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226 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in the shins. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
442 matches:
- 0euphoria0angel - 0euphoria0angel
- 100storiesdown - Elliot
- 111archeravenue - 111 archer avenue
- 3neonangels - مشي شعلك
- _______vanity - &ashley&
- __usedsharpie - arnstdt
- __veronica__ - awesome
- _blind_by_fire_ - _blind_by_fire_
- _botoxserenade - _botoxserenade
- _cheer_up_kid_ - _cheer_up_kid_
- _pamcakes_ - _pamcakes_
- _vivasweetlove - vanity kissed vanity
- _wanaseemedisco - _wanaseemedisco
- akan_gaaru - bridget
- aliviadora - tilted to the blue .
- almitee1 - Riddle
- almostelusive - jackie
- alonedownthere_ - Bernard
- alyeditrix - Aly
- amberhalo - Amberhalo
- amourdouloureux - Jack it up Judy
- angelchip - catty le phatty
- annabis - nora
- annanicole6 - Andrea
- annedevlin - SilentlyZeal
- annetiboys - anne
- anthonyc - anthony
- aperfect_sonnet - aperfect_sonnet
- appleofmyiris - fuck you bitch i'm a flower
- applespeed - Jen
- araceli_maura - araceli_maura
- argyleangst - sean
- athena5905 - Mary
- autarchicflux - I'm with stupid
- autumne - autumne
- aviewtoakill - M.A.R.K.W.A.R.R. SUPERSTAR
- badfishkiller - Tricky_Dick
- badusername - katie baby
- ballsofamonkey -
- banditsquirrel - Preen Feathershift
- bankrobberscjpp - just make it count
- bathtubjinn - Bathtub Jinn
- bb_pimp14 - Pootie
- bdschaos - BDS Chaos
- bealsh - Benjamin
- beannn - Gena peels an orange
- beautifulvision - what's in a name?
- bella_tristezza - bella_tristezza
- bewilder - Sarah
- bigmills - shock trooper in the war on love
- bimbovix - victoria
- bindingsorrow - I had a name
- birday_1 - Birday
- bittermuse - the seconds
- bleenk1atey2 - i'm not telling
- bobrox - bobby
- boikangaroo - m1k3
- bomp - wave bye bye to the crazy lady
- bonbonskin - Bonnie
- bowlof_oranges - bowlof_oranges
- box_of_stars - Mari Robot
- brentster - massa brently.
- brighten - Claire
- bunnyroo - alison
- bup - L
- burn_in_effigy - Christian
- cadette - A.J.
- candystorerock - I don't want to see the day when it's dying
- captainmplanet - Muddy Smarmy Baby Bear Sass Cub (Squared)
- ceruleanlobster - Lola Lariscy (ne Strickland)
- chaoticalm - The Oblivious One
- charlotteorb - Charlotte
- chemical__stars - aerial semantics
- cherryflavored - kat!e
- chicalta - Delightfully Tacky, Yet Unrefined.
- chickenliver - Phoney Mcringring
- chiquitaah - Nicole
- chk_chk_chk_jer - All these people drinking lover's spit
- chris1987ska - Chris Campbell
- chudrocker - a disaster waiting to happen
- clankyrobot - Amandabot in love with autumn.
- clarice - Hundreds of Sparrows
- cleorabbit - erica kim
- clonk - Dishwasher Safe
- cocoapuf027 - ...unfuckwithable...
- coincidence - fandango
- corrosive - pros theon, [superhero]!
- crimsyn - Air
- crushedoutgrrrl - Lindsey
- csp_cry - clearsimpleplain
- cyansprinklepop - andrea
- d4n12i - d4n12i
- dance_the_tang0 - sara
- darcylove - Duckie Dale's Duckette
- dark_sattelites - hotel nevada 1982
- day_glow_harlet - Q
- dclxvi - DCLXVI
- deadpynk - nessa
- deathsongkid - deathsongkid
- delmonte - The Third Duchess of Kent
- demanusflint - demanusflint
- die_4_me - ★ L i S a ★
- dimpledchad - Dewell
- dingdang - Bagel
- dlowsive - dlowsive
- dodietape - Collin
- dontspeak - elegantly, absurdly
- doodiedude13 - Allen
- doomed_2b_left - guilty
- doublemint - Ashley
- dramamine - cheshire
- dudewheresmycow - dudewheresmycow
- dyinggiraffe - Lizzy
- dynamine - rocknroll retard
- eatthechildren - tiny moo
- eclipse69 - the drippings of ray sauce
- eggsaladsalad - hittin' below the rope belt
- electricchicken - Andrea-ism
- emo_star_in_sky - emo star in sky
- emogirl2 - Tatiane
- emoheartake - Nikki
- emoqueen - e
- emosucks - boom swagger boom
- emoti0n_is_dead - Tony
- emotion - emotion
- emotionalnatas - Jason
- erinissnazzy - erin
- etod - evil temptress of doom
- etoile313 - girl w. love in her eyes and flowers in her hair
- eve223 - EG
- evilabeth - elizabeth
- exposed11 - exposed11
- expressedinword - Irish blood, English heart, is what I'm made of.
- facelessblank - blank
- famousmark - Death drives a white Honda Civic
- fiabbergasted - sar, the one and only jive dialectizer.
- flankid - victoria
- flowrsandrobots - beware the @vortex@
- fonzface - fonzface
- forgotten_lyric - JeSsIcA
- func - artistiQue mentality
- gaijina - Gaijina
- galactic_robot - You lack the things to which I relate
- geminio - Geminio
- getoutstayout - Lee Charles Laplow
- gibbernaut - DCLXVI
- girlreveling - Beth
- glitt0rgirl - and I'm nothing more than a line in your book
- goddessofmercy - goddessofmercy
- gomez_rocks - Tink
- gonzointensity - Musings from a postmodern wander
- goodaboutme - Alyssa the Pissa
- goodgolly - Such great heights.
- goodie - Goodin
- greencarpet - snorky!
- grrr_betsy - betsy
- guitar247 - Tonight We Mean It
- guitargrrl17 - ~*Angie*~
- gypsyvine - C'est la vie
- habitualspeeder - juan
- hanamichi - another lovely goddamn day
- handit - Andrew Harrison Hall Esquire
- hatchetface - sarahtronic
- heathyrre - Heather
- hellybelly - Hoochie Minh
- hey_jealousy - noelle esmé
- hikoshonen - Miki
- hyperballad_ - .
- i_fling_spam - <insert name>
- i_pour_my_heart - * ☆ *
- i_wokeup_dead - i_wokeup_dead
- iamafish - iamafish
- iamthetruenoir - We May not Have Much Time
- idlexhandsx - alyxandra
- idontbelong - eldubyou
- ifiwereafish - and let the lover beware
- imaginetoexist - Dan
- imfeelingstabby - Sara
- in_technicolor - ms. kiss kiss bang bang
- interiority - Nikole
- internalxternal - nerdygirl
- into_thenight - Erin
- intripose - Hannah
- iplaysaxforsfs - iplaysaxforsfs
- itsalektric - Alek
- itsohsoquiet - ex-journal
- jackieem - jackie em
- jasonscheirer - I don't believe in the internet
- jaynecamp - Marry Me, Human
- jazzhot - theresa
- jealouslime - Katey
- jenevieve - melissa
- jennheifer - Jennitalia
- jennx30 - jenny rayray
- jervo - eggs benedictus
- jesster324 - Paper Tiger
- jill1121 - Give me convenience or give me death
- jillc - Jill
- jmichiko - jacob
- joelio - Joey
- jonas0012 - Sarah
- jonlegere - Jon Legere
- jth55 - jth55
- juiceisnice - Rock n Roll Abortions
- julez - Julie
- justaduckygirl - Call me Jane
- k1mchee - Kimchee
- kakamerm - I fold in half so easily
- kalinaelizabeth - kalina
- kapthowdy - father dowling
- karinaxcore - Denver Max
- kempsvillechick - Sarah
- kings_over_aces - Ryan
- kinseyhyte - jacks
- kissmeimsick - Commercial Suicide
- kitten_deity - kitten_deity
- kraftmacnchedda - Chedder
- kurplunk - sarah-sarah-bo-bearah
- l24butrfli - such a sucker for a sweet soft serenade
- laurenacious -
- leah42qt - Priya Lee
- leilaleila - Femme Fatale
- lickthestar - Paranoia Politician Diva
- lidora - susan
- lildude_528 - real thugz
- loisboy - ima give you my love rap
- lonelysun - Ross
- lookathatgirl - smeared black ink
- loveinvents - cross bones style
- lover_of_men - katherine
- lowstatic - rachel
- luckysnorkel - make a little birdhouse in your soul
- lunakitty - .falling.upward.
- mabelle - Michelle, ma belle, sonts les mots...
- maeworm - marce/
- maiortrud - the new face of zero and one
- maryburt - Mary
- mdhaebaragi - mdhaebaragi
- meeulk - meeulk
- meggie - meg
- meiscool - Keep dat funk alive!
- mikeissweet - mike
- misslilad - lila
- misterkenny - Misterkenny
- modestmuse - i'll let you be in my dreams if i can be in yours.
- mojofilter - color me all sorts of broken
- mollzilla - Molly
- moodytuesday - Just who you expected...
- moonlit - more sources needed...
- moonpix7 - Jessica
- morganalefaye - Morgan
- mrkoolaid - Chris
- mudgarden - steve
- murderbike - Patrick
- museless - jenna
- musikinov - SoundVessel
- my_placid_love - my_placid_love
- mycellardoor - dave
- mypetrobot - erika julianna
- nacowafer - mostly miffed
- naveed - naveed
- neon_sign - gotosleep756
- neoromanticpoet - Freelance Muse
- neotwee - look at the puddles
- nick33 - nickbahulaisdead
- notemily - Sophie
- notmyscene - the voices are landslides
- novacaine - big stripey lie
- nullskills - Kroger Plus Customer 41411992054
- ny_hc - yayafi
- octobertwilight - then i go out at night and paint the stars
- okcomputer - joey joe joe junior shabbadoo
- on_hisgrave - antonio
- oneirus - a choice is facing you, a healthy dose of pain
- onesweetworld29 - Matty O
- oona45 - Oona
- oostargirloo - *PiNKie*
- outofstep45 - outofstep45
- oysterboy - .....
- ozma - I Am Your Champion
- paperbag_smile - paperbag_smile
- paperbaghead - Moe
- peabody - Matthew
- pelletgirl - Selina
- peppermintstarr - wendy starr
- perryd423 - perry
- pfc_wintergreen - pfc_wintergreen
- philosopherking - of sigils and salamanders
- photobooth_love - winner
- picklesareyummy - severely inarticulate
- piecesofnutmeg - megan
- piscean - with sparrows beneath her eyelids
- pitseleh - am
- plastercaster - Tom
- poetryslam - Big Poppa E
- pollypry - stephanie is a delightful protagonist
- powerofglow - Brett
- preciousroy - Chris will eat the Robot
- pricciar - pricciar
- princess_sarah - Sarah
- punchapunk - Becca
- pxoschere - Jeremiah Culver
- qcjeph - J. Jacques
- quent - Lentil Quintet
- quietdear - kelly
- quietgrrl - sarahzona
- quietjenn - aqua seafoam shame
- quixoticgirl - the girl who cried wolf...
- rad_jose - the chicana-be
- raisingrrl - ***ms. JULIES'ruined***
- raleigh999 - Peter Hollomon
- redmags - redmags
- redsock00 - ann(e) disaster
- relia - little idiot
- reppedroad - Katie
- reverendmonk - Jordan Monk
- risekevin - Kevin
- rmember_myreply - rmember_myreply
- rockingranger - Lauren
- rockingrrrl - Rockin'Girl
- roffster - Michael Roffman
- roquetin - oh! on the run around run around
- rosealia - cos there's beauty in the breakdown.
- rouge_red_heart - Julius Maximus
- sadgirlseven - karen
- samedi_nuit - The Jackie.
- sarah_the_loser - sarah d
- sarasaur - SHAQ
- sashabot - sally
- scartissue - forget her.
- scienceproject - rosa luxemburg saks
- secrettina - Christina
- semolina - jamie jellybean
- serateddildo - cig czar
- serendip - professional hata
- sfuriata - megan lynn
- shadowplay86 - Luis
- sheenuh - Art is dead
- shmartlee - shmartlee
- shmivejournal - that's why we only work when -- we need the money
- silentkid - an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks
- simon_moon - simon moon
- skipped_parts - Totally Krossed Out
- sleepcalmstorm - joseph
- sleepoverjesus - Sleepover Jesus
- sleepypills - i saved latin. what did you ever do?
- sleightofhand_ - amanda
- smurfettte - i'm a legend in my spare time.
- smushbox - Happy Harry Hard-On
- snowman - Seetha Narayanan
- snowtoes - energy, imagination, excellence
- somethingto4get - jessy
- sometree - dan the bear
- sonowthen - kevin
- sophiealbarn - a pretty girl is like a pretty girl
- sososour - sososour
- sosunboludo - Quemen La Radio
- soulsincognito - Nikki Elizabeth
- spaguso - Em
- speedingcars - (your name)
- spentpenny - I'm a Voter!
- spongie - Pam
- sprightlyspot - Kristi
- spudsocks - the persistence of memory
- spwhosabbathozz - pocky pusher
- squirrelene - erlene
- stapleyourface - Joseph
- starkey - Coleman
- stereostar - Kid Honda
- strathcona - shadylane
- strobe_hearted - A. Scar Daisy
- strongwilled - Lauren
- sugee_munster - Jugs LaRue
- sunnyevermore - [rachel]
- superskye - skye
- sush - Daydreaming Disaster
- swampwater - daniel
- sweet_girl - Hi!!ary
- sweetg3205 - Suzy=MEH.
- switch478 - scatterheart
- tangerinedream - i was not sniffing your spicy brains.
- tangled_slinky - tangled_slinky
- tastyveganchode - Chris
- teejeans - Laura
- thalassocracy - michael motorcycle
- the_aud - audrey
- the_elitist - jonnie euro
- the_long_way - Cassandra Van Dyck
- the_love_less - Xavier-5000 Fizzylove
- the_sandworm - Zerstoerte Zelle
- theattractions - colin
- thefiguredstick - Thos
- theglitterqueen - Jessica
- theordinary - Matt
- therobopope - daniel
- thewrath - I am jacks wasted life
- thisgirlslife - madame meow
- throughyoureyes - vintage porn
- tiffofanie - Tiffany
- tiramelasaranas - Jordan
- tobedawg - tobedawg
- tumbled - subterranean plastic trickle
- turquoisepiano - turquoisepiano
- umitschristina - i am rodrigo gonzalez or christina whatever workz
- unless_i_forget - jenthing
- uwishuwrethsemo - Barbara Ann
- vampireinlove - Caro
- vanessarios - NAPPY DY-DY!
- vangogh - bumble the boy wonder
- vansgurl - Tyler
- veganguy - eNcyCLopEdia BRowN
- velvet - vomit that looks like coffee grounds
- velvetphile - emily
- verukathisbitch - verukathisbitch
- vintagelife - the boy who can't help but creep good people out
- violeta - Violet
- visionorgleam - visionorgleam
- vivant_sur_vole - joseppy ringworm
- watershipdown - and you will know us by the trail of greg
- weary_superhero - ☆you can't dance,but i can pretend☆
- weepinguitar - trendy fuckin'
- wishmewould - Krissen
- wolfwood - Max
- wreck - wreck
- xafterhoursx - Jacleen
- xagent_orangex - Erin Marie
- xdressed2killx - l a u r e n
- xfadingxxfastx - tyrone
- xlio - half a monkey
- xteamxfreshx - Spencer T. Kimball
- xxx1985xxx - Ariaaa
- yaboman - ein
- yanlin - this was all a bad idea
- yayo - best mc in jamestown
- yeslek - Yeslek
- you_were_cool - you_were_cool
- youre_no_jesus - mary
- yrknkypeach - Mrs. Keith Buckley
- zeebsterz88 - Z-I-B-A
- zilverkittie - margarita
- zina22 - Rosina
- zoe1084 - Michelle