Below is information about the "Our Lady Of Nymphets" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | saintlolita (793869) |
Name: | Our Lady Of Nymphets |
Location: | United States |
E-mail: |
About: | This is a community, not just for fans of Lolita, but of all things Lolita-esque. If you have a crush on your college professor, if you like dressing up like a schoolgirl, or if you like girls who dress up as schoolgirls, come and join us!
DISCLAIMER: While this is a community especially for fans of May/December relationships, and for all the ladies out there who have a love of older men, let me explicitly say that saintlolita has nothing to do with child pornography or child molestation. Any posts or comments deemed inappropriate by the maintainers of this community will be deleted.
This community is maintained by: killerangel rabychan casey_lou the_cougar |
Interests: | 31: adrian lyne, anne rampling, anne rice, belinda, bubble gum, dolores haze, dominique swain, gothic lolita, humbert humbert, jeremy irons, kisses, kneesocks, lo's diary, lolita, lollipops, nabokov, nymphets, nymphs, old music, older men, peter sellers, pia pera, pigtails, red lipstick, school uniforms, schoolgirls, silent friction, stanley kubrick, sue lyons, sunglasses, vladimir nabokov. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 358: 00beaten00, 28daysofhate, _911_guy, ______slut, ___lolastars, __doloreshaze, __goldengirl, __holiday, __jimjams, __rubyslippers, _daisyfreshgirl, _h0lly, _nymphadorer, _yes_you_will_, a3on, a_cruel_beauty, a_tad_robot, abbagirl, abrasive_jayne, acidbrain, aesthetikmuse, afterglowdreams, aggravatedray, airdutemps, alicefright, almost_ironic, almostpretty, alpacasforlunch, analyzer, angelalice, annabel_leigh, annabelleleigh, anouck_grrl, aphexmandelbrot, arkhambabydoll, ashtreenymph, asuranharo, august_maria, autumnwaterecho, bek_known, bellecatene, belljar79, bettiepepper, bigdaddyfix, biting_my_lips, bitte_ein_kuss, blackmagickbaby, blacktapegrrl, blue_hell, blue_meanie2003, bluejack, bluethoughts, bmonkey, bodhia, bolide, boregasm, brandyy, butterflymind, cannibol, cartridge_love, casey_lou, cat_head, cedarpeach, celtic_fire, cervicide, cheap_purfume, cheaza, cherry_cyanide, chrissycoyote, cinnamonspider, circean0circle, coarsette, coco__, courtney_beth, criscosmoothie, cubic_zirconia, cyber_zombie, daddy, daddys_lil_brat, damndamsel, darkest_desire, darkfaery, darkwolf1071, days_like_this, deadlydoll, dearmaid, dedmaus, deense, devilbootz, devilishdestiny, devils_dance, discoinferno, discovolante, disdain_lust, diseasedisorder, disphoria, diverscotty911, dmm1961, dolores_hazel, dreamspacebaby, drunkwithsin, edgevictim, ehsixsixsix, electro_trash, elizabettasub, emailcordinator, emmalisbon, encanto_secrets, eyecandy_sara, eyes_were_vair, faithlolita, fh, fizeau, fjobs, floatt, florrie_king, foppish_spoon, fujinsama, geistcell, giandujas, ginny_mccoo, girl_in_gold, girlkillings, glass_gesture, glencheck, gliii, gloompixie, glorified2, gn_shiva, gold_phoenix, greenboi, grunge_lolita, hampman, heathersuxx, henryandjune, hermioniac, heroine_haze, heshootcocacola, heysunshine, hisbreath, hollz149, horsegal98, hurston55, hypocrit, i_bleed_my_soul, iamleonardnimoy, icequeen178, idontmissuatall, imitatinglo, intertextnet, itallfalls, jacinth21, jeeversmeever, jehnx, jillybean9, jinxmalone, joeylanceluvr, jupon, just_a_dom, kalita, katieelizabeth, keiffer, killerangel, kinksorvanilla, kissedyoutwice, kitty_chic, kurara, la_kirs, ladyhumbert, ladylucks, ladyofshalot, lafemmeluna, lakepollock, langues, laurel17, let_me_see, lightsgoout, lil_ocelot, liliths_nymph, littlechinagirl, littlegirllust, littlelolita, lo_li_ta, loandbehold, loladoom, lolalobotomy, loli_miyoko, lolife, lolita2002, lolita__, lolita_complex, lolita_doll_xxx, lolita_fae, lolita_girl, lolita_leto, lolita_lily, lolita_musings, lolita_relief, lolitahaze1, lolitalust, lolitaxxx, lollyjmonster, lonelysadness, lonelytravis, loquaciouslo, lordarucard, lovevolve, luckyeyes, mala_vita, mauvaise_fille, me_unzipped, melancholydahl, melissaisdown, melodie_de_vie, mil0, misk, miss__jamie, missfantastick, missmichiru, missweetziebat, miste, mistresssophia, mochino, mortalitymalady, mr_slice, mt_abora, mulberry_eyed, murdoc_addams, my_sin, mycocoon, myprettymouth, myunknownsecret, nature_magi, nearly_god, necrodiac, new_dawn, nineisthenumber, notes_from_z, notfriedkasei, nstantkarma, nvous, nympheartache, nymphetish, nymphx, obe_wan, ocean_fever_fae, oddchild, ohsweetnothin, ophelia_blossom, outunderstars, palus, paperdollhearts, perverseus_rex, petitvenus, pixiewhip, plain_lo, plainlo, poesynprose, primadonna92, primitivepaint, pritylittlelie, prof_humbert, psychohosebst, purpleglitter, rabychan, rectalcavity, red_red_robot, rengeekdog, retrodoggy, reverend_betty, robotictentacle, robotonwings, roriko, rosiepie, s3x, sadielovesnyc, sadisticseraph, salaminizer, sammi_d, samuellsamson, sara_says_grrr, sarahmean2001, sauron_gorthaur, scarlet_lo, scottysacks, scribicide, secretlypretty, seekingspring, sensei_smile, shacklefree, shadbrat, shanleytertia, shecanfloat, silkie_satan, sinandsoul, sir_steven, skip_hunter, sly_nymphkat, spacegirl_ibiza, spankmetotears, spiceonice, stalkerpillar, starlit__, sugar_blue, sushi_doll, suttree, sweet_lil_one, tastelikevodka, tattooed__kiss, tatty_divine, technoballerina, teenage_jesus, the_cougar, the_first_cynic, the_satin_doll, things_i_forgot, thygatria, tiedup_twisted, tienteaser, timiathan, topple, tricolor, trinitylives, tumblelolly, tween_angel, unlauren, unschuld1g, upaya, vampymaus, vebelfetzer, veggiesub, velvetpanther, vita_diabolica, warholstar, wavy, weetziefae, whatarmy, wheelswithjesus, willofgod, willyw0nk, witchbabybat, withnosavior, wyckid, x_doom_muffin_x, xbrianstealx, xcoherent, xenophobicme, xgothicangelx, xiekitchin, xmytruelovex, xtastiexkatiex, xxmisshellxx, xxshangrilaxx, yes_please, yrb_49, zeus_daemonae, zoesplace, zpydah |
Watched by: | 280: 00beaten00, ___lolastars, __jimjams, __rubyslippers, _daisyfreshgirl, _h0lly, _nymphadorer, _yes_you_will_, a3on, a_cruel_beauty, a_tad_robot, abbagirl, abiotic, aesthetikmuse, afterglowdreams, aggravatedray, airdutemps, almost_ironic, almostpretty, alpacasforlunch, analyzer, angelalice, annabel_leigh, ashtreenymph, asuranharo, august_maria, autumnwaterecho, bath_ophelia, beigekhakis, bek_known, belljar79, bingu_book, biting_my_lips, blacktapegrrl, bluejack, bluethoughts, bmonkey, boregasm, camvet, cannibol, casey_lou, cat_head, cedarpeach, celtic_fire, cervicide, chrissycoyote, cinnamonspider, circean0circle, clamnebula, clue, coco__, courtney_beth, criscosmoothie, cubic_zirconia, cyber_zombie, daddy, daddys_lil_brat, damndamsel, darkest_desire, darkfaery, darkwolf1071, darwinsdragon, deadlydoll, dearmaid, dedmaus, devilbootz, devilishdestiny, devils_dance, discoinferno, discovolante, diseasedisorder, diverscotty911, dmm1961, dolores_hazel, dolphingirl, ehsixsixsix, eini, emailcordinator, emmalisbon, encanto_secrets, eyecandy_sara, eyes_were_vair, faithlolita, fargleargle, fizeau, fjobs, floatt, foppish_spoon, fujinsama, g_vegas, geistcell, giandujas, glass_gesture, gloompixie, glorified2, half_arsed, hampman, heathersuxx, hermioniac, heroine_haze, heshootcocacola, hmmm123, hollz149, horsegal98, hurston55, i_bleed_my_soul, icequeen178, iluvcompliments, imitatinglo, intertextnet, isthispretti, itallfalls, jeeversmeever, jillybean9, jinxmalone, joeylanceluvr, jupon, kalita, katieelizabeth, keiffer, killerangel, kissedyoutwice, kitty_chic, la_kirs, ladyhumbert, ladylucks, ladyofshalot, lafemmeluna, lakepollock, laurel17, let_me_see, lightsgoout, likeananimal, liliths_nymph, littlegirllust, littlelolita, littlescabtree, lo_li_ta, loandbehold, loladoom, lolalobotomy, loli_miyoko, lolife, lolita2002, lolita__, lolita_complex, lolita_doll_xxx, lolita_fae, lolita_girl, lolita_lily, ... |
Account type: | Free Account |