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Friday, October 22nd, 2004

Posted by:boniblithe.
Time:1:59 pm.
OK peeps ... we got some fantastic suggestions for the next round of HP soundtrack postings, so after looking at the suggestions and reading some emails and getting pinged by people randomly on AIM with ideas ... the mods are making an executive decision and declaring:

November is Theme Month!

[info]fruce suggested “theme soundtracks” ... for example, maybe you’ve always wanted to make a soundtrack for a particular location, such as Platform 9 & ¾, the Potions Dungeon, or the Three Broomsticks. Maybe you’d like to make a soundtrack specifically for “Prisoner of Azkaban”. Do you have the perfect group of songs for CAPS-LOCK HARRY? Or perhaps your favorite character has a trait you’d like to explore in soundtrack form, such as Professor Trelawney and her, ah, divination skills (Ooooooooo, witch-ay woman ...). Maybe you have a Marauder’s soundtrack or a Christmas at The Dursleys soundtrack looping in your head that’s just dying to get out!

The choice is yours – be as creative as you want, and sign up in the comments of this post! There is no end deadline for signups: if you have a new idea in the middle of October, you can come back and list it here, then post your soundtrack when ready.

You may post for Theme Month October 31 through November 30. We’re going to drop the minimum track requirement to 6 songs for Theme Month, to encourage participation and creativity :-D

Not to be outdone,

December is All-Request Month!

[info]idiotparade suggested a CD swap/challenge request might be fun, and we thought, what better way to end the year? Details/sign-ups to follow in a separate post.

And finally,

January is Fanfiction Month!

Stay tuned to this space for more!
Comments: Read 33 or Add Your Own.

Thursday, October 21st, 2004

Posted by:nykohl.
Time:10:54 pm.
Have we decided on a topic yet for next month? I'm not sure if I missed it - is it going to end up being posted on the 31st, or is it just a hectic month for more people than me?
Comments: Read 2 or Add Your Own.

Saturday, October 16th, 2004

Subject:"I've got a bad feeling about this." - Rated FUBAR, the ginny and draco mix
Posted by:wyoluvr.
Time:5:46 am.
Music:"I Thought You Were My Boyfriend" by The Magnetic Fields.

Am I the only person who'd like Ginny and Draco to shack up just for the ensuing family dinners? Just me? *g*   If there are any problems with the files or links, please let me know. Right click and save, please. The soundtrack will stay up for two weeks.

Love is pain )

Comments: Read 23 or Add Your Own.

Tuesday, October 12th, 2004

Subject:The days turn chill, the nights are longer
Posted by:boniblithe.
Time:5:32 pm.
Mood: naughty.
Alas, our time for 'ship soundtrack posting is drawing to a close ... you have until October 15th to post your assigned soundtrack. After that, all 'ships are fair game and members may post soundtracks as usual.

We need a topic for the next round :) Which will begin on the spooky day of October 31 ... Halloween!

So please leave a comment in this post for what you'd like to see soundtracks for next. Fanfiction? The five books? JK Rowling? Real Person Soundtracks (I wonder if there are any fish songs we could use for Tom Felton)? Another round of character soundtracks? Creative "Theme" soundtracks (one for spells, one for the Hogwarts ghosts, one for the tasks in GoF, etc etc ...)? Share your clever ideas HERE!
Comments: Read 19 or Add Your Own.

Tuesday, September 28th, 2004

Posted by:lenagirl42.
Time:5:08 pm.
Mood: relieved.
Music:Fiona Apple - Fast As You Can.
I'm not over the deadline this time! Here we have the soundtrack for Percy/Oliver, my OTP (as you might have deduced from my icon). I've tried to include a variety of songs- some are happy, some are sad; some communicate my personal interpretation of the ship, some don't...some fit perfectly to the situation, others need a broader interpretation :D I like them a lot. Which goes without saying, really.

Twelve songs about Percy Weasley and Oliver Wood! )
Comments: Read 9 or Add Your Own.

Saturday, September 18th, 2004

Posted by:broadwayfuture.
Time:8:02 pm.
I need some server space. I would lurve you forever if I could have some.....even if I don't exactly know how to work it.....
Comments: Read 1 or Add Your Own.

Monday, September 13th, 2004

Subject:Come play with us!
Posted by:boniblithe.
Time:2:15 pm.
The following ships have been claimed for [info]hp_soundtracks 'ship month:

Cho/Harry - quidditchcapn
Dean/Seamus - goldatamera
Draco/Harry - sweetlydarkjenn
Draco/Ron - strippedhalo
Draco/Ginny - wyoluvr
Ginny/Tom - kaiba
Harry/Ron/Hermione - no_remorse
Harry/Severus - meine_liebe
Hermione/Ron - starstruck786
James/Lily - quidditchcapn
Oliver/Percy - lenagirl42
Remus/Severus - patchedrobes
Remus/Sirius - maybethemoon
Severus/Sirius - maybethemoon

Remus/Penelope - a_cruel_beauty
Charlie/Lavender - broadwayfuture
Hermione/Sevverus - killerbeautiful

Got a favorite 'ship that you have (or want to put together) a fan soundtrack for, and don't see it represented here? Well what are you waiting for! You have until Wednesday to sign up! :)
Comments: Read 22 or Add Your Own.

Friday, September 10th, 2004

Subject:A Query...
Posted by:quidditchcapn.
Time:11:20 pm.
Mood: curious.
Oh most wonderful [info]akayath, are you around? I sent you the Lily/James mp3s. Did you receive them? I hope you did. Anyway, drop me a line when you see this. Hope you're okay. Haven't heard from you in a while.

I was also wondering if I could send you a few more things for a second 'ship soundtrack. If you don't have that much extra space, I could do two weeks for each soundtrack.

Thanks muchly. :)
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Saturday, September 4th, 2004

Subject:'Ship month
Posted by:boniblithe.
Time:10:16 pm.
Mood: cheerful.
OK ... I'm late with getting this running, and I apologize. But I hope everyone had a nice end to the summer (depending on where in the world you live, of course).

Things have slowed down just a touch for me, so I have time to get the 'ship month started!

If you previously claimed a 'ship and then for some reason can't post it on time or at all, just comment here to let me know (things change, I know) and I'll re-open it for a volunteer. Likewise, if you want to do a 'ship that's not claimed yet, comment here - first come, first served.

General rules:

1) Name the 'ship you wish to post for (if you have the space, time, and inclination, you can do up to two different 'ships). YOUR SOUNDTRACK MUST BE AT LEAST TWELVE SONGS IN LENGTH.

2) If you want to participate but do not have your own space to upload mp3s, try to hook up with another member who is willing to share bandwidth (you can post here to ask). Please be sure that you have the ability to upload mp3s for sharing before you sign up.

Claimed 'ships to date:

Cho/Harry - [info]quidditchcapn
Dean/Seamus - [info]goldatamera
Draco/Harry - [info]sweetlydarkjenn
Draco/Ron - [info]strippedhalo
Draco/Ginny - [info]wyoluvr
Ginny/Tom - [info]kaiba
Harry/Ron/Hermione - [info]no_remorse
Harry/Severus - [info]meine_liebe
Hermione/Ron - [info]starstruck786
James/Lily - [info]quidditchcapn
Oliver/Percy - [info]lenagirl42
Remus/Severus - [info]patchedrobes
Remus/Sirius - [info]maybethemoon
Severus/Sirius - [info]maybethemoon

Claiming will be open unti September 12, and then sountracks can be posted starting the 13th of September. Because we're late getting started, 'ship month will run until October 15. Then we'll have a 2 week sign up and prep for the next month topic, and start posting on Halloween :-D
Comments: Read 19 or Add Your Own.

Friday, September 3rd, 2004

Subject:Snape Sings the Blues
Posted by:bucketofribs.
Time:12:23 am.
I've been eyeballing this community for awhile now, and finally decided to get off my behind and contribute. Due to an overwhelming adoration of Severus Snape, I've made the snarky bastard a soundtrack! I don't have the web space or bandwidth to put all these up for download. HOWEVER, I do have a gmail account and can therefore send big files, so if you want any of these, drop me a note (bucketofribs[at]gmail[dot]com) and I'll be happy to oblige! (And if I find server space, I'll be sure and let you all know.)

Snape Sings the Blues, and Other Songs )
Comments: Read 19 or Add Your Own.

Wednesday, September 1st, 2004

Subject:Percy st (finally)
Posted by:lenagirl42.
Time:7:31 am.
Mood: relieved.
Music:all of them!.
This is the latest soundtrack ever, and I'm really sorry. Thanks so much to boniblithe for the server space! They will probably be down by the end of the week and be up again who knows when, so grab them quickly!

14 Songs about Percival Ignatius Weasley )
Comments: Read 21 or Add Your Own.

Monday, August 30th, 2004

Subject:Shameless Begging
Posted by:quidditchcapn.
Time:3:15 pm.
Mood: flirty.
Music:Beginning to See the Light -- The Velvet Underground.
If anybody out there has much love for Lily/James (I've already compiled a soundtrack) and extra server space for September, I'd love you forever.

And I'd give you chocolate. ;)

Any takers?
Comments: Read 5 or Add Your Own.

Subject:it's hard to be a hero, yo.
Posted by:wyoluvr.
Time:1:50 am.
Music:"Blackbird" by The Beatles.
eta: The tracks have now been removed. Thanks for dl-ing!

This was so much fun to make that I'm sad to be finished. If there are any problems with the files or links, please let me know. Right click and save, please. The soundtrack will stay up for two weeks.

This celebrity lifestyle )
Comments: Read 26 or Add Your Own.

Sunday, August 29th, 2004

Subject:I realise this is a terrible question to ask on Aug. 29th but...
Posted by:lenagirl42.
Time:11:34 am.
Mood: hopeful.
...Can anyone lend me some server space until mine gets fixed? Please? I'm really sorry for having to ask, but I thought the server I use would be, you know, not so broken by now. It remains broken though. Just enough space for the 14 mp3s of the Percy Weasley soundtrack. And pretty soon I'll have my own space back...just not by tomorrow :(

Thanks in advance if anyone can.
Comments: Read 4 or Add Your Own.

Friday, August 27th, 2004

Subject:Character month
Posted by:boniblithe.
Time:9:57 pm.
Character month is coming to a close :) I have enjoyed so many of the songs and thoughts posted here about the characters. I hope that some of you enjoyed the Tom Riddle soundtrack - I had a blast making it.

We still have not seen the following soundtracks:

Bellatrix Black, Luna Lovegood, Harry Potter, Lily Evans Potter, James Potter, Severus Snape, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, and Percy Weasley. Let's go folks! If you need server space, don't be too shy to ask.

The sign up post for the 'Ship round is coming. I've just been swamped and I think a lot of you also have been as well - the end of August is way too stressful! Why isn't it nice and relaxing? So unfair!
Comments: Read 16 or Add Your Own.

Saturday, August 7th, 2004

Subject:Lucius Malfoy Soundtrack
Posted by:meine_liebe.
Time:1:05 am.
Mood: excited.
Music:Shangrila - Angela.
This is the first time I did this ^^; let me know if I did okay. The lyrics speak for it self =)

I change the links to alternative host so it should be okay to download now. It's a private server so it's kinda slow

Oh Lucius... you sexy bitch )

I hope the bandwidth can survive though
Comments: Read 27 or Add Your Own.

Friday, August 6th, 2004

Subject:Nymphadora Tonks
Posted by:violet_quill.
Time:5:47 pm.
Wotcher! Here be the
Tonks soundtrack )

This is also a pretty good take on my taste in music. (I tried so, so hard to squeeze some Zeppelin in here and just couldn't manage it.) So you should definitely check out more of their music. (I <3 iTunes Music Store)
Comments: Read 29 or Add Your Own.

Monday, July 19th, 2004

Subject:Pick your poison
Posted by:boniblithe.
Time:9:59 pm.
First note, I've changed us to Hufflepuff colors for a while. Gryffindor had its day :)

The results of the voting are in - for the month of August we will be assigning Character Soundtracks for posting! In order to participate, you can sign up in the comments to this entry. Characters will be listed in the main body of this post as they are claimed.

1) Name the character you wish to post for (if you have the space, time, and inclination, you can do two characters). YOUR SOUNDTRACK MUST BE AT LEAST TWELVE SONGS IN LENGTH.

2) If you want to participate but do not have your own space to upload mp3s, try to hook up with another member who is willing to share bandwidth (check the previous entry poll results). Please make sure you have the ability to upload mp3s before you sign up. Don't sign up if you can't upload mp3s for sharing.

Signups will be open until July 31. Starting August 1 and continuing through August 30, participants will post soundtracks here.

If you can't upload mp3s and participate this month, you can still post your HP-related playlists (song title, artist, link to lyrics, and notes) here at any time.


Black, Bellatrix - claimed by [info]lafemmedarla
Black, Sirius - claimed by [info]maybethemoon - posted!
Finnegan, Seamus - claimed by [info]goldatamera - posted!
Granger, Hermione - claimed by [info]idiotparade - posted!
Longbottom, Neville - claimed by [info]idiotparade - posted!
Lovegood, Luna - claimed by [info]greenet
Lupin, Remus - claimed by [info]maybethemoon - posted!
Malfoy, Lucius - claimed by [info]meine_liebe - posted!
Pettigrew, Peter - claimed by [info]quidditchcapn - posted!
Potter, Harry - claimed by [info]wyoluvr - posted!
Potter (Evans), Lily - claimed by [info]jlh
Potter, James - claimed by [info]jlh
Riddle, Tom - claimed by [info]boniblithe - posted!
Snape, Severus - claimed by [info]uberprep
Thomas, Dean - claimed by [info]goldatamera - posted!
Tonks, Nymphadora - claimed by [info]violet_quill - posted!
Weasley, Ginny - claimed by [info]sanj
Weasley, Percy - claimed by [info]lenagirl42 - posted!
Weasley, Ronald - claimed by [info]strippedhalo - posted!
Comments: Read 34 or Add Your Own.

Thursday, July 15th, 2004

Subject:So, let's get busy.
Posted by:boniblithe.
Time:6:56 pm.
Someone had suggested to me privately that perhaps we should let people volunteer to do soundtracks for certain characters, pairings, books, etc and that maybe that would increase participation here :)

So, I would like to poll the membership. Please give me your thoughts!

Poll #321526 Let's get rolling!
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

I would be willing to volunteer to make a soundtrack for:

View Answers

My favorite character
14 (87.5%) 14 (87.5%)

My favorite ship
14 (87.5%) 14 (87.5%)

My favorite of the 5 HP books - the whole book
3 (18.8%) 3 (18.8%)

My favorite of the HP books - one chapter
1 (6.2%) 1 (6.2%)

My favorite of the HP books - one theme or plotline
7 (43.8%) 7 (43.8%)

Something else I'll suggest in comments
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

I will participate if I can borrow some temporary server space from someone else, for alas, I have none

View Answers

11 (68.8%) 11 (68.8%)

No, I have my own space
5 (31.2%) 5 (31.2%)

I have extra server space and bandwidth that I can loan on a short-term basis for other people's soundtracks

View Answers

Yes I can!
3 (25.0%) 3 (25.0%)

No, sorry!
9 (75.0%) 9 (75.0%)

Poll will stay up until Monday. If there's enough interest, I will open the floor for volunteers and make some assignments, to be posted maybe by the end of August if that works for everybody.
Comments: Read 6 or Add Your Own.

Subject:The Snape Soundtrack
Posted by:lilith_morgana.
Time:6:07 pm.
The Severus Snape Soundtrack

lyrics and comments to lure you over to my side of the board )
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