latley, i've been thinking about spirituality and religion. I know, it's so unlike me. I've come to the conclusion that I am a very spiritual person. I want to believe in something greater than myself, and I respect other people who do so.
No. my faithful readers, I have not found Jesus, nor do I think I ever will. I've just been thinking a lot about religion. Although I don't like orgnaized religion the idea of faith is a very important one. It isn't about having faith in a story or in the divinity of a man who died thousands of years ago. It's about having faith in yourself and the people around you, and seeing the beauty of creation. (Now, I don't mean creationist thought, but creation in the sense of molecules, and the wonders of life.)
I don't think any religion can fully capture this without the corruption of it by people. I think that faith and religion and the idea of God is within each of us and it is for each of us to flog, ignore, use, pray, worship for ourselves.
I've always thought of religion as a crutch used by the weak, and used as an excuse by the strong. The more I thought about it though the more I thought about the idea of self awareness and when people pray for something, or for some strength they are asking for some part of themselves that is already there, it just needs to be utilized. When they say, "dear God let me get through this," they are really saying "I really just need to get through this." In a sense God is your ideal self. He is what you want to be, a perfect image to be strived for.
I simply can't see anything wrong with this. In fact, I think it's quite useful. To have faith in God, is to have faith in oneself.
I am pretty sure this is blasphemy. But I actually don't know what is blasphemy... I suppose that's why orgnaized religion and I don't get along...
UPDATE: I have just been informed this is blasphemy, but couldn;t tell me why... Can anyone tell me why?
Current Mood: thoughtful
Current Music: a perfect circle "mer de noms"