FAQ Question #197
» What are LiveJournal's policies regarding commercial activity, "spam", and other forms of promotion?
Limited commercial activity in your journal (such as a link to a donation button, a request for donations in an entry, a link to an off-site "store", or the occasional mention of services available such as an artist making reference to commissions) is acceptable, as long as the journal's primary purpose is not to solicit donations or profit.
You cannot sell or re-sell access to your LiveJournal -- for instance, charging a fee to be added to your Friends list, or charging others to advertise on your journal (such as by using banner ads or text ads). You also cannot sell or re-sell LiveJournal-related services, such as charging for creating a journal layout or user picture icons, through LiveJournal.
You cannot include "click-through" banner ads in your LiveJournal or your User Information, or anything that is designed to profit you based on how many people click the link or view the banner.
If you have goods or services to advertise, you may post entries about them in your journal (again, as long as that is not the primary purpose of your journal). However, you may not post unsolicited advertising to community journals. If you wish to post about your goods or services to a community journal, you should contact the maintainer first for permission, and limit your posting to a single community.
"Spamming" -- advertising your goods or services in unrelated communities, or commenting to unrelated journals to advertise your goods or services -- is prohibited.
Likewise, if you wish to promote a community you have created, the proper way to do so is in the community_promo journal (
http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=community_promo). Promoting your community by posting in unrelated communities or journals is a form of spam, and is not permitted.
If you have any questions regarding these policies or restrictions, please feel free to open an Abuse request by following the instructions located at
http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=105 .
Last Updated:
rahaeli, 2004-08-06
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