Neige's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]

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Um, hey [06 Apr 2002|07:21pm]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | Project 86 ]

Meh. Haven't updated in ages. I guess I've had...better things to do. I'm busy with so much stuff. (Well, lately I've just been sitting around coughing, but besides that), youth, stuff, stuff. And so yeah, that's why I haven't been around lately. But I'll write an entry later if I remember. I've been online a lot. :)

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Wow. It's been awhile. [10 Jan 2002|04:34pm]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | Lisa Loeb- Do You Sleep; Everclear- Wonderful ]

Well. Christmas has come and gone. Thank God, too. I want the
Let's see, basically, my life has been a mixture of sorting out stuff with my friends, Youth, loads of homework (bio s!!), drawing and writing stories. It's been hectic, but hey, that's the way it usually is. I'm not complaining.
God's been good to me. He's been helping me through a problem I've had with one of my closest friends just recently, and although it's not over yet and it's still bumpy, I know I'll get through it with His help.
Everything else is cool, and I don't have time to get into details, I have to study for two tests tomorrow *joy*!
So, I'll update later, hopefully.

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Scary Things: [21 Oct 2001|12:53pm]
[ mood | energetic ]
[ music | P.O.D- Satellite ]

Like I said before-
**Large spiders with fat bellies and long legs.
**Clowns. (Not all of them. But many of them. Think "Twisted Metal".)
**Going 130 down Fermor at night.
**The guy on the oatmeal box- LOL! You're so right, Keegan!
**Goats!! (Any of you who have heard the story from when I was living in Yellowknife, you'll understand.)

HOWEVER. Both Erin and I agree- being scared can be really fun. Ew. Except when it comes to spiders. Ugh.
Mua ha ha.
ha ha.
mua wah haaa.

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Hey. [21 Oct 2001|12:34pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Hillsongs- You are My World- love this song ]

This rocks. Things are cool. I'm happy. Singing is the greatest. I'm close to getting a mic, I hope. There's Vocal Jazz auditions on Monday, and I get a voice lesson. Yay. :) My music teacher/vocal coach is THE greatest. His name is Jono, we all love him. :)
Let's see, Ashley is away at the moment, and I miss her. But that's okay, I have Keegan.
What else is good...hmm...I already have plans for the next two Friday nights! Serena's birthday party, then Brennyn's Virgin Cocktail party. Coolest. Fun fun.
Ooh, there was something else I'm happy about, but I dont' really remember. God rocks. :)
P.O.D rocks, the new CD, Satellite- incredible. Wonderful. Awesome. *Sigh* But yeah, I don't know what else to write. Last night, I sat around and poured hot wax on my hand because I like the way it hurts. And I watched The Truman Show (sniff, sniff, I LOVE that movie!) And that's aboot it. I organized my drawings. Hey, I think I'll put a few up. Sounds like a plan. But yes, I must go, write an English Macbeth essay for Matt now, oops, I mean, Mr. Fabbri. Weird. Okay, bye bye, Love ya lots!!!!

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Oooh, Youth was weird. [13 Oct 2001|02:21pm]
[ mood | pleased ]

Well, Youth itself rocked. But things are so weird! Well, can't go into details there. But let's just say, things aren't what they used to be! Things are changing...and speaking of changes! I met this awesome girl when I first auditioned for a microphone at Youth. (A microphone meaning singing on stage.) And well, along with a bunch of other people, we made it, and we started talking. Her name is Joe (well, short for Joeleen- well, I have no idea how to spell it.) And she's soo cool! We were talking and we have a lot of stuff in common- from the McDonald's food we prefer (we both started off as #5's, then we changed to #3's) hehe. ALSO! Mel is new. I met her a little while ago, and I she's really cool, I wanna get to know her better. Happy! :) :)! Things are going well when it comes to new friends, I'm meeting a lot of people lately. The only downside is that I'm hanging around people in my class less and less. The people I usually hang around with either don't go to Springs, they've graduated, or they're a year ahead- Grade Twelve. Oh blah. But yeah, I gotta go. I'm thirsty.
Oh, and the Mummy 2 was kinda pathetic. The Mummy is probably my favourite movie, but 2 was disappointing- way too many coincidences and too much stupidity.
But yeah, bye.

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I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack! [11 Oct 2001|01:14pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Alicia Keys- "Fallin" and P.O.D's "Youth of the Nation" ]

Okay. Yes. I've decided to update my journal- even after this long of a time. And yes, (Hayley, I believe) that first song was weird. I stopped listening to Everclear. I verse came to my mind about a week ago. I don't know exactly how it goes, but it's something like this: "...from the same mouth comes blessings and cursings. My brothers, this should not be so..." And it's so true! ERGH! I'm so stubborn. But it's getting better. Things are going well. My friendships are thriving (and for those of you who know me- I live for relationships.) Things are weird in some areas- I won't go into details because not all of the weirdness involves only me- but others who I should protect.
Oh! The conference! Springs Leadership Conference!!! That's what I should talk about! :) I saw Brian Houston from Hillsongs Church, Australia last night during the public (free) service at my church last night and he was INCREDIBLE! (Maybe it was the accent, lol.) Or maybe it was just the fact that he had the ability to draw in the entire audience, and bring them to a further understanding of God. He spoke of Generousity last night- and as I already said- it was incredible. Today is Casey Treat (spelling?) and I probably won't be going...I think I'll babysit. I got a job since my last entry, and it started off alright, but now the hours are insane- and my check is going to be tiny. I need cash. So babysitting it is. Oh well, my parents are getting the video set of the entire conference (yaaaah!)
Oh, there's so much more I wish I could say- how God is working on different levels of my life. I wish I could go into detail on what my main struggle is now (because, we all have them.) And I know somewhere, someone else is going through the same thing- but the internet is stopping me. It would get around. I go to a tight-knit (Christian) school which I love dearly. However. People talk. (I'm not saying that I, myself am perfect, but I think it's our school's biggest flaw. One which I am going to try to change.) And that's why I'm refusing to open my mouth. But otherwise, things are pretty well.
Not exceptionally. But pretty. My Gramma is sick. It's not serious, but I'd appreciate prayer! Thanks to all those who take a few seconds to ask God for her healing! Uhm, that's all for now, I'll update again later.
- Love, Neige
P.S. I can hear my Dad talking to Mom upstairs on the phone about the food they just bought to bring to Gramma. She can't really move, so my Mom is going over there tonight to take care of her. Last night my Aunty Pat (Hayley's mom) was there to watch her. I want to do something!

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People....talking about me?! are you SERIOUS? [06 Sep 2001|06:44pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | Everclear- California King ]

Who would even care enough to waste thier precious time talking behind my back about my confusing problems? I don't know. I'll find out tomorrow. (Oh, and it's a yucky-mean rumor too- making me out to be the harmless victim, which I so am not.) It's beyond me. Oh well. So yeah, as you might have guessed, I'm a little bit upset right now. People are weird. But I should go. I have so much chem homework to do.

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Josie and the Pussycats [21 Aug 2001|04:20pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Josie and the Pussycats- Pretend to be Nice (duh) ]

well he looks at me with those innocent eyes
and says it looks like ur wearing some kind of disguise
cause ur hair sticks up
ur shoes are untied
and i hope that you got that shirt at half price
and every word i say falls flat on the floor
i try to tell a joke
he's heard it before
and i don't think i can take it no more
he's driving me right out my front door
why do you do what you do to me baby
shaking my confidence
driving me crazy
you know if i could
i'd do anything for you
please don't ignore me cuz you know i adore you
can't u just pretend to be nice
can you at least pretend to be nice
if could just pretend to be nice
everything in my life would be alright
*oooooooh oooooooh ooooooh oh oh*
and i try so hard just to figure him out
but he won't tell me what he's been thinking about
and then he falls asleep on the living room couch
with his sunglasses on
and his tounge hanging out
and then he disappears for a week at a time
and then he shows up just like everything's fine
i don't know what goes on in his mind
but i'm tired of hearing the same stupid lies

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Who reads this? [21 Aug 2001|12:10pm]
[ mood | restless ]
[ music | *sneeze!* ]

I was just wondering if the people that read this journal would post a quick reply for me? (I'm really curious as to how many people find my entries "interesting" enough to bother to read them.) Thanks!
P.S. I think I'll be putting in some better stuff soon.

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X Games and Full Gospel Chapel [19 Aug 2001|03:28pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Vineyard- Hungry (falling on my knees) ]

Sweetness, X Games rock. *Sigh*'s wonderful. But you know what sucks? I don't think I'll be able to watch Andy work the yellow shirt cause I'll be at church. He's my favourite skateboarder. Argh. Oh well, I was just at and it turns out he came in fourth place. Blah. Oh well. Maybe next year. Bruce Crisman came in first in BMX which made me happy cause he's really cool, and he's openly Christian (or something along those lines.) His helmet has the word "salvation" on it, and he talks about God a lot, which is really cool.
-New Subject-
Last night, the last night of Folklarama, I saw the Afro-Caribbean Pavilian with Cynthia, Ryan, Mike, Lacie and Melissa (Lacie's sister) after Lacie's 18th bday party. Very cool. And yeah, I don't really know the first three people very well, but hey, it turns out Ryan and I went to the same church (Full Gospel) back in the day, and the same little kid's camp called "crusaders." Yeah, and he went to school with my cousin. Very cool. Small world. (Or small Winnipeg/Steinbach area.) Yay for Neige. She met someone from her past. Hmm...I bet our Mom's hung out, too. It wasn't a big church. Alright, that's enuff for now. Bye bye all.

2 comments|post comment's coming.... [18 Aug 2001|12:15pm]
[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | Third Day- God of Wonders ]

And I DON'T wanna think about it. So yeah, youth was last night. The "service" (if you can even call it that) was fun, as usual. And plans fell together at the last minute for going out. At first, I was planning to go to the Spanish Folklarama (one of Winnipeg's many exciting attractions- note the sarcasm) with Diana, Christine, Myrrhanda, Ana and whoever else went- I don't remember. Then, I ended up going to Micky D's with my older brother Steph, his friend Ray, Ray's younger brother Jon, and my younger brother Justin. While I was halfway through my cheeseburger, Kelli, Sarah, Katie, Adam, Scott, Ashley Warren, Rob, Christy Coles (and was Eric there? I think sooo....) Anywayz, so we packed out an entire row of booths. And that was pretty much my night. Ashmo wasn't there, so things were a little dull- but I still had fun.
Oh boy, Lacie's 18th birthday party today! I MUST go, but actually, the reason why I'm online is to check my email- to know who's going...cause I need a ride. Oh well, I should go look for one now. Bye bye.
Oh, and to everyone who reads this (I know there are a few friends of mine) you can make a message board out of any entry- just click on "post comment" and leave me a message. Just- make sure it isn't evil like the two Steph left me anonymously.

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Hello.... [15 Aug 2001|05:46pm]
[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | Shout to the Lord- Hillsongs ]

Hello to Erin and Steve- two people who will most likely be reading this.
Just thought I'd say that before I start my entry. Okay- today...well, today was slow again. That's how summer is for me, though. Oh well. I'm so screwed. I haven't done a course-selection sheet, I haven't gotten my learner's, and I still need a job. Oh boy. So that's my checklist of stuff to do. The first can be easily accomplished when school starts, the second, ugh, I'm putting it off cause I'm scared of failing- again. And the third- I don't know if I even want one right at this moment!!! But the pressure! ARGH! Oh well. Lots of stuff is going WELL, too! I've made plans with Pam (yaay!), I finally talked to Diana (who I haven't seen in ages) and she's coming to youth on friday. I don't have to do the dishes tonight. And every day we all get closer to the release of P.O.D's new CD! Yes, life is good. Hmm...I wonder who will all be at church tonight (wink to Erin!)
*song stuck in my head*
and lyrics-wise, it isn't the best song...but the actual music totally kicks butt. It's Everclear's "like a california king".
*I will find you in the crowded room*
*I will knock you off you're feet*
*I will burn you just like teenage love* (whatever that means)
*I will eat you just like meat*
*I will break you into pieces*
*Hold you up for all the world to see*
*What makes you think you're better than me?*
*Yeah, what makes you think you're better?*
Angry, eh? I think I'll have to get myself off that music. I'm not angry now. It actually comforted me in a strange sort of way. (I was upset when I listened to it.) It's nice to know that someone else feels the same way as you do. But I don't like the idea of looking for comfort in Everclear. Nope, not at all. I'd rather turn to something like the Bible or God. Yep, that's a better idea. Alright, so I'm all set.
heheehe- I'll leave you with some way better lyrics, 'kay? Here they are- what a cool song-

Shout to the Lord
*My Jesus, my Saviour,
*Lord, there is none like You
*All of my days, I want to praise,
*The wonders of your mighty love
*My comfort, my shelter,
*Tower of refuge and strength
*Let every breath, all that I am
*Never cease to worship You
*Shout to the Lord, all the earth let us sing,
*Power and majesty, praise to the King
*Mountains bow down and the seas will roar,
*At the sound of your name
*I sing for joy at the work of your hands
*Forever I'll love you, forever I'll stand
*Nothing compares to the promise I have in You

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Quiz- good idear Crystal. [13 Aug 2001|02:13pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | P.O.D- Alive (thier new song) ]

First Name: Daneige
Last Name: Hahaha
Middle Name: Evelyne
Nicknames?: Neige, Princess, NeigeyBear, Snow White, Stinker (in the most affectionate way, eh, Kelli?)
Where do you live?: Winnipeg
Age?: sixteen
Date born (birthday): July 5/85
Where were you born?: winnipeg (boring)
Male/Female?: female
Nationality: canadienne hehe
Height?: 5.2
hair color: light brown
Eye Color: er- browny greeny whatever
Shoe Size: 8
School: SCA
Mascot?: no Mascot
Year Graduating: 03
Screen-Names: Neige, Daneige,
What does it/do they mean?: uh, that's my name
Mother and Fathers names: Marge and Homer (jj)
Have any pets?: nope
So, what do you like to do?: talk to my friends, read, write, go to youth, eat candy, listen to music, sing, play with pez dispencers, draw, dance, lots of stuff...

Part B: Favorites

What/Who is your favorite...
Color?: every color is cool
Breakfast Food: poe.tay.toe
Lunch Food?: grilled cheese
Dinner Food?: turkey, mashed poe.tay.toes. and gravy
Dessert?: ice cream (cookie dough)
Salad Dressing?: the red stuff, don't know what it's called.
Toothpaste?: crest
Alcoholic Drink?: nope.
Movie?: Mission Impossible 1, Ever After, lots and lots- Planet of the Apes (the new one)...
Fave moment?: *giggle* family camp
Video Game?: 64's Bond is the best
T.V. Show?: Blah, i don't have one
Song? uh, either everclear's "one hit wonder" or p.o.d's "alive"
Person to talk to on the phone?: Melinda...or Kelli...or Shmoo or Pam (who I miss.)
Why?: Because they're all fun to talk to
School Subject?: choir with Jono (another awesome teacher)
Subject You Talk About: feyuk (eh, Melinda?), er, important stuff...
Flower?: tulips and daisys and lilies
Fruit?: grapes...hmm...and bananas, strawberrys
Vegetable?: poe.tay.toe!
Place to shop?: the mall
Beach?: Birds Hill, I guess
Place to go: Youth
Dream Car?: Dodge Ram, Jimmy, Intrepid, Jeep...
Shampoo & Conditioner?: Vavoom (haha, stupid name)
Bands?: too many
Singer/Rapper?: Jono (yaaaaaaaaaaay) or Sharenda
Warner Bro.'s character?: Dot the anamaniac
Place to go to for a vacation?: somewhere I haven't been
Animal?: little (non-poisonous) snakes, puppies, horses, chameleons...
Book/Magazine?: Yeah, the Bible
Restaurant to eat at?: Johnny's (gag)

Part C: Getting a LiL Personal

Do you believe in God: u betcha
Do you read the newspaper in the morning?: whenever I can.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: I always end up kicking it off.
What age do you want to live up to?: old.
Do you have a pager/cell phone?: nope.
What's the number for it? (optional): -
What's the last 4 numbers of your phone number?: (I already have a stalker, thank you.)
Do you live with both parents?: yes
Have you ever fantasized about someone in class?: not that I can think of...
What are you wearing right now? *looks down* aw, geez. I'm still wearing my pj's.
Who was the last person to send you email?: Eden
Who was the last person that called you?: Danielle Thomas, I think.
Did you want that person to?: pff, yeah!
Do you sleep alone?: uh huh (except for when my stuffed toy DOESN'T get kicked off...)
Do you believe in magic?: nope
Do you believe in heaven?: yep
Hell?: yep
Do you love your parents?: yes
What/Who are you afraid of?: large spiders with fat bellies and long legs- and a certain person who will remain nameless
What is your greatest accomplishment?: speaking in front of my whole school (without preparation) and without falling off the stage or tripping up the steps!
What really irritates you?: people who reply to my entries when they have PMS :)
Where do you like to kick back at?: Xtreme, SLWC, school lounge
Who do you talk to when you have problems?: My close friends and God
Do you go to church?: yes
Ever had a friend move away from you?: yes
Ever got into a physical fight with one of your friends?: uh huh- i play fight all the time!
Who always makes you laugh?: Shmoo
Who always makes you happy?: Kelli
Do you have any strange/weird habits?: LOL! Uh huh. [tugboat!]
What do you not like about girls?: some are trashy, gossip
What do you not like about guys?: womanizers, way too hormonal, over-competitive (not all of them)
What was your most embarrassing moment?: i have them all the time
In the future, how many kids do you want?: 1..2..3...i dunno
What will their names be? Aaliyah, Alexis, Lexi, Shawna, Gabriel
Plan to go to college?: yep
What was the best thing that ever happened to you? being saved (woo hoo!)
What's the worst?: hoo boy....moving from Winnipeg, from Alberta, and from Yellowknife....(but I ended up back here so it's all good.)

Part D: Love/Sex Life

Do you have a bf/gf?: nope
Who? (optional): n/a
Are you a virgin?: yeah huh!
Do you have a crush?: maaaaaybe
So who's your crush right now?: no comment.
Have you ever been in love?: Yeah, but not the kind your thinking of.
Do you believe in "love at first sight"?: Nope
Have you ever experienced it?: nope
Do you believe in "safe-sex"? as Crystal put it- abstinence- the only "safe-sex"
What would you do if you found out your love was cheating on you? I would be slightly upset (duh)
What do you first notice in the opposite sex?: Eyes...smiles....

Part E: Have you ever...

Have you ever...
Been arrested?: nope
Smoked?: yep
Drank?: wine- yes, but not even a full glass- I don't like red wine...:p
Stolen?: yeah.
From your friends?: no
Gone skinny dippin?: not yet...
Done drugs?: nope...
Been caught while having sex (if you had sex)?: um, i'm a virgin.
Been in love?: wasn't this question asked earlier?
With who?: Jesus (hehehe)
Hurt a small animal?: Nope...well, when Justin, my younger brother was small...
Loved someone so much, it made you cry?: yes
Gotten into a physical fight?: yes
Played Strip Poker?: no
Shopped at Victoria Secrets?: nope- that's american, isn't it? I dont think we have victoria's secret.
Gotten beat up?: Um, slightly...nothing bad.
Beaten someone up?: I haven't broken any bones...
Been toilet-papered?: no
Ridden in a po po (police) car?: no
Gotten a vehicle/automobile-related violation?:nope.
Driven w/out a license?: nope.
Gotten really dumb in front of someone you liked... on purpose?: not on purpose!
but wish you had?: nooo
Been heartbroken?: yes
Been to a foreign country?: if you consider the states foreign, yeah
Won an award?: yes
Broken a bone/ripped a muscle?: no
Failed a grade?: nope

Part F: Would you ever...

Flash for the camera?: nope.
Flash in front of a group/crowd?: girls...maybe
Kill someone?: nuh uh!
Date a person for money?: nope.
Date someone just because of their car?: nope
Send in a picture of your milk moustache for a milk ad?: maaaaaybe
Drive a bus?: sure, why not
Makeout with your cousin?: (gag)
Rob someone if you were desperate for money?: nope
Pose for an INTERNATIONAL lingerie company for cash?: I don't think I would...but if they're offering millions....
Date someone just for looks?: no
For popularity?: no
Have sex on the beach?: if I'm married...why not?
Make out in your work place?: I dunno
Cheat on your bf/gf with their best friend?:no!
Become a local/national/international terrorist?:um, no
Bribe your teacher to pass you?: hehehe, Mr. Gillet....I're Great Big Sea CD is missing....I might know where it went if....(jj)

Part G: Either Or...

Ocean or Lake? Lake
River or Lake?: River
Coke or Pepsi?: Coke- the original
Summer School or regular school?: regular school!
Boys or Girls?: boys
Rap or Reggae?: rap
Fast dances or slow?: both are good in thier own ways
Lexus or BMW?: BMW
Sunshine or rain?: both.
Phone or in person?: phone
Day or Night?: night
McDonalds or Burger King?: MCDONALD'S!!
Foot Locker or Champs?: Foot Locker
McDonalds or Jack in the Box?: Jack in the Box? Uh...Micky's again
Lakers or Bulls?: Bulls
Mountain Dew or Surge?: Dew
Surge or Sprite?: 7 up
Christmas or Thanksgiving?: Christmas
Spring or Summer?: Summer
Summer or Winter?: Summer
Candy or Ice cream?: Ice Cream
Seafood or Fastfood?: SEAFOOD!!!!
Deaf or Blind?: NEITHER!
Pool or Jaccuzzi?: Jaccuzzi
Nike or Reebok?: Nike
Reebok or Adidas?: Adidas
Adidas or Nike?: oooh...u got me.
One pillow or Two?: two
Tunnels or Bridges?: bridges
California or Florida?: I dunno
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Optimistic

Part I: Miscellaneous

If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it right away?: I'd be smart and invest
When was the last time you cried?: A few days ago
Last time you went to the hospital? years...
How many times did you fail your drivers permit and/or license test?: learners- once, I'm studying for it now, though
The last time you took a shower?: yesterday (I woke up, ate and went straight for the comp)
Last time you ate?: er, half an hour ago
How many people are in your buddy list?: have no idea.
How many are online right now?: no idea.
What do you think about this survey?: it's long.
Time finished: 2:54

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BLAH! BLAH BLAH BLAH! [21 Jul 2001|01:27pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Simpson's Theme Song (Justin is watching TV) ]

Okay...I'm cranky. Why? I haven't had a good sleep in two weeks. Why? CAUSE WE HAVE NO AIR CONDITIONER AND THE TEMP IS LIKE, 37 DEGREES!
Hot and humid. You sit there without moving and you can feel yourself burning up as you start to sweat. Nice. Well, that makes for a real crappy sleep, if you ask me. Oy. Oh well, camp is in a couple of days. Yay. We better have a few fans in the cabin! Oh, yeah, well, I guess I'll tell you who will be in our cabin. Okay, there'll be Kelli (17), Erin my cousin (17), Angela (17), and me (16). Notice the ages? Well, those people treat me like equals anywayz. :) And they had better, too! hehehe. Lately I've been hanging around with only older ppl, and I'm beginning to miss my other friends...I mean, the ones in my class, I still talk to them, but since not all of us can drive yet, there isn't much we can do to see each other. Yerp. Well, yeah. I guess I'll go- AGAIN. Oy...what to do. I have lots to do today, but right now I'm extrememly tired, slightly grumby and a lightly ticked off. Ugh. yeah, well, have a good day (and I'll try to, too). Bye bye.

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Hi everyone, Jurrasic Park 3 was a waste of money [21 Jul 2001|01:18pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Ugh, Justin's Constant Sniffing. ]

Okay, in my opinion, JP3 was a major waste of $12 bucks. But meh, that's only my opinion. Eden thought diffrently. Anywayz, can't talk too much now, so I'm just sending out this warning. Don't waste ur money. Yeah. TTYL.

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Hi, long time, no see. [19 Jul 2001|12:34pm]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | Train- Drops of Jupiter (sweet song!) ]

Hello again....oh, it's been awhile. I guess cause I've been quite busy lately. Busy and lazy, a mixture of the two. Ugh. Well, four more sleeps till family camp. YA! It's gonna rock. Hmm, maybe I'll tell you about it. Yeah, here goes: The past two years I've gone, and it lasts a week. I actually gave my life to Christ the first year I went (maybe that's why I love it so much...) and yeah, I got baptized the second year, and hey, who knows what'll happen this year, eh? Heehee. Anywayz, it's on a little peninsula between two lakes, and the hiking there? INCREDIBLE! The scenery is breath-taking, the beaches, the cliffs, everything! Man, once, while I was hiking, I found myself at the end of the groomed trail, and while I was wondering which way to go, I heard an eagle!!!! Seriously cool. So I looked up, and there were two of them! Sweet deal. The overall effect was completely calming. There was a small little beaver lodge in this cute little stream, and in the background there were mountains (or very very large hills) and above us were eagles. (Us= me and some friends.) So yeah, I guess from that you can probably understand why I love camp. Not only that, but each night, the youth plan these activities (CAPTURE THE FLAG!!!!!!!) and they are SO MUCH FUN! Not to mention the whole singing-around-the-campfire nights. (Agnus Dei- awesome song!) Heehee, and the burnt hot dog...and the waterballoons, the icky spiders, the late nite sleepovers, the early morning hikes, the "guys-only" football. Ha! Yeah, so I think that's enuff, that's not the extent of my plans lately, (swimming pools, friends, birthday parties...) stuff of that sort. So...buzyness...anywayz, y'all who pray, pray for me while I'm at camp, please! That would be good. I can do some pretty stupid stuff out there! (Some examples- tubing [aack!], shale-rock climbing, yeah, and hiking in bear-[possibly] infested areas.) Yerp. Well, gotta get going now, I've got some stuff to do. Bye bye all. Have a great week!!!!!!
-Luv in Christ,

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Birthday Party Was a Success :) [08 Jul 2001|03:05pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Creed- Say I (my new CD!) ]

Yaaaaah! My birthday party was a success. The first real party I've had in years!! Well, what can I say, I don't wanna bore you to death by going into detail, but meh, I'll tell you this, the pinata was surprisingly fun (because everyone HAD to swing) heh heh. Yep, it was interesting. Oh, and I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ASHLEY! (Her birthday is on the same day as mine- July 5th) and I've been saying "happy birthday" to her since the fourth, heehee.
*Yawn* I'm actually quite tired. My party (on the written invitations said from six-thiry to eleven, but the email I sent around said "or later") so basically, there were 4 people left up until 1:30. By that time, I had consumed more than a dozen cans of pop...(yet strangely enough, I hadn't gone to the bathroom all night and felt no need to do so...LOL) weirdness. So I guess you can figure that I was pretty wired. My eyes were twitchy...I couldn't really keep them shut...but meh, it's all good. Oh yah, I don't know if I've said this yet, but meh=whatever. It's a word that my cute friend Pam made up (who actually ended up with a mild case of sunstroke and couldn't make it to my party!) Yah, that sucks. But she wasn't the only one, my friend Melinda came down with this awful flu-kinda thing a few days ago, and she felt good one day, then got sick again. And she went to the doctors and they said it was some kinda bad parasite. Ugh. So she couldn't come :(. (It's okay Melinda, ucky czuki still szerettes teh!) LOL! Anywayz, I gotta go now, bye bye people.

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Okay...same night...about 30 minutes later. [07 Jul 2001|12:55am]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | Embodyment- Pendulum ]

Okee dokee...time to talk! Sweet deal. So yah, let me introduce myself. My name is Daneige, as I already said, I'm now sixteen. I'm a Christian girl, I go to a Christian private school, and I attend an awesome church that I love dearly. So yah, lemme tell you a little about the other side of me. I'm basically a happy girl, but meh, like everyone, I have my days. I just try to not, you know, have my days...*confused now? I am*... so yah, my life is busy, but good. God's done a lot in my life, sent me some awesome friends. Hey, actually, I prayed for some more (my close little "clique" wasn't enough for me) so I prayed this awesome WWJD: Prayers that Avail Much For Teens prayer and BAM! Here's a whole bunch of new people. God rocks. I'm sure you'll get to know all of them sooner or later. :) But for right now, I guess I'll say, to my sisters Kelli and Ash, I love u girls more than u know- and TUGBOAT! (LOL) And to Melinda- SZIA! En NEM szerette huya feyu (or so I keep telling you!!!!) and to Pam- hey wassup, we haven't talked to much lately, I dunno if you'll ever see this... Angela- fanks 4 being there when other's faultered- haven't known u for too long, but it feels like years! Can't wait for many more...and to my little Friday-nite After-Youthers, guys rock, thanks for making Youth a more memorable time...those many movies have all been awesome. And for the rest of you all- you know i love you, (and if you ever find this journal, keep reading, you'll come up personally sooner or later [heehee]). Anyway, I'm kinda just chatting with Ashley right now talking about how my older brother and kelli and matt sorta ditched my younger brother (justin) and I after youth. Yep yep. But I'm not bitter....noooooo way. *rolls her eyes* but I gotsta get a-going. Sleeeeeeep is calling me (yah right, I'll go up to my room and listen to Creed most likely even though I gotta get up early tomorrow to clean the house for my 16th bday party!) Ugh...well, goodnight to anyone who reads this. have a good day (tomorrow). :)

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My birthday party better work....or i'll SCREAM [06 Jul 2001|11:20pm]
[ mood | discontent ]
[ music | Well, I would be listening to Embodyment, but I can't now :P ]

Well, this is my VERY first journal entry! it's special. I wish I were in a better mood. But anyway, the thing is, I turned 16 yesterday, and my party is tomorrow. For those of you born in July, (I dunno) it seems like its hard to plan a birthday cause everyone's almost always working or away on vacation. Ugh. Okay so you see it's like my first REAL birthday party in YEARS and yah, "Sweet Sixteen" too. So tonite, a bunch of people come up to me at Xtreme Youth Church (and over MSN) and tell me they can't make it. So I'm just hoping people will show up. Ah well, ucky czuki is sure to be there. More on azt feyu later (and translations, but not now!)

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