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Below is user information for BabeWinkleTrout. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:mntrout (26388) mntrout
The Ape at the Door
or, I'm Getting Too Old For This Shit
Bio:I am a middle-aged, middle-income, middle-class, conservative white guy in Minnesota who spends too much time working in a factory and a bar, fishing from a boat, and hunting for grouse (look it up if you don't know), pheasant and duck. Don't make the mistake, however, of assuming that I'm a beer-swilling redneck without a brain: I hold a degree in Criminal Justice, with emphases on Political Science and Sociology. I am not Politically Correct. If this is a problem for you, go away.

I come and go as I please. Sometimes I post a couple times a day. Sometimes I don't post for weeks at a time. My posts have been 100% public for quite some time, but I have disabled comments in my LJ and I plan to keep it that way until all of the red-diaper doper babies who keep me on their lists have removed me or I get tired of waiting and start screening their socialist crap. Apparently the socialists don't like being screened, 'cause the ones that are still here don't bother commenting anymore -- and that's just fine by me.

I don't care if you read my LJ or not, and I'm not interested in meeting any of you. Nothing personal, I'm just not into meeting people -- I meet more than my fair share of new people every weekend at the bar. If I read your LJ, it's because I found something in it that I enjoyed -- eventually I'll probably stop reading it and move on to others. Right now, I like reading other Minnesotans' LJs and people from far off and interesting places (especially if they post pictures of the far off and interesting places). I seldom insult and offend people intentionally, but I seem to have a real knack for it just the same. There're only two people who read my LJ that I'm actually concerned about offending -- you won't be #3. Trust me. This really makes me sound like an asshole, doesn't it? I can live with that.

If you're looking for pop-culture and bubblegum, don't look here. I don't "send power" or give {{{hugs}}} or any of the trite nothings that I see from others. I will, however, offer up a prayer for you if you're having troubles. For all that, most people think I'm alright anyway.

"I have observed throughout life that the test of a man's honour is money, and the test of his courage is responsibility."
-- attributed to Admiral Lord Howe

"Here's to plain speaking and clear understanding."
-- Kaspar Gutman (The Maltese Falcon)

Oh, I almost forgot..., "and world peace."

I see this kind of crap in just about every bio on LJ, so I think I'll include some, too:

Where do you fall on the liberal - conservative political spectrum? (United States)

brought to you by Quizilla

In case that leaves any doubt, I'll liberate a few things from

(and probably alienate a bunch of people in the process). Go there and buy schtuff.

And for dessert...

You are Michael Savage!
You are Michael Savage!

Which Conservative Radio Talk Show Host Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which Conservative Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Notice that it says, "Founding Father?"

I am a Meathead

Which America Hating Minority Are You?

Take More Robert & Tim Quizzes
Watch Robert & Tim Cartoons

"Let the world know you have lots of guns and a warped morality by pasting this html on your website, LiveJournal or whatever" Good thing that I have a sense of humor. No, really, I do.

Enough politics for now.

Other interesting things about me:


Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yes, I really have Borderline Personality Disorder. I'm about as nuts as they come. I'm ignoring it in the hopes that it'll just go away on its own. I also take damned near every one of these stupid quizzes that I see, too.

Not only that, but I have some fairly extensive inner and middle ear damage, due primarily to crappy genetics and multiple surgeries in which parts of my skull and aural mechanisms were removed. So, I get to wear a hearing aid and have learned to read lips.

Recently, relatively speaking, I also discovered that I'm severely hypertensive as well, and that my extraordinarily high blood pressure has caused some heart and kidney damage. Basically, my medication is keeping me alive. Like Zippy said, "I've been reduced to being a mere container of powerful man-made chemicals. And that really sucks." I'm not adjusting well to the necessity of having a friggin' team of doctors and an extensive pharmacology....

I'm trying to get all my Livejournal friends' locations plotted on a map - please add your location starting with this form.
(Then get your friends to!)

Interests:69: albert einstein, ancient rome, anonymity, aubrey/maturin novels, biker chicks, bill of rights, blaze orange, boating, boots, canoeing, cartography, coast guard auxiliary, conservatism, cooking, critical thinking, driving, duck hunting, eating, ethics, fishing, foreign languages, frank herbert, garage logic, good food, goose hunting, grouse hunting, harry turtledove, history, humphrey bogart, hunting, iron range, italian food, knowledge, kstp, lake michigan, lake superior, maps, michael savage, military history, minnesota, mississippi river, morality, nighttime, nikola tesla, old movies, patrick o'brien, periodicals, personal responsibility, phillip k. dick, pike fishing, politics, quiet, reading, recipes, robin hobb, salmon, salmon fishing, sean hannity, shadow grass, skim milk, sleeping in, smallmouth fishing, soup, stephen r. donaldson, tallships, trout, trout fishing, washington island, wingshooting. [Modify yours]
People29:aelius, ani_moore, anney, beardeerdean, belt0033, bobcat, bull, chappell, chirogrl, circlek, conservative, dvisions, ferretsofglory, first_dragon, gigglerz, invisibella, ioldman2, izzicam, lurkies, masculist, mntrout, mom, mrs_1stdragon, muse, oreosaysmeow, periwinkle, snocat, wysiwyg, zippyd
Communities3:conservatism, faces, lj_maintenance
Account type:Free Account

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