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Sunday, October 10th, 2004

1:11 am - The Ferret Foul-Up by Zed Adams (NC-17)

Pairing: Harry/Draco
Author on LJ: [info]zed_adams
Author Website: unknown
Why this must be read:

Canon!Draco is not a particularly sympathetic character, it’s true, but he does have his moments. Notably, in Goblet of Fire he is transfigured into a ferret and bounced repeatedly off a stone floor by an unbalanced teacher. Stunned, hurt, and betrayed, he nevertheless reacts to this with dignity and a marked lack of his usual “My father” histrionics.

The fangirls go all gooey, and lo, ferret!Draco fic is widely loved. There are so many wonderful examples of ferret!Draco, I had a tough time deciding, and in fact, I may rec another before the month is over. *g*

The Ferret Foul-Up gives us Harry and Draco both cursed into ferret form, and much romping and tussling and ear sucking ensues before they are discovered. Hilarious and adorable. You will not regret reading this fic!

The Ferret Foul-Up
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Saturday, October 9th, 2004

11:04 pm - The Dance by Jemima (PG)

Pairing: Chakotay/Janeway, Paris/Torres, 7/EMH
Author on LJ: ?
Author Website: Jemima's Chevron
Why this must be read: Because it is lyrical and stately. Because, even though the author bills it as an 'all-Tom-all-the-time' story, it provides real insight into the downtime of the entire crew. Because it's Chakotay/Janeway, and you won't often find me recommending that.

Jemima has caused me a bit of dismay, because I realise that three of the fics I have on my list are written by her. Since I promised myself that I'd only rec each writer once, I had to sit down and think hard about my favourite. The Dance, at least for today, won out.

Written in the form of a letter from Tom Paris to an alien dignitary this fic explores the sequelae of the episode Tsunkatse. It's measured phrases highlight the romanticism without becoming maudlin; and, as I said above, I think that it illustrates the day to day life of the crew.

The Dance
(+ )

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5:50 pm - On Hold by Kevin (NC-17)

Fandom: THE OC
Pairing: Seth/Ryan
Author on LJ: [info]silk_knickers
Author Website: unknown
Why this must be read: So what would happen if Seth realized he was gay and that Ryan needed to take him to a gay bar? Click to find out ;) It’s very humorous and well written and I love it. And so will you!

Ryan tried to look innocent, carefully keeping his face blank. "What was what?"

"Dude, you totally cockblocked me!"

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
On Hold PWP coda

current mood: crazy
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1:44 am - The Prayer That Night by Maystone (PG-13)

Pairing: none
Author on LJ: [info]maystone
Author Website: unknown
Why this must be read:

Maystone has written many wonderful Firefly pieces, but I chose this one because after reading it, the opening scene of "Serenity" has never been quite the same. Set during the last moments of the Battle of Serenity Valley, it's a view of Mal and Zoe through the eyes of someone who feels that he's a lot more mortal than the two of them are. The details, the emotions, and the perceptions are just so real, and the last few lines break my heart every time I re-read them.

The Prayer That Night
(+ )

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Friday, October 8th, 2004

11:01 pm - My Aikani by Susan Anthony (NC17)



Pairing: Obi-Wan/Xanatos

Author on LJ: unknown

Author Website: LdyGossamer's FanFiction Archive

Why this must be read: I absolutely adore this story, as you can tell from my previous rec I have a thing for some off pairings but this might be my favorite. As much as I sometimes have trouble with a little dark Qui-Gon he's not dark in this just following the will of the force as he sees it.

little clip to wet your appetite )

(+ )

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Saturday, October 9th, 2004

1:45 am - Acid Truths by Maisie (R)

Pairing: none
Author on LJ: ?
Author Website:Maisie's Home Page
Why this must be read: Because I like to see my favourite characters in pain, and Tom suffers so beautifully.

Janeway demotes and imprisons Tom during 30 Days, punishments far outweighing the crime in my opinion. I've often wondered how they managed to sustain any kind of working relationship after that. This fic helps explore some of the issues raised - then ignored - in the show.

Acid Truths
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(4 fangirls in the van | Want some candy?)

Friday, October 8th, 2004

7:16 pm - “Absurdly Simple” by Irene Adler (AKA the Plaid Adder) (R)

Pairing: Holmes/Watson; Holmes/OMC
Author on LJ: plaidder
Author Website: The Adder’s Lair
Why this must be read:

“Holmes,” I ejaculated, “is that my revolver in your pocket?”

Yes, the author is the same Plaid Adder who wrote several chapters of the Sith Academy saga, and she makes the transition from “A Long Time Ago, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away” to late-nineteenth-century London without batting an eye. Her account of a particularly problematic case of blackmail incorporates Canonical references, historical facts, and a brilliant joke involving Tennyson’s In Memoriam. She even manages to use the line quoted at the head of this recommendation in a serious context. Watson is, perhaps, a bit more dense than is believable at the beginning of the case, but once he gets—or rather, is led to—a clue he rises to the occasion. This is a lovely story with a great balance of heartache and happiness.

“Absurdly Simple”
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Thursday, October 7th, 2004

7:57 pm - My Own by M. F. Luder (PG-13)

Fandom: THE OC
Pairing: Seth/Ryan
Author on LJ: [info]sdlucly
Author Website: unknown
Why this must be read: This is a future fic where Seth and Ryan are at college together. It’s short and sweet.

Yeah, he had to compete for Ryan.

Until he got Ryan.

My Own

current mood: crazy
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9:35 pm - Hippie Boy by Alexis Gunn (R)

Pairing:  Jim/Blair
Author on LJ: n/a
Author Website: n/a
Why this must be read: I discovered this little gem a few days ago and fell in love with the premise of 'What if Jim had met Blair 20 years before?' This is the perfect take on that. I love the little boy Blair and I love the just stumbling into the Army Jim. These are great characters and this story really shows how much the author gets them. This is just a great read. It is long, so be prepared to have a good sit!!

Hippie Boy by Alexis Gunn

current mood: amused
current music: ER
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6:33 pm - Prepare Your Shoes (Not to Come Home Soon) by gabby silang (PG-13)

Pairing: none (Mal, gen)
Author on LJ: [info]gabby_silang
Author Website: words
Why this must be read:

The canon we have on Mal's background is sparse but intriguing, and [info]gabby_silang presents a series of haunting, lyrical pieces to the puzzle that is Malcolm Reynolds. In turn, Mal is lonesome and loving, furious and content; the complexities of Mal's life, who he has grown up to be, and how he sees himself all shine through in perfect Mal-voice, from beginning to end.

Prepare Your Shoes (Not to Come Home Soon)
(+ )

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6:55 pm - Beekeeper by Uluithiel (up to NC-17)

Fandom: LoTRiPS
Pairing: Dom/Elijah
Author on LJ: [info]uluithiel
Author Website: Website
Why this must be read:

An historical AU set in the 1840's in the US Mid-West (Ohio). Romantic, quite angsty in parts. A brave, mature and wonderful Dom. I liked this story a lot when it was posted as a WIP on lists. Waited for the next part. It didn't disappoint. The author succeeded in keeping the essence of the "characters" and puts them in a universe that's detailed and rich. Still one of my favorite historical Dom/Elijah AU.


Comments always welcome.

Be sure to leave feedback for the author if you enjoyed the story.

current mood: hyper
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11:03 pm - Not Cool by Shay Sheridan (R)

Pairing: Bodie/Doyle
Author on LJ:[info]shayheyred
Author Website: Unknown
Why this must be read

*sigh* A short story that's hot, even though it's really only word foreplay. It's basically just a very real feeling conversation between Bodie and Doyle.The dialogue just sounds like them.I can hear their voices in my head.The snarky banter, the lust, the affection.The whole thing feels like it could have been in an episode of the series, if they had ever decided to write slash. It's set five months after the episode Doyle gets shot and is from Bodie's point of view, as Doyle decides to make his move on him, because life is too short.It's just a wonderful story.Go Read.

Not Cool

current mood: cheerful
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(3 fangirls in the van | Want some candy?)

4:21 pm - Yellow by Nicola (PG)

Fandom: ALIAS
Pairing: Will/Sydney
Author on LJ: [info]iridescentglow
Author's Website: Iridescent Glow
What this must be read: Will is my favorite character on Alias and there aren't many stories that make him more than Syd's lovesick sidekick. The language here is stunning and the layers it gives Will makes me ache.


current music: The Dark of The Matinee - Franz Ferdinand
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11:34 am - Dawn Chorus by Willa Shakespeare (PG-13)

Author on LJ:[info]kerr_avon
Author Website:http://homepage.mac.com/shelobmarian/handmade/b7_index.html
Why this must be read:
Because it's an ace story..and an ace HEX! One characteristic of B7 stories is the amount of gloom and angst strewn in the reader's path. A custom of the Freedom City list is to HEX a story--that is, for a Happy Endings Expediter to re-work the story in a happier frame of mind.

This is a HEX of my previous recommendation, Hafren's Silent Night. It's written from Avon's point of view, MUCH later. In fact, it's what one might call a non-GP: the Worst has been averted at Gauda Prime, but nobody's happy. Willa takes Hafren's organizing metaphor of the thin streak of light, and gives it a new twist (like the sestet of a sonnet) and in just a few words, the mood shifts from melancholy to wry to sweet.

Dawn Chorus
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Tuesday, October 5th, 2004

8:44 pm - "Mirror, Mirror" by Seldear (PG-13)

Hey there! I'm taking another shift behind the wheel for October, peddling Stargate crack to one and all. You may recall that I'm partial to gen stories, particularly action pieces, and this month's first rec is no exception.

Pairing: none
Author's homepage: SG-1;
Author on LJ: [info]seldear

Why this must be read:
The quantum mirror from "There but for the Grace of God" was such a fabulous device for fic-writers, allowing easy access to countless alternate universes, and therefore endless story possibilities. In "Mirror, Mirror," when an alternate Ska'ara stumbles through the mirror, SG-1 has to follow him back through to his universe in order to save him - and their own counterparts. What they encounter is the stuff of some of their worst nightmares, but the more they try to save their other selves, the more they endanger the mission.

Seldear writes taut action scenes that flow like a good episode, and does an excellent job with the alternate SG-1. You hurt for them, because they're still very much the characters you know, but at the same time still distinctly different, products of their own separate history. Like the original Star Trek episode of the same name, "Mirror, Mirror" shows a reflection in a shattered glass.

Mirror, Mirror
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Thursday, October 7th, 2004

12:18 am - Toy Story by Alanna (NC-17)

Pairing:  Jim/Blair
Author on LJ: n/a
Author Website: n/a
Why this must be read: Tonight I'm going with scorchingly hot instead of humor. :) Oh Blair's funny alright, but the sex. Oh my the sex is hot. And did I mention that it's got toys as the title implies, and we have rimming and we have sex. Yes, folks, actual sex. And it's GOOD sex too!!! It's just a hot little porny piece, nice and light and totally in Blair's voice. Alanna has her characterizations down pat and her writing pace is killer. You'll love it, go read!!!

And, don't forget to feed the author!!

Toy Story by Alanna

current mood: satisfied
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Wednesday, October 6th, 2004

11:56 pm - Dante's Prayer by Azar Suerte (PG-13)

Title: Dante's Prayer
Pairing: MSR, Scully/Skinner implied
Author on LJ: [info]azarsuerte
Author website: Probable Impossibilities
Why this must be read:

I'm not a huge fan of Post Colonization stories. I'm definitely not a big fan of MSR stories but Azar took both and crafted a fantastic story from the point of view of Dante Victoria Mulder. The daughter of Mulder & Scully. She shows us a potential view of a post Colonization world which is both interesting, heart breaking, alien and all too familiar. Dante has no knowledge of who her parents were Before but what she knows she learns through the eyes of her caretaker...a familiar face to us all calling himself by a new name.

It really is one of the best X-Files stories Azar ever produced and not one to be missed at all.

Dante's Prayer

current mood: accomplished
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9:32 pm - Standing Still by chelle (NC17)

Pairing: Duncan/Methos
Author on LJ: [info]mmmchelle
Author Website: Chelle's Nightstand
Why this must be read: For me, this story is like the literary equivalent of slow dancing in the dark. It's achingly beautiful, poignant, and romantic. Lovely dialog, and a slow, sweet build up to emotional, erotic sex. This one makes for sweet dreams.

here be a snippet )

Standing Still

current mood: touched
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(6 fangirls in the van | Want some candy?)

7:51 pm - Seven Stories About Dan Rydell, Four Of Which Are True, by Violet and Cinnamon (R)

Pairing: Dan/Casey, Dan/f, Dan/Rebecca
Author on LJ: Violet (or Luna, as she might be known to you) is at [info]tangleofthorns. Cinnamon is at [info]circusgirl
Author Website: http://www.sparkgirls.com/
Why this must be read:

I'm a big sucker for x-number-of-things stories anyway, but this one is just fabulous. It's got the interesting glimpses at stuff that could have happened, as well as a whole load of wonderful Dan characterisation. Plus, y'know, it's Sports Night, which equals snark and coolness, and even better it's Sports Night written by two of the most talented people I can think of, which means there's writing good enough to make a grown man cry, too. Missing out on this would be a real shame.

Seven Stories About Dan Rydell, Four Of Which Are True
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(4 fangirls in the van | Want some candy?)

4:36 pm - Heat by Lora [Rated NC-17]

Fandom: Oz
Pairing: Beecher/Keller
Author on LJ: No
Author Website: None
Why this must be read:

Because it's one of the best AU Oz fics produced. On a very personal note, it was the fic that sold me on the idea of Oz AUs, demonstrating how the complexity of the characters can be maintained in a setting far away from the prison walls of Oswald. The core of the fic is the B/K relationship, but the author doesn't skimp on other characters, painting a very appealing portrait of Shirley Bellinger, and a poignant one of Mama Rebadow. Even the cat from hell, Chester, comes fully alive for us. As does the town itself, right down to the dry, summer heat.

Sadly, the author is no longer active in Oz fandom, but with this fic and the too scant handful of others, she provided some wonderful reading pleasure.

a sample of what you will find )

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