!

Everyone knows you're the brains behind the Lifty
and Shifty operation, but sadly, you always
share in your twin brother's unfortunate

Which Happy Tree Friends Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
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Current Music:None
Current Mood:[mood icon] frustrated
Subject:Rock The Vote
Time:01:20 am
A topic of discussion that has come up more than once at work recently is should you vote. Currently, I am not able to vote. The question is kind of redundant, really. Should you vote? If you don't vote, many people say that you don't have any right, then, to complain. But then comes up the argument, "Well I don't complain, and voting would just solidify that you are supporting a corrupt system."

So, should you vote? Any system of government is corrupt. You should know that if you achieve any sort of power, then the best way to keep, and/or e solid in your power is to put people you know or trust into other places of power. Everyone in power does it that way, because, like I said, you have more chance to make what you want to get done get done.

Any system of government works this way, even if it is a democracy, dictatorship, or even the rarer to find hierarchy. Even a king or queen will put friends and allies into places such as advisors, or ambassadors, or senators, or any other places of power. Being secure in your place depends on who you have working for you, and you want people you can trust working under you in all areas.

Should you vote? If you have a say in something, should you say it? What if, in saying something, people view it as you agreeing with something? If a system is corrupt, and there is no right person to vote for, should you vote?

I believe yes. I believe if you have a choice, even if it isn't a good one, you should still make your choice. Ignoring a problem won't make it go away. Some will say that the problem of corruption in government is not a problem that you can fix, and they may be right. I don't think that there is a perfect system of government, but that doesn't mean I turn a blind eye. My say in a matter counts. My views of a particular concept count.

And I don't like it when people come out and say how truthful that they are, or how religious they are, to try to gain leverage in the polls. Politicians are all liars to begin with.. that's how they got the job in the first place. Could I do a better job than a politician? No, of course not, because I won't lie to millions of people, and try to give them false hope, and a false sense of security. So, I say let them lie. Let them take up their phony views on meaningless topics.. as long as I have the choice to write down "Mickey Mouse," or even "Donald Duck," on my ballot, then at least I have the right to complain about the liars in power!
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Current Music:Deftones - Digital Bath
Current Mood:[mood icon] cranky
Subject:Feel Like I..
Time:01:15 pm
Howdy Y'all.. :)

Dunno what's wrong with me today. I seem to be snapping at everyone, and I'm not meaning too. I'm also even more forgetful than ever before. I keep on forgetting things that are really important, like I forgot some frozen croissants at work. I left them just hanging around. Strange.

On another note, things are looking quite the same as they always look. No ups, or downs. Jason's growing up too fast, as usual, and I'm trying to soak it all in, because once it's gone, it's gone. There are no second chances.
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Current Music:Cake - Sheep Go To Heaven
Current Mood:[mood icon] relaxed
Time:09:01 am
Just checking to make sure that my reinstall worked..
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Current Music:Linkin Park - Breaking The Habit
Current Mood:[mood icon] bored
Subject:Pa Radio is back on the air!
Time:01:16 am
After a short absence, Pa Radio is back on the air! Well, Pa Blogs at night are.

It's my birthday today. I've officially made it to 24, though for the past year, it's felt like I'm 44. My bones ache when a storms coming, I can barely get myself out of bed in the morning from aching joints; I've even starting taking naps in the after noon when I'm not working. That's certainly not like me one bit. Maybe it's because I'm a parent now, or maybe because I work so much, and don't really know how to relax. Who knows.

I've never been one to get stressed. I've only been stressed out once in my life, and that was just before opening night of my first big show, when I really wasn't that prepared. Not that anyone could tell at that time. Even my friends said I looked fine, but inside I knew I was breaking. Since then, I've never really been totally stressed out.

I'm now taking my EMT-B class. It's on Tuesday and Thursday nights. It's taxing, but I'll get though it. The hard parts going to be when I start my paramedic classes in the fall. Then we'll start to see me losing my mind.. :)
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Current Music:Elton John - Your Song
Current Mood:[mood icon] gloomy
Subject:Been a long time..
Time:10:32 am
Been playing old Final Fantasy's lately. Got as far in ff4 (2 US) as I find fun. Once you enter into the moon, it's not fun anymore, I don't think. FuSoYa is just Tellah in a different coat. But oh well..

One thing I find hard to do is to not cheat. You can enter in as many game genie codes into the Windows version of the Snes as you want. You can enter in a whole slew of codes, but it does take away from the challenge of the game. How many Atma weapons does one need? (I just sold 53)

What else can I write about. Been getting really tired of living in this small town. Yes, it's nice to be the only one for miles when you go out, but there is a feeling of isolation out here. Good to let the hustle and bustle of regular life go, but I really miss people. There's something to be said about choice. Here, if you don't like something, or someone, that's just too bad. Where as, lets say you don't like a particular cook at McDonalds in a city. Well then, you can choose one of the competitors, or even go to one of the other McD's. Where I'm from has at least 10 now, so I miss the choice.

I also miss watching children on the way home from school, or to school. I do enjoy watching them play, and go about their lives in their little worlds. It really gives me a sense of being young again, and remembering my childhood.

Hmm, well there's something to write about then, isn't it. I find myself watching my son too, and I reminisce about my younger years. Remembering what it was like growing up, getting into trouble, the day trips we went on as a family, playing with the brother. It's enough to bring more than one tear to my eye. Breaking out pictures of the past isn't helping me out either. It makes me want to make sure that Jason gets to go out and see different things, like I was able to. Around here, there isn't that much to see. Yes, there are the fields. Yes, there are no skyscrapers, but I find tall buildings very comforting.

Getting out of the city is nice.. I've been away for what, over 3 years now.. but when I do go visit other cities on our travels, it really does feel like coming home. I see people. I see businesses. I see busy people inside busy businesses. It all makes me a little more home sick, really. Well, not necessarily home sick for home, but maybe a better term would be city-sick. I miss living in the city.
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Current Music:Bill Engvall - Here's Your Sign
Current Mood:[mood icon] groggy
Subject:Not sure..
Time:05:42 pm
Well, I promised myself I'd put something down, so here it is.

Not really in the mood for talking. Not in the mood for anything, really.
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Current Music:Hoobastank - The Reason
Current Mood:[mood icon] lazy
Subject:And now, the next finger..
Time:10:36 am
Well, off tomorrow to get my finger prints taken. I've done a bit of it before, but only one finger. This one promises to be all of them.

I also find out today I have a cool new allegiance to pledge to. Not the usual pledge of allegiance, but one that's more in depth. I have to pledge that I will go into secret service, if asked or anything like that. Like I would say no. :)
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Current Music:Billy Idot - Eyes Without A Face
Current Mood:[mood icon] ?
Subject:No TV and no beer make Homer something something..
Time:12:13 am
Well, it's my second dentist appointment for fillings today, right after I get off of work. I know most people don't like going to the dentist, but I do. Maybe it's because I really like my dentist. He insists I call him Dave, not doctor, or his last name. Just Dave. My first drilling, he gave me glasses, a walkman to listen to music, and permission to catch up on some sleep, if I wanted. How can you say no to that? So, I took him up, I think, cause there was a bit of the operation that I don't remember to much about.

It was a long procedure, and this one is probably going to be just as long. This session is scheduled for 90 mins, but it could possibly go longer, we will have to see.

Before working at the nursing home, I thought it was going to be difficult dealing with death. Working here now, though, it turns out not as hard as I originally thought. Yes, someone dying isn't good, but it's different than a family member dying. When I look at the residents I take care of, some of them I'm no longer looking at what they were like when they were independent. Some people are so far gone they aren't even a shadow of what they were for most of their lives. The phrase, "their passing was a blessing," never really made much sense to me, but now is a reality.

Makes me wonder if we really should be living as long as we do now. Live well, and die at 60, or live like a vegetable from 70-98? Hard choice. Not that I'm okay with my own death, but I think that I'm a little bit more prepared now. Anyone in my family dying would be a tragedy, and it would take forever to get over, but I think I'm a little better prepared.

Off the death, the weeks going okay. Had our new car into the shop already. There was a vapor leak in the fuel system, which basically means a hole somewhere was letting air escape in the fuel system, and our gas was evaporating out of the tank before we could use it in the engine. With gas prices as they are, I really don't want to be just evaporating gas into the open air, and the car is still under warranty, so it didn't cost anything to get it taken care of. We got a cool Dodge Ram 1500 SLT, V8 5.7 L Hemi for a rental. It was really nice, but it wasn't my car.

Speaking of which, I guess we've decided to call her Cherry. Brings back memories of Final Fantasy 3 (6), how "The mighty Cherry has fallen!" but that's a private joke anyways. :)

Well.. as they say, zip it up, and zip it out.
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Current Music:Moody Blues - Knight In White Satin
Current Mood:[mood icon] artistic
Subject:The Self
Time:01:04 pm
Afternoon all..

Tis another day in our lives. Our collective lives. Individual, and yet collective.

Ever wonder why some people say that no one knows them? "Everyone thinks they know me, but they don't?" Just makes me wonder if they know who they are themselves. I certainly don't know myself as well as I think I do, so how could anyone else know me. Though my wife says she knows me better than I know myself. And it's said that to know ones self, is to know an idiot. Wise men advise you should know thine self. It's also been stated that knowing oneself is to know one's soul. You can look into the eyes of someone, and see their soul. But who says we have a soul? Some say we do not have souls! So then, if we have no souls, and the soul and the self are one in the same, the self does not exist! AHH! I just lost myself!

Just sitting.. drinking some Irish Creme.. dreaming of that which might have been or still could be, but won't.
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Current Music:Moulin Rouge - How Wonderful
Current Mood:[mood icon] working
Subject:Next... on fifth wheel..
Time:01:29 am
What a horrible show! See who can out sleaze the sleaze artist.. and yet, I couldn't seem to turn away.


In other news, today was pretty boring. How hard is it to get your pass port photos taken? Harder than you think, when the line at Walmart is 6 parties deep, and you've got a schedule to keep. One place actually wanted 18.95 plus tax for 2 photos. WOW!

Not much else to say tonight. Hopefully I can stay awake.. hopefully.
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Current Music:The Fan.
Current Mood:[mood icon] sleepy
Subject:Do you want to push me around?
Time:11:59 pm
And you will.. and you will..

Another night, another waste of my time. Got the car paid off at the dealer today. Now all that's left if paying off the loan for the car. $12,000+ is what I owe now, but really, for a next to new used car that's not even a year old, that's not too too bad.

So, by the reader poll, I seem to have a whole 1 reader. Actually, that was 1 more than I originally thought! :) Ah well..

Jason continues to grow by leaps and bounds. He's walking everywhere now, so my job as a parent has entered into another phase of watching over everything he does. It's kind of weird, really. When you bring them home from the hospirtal, you have to do everything for them. Burp them, change them, turn them, help them to sleep, etc. Now, he can move by himself, and put himself to sleep, but my job is just has taxing. Instead of doing these things for him now, I have to look on to him doing them, to make sure he is safe, which is just as hard as doing it for him. It is good sing him gaining his independence, but at the same time, we are his parents, and need to set safety boundaries. I wonder, if some day, he will look back at these entries that he's in, and wonder. I certainly would wonder about my father's journal entries, if he had them.

On to business, I would guess. Shooting guns are fun! Fun fun fun fun fun! Not shooting living things, of course, but shooting boxes, and empty cans, and empty laundry detergent jugs are fun! BANG! Pieces go flying. Must be a part of my nature to want to see things blow up, I guess. Must be why I got my pyrotechnic Ian’s license in college.

Strange thing, now. I find out that in Canada, when you go to University, you say you're off to university, and for college, off to college. But down here in the States, when you go to university, you're off to college, and for college, you've been accepted to a vo-tech. It works out okay, though, since I only went to a vo-tech, but it's called college in Canada, so people think I went to university. :)

Notice now, people. Not a single word here is misspelled. Something other people should learn how to do. Liam, Akos.. you know who you are. No need to mention any names, now.

Anyways, I should get to my break, and read the news. Toodles.
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Current Music:Blink 182 - I Miss You
Current Mood:[mood icon] working
Subject:How To Turn Anger Into Success!
Time:03:32 am
(Does not actually turn anger into success. May not be for everyone. Conditions may apply. Results may vary. At participating locations only. May cause dry mouth, headache, cancer, coma, death, or halitosis. Consult your doctor before use.)

So.. here I sit. not much to say, I guess. Just drinking my mountain dew code red to stay awake. Nothing but me and my twisted thoughts.

Do I really believe the first cut is the deepest? When it comes to love, I think so, but when it comes to my razor, I don't think so. Love can be frustrating at times. There are days where everything that Wendy does annoys me, to the point of aggravation. It's not her fault; I know it's mine. I know she does the same with me too, you know. Everything they do just rubs you the wrong way. Then they wonder what’s wrong, and try to make things better, which of course only makes things worse. I do like spending some time alone. Don't really get that opportunity a lot, accept here, on my night shift.

I've now worked here almost a year. I've worked what, 6 jobs for a full year, but never more that a year, and a month. Come my birthday this year, this will be the job that I have worked the longest. Hard to believe, really, since it feels like I started not that long ago. It's true, I do enjoy what I do here, more than any other job I've worked. I still don't enjoy going to "work," but I defiantly don't dread it, like I have other jobs. Take my job at MTI for example. I still have nightmares about being there, telemarketing. I don't understand how people can be on those phones for years and years. There are people there who have been telemarketers for 15+ years, and I couldn't even last more than 6 months.

I guess it really wasn't so much the work, but the tactics that you would have to do to get a sale. To me, adding un-needed services to a person that is on a fixed income, and has no real money to begin with is almost a crime. These people have worked their whole lives, and now have very little to show for it, and that little that they have, we are trying to bamboozle out of them? To me, if it comes between bending the truth to get a sale or losing the sale, I'd go for losing the sale, 10 times out of 10.

Now, true, there are people out there that could really use the services offered, but for the most part, people know what kind of services are out there, and have researched the matter themselves. They really don't need a pushy sales team forcing them into a quick decision. Perhaps that's just me, or perhaps I'm just not that good of a salesman. Perhaps it's both.

I've been finding myself thinking about old friends lately. I tried to look up some old friends when I was back home, but of all those I looked up, I didn't find a single one. There were more people I could have looked up, perhaps even more people I should have looked up instead of the ones that I did; ones that do mean more to me that those I did look for, but oh well. I won't regret what I've done in my past. If you keep looking in your past, you will miss out on the future.

It's strange to see what matters to people. Some people, their horses are all they care about. Others, they center on how many hits their site gets, and from what sources. Still others care what let look like to the public, to the point of obsessing what they are going to wear months in advance, or going to church every week for appearances, or making sure their babies have 6 or 7 layers of clothes on, or that their bank account always stays above a certain number, or staying in school till they're 45, the list goes on.
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Current Music:Barenaked Ladies - Tonight Is the Night I Fell Asleep at the
Current Mood:[mood icon] anxious
Subject:The day wears on..
Time:12:15 am
And so, the day wears on..

Wendy and I looked around the car lots today. We looked quickly at some minivans, a dodge dakota, and an SUV before we really decided we really wanted to stick with what we have now, just a newer model. This brought us to our last car we looked at, and the only one I test drove today.

She was a 2003 Intrepid. She is a stylish black-cherry. She is just beautiful. She runs.. well more purrs, very smoothly. 15k miles on her, and she is in our price range. The only thing left is to, well, sign the papers, drive her off the lot, and give her a name. Our current car, which has been very good to us, is named "Baby." She has been reliable, dependable, and has always started.. eventually. But, I suppose, it is really time for her to rest. She's clocked a lot of miles, and been though a lot of weather. She has dents all over her from hail and the like, she has chips in her paint all over, and I can tell that her engine is starting to show signs of wear. I can her there is a knocking from inside. She still runs, of course, and I bet she would still carry us for another couple of years, but I bet it would cost a little more to maintain her.

Almost finished reading my book. I have less than 50 pages to go now. It's taken me less than a week of casual reading to read this novel. I say casual reading, but I don't seem to have the time to "serious" read anymore.

Just wondering, but does anyone actually read my stuff?
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Current Music:Bif Naked - Lucky
Current Mood:[mood icon] mellow
Subject:The La Blahs..
Time:12:20 am
Good morning from those of us who are awake during the wee hours of the morn.

Hope we all loved that hour time difference. Seems as if we loose something, and only get it back 6 months later. Supposedly this year the extra hour falls on Halloween. We shall see if that's true.

Well, best bring you up to date. My wife got into a little accident with a deer. The deer was the only one to get hurt, thankfully. Very thankfully. Not sure what I would do with myself if she ever.. well, let's not go there. Anyways, the deer knocked out our passenger side headlights, bent the hood a little on that side, and bumped the side of the car on the passenger side, just enough so I can't open that door anymore.

Now, the insurance was going to pay for the damages, but therein lays the problem. The repairs are $2500, but the car isn't worth that much, so the insurance company wants to write off the car as a total loss. One tiny scratch and it's a "total loss?" It still runs great, but it still needs to be fixed.

Here lies our choice. We can a. take the write off, proclaim the car is a total loss, the insurance company buys the car for the estimated value before the accident and we buy a new car, or b. we take the difference, and we fix the problems ourselves, and see if we can either sell it to buy a new car, or just continue to use a slightly broken car. Of course, we want the new car option. Who wouldn't? But we don't want to just drop this car off as a piece of junk either. It still works! Other than a few cosmetics, it works just fine. I hope we find the way out of this.

Just a question, but what is everyone's deal with money? After I told people what happened, and said no one was hurt, I was merely seeking a little guidance, and some prayer for direction. But other than one source (my brother,) I seemed to get from everyone else this "Oh no.. he's asking me for money," attitude. Now, my Dad probably didn't mean to come across like that, but I had 3 friends come right out with "I don't have any money to give" statements. I'm not looking for money, and if I were, I would do it over the phone, or in person.. not on a chat program, or over email. And also I would have come right out and said I needed money in the first place, not beat around the bush.

I know everyone has money problems. No one ever has enough, and that's just the way it is.

Well, that's my rant. Now for the fun stuff, if you want to say fun. I had a little day dream the other day, about my father-in-law. My FIL is a retired farmer (if they ever really can retire) and is really trying to work out a flax-direct to customer business. My day dream had him putting his hand into a bucket of flax, lifting out a handful, and slowly pouring it back into the bucket, much like you would do to some sand on the beach you would pick up, or some dirt to see which way the wind was blowing. Then I would pan up to see his face as the flax is trickling down his hand, and see his big grin across his face in satisfaction. He knows in his hand he holds life in the form of seeds. Life sprouts from those seeds much like life springs from our seeds. In his hand he holds the lives of many flax plants, and he is proud of what he has. To him, the flax is like gold. In an instant, his old features melt away, and his young again. He has found his young life in these seeds.

Funny how I came across this day dream. I never met Dave (FIL) as a younger man. I've only seen him with his old features. I don't know how I have even the slightest idea what he looked like as a young man, a new farmer starting out on his road of life, to see what challenges await him.

In a way, he is sort of like me, I guess. I am young, I've already started my journey, but hopefully am not near the end just yet. The seeds in his hands I think are like my children. I have one, and we are expecting another. Amazing how vividly I remember this dream. Oh well.

Just for today:

"I will try to strengthen my mind.. I will not be a mental loafer. I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration." - Virginia Ely

Boy, that's a tough one. How often do I resign myself to just relax, and laze around. Mental vegetation, I guess you could say.

Don't be afraid of what's new. Newness brings out something in yourself that is good for you. Step out of your norm, and embrace something different. Those who don't try something new for years and years are also guilty of mental vegetation.

One last note before I toe this wagon back to the shop. Yesterday, after the whole thing with the insurance agent, we had our first mid-wife appointment for our second baby. It was quite exciting, really. We couldn't get a heart beat, so Kerry (the mid-wife) brought in the ultra-sound machine, so we got to see him/her. He/she was so TINY, only about 2 inches tall! How can anyone even think about abortion! Oh, let's not get into that.. at least not tonight. The night is still too young to be thinking that deep.

Time to take it home. Sweet dreams all you dreamers, and please.. keep it down a bit? I’m trying to dream too.
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Current Music:Moulin Rouge - How Wonderful
Current Mood:[mood icon] artistic
Subject:As if I didn't know that..
Time:04:56 pm
Can You Get A Date? by paran
AnswerYes, of course you can.
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

Any Questions?
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Current Music:Moulin Rouge - Elephant Love Medley
Current Mood:[mood icon] amused
Time:04:54 pm
It IS windy!

Just thought you'd want to know, you city dwellers.
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Current Music:Pink Floid - Wish You Were Here
Current Mood:[mood icon] peaceful
Subject:Now I shall give you a name, and I shall call you, "Meme!"
Time:08:19 am
Stupid Things..

What would your Anime life be like? by hearthlight
Your looks:Who can tell under that cloak?
Your best friend:A human looking robot.
Your powers:Everything.
Your beloved:A valiant hero.
Your occupation:Bounty hunter.
Your ending:Tragic...everyone dies.
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

Your Love Situation by Amberishjewel
Your Love Is...Fiery
During Lovemaking You Act...Like a vampire, very seductive
Your Partner Is...Your soulmate
Your Partner Has Said That You...Are extrodinary
Your Love is Summed Up In A Quote."I love thee wild with desire"
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

They will get you.. and you won't know what you've done, until it's too late.
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Current Music:Aerosmith - Livin' On The Edge
Current Mood:[mood icon] working
Subject:Insert Corporate Propaganda Here -
Time:12:13 am
3 nights in a row now.. I must be on a roll.

So, for those who don't believe that the US isn't in such a bad state, look at this. How many corporations does it take to rule over America? Apparently just one for each private sector. For instance, Clear channel controls over 50% of the radio stations across the US. The RIAA controls most of the music that gets played on these stations. The MIAA controls what you see at the movies. PBAA dictate what does and doesn't make it to the small screen in our living rooms. Microsoft controls most of the major trends on your PC. Are you seeing a pattern here?

It's no wonder why even big bands like Korn have a hard time putting out a single like their latest, which has anti-corporation propaganda all over it. Apparently their label, Sony, didn't want the single released at all, but eventually had to when forced to bend under free-speech. It's too bad that they had to go as far as that just to get their music heard by people.

In other news, North Dakota is again starting to show signs that they will join civilization yet. Starting today, they have joined in the multi-state lottery Power Ball. Most states play Power Ball, and the winnings can get up in the tens of millions. It's a lot like my former lotto 649, but for the US, instead of Canada. Of course this brings up the issue of if gambling is wrong. I find it ironic that most people toting that "Oh, this lottery is so wrong. The Bible is against gambling," are the same people who tend to go to the Casino twice a year or more. How they consider that okay is beyond me.

In still more news, the pledge of allegiance is again in the courts. Should you have to say "under God?" Seems to me that the founding fathers were very much into Christianity. "In God we trust," I think might be a clue. "God bless America," might be another. Now some people say that they added Christianity into the American system solely because communism is based on atheism, but that’s a very weak argument to me, since it would take a lot of work to work it into the entire system.

Atheism is a subject I tend to avoid anyways. To me, to say that there is nothing out there that could possibly be beyond our understanding is very arrogant. There is evidence everywhere that there are things that we will never understand. Take a handful of people from around the world, and see if they all have a complete understanding of chemistry, or another handful and see if they all have a complete understanding of trigonometry. What about a complete understanding of grammar of any language. What about the meaning of all the words any language. The average human being is stupid, but has the illusion of being smart when in combination with the race. I don't think that I'd be going too far out on a limb to say that the fact is man knows nothing and probably never will, in comparison to what is actually going on in and outside the universe. We are all but mere shadows.. flickers of light so to speak.. barely around for an instant, and then gone again. How arrogant can you be to say that there is nothing beyond your understanding!

Yes, man has had some great achievements, but we are far from the greatest achievements, or even understanding the simplicity of some, like the creation of our own lives.

Ah well.. as they say, everyone is right in their own mind. And as Winston Churchill said, "Never give in, never, never, never, never."
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Current Music:Fleetwood Mac - Gypsy
Current Mood:[mood icon] drained
Subject:Round 3... FIGHT!
Time:12:37 am
Hello and good evening everyone.

In another desperate move, the RIAA has put out another 500+ ip subpoena’s yesterday, as to try to scare people straight. These places, of course, are in well populated areas, where they are going to get the biggest media hype. Now, around here, in the middle of nowhere, you're probably not gunna hear a whole lot of people getting sued. I mean, I don't pirate songs, but I still feel like other people's privacy, and rights are being stepped on. And lets not forget who they already have gotten lots of $$ off of; 13 year olds, and the elderly. Yep, they're really scaring a lot of people.

The whole premise of the RIAA suing people is where the problem is. They claim that the slump of CD sales is because of internet piracy. Now, of course they're not going to admit the songs coming out of the RIAA are crap, and that people are on to their money making scheme. What money making scheme you ask? I can go to Walmart and buy me a special addition DVD of, well lets say, James Bond, with Sean Connery playing 007, for $14.44. Now, there are 2 DVD's, with 2 formats (widescreen, and full screen) as well as hours of commentary by the director, the actors/actresses, a few making of documentaries, and thousands of pictures and music added on. Sometimes, you can even get bonus features, like deleted scenes, and added scenes. I could by this, or I could spend $19.95 for Brittany Spears new CD, which has only 1 song I like, 2 songs I can stand, and the rest of the CD I can not bare to listen to at all. 1 CD for $19.95, as opposed to 2 DVDs for $14.44. The CD has a possibility of 70 minutes of play time, audio only, on it (which mostly they are 50 minutes of less of actual play time), or 4 hours + of video AND audio with the DVDs. Perhaps they are losing money because people AREN'T SATISFIED with their product anymore. Pushing pop album after pop album, and hit single after hit single just gets tiresome after a while.

What do I suggest to fix their problem? How about a CD where every song on the album is a hit. Every song has meaning, and has more past the surface. Oh, and of course, they should cost less. CD technology is decades old now, and players are a dime a dozen now a days. Just sounds to me like they've milked that cow too long, and now that cow isn't producing as much milk

Well, that's my rant. Feeling better now, I think. I feel like I'm in the book 1984, and that eventually they will find me out too. Something that I've done that I've failed to notice, but someone else has, and they will get me for it. 'Big Brother is Watching,' as they say. True, we don't have telescreens, but try to go to a shopping center now a days and NOT find those black semi-balls hanging from the ceiling. Sometimes I wonder if they're just there to instill fear into their customers, once again to scare them straight, or if there really is some poor soul watching us when we look at a vender’s merchandise. Makes me wonder, anyways.
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