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[Nov. 10th, 2004|02:15 pm]


Lyrics from “Slipped Away” by Avril Lavinge.


Rating: PG-13 language.

Description: Sirius has slipped away but he left someone behind.

Dedication: They know.

Pairing: R/S


Slipped Away )

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[Nov. 3rd, 2004|09:48 am]

Title: Sucker Love
Pairing: HP/DM
Rating: R/NC-17ish
Author: Teri

Sucker love is heaven sent...
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Title: Necessary Evil [Oct. 29th, 2004|02:44 pm]


Title: Necessary Evil

Rating: R – for “mature themes.”

Summary: In the midst that is the chaos of life, Draco realizes that Harry has another love. But no-one turns there back on a Malfoy, especially a Malfoy who has been scorned.

Dedication: [info]eiranea

Feedback: Oh so much wanted!


Necessary Evil )

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Boredom Resolved [Oct. 24th, 2004|06:12 pm]


Title: Boredom Resolved

Author: Lady Fayth

Rating: R/NC-17

Pairing: HarryxDraco

Summary: Anyway, just a short (kind of) smutlet because I’m sad and pathetic and have to solve my wishes for a plot that will never happen. Draco need someone to resolve his boredom. Smutiness ensures! Characters belong to J.K.Rowling and all that. Not making no money. Please review and enjoy!


Boredom Resolved )

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Stay A Dream (Remus/James/Seamus, NC-17) [Oct. 9th, 2004|01:52 am]

[Current Mood | excited]

Title: Stay A Dream
Author: [info]frk_werewolf
Pairing: Remus/James/Seamus
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Remus awakens in a strange room, with two other people. Could it be a dream? Whatever it is, their going to enjoy it!
Warning: PWP, anal sex, threesome
Notes: I blame this on [info]wilarin, for she challenged me to write it.

--Stay A Dream--

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Help? [Oct. 2nd, 2004|12:31 am]

[Current Mood | curious]

Hey, I'm assuming since this community is called slash finder that this is okay. I have the need for some crossdressing. Does anyone know of any fics where Harry is into crossdressing? Love it if Harry secretly does this and then someone finds out and really approves of his little fetish. Um..not a fan of Harry/Draco or Harry/Lucious. Thanks in advance.

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Apologies. [Sep. 17th, 2004|01:47 pm]

It would seem Skyehawke is having emotional issues.

In light of that, the last two chapters of Phoenix Song are here.

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Phoenix Song [Sep. 17th, 2004|02:00 am]

Well, I managed to finish it.

Chapter 21 in two parts, and the epilogue.

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Pimping [Sep. 11th, 2004|01:13 am]
Hey, I'm not sure if this is okay or not. I started a new community for Harry centric slash. You can submit your own fics our send in recs I don't care. Offsite links are okay too. As long as Harry is involved everything is acceptable, all ratings and all kinks are okay. Just make sure Harry is getting some action.

All About Harry
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[Sep. 10th, 2004|10:22 pm]
Author: Aletino
Title: Egging
Rating: R-ish? Light NC-17?
Disclaimer: Not mine. I promise. If they were they would definitely be shagging more often.
Summary: Detention. Potion-testing. Snape in a bunny suit.
Length: about 1750 words
Pairing: Mostly H/D, a little SS/RL
Notes: AN: )
Challenge or Stand Alone?: Stand Alone

Read more... )

Cross-posted to a jillion places, so I'm sorry if you see it too often. I beg you to rip it to shreds in revenge...or even just because I need feedback...?
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The Pleasure Of Chains (Remus/Sirius, NC-17) [Sep. 6th, 2004|10:08 pm]

Title: The Pleasure of Chains
Author: [info]frk_werewolf
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Uhh, horny werewolves? What good is a PWP with a summary?
Warnings: minor BDSM, some Blood play, Anal Sex, Naughty!Remus
Notes: This isn't as kinky as I'd want it to be, but I like Remus being sweet with a naughty flare.

--Pleasure of Chains--
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A Quite Un-Fatherly Thing To Do [Sep. 3rd, 2004|10:45 am]
Title: A Quite Un-Fatherly Thing To Do
Author: Alexia Swift
Pairings: Harry/Sirius, Harry/Snape, Possibly Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco.
Warnings: SLASH, Male/Male, Ambiguous Consent, Established Relationship, Incest, Under-age, Multiple Partners, Implied Ron/Hermoine Pairing.
Rated: NC-17
Completion: Incomplete, First Chapter available for reading.

Summary: Sirius has literally returned from the dead after falling through the veil at the Ministry. After believing Sirius was dead and then having him back after a year without him makes Harry especially vulnerable as he is getting ready to return to Hogwarts his 7th year. Will Sirius take advantage of Harry's broken heart? And how will Harry and Sirius' relationship stand when Harry returns to school and must spend hours of gruelling detention with a lustful Snape?

click here to read it

click here to review/comment

click here for my index of fics/lj

click here to e-mail the author
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here there be FIC [Aug. 15th, 2004|05:01 pm]

[Current Mood | crappy]

AUTHOR: [info]xylodemon
TITLE: Wings
PAIRING: Harry/Draco
NOTES: I had intended to finish Phoenix Song today, but I had a dream about dirty, nasty Quidditch sex, so there you are.



crossposted to [info]_puremagnetism, [info]harrydraco, and my journal.

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New Harry Potter Challenge Site [Aug. 4th, 2004|05:18 pm]

Hey guys~I've started a new sort of community. It's a place where you can go and first you will be sorted into one of the 4 Hogwarts houses. Then there will be fiction and graphic challenges to enter. Points will be awarded to the winners of the challenges to go to their respective houses. At the end of about a 6 month period a 'house cup' winner will be chosen and we'll wipe the points clean and start over.

I think this will be a lot of fun but for it to be fun people have to join so if you're interested click the link below!
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Updates, and that. [Aug. 3rd, 2004|11:49 pm]

Just dropping in to say that I just updated Phoenix Song

Without You, Its Not as Much Fun to Pick Up the Pieces


crossposted to [info]harrydraco
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[Aug. 3rd, 2004|09:44 pm]

Title: Doggy Kip
Author: Miss T
Rating: G
Pairing: Sirius/Remus
Genre: Post-slash, fluff, humor, drabble
Timeline: Shortly after Graduation when Remus and Sirius move in together, so they're about 18/19

Notes: This is my first attempt at Sirius/Remus drabble, so please be kind because I know it's crap! ^_^

Puppy Love
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Fic update [Aug. 3rd, 2004|07:01 pm]

[Current Mood | accomplished]

Hey guys - added a new chapter to my fic, Torture Diversion...

Title: Torture Diversion, Part Six
Author: Miss T
Genre: Drama/Fantasy/Dark
Pairings: Harry/Blaise/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Based on the film and book Fight Club (can anyone tell how much I love doing these types of fics? lol). Harry's defeated the Dark Lord. He's now nineteen and feels that his life means nothing that he has risen to the task that he was born for. Depression consumes Harry until he's ready to snap, but after meeting an old enemy from the past can Harry ever be happy again?

You can find the previous chapters on my journal ^-^

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FIC: One Last Connection [Aug. 2nd, 2004|06:29 pm]

[Current Mood | content]

Author: Jessica Queen
Title: One Last Connection
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Harry/Sirius, Harry/Others
Warnings: Underage (implied)
Category: Angst
Summary: Sometimes one good memory captured from overwhelming grief is better than no memories at all.
Author's Notes: This one was written on a whim, because there just isn't enough post-OotP Harry/Sirius shipping in the fandom for my liking. The underage is just a memory ... sort of. Feedback is my friend.

One Last Connection )

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self-pimpage [Jul. 26th, 2004|01:30 am]

Just dropping in to say that Chapter Nineteen of Phoenix Song is up.

Without You, Everything Falls Apart

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This Isn't Love (NC-17, Ron/Draco) [Jul. 25th, 2004|10:42 pm]

Title: This Isn't Love
Author: [info]frk_werewolf
Pairing: Ron/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Catagory: PWP, Angst
Summary: Sometimes all it takes is anger to fuel desire.
Warning: angst and boy-sex.

(and they say anger isn't productive)
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