Below is user information for shoot to live. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | corsakti (240874) |
Name: | shoot to live |
Website: | |
Location: | Chicago, Illinois, United States |
Birthdate: | 1976-04-12 |
E-mail: | |
Bio: | corinne. sakti. marian. ziava. mosh. odishoo. : :
designer, webmaster, photographer, artist, fast talker, tequila shooter, pot toker, hoarder of pills, believer in Karma, culture theorist, writer, crafter, critic, deviant, chronic procrastinator, party goer, exhibitionist, dining enthusiast, underachiever, appreciator of film, agnostic, card player, lover, dog owner, vendor, traveller, wife of the ultra-talented, supa-intelligent and insane-sexy michael odishoo, proud resident of Chicago iLL.
admin of found_objects, color_theory and shoe_fetish. ::
:: |
Memories: | 125 entries |
Interests: | 148: ♥, absinthe, advertising, aeon flux, aesthetics, anatomy, animation, anthropology, art, art direction, autumn, bali, beads, being married to mike, biology, birds, blue, burlesque, card playing, chicago, cinema, clothes, collage, color, color theory, communication, community, composition, contraband, contrast, costume, crafts, creativity, critique, cross processing, cuervo, dancing, debate, demographics, design, designers, deviance, dialogue, diners, diversity, documentary, dogs, drama, dreamweaver, drinking, eating, ethnic restaurants, ethnicity, etymology, europe, evolution, ex-tech, fashion, film, flash, food, form, found objects, freestyling, genetics, getting paid, graffiti, grammar, graphic design, guerilla art, halloween, hallucinogenics, hip hop, html, image capture, independent film, ink, intelligence, interactive design, janes addiction, jewelry, junk, kinder surprise, ladies, language, layout, love, marijuana, mexican breakfast, mise-en-scene, mixed media, movies, my friends, nature vs nurture, new media, nostalgia, old skool, oral fixation, ornament, paper, papermaking, partying, people, photography, photoshop, pills, pixels, pop culture, primary colors, procrastinating, psychology, public space reclamation, representation, restaurants, rhetoric, road trips, sakti, salsa, sarasvati, sarcasm, sculpture, sex, shoes, skirts, slides, sociology, subculture, substance, subversive art, talking fast, talking shit, tall women, television, texture, thai curries, the simpsons, thrift stores, travel, urban landscape, urban life, vending, vision, web design, webmastering, women, writing, yo mama, yoga. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | | 186: | 27, _veronica_, adoxograph, aenemated, aggie, agreatnotion, ahistamic, alicemac, almeda, aluminumdreams, amedsped, ana, annie_hall, aprilmourning, arez81, armyofme, atanaka, avalera, baglunch, basement, bjorkdoll, blackcustard, blueaspic, bluetonic, bullhead, capgun_holdups, capricornia, cathgrey, celie, childhood, christiana, collapsive, concaf, conformer, conversus, corsakti, dabrooklyn, dair, dakels, damyx, demedulce, demisecherry, dethany, diamentia, diskopoodle, diversify, dkasak, dlbags, dstroy, duckydoo, elektronaut_no, emanonx, emo_kids_cry, eris_devotee, escoflowne, evesyxx, evilowen, explode, fksche, flor, fls, gegenschein, general_jinjur, ginarenzi, gique, girlbullet, glitterpoo, gloriajn, godniar, graceness, greaterthanzero, greenstratguy, haloform, hermansgold, hoodcity, hottoastermama, hugtoyz, icedcoffeegirl, iceicekatie, impartial, instagrat, interimlover, ivoryocean, jakze, jellyrose, jenifermarie, jenniferbaughan, junglejuicekid, junyper, just_a_chick_03, just_a_guy_03, kdpeters, kickadee, labrujah, laedie, litter, longlivepeach, look, loveiscitrus, lunarbull, lush4life, madam0wl, maia, malacia, marion, mechausagi, merlotcat, minusbaby, mixedflava, mloconno, mr_splice, mrsroboto, msoddgers, muzer, no_type, nogoodnik, not_an_arsonist, notbob, omy, paste, peripatetic, perspectivism, piggypiggy, pivovision, pogo_girl, powderbloo, quent, rhodamine, rmt, ropedancer, sarcasmosis, sazrah, scatteredashes, schlagen, scrollie, seamusd, sheenabizarre, shibiriri, shivasmojo, sholanda, sirwilhelm1, sixtwentysix, sleepsleep, sleepymischief, slitmywristband, slowgrind, sojourner_girl, solipsist1001, somakitty, soupedupsucka, spearminthead, spideysense, spiralingmoon, strokethyfrost, symptom, tecknomonk, tenebrist, terso, tetsuo_shima, thalamic, the_purple_fish, thesalivasurfer, thingwraith, thrillkillkitty, tonchou, torless, tragicbydesign, trishylicious, twite, uncorrupted84, unhappymeal, useroftheanti, uvaspina, vanadium_77, veearr, vfc, vivarin, vyieort, wickedflea, willaston, wilsonian, xandalya, xevinx, zengardener, ziava, ziemkowski | | 5: | color_theory, found_objects, shoe_fetish, stylized, texture |
Friend of: | 206: 27, _veronica_, adoxograph, aggie, agreatnotion, ahistamic, alexthemama, alicemac, almeda, alysbowie, amedsped, ana, aprilchrist, aprilmorning, aprilmourning, arez81, armyofme, atanaka, avalera, awakedreaming, baglunch, basement, bjorkdoll, blueaspic, bullhead, butterflytwish, byeenuj, capgun_holdups, capricornia, cathgrey, celie, childhood, christiana, clockworkboho, collapsive, concaf, conformer, conversus, corsakti, crazymadgirl, crftgrrl, dabrooklyn, dair, dakels, damyx, demedulce, dethany, diamentia, diskopoodle, dkasak, dlbags, dstroy, duckydoo, elektronaut_no, emanonx, eris_devotee, escoflowne, evesyxx, evilowen, fksche, flitterati, flor, fls, foolsguinea, general_jinjur, ginarenzi, gique, glitterpoo, gloriajn, godniar, graceness, greaterthanzero, greenstratguy, haloform, hermansgold, hoodcity, hottoastermama, hugtoyz, icedcoffeegirl, iceicekatie, idared, instagrat, interimlover, ivoryocean, jakze, jamaicanjungle, jaunt, javagirle, jellyrose, jenifermarie, jenniferbaughan, junyper, just_a_guy_03, kdpeters, kickadee, kissandkind, la_bocagrande, labrujah, lemur_man, litter, longlivepeach, look, loveiscitrus, lunarbull, lush4life, madam0wl, maia, malacia, marion, mechausagi, merlotcat, midnightgrrl, minusbaby, miracle7077, missmarmalade, mloconno, mr_splice, mrbad, mrsroboto, msoddgers, murphy59, muzer, no_type, nogoodnik, not_an_arsonist, notbob, ohlaughingcat, omy, oneko, onethird, otherwaitress, paste, peripatetic, perspectivism, petre, piggypiggy, pivovision, pogo_girl, powderbloo, ppa, pthalo, quent, rasterb8, recrea33, reverendgaddy, rhodamine, rinseflow, rmt, robert510, ropedancer, ... |
Member of: | 33: all_too_swf, americaneyecon, artfilm101, artofcam, bazaar_o, beadwork, bedheads, chicago_party, color_theory, community_promo, craftgrrl, critical_skin, cut_n_paste, design, found_objects, futurecity, graffitiisart, macintosh, our_pets, paidmembers, photographie, photography, picturing_food, shoe_fetish, stylized, texture, thought_club, thriftwhore, travelinghead, urban_adventure, urban_decay, webdesign, welikepills |
Account type: | Paid Account |