Hooray for Saturday! |
[05 Jun 2004|09:48am] |
Boo for having to wake up at 8 am! But yay for waking up for the first time in about 5 days without a lingering headache!
I could *not* wake up this morning. I hit snooze twice when the alarm went off at 8 am (I work at noon during the week, so I get up around 10ish, and work at 10 am on Saturday so I get up around 8:15ish). Both times, I fell deep asleep in the 7 minutes remaining and had weird dreams. The first time, my friend Eddie, who now lives in CA, called me to ask if I was going to Bill's Pampered Chef party. I can't go because I'll be at work, but Eddie was like "If you're not going because you can't afford to buy anything, don't worry about it! Go anyway. I'm going to be there too!" I was like "You're flying home from CA to go to a Pampered Chef Party?" and he said "Yeah! I'm starting at U of M next semester!" So he was moving home and... going back to college. Heehee. Gotta email him about that one.
Then I hit snooze when the alarm woke me from that dream and dreamed I was at a cemetary with Abel and my mom. My mom was... making a payment or something; it was the cemetary my aunt and grandfather and uncle are buried at. While she was doing that, I figured I'd go see their grave. We're not a grave visiting family; my grandma goes on Memorial Day and the like to spruce it up and leave flowers, but... we're of the opinion that "they're not there" and don't visit the grave. It's just a marker of where they're buried. I prefer to remember them in my heart, not at some stone with their name on it. Anyway. So I figured, we're here, might as well go say "hi". We were walking, and it was so windy, I had my head down. I had a vague idea of where the stone was, so we walked that way, and managed to pass it. We ended up making a big circle and ran into my mom, who was mad at me for "running off". I told her I just went to see their grave and she wsa like "Yeah, right, when have you ever visited their grave?" and was all mad. So then Abel was like "Maybe we should look at prices for plots..." and I was all "Whaaaat?" Heh. We left, and on the way out there was a playground with all these kids. Woke up to the alarm and got up and showered and... here I am. Tired. Bah!
Last night after work, we went to Borders, where I got the WRONG DAMN BOOK in a series I started ages ago. I read Uther by Jack Whyte, it's part of a series called the Camulod Chronicles. The stupid series, none of the books are labelled! So, apparently, Uther was the LAST in the series, and the one I picked up is like, third. I don't want to read out of sequence, so I'll have to go figure out what book is first and start there, then work my way back to Uther. But who's ever heard of a series that's not numbered?! It's not really sequential, but the book I picked is part 2 of another book and... yeah. Annoying.
Then we went to Target and I got a new bathmat for the bathroom, and some incense, and a 35 lb box of kitty litter (it was on sale!) and I bought Return of the King on DVD. I didn't see it in the theater when it was out, and I own the other 3. I'm not a "film buff" so I don't care about the huge set they'll come out with now that all 3 are out... so I just got it. Didn't watch it yet I'm "saving" it. Dunno for what. Got home, made dinner, and hung out in Dark Age. Didn't really play but chatted with guildies/friends in game, and did some administrative stuff. I've met a few new people in the game who are way cool so I chatted with them while organizing guild stuff. Got kudos for hitting level 50 and congrats and all that. And, one of my youngest guildies (it's hard to tell people's ages, but we have some *really* young players, an 11 year old boy, a 13 year old girl, and a 16 yr old, along with others I'm sure are young but I just don't know)... he's 16, and really mature. Gave me the greatest compliment! The guild is about 95 people give or take, and he said "I really admire how you lead this guild. It's hard work, and you do such a good job of making everyone feel like they're recognized and part of the group no matter how small they are." That made me feel good. It's hard work, keeping track of 95 people, and I do put in a lot of time and effort, updating the website every day and trying to keep everyone happy. So it was nice to be recognized!
And now it's time to hit the phones. Short day, then I can go home and relax tonight/tomorrow.