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my soul [May. 19th, 2005|07:17 pm]
[mood | cheerful]

If I could touch my soul, I'd probably keep it in a jar. You know, one of those earthenware ones with huge corks for tops. And then I'd move it, every month in a real paranoid fashion, end up hanging it out to dry and it would blow away or something or the dog would chew on it.

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and more and more and more [May. 19th, 2005|03:30 pm]
[music |Daft Punk :: Technologic]

The following Message Brought to you by the Ministry of Anarchy

Still at home. Oh dear. *giggles* So... I have yet to write that 2 page paper for english and it's due tomorrow. Some kind of weird paranoia (or maybe it's actually there, who knows) has put a pain in my splean area. I am downloading techno while the family is out, any suggustions are welcome. What Happens When I Get Bored )

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tortillia needs [May. 19th, 2005|11:15 am]
[mood | amused]

Mom: "Well, I just had it without the tortillia and it was fine."
Me: "Yeah, I figured I'd just eat it that way. I knew I couldn't cope when I called you about a freakin' tortilla..."

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[May. 18th, 2005|11:15 am]
[mood | blah]
[music |birds chirping and Sunday Morning by Maroon 5]

Finished Song of Solomon. Quite good, quite good.

Kara, if you think to look here, the numbers you're looking for are 8/18/24.

I'm going to go sit outside or something, having been indoors all day.

Does anyone know what my mom left me for lunch?

01. Comment with your name and I will write something about you.
02. I will then tell what song/movie remind me of you.
03. If I were to apply an o'clock to you, it would be...
04. I will try to name a single word that best describes you.
05. I'll tell you the most memorable moment I've had with you.
06. I will tell you what animal you remind me of.
07. I'll then tell you something that I've always wondered about you.
08. Put this in your journal.

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awww fuck [May. 16th, 2005|05:13 pm]
[mood | aggravated]

I have mono.

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[May. 15th, 2005|12:22 am]
[mood | too sedate to be irate]
[music |if I could i'd be listening to coldplay, beautiful world]

I hate houses that look like no one lives in them. As though the furniture was plucked out of a catalogue and dropped into the room and it has remained spotless since.

I couldn't feel right today. No one is to blame but myself. I am overanalyzing things yet again.

Tomorrow I will not go to church, I will not go to Boston, I will get up and do my shit at my own speed at my leisure.

I hate my mother.

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CRAZIEST [May. 8th, 2005|05:23 pm]
[mood | sore]

Yesterday I went to the pool hall with Jeff and Grant and we played for about two hours which was cool but as Grant said you can only play pool with the same three people for so long. (Long enough for me to get decent at it again XD)

"I want to say that today was 'nice' but 'nice' is such an empty word... Today was... comfortable."
"Yeah, today was nice."

Last night after getting home at 11 I was too lazy to go to bed so I crashed in the basement after making my "I made it home" call. Around 1 AM my mother comes downstairs with a shout of (I think) "There you are!" (I sit bolt-upright eyes all askew) and then "What are you doing down here?" "I was on the phone and didn't want to go upstairs." "Well, go to bed." at which point I remember her telling me how much I had worried her pushing my forehead for me to lay back down and going upstairs when I told her I would just sleep in the basement.

Mother's day "brunch" with Grandma, Uncle Bob and Aunt Connie on the Cape. No sign of Kyle (my cousin) as he was working.

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[Jan. 8th, 2005|07:28 pm]

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simulation revival [Jan. 4th, 2005|07:32 pm]
[mood | happy]

Back To School.
Thank GOD!

Oh man that felt GOOD.

Sadly, I love being back.

Saturday I may be able to get to both the wrestling match and the debate meet. :)

Someone in school remind me to ASK SENOR FOR THE DEBATE THING TOMORROW.

p.s. I still don't like Thoreau.

I'm glad to hear your family friends are OK.
And I got mad props on your shoes today.

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red nail varnish [Jan. 2nd, 2005|06:22 pm]
[mood | bouncy]
[music |stupid Vonage commercial stuck in head....]

Dec 31-
Spent the evening at Paul's watching Spirited away and more Stand up Comedy. Was sent home at 11 and ran into Tim. Oh and Paul, uh... cut down on the hickeys okay? My mom got a little annoyed. : P

Did not watch the ball drop at 12.

Jan 1-
Watched Tank Girl and have fallen in love with it. This is super-duper love.
Cleaned crap out of my room, throwing some stuff away. Now that I think about it I might want to throw more away.. it's been a year and a half after all.
Went over to Ami's towards the end of the day and watched part of the third Harry Potter and all of the new Peter Pan (still on loan to them). Buffed my nails and painted them red. Very effeminate.

Left for boston around 9.30 and got there around 11. Had lunch at Joe's(?) not sure, but it was hella good. Shopping was kind of like a whirlwind. The family had purpose, whether it included what Ami and I wanted to do or not... Ami and I did get into Victoria's Secret (score 1 new bra for Wing) before we had to leave and spend 20 minutes at Talbot's Kids (Emmy's fault). Back on Newbury Street we popped in Gap (bad shirts) and then down to a Tibetan store. The Tibetan store was having a close-out sale and lots of pretty things were cheap (score: 2 skirts for Wing). Slept all the way home in the car. We are going to watch I Robot as a family... we'll see how that goes.

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changeover [Jan. 1st, 2005|12:56 am]
"and no one in the audience has any idea"

Happy New Year to those of you who are celibrating.

I am going to right about last night later today.
Hah, god that feels weird.
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home again home again jiggity jog [Dec. 30th, 2004|10:11 pm]
[mood | sick]

Well after a *painful* 13 hour trip up the east coast, I arrived home at 7.30ish tonight. We got caught up in bad traffic around Connecticut. This was after at least two hours of bad warm cow smell in Pennsylvania (earlier).

I have resolved that:
My senior year, in the spring, I am going to take a Greyhound bus down to VA Beach. Come hell or tsunami waters... or parents. This is if I haven't seen Zack before then. If I have my impulsive behavior may have cooled. Or, even if I have seen him, Ami may cajole me enough (or I may just drag her into it) so that we wind up down there. Busch Gardens is mui fun and Colonial Williamsburg is tres cool. Excuses? I have plenty.

Ok. after getting distracted. (wtf?) It is 11.10.

I feel nauseous from the anchovie pizza I ate earlier....

Goodnight everyone.

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[Dec. 27th, 2004|09:22 pm]
[mood | amused]

Still in the Land of Virgins.

Went to Barnes & Noble today and there were some punks outside the Best Buy nearby who I walked past twice... ^_^; Later when I went into Target... they were also there... (followed?) so I amused myself by stalking them around the store. XD

Got Tank Girl dvd (FINALLY!) and a new manga series.

Two more days and then I'll be back.

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Merry Christmas [Dec. 25th, 2004|09:58 pm]
[mood | tired]

I hope everyone had as relaxing a christmas as I did. If not, I hope you enjoyed the busy-ness of your day.

I am headed off to VA until thursday. No, I will not be seeing Zack (which is unfortunate but I'm half getting used to it after.. how long? and half becoming exceptionally impatient).

See you all Friday!

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What Can I Say? [Dec. 21st, 2004|11:49 am]
[mood | amused as all hell]

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updating Website [Dec. 20th, 2004|01:33 pm]
Major Updates by the End of the Day.

Check 'em out =3
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[Dec. 20th, 2004|12:59 pm]


Your World (Part One): What is your world made of? [girls]

brought to you by Quizilla
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*passes out* [Dec. 19th, 2004|09:27 pm]
[mood | thankful & tired]

I want to post the pictures from today *smirk* but I won't.

Thanks to everyone who came. ^_^

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to not choose is to choose [Dec. 18th, 2004|10:13 pm]
[mood | tired/ indecisive]

But it's a shitty way to choose. It shows indecisiveness.

Unfortunately if I were to make a choice right now at this very moment it would not coincide at all with that which I have just done.

I am sure that you whom it concerns knows now what my final word would be were I to put it down right now and I apologize for that.

I will clarify later if you need. Ya know, just ask.

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"but my mind is already there" [Dec. 15th, 2004|09:01 pm]
[mood | tired]

Tri-meet today.
I lost my first match against Pomfret pretty quickly, was pinned. And the same happened against Tabor. But they are supposed to be really good.

Eugh. I will have more inspired writing when break gets started.

I meet Ryan on Saturday. Hm.

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