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User:goddessdi (654358) Paid User goddessdi
I ain't no hollaback girl
Location:Fresno, California, United States
Bio:I like mostly chilling with friends, watching movies, hanging out with my dog, doing makeup, buying makeup.

Mood theme by [info]absolut
Memories:26 entries
Pictures:less than 10 public
Interests:14: animals, art, dixie chicks, duwop, gwen stefani, history, kevyn aucoin, m.a.c., makeup, movies, music, nars, no doubt, reading. [Modify yours]
People31:apatheia, bride, childishdreams, code_name_life, deltigre, electric_red, fakekittytrash, itatuu, jentwo, kingofallporn, kwakhed, lmjvp, lo_fi, lorrain33dayz, macface, melnelo, paladin3, pixievixen, pnuttiest, risquewritings, robont2, selfamused, sleepy_lama, spiritual, stewie, sugarvaulter, tragicallyjulia, twocents, vipermat15, wc, webbitch
Communities22:_mac_themes_, allporn, boxer_world, catholics, celebritease, crazyasspeople, crazyassviewers, food_porn, herpers, hip_domestics, ljfresno, mac_cosmetics, macsaleswap, makeuptutorials, ohnotheydidnt, organic_living, paint_boys, rsi_support, snakecommunity, tattoo_ink, vaginapagina, xxx_mas
Mutual Friends:29: apatheia, bride, childishdreams, code_name_life, deltigre, electric_red, fakekittytrash, jentwo, kingofallporn, kwakhed, lmjvp, lo_fi, lorrain33dayz, macface, melnelo, paladin3, pixievixen, pnuttiest, robont2, selfamused, sleepy_lama, spiritual, stewie, sugarvaulter, tragicallyjulia, twocents, vipermat15, wc, webbitch
Also Friend of:4: automaticbzooty, highlander3751, natedoggith, takesugarpills
Member of:20: _mac_themes_, allporn, boxer_world, catholics, celebritease, food_porn, herpers, hip_domestics, ljfresno, mac_cosmetics, macsaleswap, makeuptutorials, ohnotheydidnt, organic_living, paidmembers, paint_boys, show_your_boobs, snakecommunity, vaginapagina, xxx_mas
Account type:Paid Account

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