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EarthBound Jenny

Saturday, December 11, 2004


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Hebrew Hammer == v funny movie that all should see
I just took a "seven deadly sins" type webtest, and got a null result.

Plainly this means that I am a saint.
Current mood:  saintly
Current music: James Darren - It's Only A Paper Moon


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[info]stuffy has been posting some hiliarious thingies lately, but they are friendslocked. Sucks to be not his ljfriend right now. Nyaaa.

In more accessible news, I have "discovered" two comics that am new to me. The first is Sandwich World, and the second is No Need For Bushido and I am now very, very sad that in the past I saw links to it but ignored them. NNFB is awesome. Very.

The end.
Current mood:  thirstily lazy again
Current music: Bob Dylan - Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat


Thursday, December 9, 2004


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I have a lovely new Bob Dylan CD, but I haven't yet ripped it to listen. Odd, that.
"Size 6: The Western Women’s Harem"

She's got a good point. You can look like whatever you want under that veil. But here in the oh-so-glorious Western World... don't deviate. Just don't. And teach your daughters well: the world has only so much space allotted for you, and it is a cell you must inhabit all your life. Shrink yourself small and weak enough and perhaps you'll have room to breathe.

I'm thirsty. Perhaps I should do something about that.

(Oh, and did I mention that we're officially moving soon? We're officially moving soon. To the west side of Indy. Sorry, [info]nidoking.)
Current mood:  thirsty
Current music: Franz Ferdinand - 11. matinee


Wednesday, December 8, 2004


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see, this is that adorable case I fell in love with so quickly

I am very bad at taking pictures (for one thing, my hands never stop shaking, ever), and LEDs don't like to photograph, but there. That there is the wilsonator. And he is so very very dark and brooding. Oh yes.

Isn't he precious?

(see better pictures of just the case here)
Current mood:  geeky
Current music: Ben Folds Five - Underground


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Next time I add a drive it'll be when I'm reinstalling XP anyway, so no more of this garbage
When we hooked wilson's drives to the new mobo and power supply and such, Windows XP bitched about how it wouldn't work anymore unless I re-activated it.

Eh. Fine. Fuck you very much, Microsoft, here's your umpteen-digit key, shove it up your ass.

Today we made the MAJOR CHANGE TO THE SYSTEM of adding in that CD drive, and... needed to re-activate XP again.

And when I re-entered the damn key, I was informed that it had been used too many times (i.e. TWICE) and that it would never work again.

So we had to call Microsoft for a new key.

Yes, folks... today mecha, acting in my interest since I was at class, had to call Microsoft to get permission for me to keep using my computer.

It is a sad world we live in.
Current mood:  my computer is lovely and i will post pictures soon
Current music: the hum of many 80mm fans


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and by "we" I mean "mecha", but eh

Now to figure out how to give it to the wilsonator, what with there only being two slots to plug in ribbon cables on the mobo and they're both in use. Silly SATA board that has fewer ATA connections than a non-SATA board. Mecha will be popping into Best Buy to see if he can find an adapter or something, so that is yay.

After today I only have to care about two of my classes! Hoorah!

Now I must run to one of those classes. Boorah.


Tuesday, December 7, 2004


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Dear IU: you suck. Love, me.
I was fiddling with my alarm just now, trying to get it to get this classical station proper because I've found it wakes me up much better than static, and the most beautiful music was playing. And I figured out which station it was, but it's an IU station and the playlist on their site is still NOVEMBER'S. Which means now I will never know what it was. *cries forever*

And now, going back to bed to get rid of this headache, like I was gonna.
Current mood:  disappointed
Current music: alarm radio chittering quietly to itself behind me


Sunday, December 5, 2004


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Long AIM, with spoilers, but what it's spoiling is so bad that those who watched it envy the dead
On this The Librarian movie TNT just showed )


Saturday, December 4, 2004


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I still can't get mecha to read these, which is the greatest tragedy in human existence
I have just finished the last volume in the Dark Tower series.

It is very very nearly the most perfect ending I could have imagined.

Messr. King, you are, as always, my god.


Wednesday, December 1, 2004


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oh crap i just realized my smoothie is sitting on the table slowly attaining room temperature
Does no one care that my computer is happily running in a cardboard box on the floor? Hmph.

I have no sound. I need to install the drivers that came with the mobo to have sound. The drivers came on a CD. We haven't gotten the CD drive out of wilson's1 old case yet.

Must... listen... to music... will die... without... music... CD player... all of ten feet away... *dies*

1. This new iteration of wilson, the one that will be in the shiny adorable new case I am getting, is henceforth named wilsonator. I decided that earlier today. Whatever we put in wilson's old case, that will not be wilson, especially since I'm leaning towards Sarah Connor. Which I just realized would completely destroy my tradition of naming computers with boy names.2 So maybe it isn't a good idea after all. Plus, would you want one of your computers constantly trying to kill another?

2. In order by when they were procured (since first computer was named after we became a two-computer household):
     Kenny the craptastic second-hand computer we bought for $350 in late '98 (NOT '99 like I usually say, because I just realized that that was WRONG)
     Tommy the then-state-of-the-art laptop I got as part of my scholarship in fall '99, who is now horribly, horribly ancient and slow
     Quentin Horace Nebuchadnezzar The Third (Qwenty for short), my short-lived FIRST eMachine from a few months of 2k, who probably got shifted off onto another unsuspecting eMachines customer
     Qwenty Mark II (Mark for short), the eMachine they gave us in place of Qwenty when he went kerflooie, that lasted a couple years more... barely
     wilson, my dear little Dell, which sd readers helped me purchase a couple-three years ago now, and who has served me so faithfully
     maurice, the family's new computer, which I have never seen but picked for them off Dell's website
     and now wilsonator, who will soon be ready to paint the town red (with the blood of people named Sarah Connor) in his lovely new case.

To reduce the nerd content of this post, I will note that Colin put a gummi bear in my smoothie. ...gummi bears are considered non-nerdy, right...?
Current mood:  geeky


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okay so yeah
my computer is IN A BOX





I'm having too much fun with this.

(the second picture is the empty case, now being used for parts storage. the last picture is my favorite. my computer is like a hillbilly's rusted-out old truck on cinderblocks! only, y'know, new and shiny, so more like a Mercedes on cinderblocks.)

[edit] oops this post was in the future my bad
Current mood:  IN A BOX
Current music: none since most of my music is not IN A (the) BOX


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It was amusingly hard to remember my password in order to log in over here.
So I'm updating from mecha's computer, NOT because he sucks, since he DOESN'T, but because wilson is currently out of order. Nothing wrong, just a minor snag.

See, we bought teh stuffs for to upgrade him with -- nice new motherboard, P4 processor to replace my old celeron-that-pretends-it-is-a-P2, et cetera. Problem is, regardless of what it might or might not claim, the Dell case is not actually ATX-compatible. So the mobo won't fit. So we're stymied until we can get a new case that IS ATX-compatible. I have picked out the most wonderful case from Tigerdirect -- it is so cute. No, I'm serious. It's ADORABLE. Those who know me well can probably intuit what, exactly, that says about the object in question. Hint: it's not the one with the pink lights all over the inside and outside of the case.

Okay, now mecha is referring to wilson's future upgraded self as "the wilsonator." And he just said "I'll be back...ED UP." I think I have to kill him now.

At any rate, currently I do not have a computer, I have a number of computer components sitting around my room. I trust all shall live without my glorious presence, and stuff, until we slap wilse back together while we wait for the case to put the new stuff in.

Current mood:  i go bed now
Current music: mecha talkz0ring


Monday, November 29, 2004


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extra-funny because I'm playing Sims as the chick who sleeps with nearly everyone in town
[20:40:48] [info]emsworth: Toonbots propaganda should go up on Sunday!
[20:40:57] [info]emsworth: Hoor!
[20:41:11] The Jennybork: Hoor?
[20:41:17] The Jennybork: DO NOT CALL ME A HOOR
[20:41:23] [info]emsworth: As in hooray.
[20:41:43] [info]emsworth: I think that's spelled "WHOOOR" anyway
[20:41:51] [info]emsworth: WHOOR OF BABYLON!
[20:41:57] [info]emsworth: WHOOR OF BABYLON 5!

(The Sim noted in the subject line is also a member of the Turners, my beloved trailer park family which is taking over the whole neighborhood one lot at a time via the growing-up-and-moving-out magic of SimTeen. The phone menu is amusing. Turner, Turner, Townie, Burb, Turner, Waterstone, Charming, Turner...)
Current mood:  HOOR
Current music: Eisley - Marvelous Things


Sunday, November 28, 2004


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The content of this post has been replaced -- nay, augmented -- with a snippet of AIM.

[20:04:42] The Jennybork: Incidentally, don't try to log into the New York Times as cypherpunk/cypherpunk. It doesn't work anymore. Yep.
[20:04:50] The Jennybork: enoch6/enoch works, though!
[20:05:54] [info]emsworth: I've never tried it. I registered with them ages ago.
[20:06:18] The Jennybork: I'm a rebel, maaaan. You can't expect me to, like, register, maaaan.
Current mood:  almost done with that paper!
Current music: R.E.M. - Automatic For The Whole Album


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Links, dreams, and a rabid wolverine gnawing on my ankle
okay, this is really, really, really funny

It's getting a bit annoying to have to take two hours to fall asleep and four to wake up. No, seriously. Went to bed at 2 last night, finally fell asleep around 4, alarm went off at 10:30, and I finally actually got out of bed about 15 minutes ago.

I also had a dream wherein I was someone other than my actual self, and Kevin Spacey was psychotically stalking me. Despite my best efforts to escape, he wound up kidnapping me and keeping me in his hideout at the local zoo. No, seriously. The dream had this whole involved storyline involving security guards on the take and everything. Apparently Kevin Spacey just likes kidnapping women, having them live with him for a while (not for sexx0rz, just for being there and never being allowed to leave), and then... doing... something with them. Probably killing and throwing in a ditch. To make room for the next one, y'know.

I'm not going to be able to watch anything with Kevin Spacey in it for a while. Especially not anything where he's the bad guy.
Current mood:  tired
Current music: ƒs[ƒgƒ}ƒbƒNEƒWƒ…ƒjƒA - ƒ‹ƒpƒ“ŽO¢‚̃e[ƒ}


Saturday, November 27, 2004


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I dunno, not being railed at kinda takes the fun out of it. 'Course, the blog hasn't updated yet.
Ginger Mayerson reviews sd

I'm very confused with the part that says that the main character is introduced in the blurb to this comic, and that this "Jenny," whoever she is, is hardly ever mentioned again.

The main character's been there from the start -- if you mean introduced as in named, then okay, granted. But. Jenny is me. Like it says on every page, and on the majority of the comics. It was supposed to be, y'know, recursive... I draw Ondine who draws me who draws Ondine and then the universe explodes. And then I wound up mostly dropping the idea later, because it ceased to amuse me. Since, as it still says in the FAQ, my main priority is amusing myself, and then if it amuses other people they can keep reading, and if not they can stop reading.

"Okay, I'm old, and believe me, I thank God every day for that."

What on earth does this have to do with anything else in the review?

"And lastly, online communities based around web comics fascinate me, they really do."

Wait, so there's a community based around sd? I never knew that! So where is it? Someone clue me in. Unless, of course, the bit about webcomic-based communities also has nothing at all to do with sd.

I actually have no problem with the review except the bullshit about "but is it art?" I have always hated this phrase (amazingly enough, even BEFORE I started drawing sd!). Show me the Grand High Keeper of the Universal Definition of What Is Art and What Is Not, and I'll show you a HALLUCINATION. sd is art. It might not be GOOD art -- I personally think it seldom removes itself from the realm of the mediocre1 -- but PLEASE let us not be all hoity-toity about definitions. If I want to deal with people snootily applying labels or lack thereof, I'll hang out at the type of coffee shops where people applaud open-mic participants by snapping their fingers.

Y'know what I wanna see her review next? Toonbots.2

1. I at first typed this as "medicore," and didn't notice it for quite a while afterwards. Heh. Medicore.
2. That is, if she's Cool Enough.

Current mood:  workingish on a paper
Current music: They Might Be Giants - Damn Good Times


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how come nobody ever mentioned this to me?


Friday, November 26, 2004


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damn straight
cough drop shrines are love
brought to you by the isLove Generator

Current music: Franz Ferdinand - 11. matinee


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Oh, and a word on Ginger Mayerson:
Apparently before she was a comics critic, she composed and directed orchestral music.

At one point she recorded a couple "Kirtans" in an attempt to get a grant. They're Sanskrit chants from the Bhagavadgita, tweaked and arranged jazz-style. I'm not making this up. They're awesome if you're like me and adore music that most of your friends find vaguely disturbing at best (Ahh, :wumpscut:, how I love thee...).

These items as well as others are free to download from her site.
Current mood:  cold
Current music: Ginger Mayerson - Kirtan1987


(6 comments! Ding! | Comment at me boing?)

Americans do not think. Americans *shop*. You don't want to be anti-American, do you?
For anyone who was thinking of wasting money on me this year, I've updated my Amazon wishlist (I have no idea if that link actually works for those not logged in as me but toes), and it already had a ton of stuff on it anyway that I still want. As always, please remember that I DO NOT WANT THAT NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS SOUNDTRACK. If someone buys it, it disappears, and then I don't get to be amused by its ancient date anymore.

Furthermore, leftover turkey.
Current mood:  tired
Current music: R.E.M. - Automatic For The Whole Album


Thursday, November 25, 2004


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I've had this song in my head for hours. And now I am home so I can listen to it.

I have... issues.
Current music: Scissor Sisters - Take Your Mama


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On whether "Drunky McWifebeater" was a proper name for a leprechaun familiar
[info]emsworth: BC annoyed me the other day. "Irish gold!" "HOw do you know they're Irish?" "They're McNuggets!"
[info]emsworth: Why not Scottish gold?
The Jennybork: Maybe it's a Mc/Mac schism.
[info]emsworth: Could be, but how do you explain Scrooge McDuck?
The Jennybork: Drugs?
The Jennybork: Lots of drugs?
Current mood:  bizarre
Current music: OK Go - Return


Wednesday, November 24, 2004


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I swear to Zod I just started typing this out in an IM to show what I learned today
set A = { x | x is a mecha }
set B = { y | y is a person cohabitating with a mecha }
relation R on AxB = { ( x,y) | x gets mad sexx0rz with y }

Sadly, however, the ordered pair ( x = mecha in other room right now, y = Jenny typing this) is not part of the above subset of AxB (ordered pairs where mechas get sexx0rz from their roommates). It is plain to see that, in this case, x does not get mad sexx0rz with y.

If R = { ( x,y) | x gets mad sexx0rz with y } is only true for certain subsets S ⊆ AxB, then the relation is false for any pairs NOT in the subset S, or rather, in S'. The pair (mecha in other room right now, Jenny typing this) is plainly in S', which means no sexx0rz EVAH. HA!

I'm not sure if it follows that way all to the end or not, but for amusement purposes, damn straight it does.
Current mood:  sleepdrugs make brain bblbllbl
Current music: Placebo - Blue american



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