LiveJournal for Nath.

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Tuesday, October 14th, 2003
Time:1:54 am.
Mood: excited.
tues 18 nov 2003 at 1930 hrs
pollock / adaptation
very exciting news!
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Subject:a quotation
Time:1:43 am.

"there's only so much you can do. and then you leave the rest to God."
- Mowaffak Rubaie, a member of Iraq's US-appointed Governing Council.
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Monday, October 6th, 2003

Subject:i NEVER do quizzes, but...
Time:12:10 pm.
...i snorted laughing at this result. )
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Tuesday, September 2nd, 2003

Time:1:03 pm.
Mood: optimistic.
relatively very few complaints.

i like being able to say that.
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Monday, August 25th, 2003

Subject:Michael Caine special
Time:11:19 am.
seeing Sir Michael on parkinson last night drove ad's mum and i into a Caine-tastic reverie of nostalgia, so we went down the street and hired the Quiet American and Last Orders. watched the Q.A. last night (and loved it, although the ending was a little slow, it was still very neat and very fitting), and i'm going to watch Orders right now!!

i have work tonight. i think i'm going to pull my head in for a while until i feel my job is secure again. yikes!

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Saturday, August 23rd, 2003

Subject:more drinking...
Time:3:24 pm.
Mood: okay.
more drinking last night. missing work today. not at all happy with myself. no certificate... again, NOT a good move.

but a pleasant day with adam's family (he's at morg's playing pool i think) and just general relaxation and happiness to be had by all.

smiles to you guys,
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Subject:how do you ever write about a day like today?
Time:2:22 am.
Mood: drunk.
Music:door openning....
how do you ever write about a day like today? it has been amazing - truly mindblowing, and only because it has been made up of so many little things.

just read roly's post - he hates me, but i love hearing how well things are going with he and kate. it's truly beautiful. i'm actually jealous! love... i'll say no more.

suffice to say that the people who i've relyed on have come through. and with those little dramas which you've mostly been privy to, i've found out the truth and it's a relief. i've spoken to both parties caught in the middle, and now i have a more complete picture. a load off my mind.

currently delightfully drunk, ladies and gentlemen - 2 bottles of red wine - and although what you read is mistake free, what i'm typing then correcting is SO VERY VERY FUCKED UP. this is a n exampke of what i'm typre typing lookd looks liek. fuck.

hahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahaha!!!! man that makes me fucking laugh!!

moreover: thoughts.
no sime thing last night.

saw danica which was simply divine. we're actually friends again now, thanks be to God. what a blessing. spoke to her today, heard she's sick. delivered lavendar and vanilla tea to her door. she was asleep but later sms'd that she appreciated. such a good feeling!

then went to mum's. spoke to her about her new boyf (woo hoo, GOOD FOR HER!!) then did some chores around the house to surprise her when she gets back from her weekend away with NewMan. (hehehe, how cool - i'm so happy for her!!)

lunch with claire today was, as always, so heartwarming. she was so down about her job, and i was glad to leave her with a good hug and kiss and to see her laughing at the end of our catchup - so heartwarming, such a great beautiful feeling! *le sigh* she's such a blessing.

then tonight had red wine (lots and lots of red wine) with beth and adam. no-one else joined (sad) but it was still such kickass company that i was beaming the whole night. the rest of the night shall not be recorded, but it was ... suffice to say it was predictable.
now you people all look after yourselves. i love reading about you all, but i hate when you're down.

seriously, peeps - there's no time to be down, it's just a waste of time. take roly's example and look for the positives!! take claire's example, and ache to do better! take adam's example and relish in your friends! take LLoyd's example and fall in love! take my example and ... fucking enjoy yourself!!!

trust yourself. you're probably right after all.
love to all, ~n.
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Thursday, August 21st, 2003

Subject:General Post.
Time:10:20 am.
Mood: full.
oh my god wow i just got up BEFORE 10 AM !!!! ... this no-booze diet is really working!!

hey emile, where have you been?? where are you?? i hope the decisions to get into music are going kosher, but ... COME PLAY WITH US AT FOO!!

paid today, have to run off and settle debts. $195 for board and money borrowed, $160 for ... i can't remember what, $60 for the phone, and then i'm broke but debt free (except to mum... *sigh* but hey)

anyway, catch you all later. take care,
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Wednesday, August 13th, 2003

Subject:can't fucking sleep.
Time:5:39 am.
Mood: tired.
so much has been happening, but finally, as always, the important things start to unravel themselves, details and truth emerge, and the people i love are close again.

there are great people in my life. i should never have doubted that friendship. i never doubted someone else's.

take care,
i'm thinking of you all tonight.

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Friday, August 1st, 2003

Subject:Out of home.
Time:12:34 pm.
moved out of home wednesday. this is permanent. acrimonious but for the best. the hardest part was telling my sister. now i'm living with adam.

friends step up in the unlikliest of places. walked into foobar, said what had happened - triple vodka and a pack of smokes in front of me pronto! strangers & regulars alike offering me a place to stay - it warms the heart.

mum threw all my stuff out in the rain - today consists of washing EVERYTHING. oh my god that pissed me off. in spite of everything though i'm remarkably upbeat

ciao! ~n.
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Sunday, July 20th, 2003

Subject:i miss,
Time:6:13 pm.
i miss my LJ obsession. i want to write about the show, my confusion, the future i face, my heart's achings which have buffeted me about for the last 20 months.

but i can only write that i miss my LJ obsession.

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Tuesday, July 1st, 2003

Subject:totally spur-of-the-moment thing...
Time:1:35 am.
Mood: excited.
i want to get a cat with someone!!
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Wednesday, June 25th, 2003

Time:2:57 pm.
i like the idea that there's just one person who put those slipperly little cobblestones all over southern spain.
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Friday, June 20th, 2003

Time:8:13 pm.
A Melbourne woman been awarded almost $75,000 in damages after being bullied at school. The County Court heard Lisa Jane Eskinazi, 21, of Mentone was insulted, bashed, intimidated and threatened while in years 7 and 8 at the Sandringham Secondary College's Highett campus in 1994 and 1995.

[ story ]

i went to school with her. she was nuts. poor thing.
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Monday, May 26th, 2003

Subject:i'm only 21
Time:11:08 pm.
nearly 22, and i only then found out that mum's taken a bus ride across Tonga, with the King's daughter.

see, shit like that is just fucking fantastic!!

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Thursday, May 22nd, 2003

Time:9:50 pm.
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Tuesday, May 6th, 2003

Time:11:07 pm.
for a long while, my most favourite of words has been,

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Wednesday, April 30th, 2003

Subject:Hobart, Sydney, Paris, Athens, Rome.
Time:9:33 pm.
Mood: determined.
i have to get out of Melbourne. whether it's overseas or interstate, hostelling or a road-trip, broke or rich, i'm fucking travelling and fucking soon.

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Tuesday, April 29th, 2003

Subject:i have tears in my eyes.
Time:11:58 pm.
i just got some pretty fucked up news, and because i'm such a selfish fuck, i cried.

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Monday, April 28th, 2003

Subject:going out.
Time:9:23 pm.
Mood: happy.
catching up with mandy now.
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LiveJournal for Nath.

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