Japan Music's Journal
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Below are the 19 most recent journal entries recorded in Japan Music's LiveJournal:

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    Wednesday, December 1st, 2004
    9:17 pm
    I was wondering, does anyone here have any of these songs?

    Higouhou Drug -- Due le quartz
    Gin Ookami -- Psycho le Cemu
    Ash-ra -- BUCK-TICK

    If you send them to me, me love you long time.

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: 朔 -saku- -- Dir en grey
    Thursday, November 25th, 2004
    3:57 pm
    Things for sale
    Christmass is comming, and I need money for gifts. And you need gifts =D

    little musical presents )
    Wednesday, November 17th, 2004
    7:50 pm
    The mp3 rotation is -back-, bitches! Finally, I found a hoster! @O@;;; I'll get my list up ASAP.

    Rules and whatnot:
    1. Delete these within 48 hours after you download. Stupid rule I know, but I don't want my ass to get sued. XD
    2. Comment if you download. I'd like to know what you like so I know what to upload in the future.
    3. Before you dub a song as stupid, listen to it a few times before you decide that. Lol, I did that for Dir en Grey. I didn't like Dir en Grey at first but now I love them!
    4. No direct linking o_O
    5. Right-click, save as.

    Dir en Grey - Jessica

    Gackt - Kimi ni Aitakute

    Gackt - Lust for Blood

    Gackt - white eyes

    Gackt - To Feel the Fire

    MUCC - Akatsuki Yami

    merry - Haraiso

    Glay - Beautiful Dreamer Sorry, it's in .wma xD;;

    BING! Enjoy.
    Monday, November 15th, 2004
    4:51 pm
    For any that are interested: Machine DEAD STOCK TOYS JAPAN box for sale
    For anyone whom is interested here is the link to the auction. It's not available anymore...so any Machine fans get it while you can.


    Sorry if you get this multiple times.
    Tuesday, November 9th, 2004
    9:58 pm
    Cross-posted in many places; please excuse me if you see this more than once. o_o
    Random music for anyone and everyone (make sure to LEFT click):

    ~ Dress ::: Buck-Tick ~
    My favorite song. Ever. Forever. <3

    ~ Dizzy Moon ::: Buck-Tick ~
    Just because Toll wrote the lyrics. Best drummer ever. >:D

    ~ Jubaku Oto ::: Kagerou ~
    Simply put: The new Kagerou album owns. *_*

    ~ Arcadia ::: Ogata Megumi ~
    Her voice is pure gorgeousness, especially when she's just speaking. >_> <3

    ~ Into the Wilderness ::: Naruke Michiko ~
    Not J-Rock, but... Such beautiful acoustic guitar work. :3

    Enjoy... Perhaps? n_n

    ~ Rebecca

    Current Music: Tim's Trial ::: Wild ARMs: 2nd Ignition
    Sunday, October 17th, 2004
    8:37 pm
    my friend is desperatly looking for MiraiSeiki Maruhi Club mp3s. Especially the Boogiepop Phantom ending theme.

    Can you help? She's tried several bit torrent sites, kazaa and winmx.

    Current Mood: hopeful
    8:58 pm
    help please!
    Hey people, I've popped up to ask a favor. I need some screencaps made from a music video and some work done in photoshop. I don't have either a screencapping program nor photoshop, else I'd do it myself.

    Now, I only need a handful of images for a project I'm working on, not a whole set. The video is Do As Infinity's "Oasis" and the link to download [if needed] is below. I can give more details of what I need if someone decides to take the job.

    Edit: details - What's needed: Just a decent image or two of Tomiko when you can see the full dress. I was hoping for one around the 2:40 mark, when she doesn't have wings, but with wings would be alright, I'd just have to find someone to cut them out in photoshop and lighten the image, because screencaps of the video always come out really dark.

    I'm reeeeeeally hoping that someone can help me out, I would much appreciate it.

    To download Oasis PV: http://s3.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=4C0A45E17F78279A821CDD8F20855305

    x-posted to: [info]jpop, [info]japan_music, [info]j_ent, [info]jmusicwhore
    Friday, October 15th, 2004
    8:00 pm
    Song Identification
    Hey everyone-
    I just joined this community.

    I need help finding out the title and artist of a song. It's a very upbeat j-pop song with female vocals, and it's ska. It was on an episode of Teen Titans. I'm really sorry if this is vague, I just don't know how else to describe it. Can anybody help me?

    Thanks! ^_^
    Monday, October 11th, 2004
    9:34 pm
    Morning Musume Rating Community Opens Tonight!
    Bam! Here it is...A LJ rating community dedicated to Morning Musume! It's about time~!

    If you are unfamiliar with rating communities, the general idea here is for people to join the community and post by filling out the survey listed on the main info page and also including 1 or 2 images of themselves and to see who other members of the community, based on their answers and image, feel they are most like. Then, based on the response, you get a stamp of who get to post on your info page or show off however you would like. Sounds fun, huh? =D

    This is new as of today, and as such we're promoting it to Morning Musume fans everywhere so we can all have fun with this~ I hope this post isn't against any community rules, if its a problem I will delete it. I was just hoping to get everyone interested in this, because rating communities are a ton of fun and I hope you will all think so too~! Thanks for your time everyone!

    The community can be found here:


    Please come and take a look!
    Thursday, October 7th, 2004
    2:48 am
    Hey, everyone. I'm new to the community, but not new to the J-music scene. I've been around it for about two years, with the first two bands I was exposed to was Malice Mizer and X-Japan. I've become rather versed in most music from Japan.

    Ok, on to the topic. I have been looking for months and months, but I have been unable to find Porno Graffiti's song "Hitorino-Yoru". If anyone has this in mp3 format and would be willing to let me get it, I would be forever grateful. It's one of my favorite songs and I've been going through hell and high water to find it.

    I would be willing to do a trade-off as well. I have a lot of files from a lot of different artists, so you can just name what you would like to get for a fair trade of sorts.

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: Glay - "BiriBiri Crushman"
    Wednesday, October 6th, 2004
    5:03 pm
    hi! i'm new to this community, and i just recently began to get into jrock and visual kei. i'm really liking dir en grey, bleach and despairsray. it's not hard to find dir en grey mp3s, but i'm having a LOT of trouble finding bleach and despairsray mp3s. if anyone knows where i can get some of mp3s from either of these bands, especially despairsray, please tell me!
    Friday, October 1st, 2004
    10:21 pm
    Maki and Aya please!
    Can someone give me a list, or point me towards where I can find one, of all the Hello!Project subgroups and such that Maki Goto and Aya Matsuura have been in? And what single they left Morning Musume on, that sort of thing. I'm going to try and make complete video collections of them, since they're my favorite H!P artists, and it would be very helpful.
    Thursday, September 30th, 2004
    3:02 pm
    Anyone point out a place to get information on the Johnny's band "NewS" I'm looking for sites in English!
    Monday, September 20th, 2004
    8:37 pm
    New Single
    I just got ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATIONs' new single, Kimi no Machi Made. This should be out on Thursday.

    I like it very much, its like The Brilliant Greens Los Angeles album but with a guy lead singer.

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Current Music: ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - Hold Me Tight
    Wednesday, September 15th, 2004
    2:11 pm
    .:Very Important:.
    I didn't know if I'm allowed to post stuff like this but... I don't think that the rules say anything against it..so..
    Ok... I need everyones help on something.
    I have a very important survey made up by me [info]haku_san that I need everyone too take.
    You can leave your answers in a comment or e-mail them to me, thehouseoflee@aol.com.

    It's a bit jumbled up, and may confuse you a bit, but it is very important I get as many people to take this as possible!!

    Very Important~! Please, please take! )

    And please, feel free to post it in your personal journal. The more people we get to take it the better, just, please, please make sure all the results you get, make it back to either [info]kawaiiyume or myself!! [info]haku_san

    Thanks in advance ♥~!

    Current Mood: busy
    Current Music: Tokyo Shounen- Nightmare
    Thursday, September 2nd, 2004
    10:18 pm
    Hi, everybody.  My name's JPN and I'm a 21 year old Tokyo born musician.  I paid my dues on the MEAN STREETS of Chicago, IL.  I'm playing an acoustic set outside of infamous Shinjuku Station at the end of the month and may try to get an mp3 or video of it up when I come back. 

    I just wanted to introduce myself and perhaps make a few new LJ friends.  A couple of my tracks are below, but you need RealPlayer to play them.  Feel free to add me, if you dig the tracks.  I'll add you back.   

    Hikari No Michi
    Disappear(Oblivion Dust cover)
    Wednesday, September 1st, 2004
    9:38 pm
    My Yahoo browser closed out my frickin' lj entry thingu and I have to type everything all over again, ARGH!

    Anyway, you can request from -any- J-music song and I still need to get my mp3 list up. o_o And since I have no idea if people actually download from this, please comment if you download to prove that I exist! Thanky Swanky~

    Onitsuka Chihiro - Infection

    Kagraa - Ouka ranman

    Gackt - Kono Daremo Inai Heya de

    Janne Da Arc - process

    Janne Da Arc - DOLLS

    Hehehe, newly found favorite songs. >:D

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: *none*
    Sunday, August 29th, 2004
    5:41 pm
    Hi! I just started a [info]rip_slyme community if anyone would like to partake! ^_^

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Wednesday, August 25th, 2004
    12:44 am
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