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Did you just call me Sebastian? [20 Aug 2004|01:49pm]
Posting via email from work...

[info]djinndustries thinks I'm trying to convince you all that I don't exist, so I'm posting (from work, nonetheless!) to let y'all know I'm still here. I've been buried at work but in a good way. I'm getting stuff done. It's weird, I've never had a job where I found it difficult to get everything done during the day. Usually my jobs have been very... single task oriented. I did support. There was other peripheral stuff but support was the main job. And that, you just log off your phone when your shift is over. Here, I'll find myself looking at the clock going "Whoa it's 4:15 and I've still got a lot to do!"

Going to DC in November for 4 days for the American Public Health Assocation's conference. A few of us are going, and it's barely an hour flight, so it'll be a good start. Have I mentioned I desperately hate to fly? Yeah. And travelling's not myforte either. But I will survive.

Note to self: Listening to a mix CD that consists of Atari Teenage Riot, Asian Dub Foundation, Social Distortion, Flogging Molly and the entire Clash collection is probably not the smartest idea on a slow Friday. I'm trying my damndest to not sing along...

Gotta go to a wake tonight, and will have another soon I'm sure. My mom's friend Kathy's father died. It's so sad, her mother just died 7 weeks ago. Her father was pretty far gone with Alzheimer's, so the doctors/nurses thought it would be kinder to just not tell him she'd died. (They were both in nursing homes but, separate ones I think or she was in the hospital? Not sure, but they weren't in the same place.) So she's burying 2 parents barely a month apart. Ugh. And my mom's friend Carol's mom is near the end too. Poor Carol... God. Her husband is fighting cancer, hanging on by tooth and nail. He seems to be beating it but it won't go away. I can only imagine how she must feel, thinking she's going to lose her mother soon, and perhaps her husband. I saw him Saturday and he looks ok but... not good. God I hope he beats it.

Going to CT this weekend to see Joshua and his family. Haven't seen Jess and Paul in a while, will be cool. And, the lovely [info]joeyhemlock is in the area so we're gonna get together next week some time. Yay!

And now, back to work. Have a good weekend all!

PS. Don't know if you all remember the "Great Wedding Song Mystery" from a couple months ago--this song I heard at my cousin's wedding in March I heard at my girlfriend Becca's, and we puzzled for weeks trying to figure out what song it could be. She had 100+ CD's in on random. Anyway. I asked Mike and Leanne this weekend and it was "Follow You Follow Me" by Genesis. From like 1978! But the "it sounds like Peter Gabriel" was not far off. Mystery solved, now I just gotta go find the song online.

Please ignore the Hotmail sig. ;)
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EEK! [20 Jul 2004|02:57pm]
They ARE gonna stick my head in a tube! And immoblize it! OMG. I'm freakin!

Xanax here I come. ::shudder::

My books came in today, yay!


Anyone had a head CT? Tell me about it? Please? I'll be fine, I know it, its just anticipatory anxiety is the WORST kind for me.
20 comments| No Comment.

Panic stuff. [02 Jul 2004|01:09pm]
I was looking up something for someone in the panic disorder community I'm part of, and came across this site that describes the scariest part of panic disorder, "depersonalization". I say it's the worst part of panic attacks/panic disorder because it's what always convinced me that I was going to "go crazy" or lose my mind. Depersonalization is the feeling that you're kind of "outside of yourself", watching yourself, not part of your own body. It's surreal and terrifying and apparently, happens to abotu 70% of the population of "normal" people. Anyaway, this explains it pretty well, from that site...

According to DSM-IV, Depersonalization Disorder, in part, constitutes the following... )
4 comments| No Comment.

I have found my TRUE CALLING. [01 Jul 2004|05:31pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Are you a geek girl?

Why yes. Yes I am a geek girl!


9 comments| No Comment.

Ooops how could I forget! [23 Jun 2004|11:37am]
Thanks to mermaid, I am now: I have been assimilated! I'm just using it to test out the cool features so I won't be checking it as much as my 10 year old Hotmail account but feel free to drop me a line so I can test out the nifty features. My friend Jay thanks you too, mermaid!
2 comments| No Comment.

Gmail anyone? [22 Jun 2004|07:52pm]
Hi... anyone have any gmail invite codes? My friend Jay really wants one. I'd kinda like one too. I'm very married to my Hotmail account (I've had it since 1994 and for some reason get NO spam!) but I'd like to check it out!

Thanks anyone!
6 comments| No Comment.

That numbers meme (I DID MATH!) [11 Jun 2004|12:23pm]
I'll have you know, I added totally wrong and did it wrong the first time. The first results were more fun. :(

1. Take your LJ username and replace each letter with the corresponding number (A=1, B=2, etc...).
rasa = 18 + 1 + 19 + 1

2. Add all of the numbers together to create a kind of super number.

3. Make a note of the first digit of this number, then add the digits of the number together.
First digit = 3. Digits added together = 12

4. Find the post of this last number in your LJ.
Post 12.

5. Take the digit you noted in step 3, and count that many words into the post.
3rd word is "like."

6. Use the resulting word in a Google Image Search, and select a picture from the first page.

7. Post the results for us all to see!
I just did up there.
No Comment.

Speaking of Venus hot... [09 Jun 2004|11:57am]
[ mood | amazed ]

My cousin Shelley and her husband Eric live in St Thomas. Eric has this way cool high tech telescope that he loves... he used it to take pictures of the transit of Venus across the Sun the other day. How freaking cool is that? He took these himself and sent them to us.

No Comment.

Hooray for Saturday! [05 Jun 2004|09:48am]
Boo for having to wake up at 8 am! But yay for waking up for the first time in about 5 days without a lingering headache!

I could *not* wake up this morning. I hit snooze twice when the alarm went off at 8 am (I work at noon during the week, so I get up around 10ish, and work at 10 am on Saturday so I get up around 8:15ish). Both times, I fell deep asleep in the 7 minutes remaining and had weird dreams. The first time, my friend Eddie, who now lives in CA, called me to ask if I was going to Bill's Pampered Chef party. I can't go because I'll be at work, but Eddie was like "If you're not going because you can't afford to buy anything, don't worry about it! Go anyway. I'm going to be there too!" I was like "You're flying home from CA to go to a Pampered Chef Party?" and he said "Yeah! I'm starting at U of M next semester!" So he was moving home and... going back to college. Heehee. Gotta email him about that one.

Then I hit snooze when the alarm woke me from that dream and dreamed I was at a cemetary with Abel and my mom. My mom was... making a payment or something; it was the cemetary my aunt and grandfather and uncle are buried at. While she was doing that, I figured I'd go see their grave. We're not a grave visiting family; my grandma goes on Memorial Day and the like to spruce it up and leave flowers, but... we're of the opinion that "they're not there" and don't visit the grave. It's just a marker of where they're buried. I prefer to remember them in my heart, not at some stone with their name on it. Anyway. So I figured, we're here, might as well go say "hi". We were walking, and it was so windy, I had my head down. I had a vague idea of where the stone was, so we walked that way, and managed to pass it. We ended up making a big circle and ran into my mom, who was mad at me for "running off". I told her I just went to see their grave and she wsa like "Yeah, right, when have you ever visited their grave?" and was all mad. So then Abel was like "Maybe we should look at prices for plots..." and I was all "Whaaaat?" Heh. We left, and on the way out there was a playground with all these kids. Woke up to the alarm and got up and showered and... here I am. Tired. Bah!

Last night after work, we went to Borders, where I got the WRONG DAMN BOOK in a series I started ages ago. I read Uther by Jack Whyte, it's part of a series called the Camulod Chronicles. The stupid series, none of the books are labelled! So, apparently, Uther was the LAST in the series, and the one I picked up is like, third. I don't want to read out of sequence, so I'll have to go figure out what book is first and start there, then work my way back to Uther. But who's ever heard of a series that's not numbered?! It's not really sequential, but the book I picked is part 2 of another book and... yeah. Annoying.

Then we went to Target and I got a new bathmat for the bathroom, and some incense, and a 35 lb box of kitty litter (it was on sale!) and I bought Return of the King on DVD. I didn't see it in the theater when it was out, and I own the other 3. I'm not a "film buff" so I don't care about the huge set they'll come out with now that all 3 are out... so I just got it. Didn't watch it yet I'm "saving" it. Dunno for what. Got home, made dinner, and hung out in Dark Age. Didn't really play but chatted with guildies/friends in game, and did some administrative stuff. I've met a few new people in the game who are way cool so I chatted with them while organizing guild stuff. Got kudos for hitting level 50 and congrats and all that. And, one of my youngest guildies (it's hard to tell people's ages, but we have some *really* young players, an 11 year old boy, a 13 year old girl, and a 16 yr old, along with others I'm sure are young but I just don't know)... he's 16, and really mature. Gave me the greatest compliment! The guild is about 95 people give or take, and he said "I really admire how you lead this guild. It's hard work, and you do such a good job of making everyone feel like they're recognized and part of the group no matter how small they are." That made me feel good. It's hard work, keeping track of 95 people, and I do put in a lot of time and effort, updating the website every day and trying to keep everyone happy. So it was nice to be recognized!

And now it's time to hit the phones. Short day, then I can go home and relax tonight/tomorrow.
2 comments| No Comment.

Happy Friday to me, happy Friday to me... [04 Jun 2004|12:05pm]
Yeah yeah one day left still. But it's Friday!

I finally made it to level 50 in my game with my skald, Amaravasa Das! Level 50 is the highest level you can hit. It's taken me a helluva long time to get there... I did it the "hard" way, slogging it out and not powerlevelling all that often, so it's been worth the wait. Once you get to about level 40, experience is really really slow. I feel like I've been "almost there" forever so it's nice to make it all the way. Yay Amaravasa! Go Skulls! Yep, I'm a geek. But I love that game and my friends in it, they helped me every step of the way. So now I have a level 50 character... and it's like "Whoa, what do I do now?" I've focused on her so much, getting her there, that now I'm kinda lost! I have a level 20 spiritmaster that I can level really quickly, and a level 38 healer that I love, but Amara is now top of her game and will be mainly to help other friends out, and fight in realm vs. realm.

Yup, I'm such a geek that that's the biggest thing I have to report. :)
3 comments| No Comment.

Heh! [03 Jun 2004|06:53pm]
rasa's LJ stalker is cauldronofevil!
cauldronofevil is stalking you because you made a nasty comment on their LJ. They are also mentally deranged!

LiveJournal Username:

LJ Stalker Finder
5 comments| No Comment.

I messded up my journal settings! [01 Jun 2004|04:29pm]
I have *no* idea what happened... but suddenly my Friends Page background is white, not the normal black or grey (I can't freaking remember which now) that it has been since um, forever. My default journal view has the hideous white background too!

I went into the Modify Journal settings and can't see anywhere to change the *page* background. I can change the color of the page behind my entry but not the white space around the entries themselves.

Bah! It was the freaking oatmeal lady. The stupidity broke my LJ! Help?
3 comments| No Comment.

[01 Jun 2004|04:05pm]
[ mood | confused ]

This is an actual, honest to God email we got in our support queue, from a customer of ours. What the hell is our world coming to?!?

From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 10:17 AM
Subject: John McCann Steel Cut Oat Meal

I made some of the above oat meal and left it out overnight on top of the
stove for about 12 hours. Can I still eat it if left out over night?

Thank You,

Let me email my ISP to see if this FOOD is SAFE TO EAT.

And what, pray tell, is John McCann Steel Cut Oat Meal? I'm afraid to look it up.

The mind boggles.

11 comments| No Comment.

Name that song! [29 May 2004|09:53am]
[ mood | curious ]

Ok this has been driving me crazy for a while now.

At my cousin's wedding in March, they played this great song that I loved. Then at my girlfriend's party on Sunday, I heard it again. I meant to ask who it was, but forgot. She had 50 CD's in on shuffle, so she's at a loss.

I'm pretty sure it's a new song, but I don't listen to much radio; just in the car and I've never heard it on the local "alternative" station. It sounded a lot like Peter Gabriel, had an In Your Eyes kinda feel to it. It's slow, but not really a ballad. Becca thought it might be David Gray, or the new Train, but neither of those are right. It had a slight... "islandy" feel to it, slow but upbeat. The chorus, I think was something like "...makes me feel like you do..." and it was like "la la LA LA... la la LAA LAA la". Not that that helps.

We ruled out the David Gray song, though it does sound like some of his stuff, Babylon in particular. I wish I got more of the lyrics, because do you know how many hits "makes me feel like you" +lyrics brings up on Google? TOO MANY.

It's driving me crazy. I'm humming it nonstop and I'd love to grab it. It's not I Grieve by Peter Gabriel, she thought that might be it. But that's a sad song, not something you'd play at a wedding! I think my cousin and his wife danced alone to it.

Anyway. If anyone has any ideas, lemme know. I keep looking up suggestions and seeing if the lyrics fit the tune in my head.

Other than that... nothing going on but the Great Song Hunt. Becca's got her sister in on it, and I emailed my cousin Shelley to see if she'd know.

Joshua made it to NC safely; he called last night but I missed the call and didn't get a chance to call him back. Will probably check in with him today. Chris leaves at 3 today so I won't get to see him again. :( Dunno when he'll be back. I hope soon.

TWO DAYS OFF IN A ROW coming up. Woot!

13 comments| No Comment.

Fucking fuck! [28 May 2004|01:17pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]

My cell phone has been turned off. Says I need to make a payment. But when I check, my bill isn't due till 6/4, and I'm not even close to my spending limit. So there's no reason for me to be turned off! I can't call cuz I'm at fucking work... and I've been trying to send text messages to Chris to see if he's going to be around tonight/tomorrow at all before he goes back to CO.

Fuck you, Sprint.

1 comment| No Comment.

I've been tooned! [28 May 2004|12:39pm]
It kinda looks like me... heehee.
6 comments| No Comment.

Hey! [28 May 2004|11:59am]
I need a toon icon too... someone link me? I saw tons of them but no links to the site to create 'em. Much appreciated if someone can toss me a linky loo!
2 comments| No Comment.

[27 May 2004|12:59pm]
That celebrity lookalike thingy.


HUH? I can see JLH (when my hair was longer I used to get that a LOT... "you look like Jennifer Love Hewett!") but the other 2? Whoa.

Edit: With a more recent pic, but with a bandanna on my head, the results get even odder. These chicks are hot though!
22 comments| No Comment.

Grey, rain and more grey week... [27 May 2004|11:33am]
I met up with Chris ([info]prophet6) last night after work for coffee before he had to take off to meet with some friends... was so, so good to see him. I miss him like whoa. He's home for a few days to visit his mom before he heads back to CO to his Air Force base. He's been in Baltimore riding ambulances with paramedics, so he had some good stories for me. Didn't have nearly enough time to hang out, but hopefully he'll be back again soon.

Because I drank coffee, it took me for freaking EVAR to fall asleep last night! I was just kinda laying there half asleep. Listened to Leno and Conan. Then I was awakened around 4:45 am to heavy rain hitting my air conditioner and thunder and lightning! So I kinda got a crappy night's sleep. Oh well. The week is almost over, right? Yeah.

I bought Pop Tarts this morning. Strawberry Frosted. Mmmm empty calories! Gotta treat myself somehow, and the Pop Tarts seemed to be calling my name at the store. So yum.

Someone want to do my laundry for me? I have to go to the laundromat; no "excuse" to go to mom and dad's this weekend. I could go by but they won't be home Saturday or Sunday, so it'd be kinda pointless to visit and do laundry. Bah. Laundromat.

Payday tomorrow though. Woo!
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Just curious. [26 May 2004|04:48pm]
Can somebody debunk this Soapbox Alert on the possibility of reinstatng the draft?

I'm trying to tell whether it's a "real" possibility or not...
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