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[Feb. 23rd, 2005|05:52 pm]
[Current Mood |amused]
[Current Music |Eddie Izzard]

I've gotten a lot of them so far, but 4, 6, 14, 16, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 34, 35 and 36 evade me. (I know that 38 is Bomberman, but it won't take it!)

Any ideas?

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[Feb. 1st, 2005|04:54 pm]
[Current Mood |amused]


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[Feb. 1st, 2005|02:04 pm]
[Current Mood |want]

This is utterly geek-tastic awesome. Want.

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[Jan. 29th, 2005|04:40 pm]
[Current Mood | amused]
[Current Music |Hey Ya! - OutKast]

Mmm, tiny Pacman!

I think you might want to bring down your screen resolution for this one. Or Cmd-Option-+ for Mac users..

The rest of the icons promised will be appearing sometime soon.

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[Jan. 11th, 2005|05:08 pm]
[Current Mood |amused]

I have way too many MWSF Keynote related windows open right now.

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Happy New Year! [Jan. 1st, 2005|01:51 am]
[Current Mood | happy]

Just got back from being out at the Hogmanay Bash in Aberdeen's Union Street.. bumped into a whole bunch of people I knew.. it was great fun!

Happy New Year to you all!

P.S. To you lot in the US, 2004 is soooo passé...

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[Dec. 29th, 2004|12:58 am]
[Current Mood | tired]

I wonder if this post will appear.

My Christmas greetings post disappeared, so, um, I hope you're all having a good Christmas-type-time.

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[Dec. 12th, 2004|01:06 pm]
[Current Mood | amused]
[Current Music |Weird Al Yankovic - Angry White Boy Polka]

This flash cartoon is quite amusing.

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[Dec. 10th, 2004|02:03 pm]
[Current Mood |working]
[Current Music |8 Mile Soundtrack]

Thanks, [info]alierak, although your challenge was indeed beyond me. :)

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[Dec. 9th, 2004|07:42 pm]
[Current Mood |tired]

[info]shineyquarter, I got yours too, thank you. :)

My rough draft document is finished now, so I am going home. I think I'll be having stirfry for dinner, and may end up playing some more KOTOR.

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Models, additional [Dec. 9th, 2004|06:16 pm]
[Current Mood |working]
[Current Music |Paola - Fine Without You]

[info]weaktwos and [info]graphxgrrl, I figured out the values for your models, thank you! :)

If anyone feels like giving me a real challenge, do the following:

Take either tank.model or tank_sqrt.model, change the parameter value, then save it as yourname.model and send it to me.

This will let me see if I can figure out the type of model, as well as doing estimation.


In other news:

Line State: Enabled
Speed (Kbit/sec): 288 up, 2272 down

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Help Required [Dec. 9th, 2004|04:34 pm]
[Current Mood | working]

I would appreciate some help with something I am working on at university.

This zip file contains two files, with models that I have been working on.

What I would like you to do is:

1. Open the ZIP file and look at tank.model
2. The part where it says:

process outflow_height{unknown,fix};
equations outflow = 2 * height;

Please replace the number 2 with a value between 1 and 10 (floating point, to one decimal place, e.g. 3.2) and save the file.

3. Open tank_sqrt.model
4. The part where it says:
process outflow_height{unknown,fix};
equations outflow = 2 * exp(0.5 * logn(height));

Replace the number 2 with a value between 1 and 10 and save the file.

5. Zip the two files up again and send them to me at my email address.

I can't do this myself, because I don't want to know what the numbers were to begin with.

Thank you for your help in advance.
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Interesting News [Dec. 2nd, 2004|09:32 pm]
[Current Mood | impressed]

Guess who just joined our project group?

Tim Berners-Lee.

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Bits and Pieces [Nov. 29th, 2004|03:33 pm]
[Current Mood |awake]
[Current Music |Eminem - Encore]

I have a new icon. I might use it with topical news type stuff, but then, I might just be lazy as usual..

I had a nice lunch with [info]ylla on Sunday. :)

Eclipse, my ISP, are about to start offering Flex 2000 as an option for broadband, meaning I can bump my connection up to ~240k/sec when I need to download things quickly.

I am currently procrastinating. Imagine that..

I have Tai Chi for the first time this evening. The stuff I've done in the past has been good, so I'm quite looking forward to it.

I have Bomberman for my phone.

I managed to resist buying computer game stuff yesterday despite wandering about and finding all kinds of interesting things, including SOCOM for about £15 (with headset). I'd really quite like to try an online multiplayer game with voice communication.

Now I ought to try to do some work. Really.

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[Nov. 27th, 2004|10:02 pm]
[Current Mood | sore]
[Current Music |BBC 7]

Ugh. I ache. I think I'm going to lay down in bed and not move for a while.

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[Nov. 27th, 2004|04:19 pm]
[Current Mood | good]
[Current Music |Deeprhythms 41 - Flight 19 - 12102004]

The last few days have been reasonably busy. I've had a demonstration on Thursday (and another on Monday), Ju-jitsu last night (I am very sore today), and some other things. Today has been quieter, I'll probably watch a film or something later on. The washing machine, which had been vibrating itself about three feet to the left, seems to have calmed down a little bit.

I will be doing Ju-jitsu on Wednesdays and Fridays, and I'm going to try the Tai Chi club on Monday nights. We'll see how it all works out.

For now, I hang up laundry and watch the last episode of Enterprise, then perhaps some Zelda before I head to the movies. :)

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[Nov. 22nd, 2004|11:49 pm]
[Current Mood | good]

Today's accomplishments:

  • Woke up early to help set up a demonstration for the Systems Biology group within Aberdeen University. Discovered that the laptop I needed to do the demo was in the locked possession of someone who hadn't arrived yet. Thankfully it arrived in time.
  • Read some more about LAGRAMGE, one of the modelling systems I am looking at as part of my work. Attempting to decode the mathematics of the models they provide as examples.
  • Came home and cooked dinner, a chicken with garlic, potatoes and roasted vegetables. Ate with Graham and played Mario Kart.
  • Played some Zelda: Minish Cap - it's been fun so far.
And now, bed, I think.
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[Nov. 22nd, 2004|12:12 am]
[Current Mood | tired]

Today was lazy again. I went shopping, I went to see The Manchurian Candidate, which was okay, and then after I came back I watched TV, getting sucked into a documentary on BBC Four, To Mars by A-Bomb.

And now sleep.

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[Nov. 20th, 2004|07:36 pm]
[Current Mood | lazy]
[Current Music |BBC Three - Star Trek V: The Final Frontier]

Today has been a supremely lazy day.

I think I need to brave the washing machine. It's been out of commission for a while, as the door hinge broke at some stage during redoing the kitchen. The only problem is that the last time I used it, it vibrated itself a full four feet to the right, ending up with it hiding behind the fridge. So I think I need to keep an eye on it.

And while I do that, I think I shall watch the lameness that is Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. Then new Enterprise, which has about, hmm, 1.5 hours to go on downloading.

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The End of the World!!!!!! [Nov. 20th, 2004|02:48 am]
[Current Mood | amused]
[Current Music |Taking It Like A Man - No-Man]

And in other news, I thought scaring the shit out of schoolkids was a lost art. Guess not. :)

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