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Lyrica ([info]lyrica) wrote,
@ 2003-04-26 10:40:00
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all these questions.
are they okay?
is it okay to be questioning everything in my life?
every decision.
every move.
every choice.
every breath.

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2003-04-26 12:24 (link)
*another hug*
you seriously need them right now erin.

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2003-04-26 12:30 (link)
thank you lar.
it's 12:30. i'm supposed to eat now.
i'm afraid. i'm afraid of food. i'm afraid of myself.
i really need gianna to come home now. i need some help. i need help getting myself through this.
i'm doing it.
i'm marching my bony little butt into the kitchen right now.

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2003-04-26 12:53 (link)
is gianna your roomie?
i hope you managed to make your lunch(?assuming it was lunch). xoxo

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2003-04-26 13:23 (link)
gianna is moving into gina and my apartment for a while. she's a friend of mine.

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2003-04-28 02:51 (link)
if they keep you from what you want, then they're a problem, but if questioning helps you to understand and get to a healthier space, then it's all the more significant that you do so. it's just important that you're as healthy as you can be, that you've made as much space for yourself to breathe as possible.

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2003-04-28 07:18 (link)
right on jason.
sometimes though, it's hard to breathe through all these questions.

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2003-04-28 13:01 (link)
I know what you mean.

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2003-05-13 09:02 (link)
Hey Lyrica, it's missus manukenkun here from nness. Self Portraits on it's way stuff got in the way, hope the Chairs book reached you ok. Anyway hi, i'm Crunchcandy here...

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2003-05-13 12:30 (link)
oooh very cool.
and yes, chairs got's so so so beautiful.
i don't post much in this journal right now...but check out uncertainwords. ;)

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2003-05-25 13:28 (link)
hey erin, should i keep lyrica on my friends list or are you basically done here? thx, lar x

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2003-05-25 15:19 (link)
done for now.
i may go back, but who knows. for now, go ahead and take it off if you like

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2003-05-25 16:13 (link)
k, thanks :)

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2003-06-13 19:18 (link)
Hello. I noticed that you list "art therapy" as one of your interests and thought you might like to join a new community that I just started: [info]art_therapy
. It is for students, practitioners, and those interested in art therapy. Please stop by if you get a chance!

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