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User:tessima (1049538) Paid User tessima
Inside Danie's Brain
... now with 10% more glitter!
Location:Norwalk, Connecticut, United States
AOL IM:AIM status - ask me! - (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Bio:The WeatherPixie

Memories:20 entries
Interests:101: 80s music, advair,, attachment parenting, balsamic vinegar, baths, beck, bellydancing, bill clinton, board games, books, campbell's soup at hand, candles, candy, card games, children, chocolate, clutter, cooking, cranberries, critical thinking, dan abrams, debate, dell axim, democrats, dorothy parker, ebay, education, elvis costello, equality, erotica, fashion, fishnet, forgiveness, friendship, fruit, games, garlic, gay marriage, ginger, grammar, graphic design, hello kitty, humor, ikea, john edwards, john kerry, lexapro, liberalism, literature, love, mac cosmetics, magazines, makeup, margaret cho, mario badescu, masochism, motherhood, msnbc, my friends, my son, mythology, news, olive oil, olives, pearl vodka, piercings, pilates, pin-up girls, politics, porn, punctuation, reading, religion, rem, research, salon, sex, sexuality, shakespeare, shoes, shopping, silver, sleep, sonicare, tattoos, tea, the constitution, the flaming lips, the x-files, theatre, tofu, trader joe's, tylenol, urban decay, urban legends, usenet, volunteerism, voting, writing, xtc. [Modify yours]
People108:aisyn, alcestis, amphigori, arfn, astrodee, aunt_reexy, bhon, blasword, blergeatkitty, bobavet, cadaya, calieber, ceosanna, chaospearl, coyotegoth, daerlynn, darkzine, dartenian, demolishedman, dhw, dr_poetus, driocanthe, dry_salvages, edgeds, erindiagonal, faithtempest, flamewalker, frogfan, ghastlymess, gheistdr, gm_eisu, gm_ellerina, gm_ilanya, gmsashera, guieru, gwen1, gwnyvere, jadziabryn, jessiwolf, joran, kelkesh, kesrel, khaman, kwiltbank, laarth, labluething, laughingirl, laurilana, le_hedgehog, lizerk, lonelyfedora, luckykid13, ludikar, mama_kate, maxomai, meakah, mintyduck, mirsathia, moonwine, mozzik, mylaptopisevil, nasir, oberondreaming, pambunny, panzermama, pathian, penpusher, perfectmischief, poet_ninja, quasisonic, ranting_xin, raythblackmoore, rmondy, robont2, rula, scary_b, scoggin, scyllaopal, seihjin, selftoken, serienna, shenney, skye8583, slateblues, tacologic, talk_show, teany, thatpr0nguy, the_blakeley, thoo, trebleahead, turqjade, tvini, twisteddwarf, tyrathia, vaeldriil, valdrik, vengent, viptorian, vyraka, westryl, wynder, yagichiizu, yostephtank, ysselt, zadraes, zanzi_dr, zelaide
Communities9:_urbandecay, beauty101, beauty_review, beautyreview, hip_mama, movieoke, paidmembers, sew_hip, suckitjennings
Feeds6:boingboing_net, nyish, thegawker, theonionfeed, thestraightdope, thinkgeek
Friend of:103: aisyn, alcestis, amphigori, aunt_reexy, bhon, blasword, blergeatkitty, bobavet, cadaya, calieber, ceosanna, chaospearl, coyotegoth, daerlynn, darkzine, dartenian, demolishedman, dhw, dr_poetus, driocanthe, dry_salvages, edgeds, erindiagonal, faithtempest, flamewalker, frogfan, ghastlymess, gheistdr, gm_eisu, gm_ellerina, gm_ilanya, gmsashera, gracefully, guieru, gwen1, gwnyvere, jadziabryn, jessiwolf, joran, kelkesh, kesrel, khaman, kwiltbank, laarth, labluething, laughingirl, laurilana, lizerk, lonelyfedora, ludikar, mama_kate, meakah, mintyduck, mirsathia, moonwine, mozzik, mylaptopisevil, nasir, oberondreaming, pambunny, panzermama, pathian, penpusher, perfectmischief, poet_ninja, quasisonic, ranting_xin, raythblackmoore, robont2, rula, scary_b, scoggin, scyllaopal, seihjin, selftoken, serienna, shenney, skye8583, slateblues, solbris, talk_show, teany, thatpr0nguy, the_blakeley, thoo, trebleahead, turqjade, tvini, twisteddwarf, tyrathia, vaeldriil, valdrik, vengent, viptorian, vyraka, westryl, wynder, yagichiizu, yostephtank, ysselt, zadraes, zanzi_dr, zelaide
Member of:1: paidmembers
Account type:Paid Account

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