The Wayback Machine -
Want to meet people in real life from around your area to discuss this interest? Check out the International LJ'ers Meetup Day! (more info)
Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "livejournal".
412 matches:
11thstreetpimp - Pimp
151 - Community 151
18friends - got tired of the teenyboppers
1cons - Icons
575 - Young Americans Terrorist Organization of 575
_evry3secposter - LJReliant
_teenyboppers - _teenyboppers
_the_shit_ - _the_shit_
a_perfect_trade - trade with us!!
abuse_club - Rip Me To Shreds... please?
acidrose - Acid Rose
acronym_ania - Acronym Mania
add_me - meet a new friend
addicted_to_lj - LiveJournal addicts
addix - All your interests are belong to us!!
addme25_and_up - An older meeting place
admin_console - Admin Console for Dummies
adopt_me - Homeless Icons
adoptalayout - Adopt A Layout
adversaria_lj - Adversaria - Classic Mac OS LJ client community
adviseandhelp - Ask Anything!!!
afreelansing - A Free Lansing, Where Eyenot doesn't rule
all_else_nifty - All Else Nifty
alternate_books - the alternative notebooks
aniiconrequest - Anime Iconist
animeicons - Anime Icons
annoyingjournal - Annoying Journal
anon_anonymous - Anonymous Anonymous!
anti_cut - we hate the lj-cut tag
anti_marilyn - Anti-Marilyn community
anti_quiz - freedomx
antiblog - antiblog
antisauce - Anti-Sauce
anythingatall - Anything At All
aodramatics - aodramatics
aolfriends - AOL Instant Messenger Friends
aorants - w t f ? !
aowhores - butteRflies
asam - Asian Americans
asklj - LiveJournal questions
askme - Ask me anything
avrilfoxxy - Avril
awalktoremember - a walk to remember
azunderground - Arizona Underground
b0red - Are you b0red? We are too, so join us! =P
badmods - when moderators go bad
bandicons - band junkies
barbiegirls - b a r b i e g i r l s
bayareateens - bay area teens
bellevue_people - Residents of East King County
bestoflj - Best of Livejournal
beyond_fucklist - Beyond Fucklist
beyondblonde - .::Beyond Blonde::.
beztjournals - The Most Attractive Journal
bibliographic - The Bibliographic Community
bifriends - Bisexual Friends
blackangelx - The Fat Lady Sang
bml - BML Discussion Community
bolt_regs - Bolt-to-LJ Groupies
bookproject - The LiveJournal Book Project
bootsandbraces - Another Community About Everything!
brian_molko - The Cult Of Brian Molko
brite_kangea - Kangea
burning_man - LiveJournal Camp @ Burning Man
candkfanclub - Claire and Kelly
capricornarama - LiveJournal Capricorns
capstoneproject - Joe and Parker's capstone journal
care_packages - Care Packages
castlegrayskull - Castle Grayskull - Fortress of Mystery and Power
chatterboxes - Chat All Day, Chat All Night
chicagoljbash - LJers Invading Chicagoland
childfree - Childfree Community
choctaw_high - Choctaw High School
circlejerk - Circle Jerk
coffeegroup - Eta Beta Pi
comm_directory - Community Directory
comm_news - LiveJournal Community News
comm_news_biz - LiveJournal Community News : Business Section
comm_news_com - LiveJournal Community News : Communities Section
comm_news_dev - LiveJournal Community News : Development
comm_news_ent - LiveJournal Community News : Arts & Entertainment
comm_news_life - LiveJournal Community News : Lifestyles Section
comm_news_subs - LiveJournal Community News Submissions
comment_whores - _needy attention whores_
commentsluts - Comment Sluts
commentwhores - Comment Whores
community_promo - LJ Community Promotions
community_quest - The Quest for Communities
communitywhore - Community for Community Whores
congratulations - Give us good news!
copingwithlupus - lupus and lupus-related illnesses
crazboutcha - Crazy bout Iconz
creative_minds - [Creative Minds]
creativeart - creativeart
creativephoto - creativephoto
creativewriting - creativewriting
crinos_pit - Big Crinos
cruelirony - sabrina . jaime . bffl
ct_lj_meetup - Connecticut LiveJournal MeetUp
d0rkgirl - D 0 R K G i R L
dead_fish - sushi community
dedication - = I'll remind you of who I am. =
dezire_krew - *.·Ðèsìrè Krëw·.*
digitalgraphics - Lexx
diy_promo - DIY Community Promotion
djodorks - the DJO Dorks and their super-dorky Friends
dmbirc - EFnet's DMB
dorks_n_doofs - you just don't like us cuz we're better than you
dorksrus - dorksRus
downeyca - D o w n e y
dramafreedykes - Drama Free Dykes
drpepperfreak - Wouldn't You Like to be A Pepper, Too?
drummajors - Drum Majors or the should-be's
drunken_masters - Pink Eloquence On Parade!
earlyadopters - livejournal early adopters
eastcoastbash - East Coast LJ Party
embedding - Embedding Community
empty_inbox - support group for the e-unpopular
etiquette_lj - LJ Etiquette
evil_inc - Evil, Incorporated
faeries - Faeries
fakers - Fake Usernames
featured - LiveJournal User Of The Day
fight_club_lj - Fight Club LJ
fishtank - Fishtank Observations
fom - friends of macheïde
free_society - Random Utopiad
freemembers - Free members
friends - My Friend
g0ssip - let's talk turkey
gainesville - Gainesville, FL
geeksunite - geeks unite!
generalawards - The General LiveJournal Awards
genevacollege - We can dance if we want to!
get2know - Polls for everyone to take part
get_friends - Get Friends!
gianghu - the notorious giang hu
girlshavefun - GirlsHaveFun
glitterjournal - GlitterJournal
glitterxrock - :::gLiTtErxRoCk:::
good_taste - ~#*SHiNE*#~
goppeldanger - GoppelDanger
gothicons - Gothic - iconz
graphic_whores - Image Whores
guide - Guide
hacker_bitches - The Genocide Cap Bustin' Hacker Bitches
hbdlj - Livejournal Birthday Reminder
helpscreening - LiveJournal Help Screening
hiddendesires - Hidden Desire
howdoesitgo - how does that song go again?
howdoi - How do I ...?
html - HTML
htmlhelp - HTML Help
hump_x_three - hump times three!
icon_heaven - Icon Heaven
icon_whores - icon whores
iconaddicts - Icon Addicts: Journal Jewelry
icondesigners - aNGeLa
iconed - [ iconed ]
icongallery - The Place To Share Icons
iconrequests - you want icons? request them! (icon requests)
iconsforlj - **Icons for LJ**
iconsschmicons - IconsSchmicons
icqfriends - ICQ Friends
ihatejournals - I Hate Journals - Journal "Reviews"
ihave - Have you ever... I HAVE!
ihearticons - I ♥ ICONS
iloveamber - People Who Love Amber
insaneramblings - Insanity Addicts
internet_love - Internet Relationship
internet_whores - Internet Whores
internetcancer - dth to the intrnet
intewresting - Intewresting
irc_lj - #livejournal on IRCnet
iwantfriends - I Want Friends
jiggypiggy - Lia & Hannah's Wonderful World of Madness
jmusicicons - Japanese Music Artists Icons
journal_meme - LiveJournal Meme Repository
journal_ratingz - journal_ratingz
journals_ltd - The live journal reviewers commitee
journalwhores - Journal Whores
karaokediva - Karaoke Diva
katyland - Katy
keeg - geek
keepupdating - Lj Update
kindapretty - Kinda Pretty People
kittendesigns - Kitten Designs
korean - The Korean Community
kylethemansheep - Kyle The Man-Sheep
laljbash - Los Angeles LJ Bash
lasvegas - Las Vegas Community
layout_help - Layout Help
layout_losers - background help!
lifespeed - LifeSpeed Client Area
little_lounge - c o m m o o n i t y
livelizard - Livelizard
liz_fan_club - Liz Appreciation Society
lj_art - LiveJournal's art gallery
lj_audit - LiveJournal Code Audit
lj_biz - LiveJournal Business Discussion
lj_dansk - LJ på dansk | LJ in Danish
lj_design - LiveJournal Design
lj_deutsch - LJ auf Deutsch
lj_islensku - LJ á íslensku
lj_italian - lj italian translation
lj_manage - LiveJournal Volunteer Management Community
lj_newsletter - LiveJournal Monthly Newsletter
lj_nifty - LiveJournal Niftiness
lj_norsk - LiveJournal på Norsk | LJ in Norwegian
lj_nynorsk - LiveJournal på nynorsk | LJ in Norwegian
lj_perl - Perl LiveJournal Development
lj_portugues - Versão em Português do LiveJournal
lj_russian - Russian LJ Translation Team
lj_style - LJ Style Discussion
lj_suomi - LJ Finnish translation team
lj_support - LiveJournal Support Community
lj_sysdoc - LiveJournal Documentation Project
lj_textmessage - LiveJournal Text Messaging Support
lj_userdoc - LiveJournal User Documentation
ljanonymous - live journal anonymous
ljawards - LiveJournal Awards
ljbackgrounds - LJ Backgrounds
ljbaseball - The LiveJournal Baseball League
ljbestfriends - LJ Best Friends
ljbronzers - LJ Bronzers
ljcomics - LiveJournal Comic Strip Gathering
ljcommune - livejournal commune
ljcouples - LJ Couples
ljcut - lj-cut
ljdesign - The New Livejournal UI
ljdisjointed - The Disjointed Style
ljdorks - lj dorks
ljdotnet - SharpJournal
ljers - LJers
ljers4eternity - LJ Remembers...
ljfbl - Livejournal Fantasy Baseball League
ljfunnies - LiveJournal Funnies
ljgeeks - The Geeks and Freaks of LJ
ljicons - lj_icons
ljizzilla - Livelizard
ljmeetuplondon - LJ Meetup London
ljmorons - morons :]<3
ljrandomness - A community about random stuff
ljreview - Journals worth reading - Livejournal reviews
ljtranslators - LiveJournal Translator talent pool
ljtrl - Livejournal Carson
ljwhores - live journal whores
logjam - LogJam
lollipop_tree - The Litter
losers_of_lj - People who love LJ that much...
losers_unite - the loser revolution
loveforever - Ben And Halie
lovelivejournal - Love That LiveJournal
lucid_remnants - Lucid Remnants
lurkaholics - Lurkaholics' Community
luvmonkeys_r_us - Lovemonkeys R Us
madnanowrimo - Madison, Wi NaNoWriMo Survival Group
maintainer - Community Leaders
maintainers - Community Maintainers
make0vers - LiveJournal Make0vers
marytwins - Mary Twins
matgags - The Middle-Aged Teenage Girl-Acting Guys Society
mbpcelebicons - Must Be Pop Celebrity Icons
megazone - MegaZone
menhaters - Scorned by Men
metajournal - MetaJournal
mft_icons - moffatt icons
microjunk - Microjunk
mikeisverycool - Michael "cool" Sherman
minanfionainc - Mina and Fiona, Incorporated
mindgarden - Mind Garden
monchat - The Lovers
monkeytown - Monkeytown
moocanada - Moo Canada
morbid_michigan - Outsiders
moreawards - More of those LJ Awards
morganfans - Morgan Fans
msnfriends - MSN Messenger Friends
my_lj_crush - you like me, you really like me!
ndsj - Catholic Cult
nenavizhu - Не-на-ви-жу!!!
net_addicts - anyone who is an addict
newbies - The Newbie Lounge
newfriends - A Place to Meet New Friends
newpaltzjunkies - We Love New Paltz!!!
nola_lj_meetup - info on new orleans lj meetups
nomoreljdrama - No More Livejournal Drama
northtx_lj_meet - North Texas Lj
obsessive_icons - .[Obsessive_Icons].
odiots - LiveJournal ODiots
ohioans - Birthplace of Aviation
ohyeahbaby - Oh YEAH baby!
ol_lj_client - Off Line Live Journal Client
onegoodthing - One Good Thing
onemorenyte - wishing for one more night
operationcreate - operationcreate
orangetinted - Everything looks better under orange tinted lights
ourfriends - Our Friends
outcastpix - punk, goth, freak, nerds, dorks, pic hoes
outernet - The Outernet
over_18yrs - Over 18yrs - Add me Community
pandoras_secret - Icon Makers Secret Stashes!
partyhardy - LJ PARTAY
peasncarrots - Peas and Carrots
perfecthell - brokenxhearts
pet_pix - pet pictures!!
photothemes - PhotoThemes
pinkstarbursts - are y0u my friend?
pleaseshutup - Please, just stop updating..
pocketlj - PocketLJ
poll_fever - Poll Fever
polska - Polska
promo_friends - Promo Friends
qtpi - QTPi
quotables - Quotable Quotes
quotes - QUOTES
raisingirls - Raisin Girls
random_ness - 325ter gdfhtrweqgtfddg gfdfssg f
random_posts - r a n d o m posts
randombutuseful - Random But Useful
randomthought - Random Thoughts
rank_my_journal - Tournament of Journals
reality_review - Reviews... Un-edited
renderinganthem - Extreem Christianity
review_you - We'll Review your LJ
reviewme - Livejournal Reviews
rochebellois - rochebellois
rock_icons - ROCK iCONS
rocketfly - minesweeper addicts
rogue_rawks - rogue lovin'
roystestcomm - roy's test community
ru_another_faq - Another Russian FAQ Changelog
rulj - Community of rulj
sacramento - Sacramento Journallers
santabarbara - Santa Barbarians
scaryminds - Scary Minds
scheisstag - heute ist ein ganz beschissen blöder tag
sdgeeks - proud to be geeky
seattlef2f - Seattle Face-to-Face
seattleljbash - Seattle LiveJournal Bash
sema_supporters - Semagic Supporters
sfbayarea - San Francisco Bay Area LJ'ers!
sfljbash - San Francisco LJ Bash
sfranonymous - the sexy people of #sf-raves
shockwaveflash - flash animations
simlinks - Sim Download Links
skittlez69 - skittlez69
slackerville - LSMSA United
slash_this - trading
software - Software
sonh - Southern New Hampshire LiveJournalists
spfld_meetup - Springfield, Mo. Meetup
spokanefun - SpokaneFun
sputnik_zhzh - Спутник ЖЖиста
starjunks - !! the four infamous hoez !!
starzie - starzie (mysticgal)
storytelling - storytelling
stupidsurveys - Junk pile!
stylehelp - Style Helper
suggestions - Suggestions Box
superfreaks - Quiz Obsessed Freaks
support_general - Support Category General/Unknown
support_upi - Support Category UPI
support_web - Web-UI Support Team
supportlounge - The Support Lounge: Brought to you by Pika!
sutm - SU
swansongs - #swansongs
tbay_grrls - Grrls
techgirls - Females in Computing
test_time - Test Time
tgljth - The Great LiveJournal Treasure Hunt
the_living - suicide underground
the_lj_losers - the.livejournal.losers
the_swap_meat - we are the unfashionably online.
thegahmovement - The Gah-Movement
thenotebooks - The floating notebooks...
thenovaproject - Nova Alternative High School
thepinkladies - The Pink Ladies
thinktank - The Think Tank
thoughtpool - LiveJournal Thought Pool
timeforpizza - time for pizza
timhortons - Tim Hortons
toronto_bash - Toronto LJ Meetup/Bash
tradename - Trade Name
true_dreamers - __dream
trufflesnuffler - here I am locking horns with the stallion
ucf - UCF Students taking over the world
un_verbal - un verbal
undigitalised - Undigitalised
userfight - lj userfight
userpics - LiveJournal Userpics Team
vent_hatred - Vent your anger
vhemt - The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
vickyandkara - Vix & Kix
virtucomm - discussion of virtual/online communities
volkswagging - Anti-Beet Extract Crusaders
wakeupcalls - The Front Desk
waplj - WAPLJ
webcam_addicts - webcam ADDiCTS !
weinertaco - What's for dinner, Anne?!?
winnipeganime - The Winnipeg Anime LJ Community
wiscljbash - Wisconsin LJ Bash
world_of_sarahs - Sarah's of the World
wrestleicons - LJ Wrestling Goodies
writingstuff - Writing Stuff
xaftermidnightx - Love me for who I am.
xfuck_you - FUCK YUO!!11@@
yahoofriends - Yahoo Messenger Friends
yellosubmarine - The Yellow Submarine
yogaclass4catz - * T * K * C *
zelus - The Voice of Envy
Interested users
The following users are interested in livejournal. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
459 matches: