Monday, June 14th, 2004
1:30 pm
*sigh* long morning.. little sleep.. I'm pooped. but, alas, I must be on my way out again in 10-15 minutes to sub at lafayette.. should be interesting. this week should be fun, but of course work, too. I can't wait until next week when camp actually starts and I get to meet all of the kids and parents and whatnot. :) it's gonna be awwwwwesome.
8:16 am
ah, yes. finally, my summer starts TODAY. training in less than an hour.. yay! I can't wait to meet all of my new co-workers. I know a couple of them already, but most of them I haven't met yet. and I think I'm going to miss the L.I.T training. :( which is pooie because I really wanted to meet all of the L.I.Ts! *sniff sniff* oh well..
I was considering asking mom and/or dad to take me to get some breakfast, but oh well. I probably don't really need it. however, I could use some coffee, so I better hop to that.
| Friday, June 11th, 2004
11:27 am
yay! work starts next week! :) I'm so excited! okay, it isn't exactly work; it's training for work. still, it's something to do. and actually, it will take up more of my time than the week after's work! woot woot! also, on Monday I'm subbing at umm. god, I can spell the name of that school. Laffette? something like that. whatever, I know where the school is, I know how to pronounce it's name, so.. I'm all set. I've already met a couple of people that I'm working with in the mornings at the Ryan, but they seem a little strange.. not to be rude. I'm just used to familiarity. after all, all three summers that I volunteered there, there were at least two or three people there that had worked the summer before. so, I pretty much always knew my co-workers. but this year.. everyone is different! poor Ashley.. must adapt to the changes. it won't be so bad, though. I feel pretty social, I can take it on. this year I'm determined to show Donna that I am truly capable of being a full fledged leader, and not just a L.I.T tadpole. I know she has confidence in me, but I want to make sure I do my best. and you know, there's something about knowing CPR/First Aid that is very empowering. lol. :D
so, I've almost made it through my lazy time. it's funny how when I have nothing to do I get really antsy and sometimes even a little depressed, but when I'm busy I sometimes get tired of it quickly. I haven't ever really been like that will camp, but we'll see. I don't think I've ever really looked at summer camp as an actual job before. it's just fun. :) I know it will be more work this year, but still. I have a feeling this year is going to be awesome. :) eeeee! I can't wait!
and I can't wait to see Addie as an L.I.T. :) I'm so happy for her! *sniff snif* I love it. this year we have, I think, 7 L.I.Ts! that's more than double how many we've had since I started volunteering there! Donna keeps saying I paved the path, but whatever.. it's so cool, though. I'm glad that more kids are taking an interest in volunteering their time. it's rad. I know first hand how rewarding it is. it's an awesome experience, and it helps prepare you for an actual job. and the work environment at the Ryan Center is just generally a good one. I hope everyone has fun this summer, and I can't wait to meet all of the new leaders and L.I.Ts. :) yay!
| Wednesday, June 9th, 2004
3:26 pm - Rooney - I'm Shakin'
I've forgotten what it feels like to feel normal To be normal And I've forgotten what food tastes like The way it tastes right The taste buds taste right Well I wake up in so much spit and sweat It is not normal What is normal I go to bed When I wake up After cleaning all All the spit and sweat Now I'm now I'm sh sh shakin' sh shakin' I'm Sh sh shakin' sh shakin' now
I tossed and turned all night Cause I, cause I was looking for, for an ending This was so because, because I watched all day The "Neverending story" with Atreyu The next day came but not a beam of light Because the blinds were shut sh sh sh shut so tight I fell out of bed laced in spit and sweat It made me very cold Now I'm now I'm sh sh shakin' sh shakin' I'm sh sh shakin' sh shakin' now
I'm supposed to feel better This nightmare supposed to end I am holding on I'm shakin' now
| Monday, June 7th, 2004
11:12 am
ha ha. I woke up to quite an amusing livejournal day. :) I am pleased. thank you all for entertaining me so.
isn't Martin rad? ;)
| Saturday, June 5th, 2004
5:59 pm
Martin needs to write in his journal. RIGHT NOW. *mwah*
3:07 pm
well everyone, I am now officially CPR/First Aid certified. so, if you're ever choking, unconscious, not breathing, injured with exteme bleeding or broken bones and I'm near by then I can assist you and nurse you back to health! well, with CPR it's just to keep you alive.. the people who really bring you back in that case are the perimedics. :) also, if your child or baby is choking (or any of the above) then I could also help them. wow. I rock.
| Wednesday, June 2nd, 2004
9:03 pm
no one's writing in their journals! poo. it's soooooooooo boring! people, write some interesting stuff for me to read....
| Monday, May 31st, 2004
9:20 am
ah. I am home. home sweet home. my bed wasn't made, but oh wel. I made it. :) I watched Sailor Moon live action with Cou and Addie last night a little while after I got here. I was tired, though, and didn't much feel like hanging out like I thought I would.. I just chilled for a few hours then went to bed. I had a little trouble sleeping, but it was no big deal. I woke up at 7:30, as if I were still at El's or something, and couldn't fall back asleep. poo. so, I'm awake, and no one is up and around. err.. how boring. so, I have nothing to do ALREADY! oh well.. perhaps the day will pick up. :-\
| Friday, May 28th, 2004
5:23 pm
*sigh* feeling a little home sick. :) I love it down here, but I miss being home.. I miss my TV! ... and my sisters. :) I also miss sleeping in, listening to music on my computer, playing solitaire spider, eating randomly, seeing my sisters, calling my friends, etc.. etc.. I can't wait to be home. I'm sure no one can understand this, but I really do want to be back in E-town where the weather is unpredictable and the likeliness of having an 80 degree summer is slim.. I like 70ish.
I've been pretty much reading non-stop when El is at work.. I finished three out of five of the princess diaries books. now I'm a tad headachy because I've been reading here for awhile (I'm at the boys and girls club) and it's sort of loud so.. bad combonation. Eleanor and I are going out to Sushi in a little while, then I hope to just relax for the rest of the evening. tonight's my last night, and then I'm heading back home. hope everyone's ready for me! >:-) mwa ha ha.
| Tuesday, May 25th, 2004
4:56 pm
goodness. the kids at the Boys and Girls club are CRAZY! ;) then again, I think they think I'M crazy.. :) this place is nothing like the Ryan Center. they have no sense of respect or kindness at all. it's saddening.. I feel like crying. ;) some of the kids are way awesome, though. well, they're all awesome, just a little misled. but, no fear, I shall set them straight. I think Eleanor needs to be more firm. ;)
I feel happy. I want to do something REALLY nice. like.. give someone money or a gift or help someone out. something like that.. I dunno.. Eleanor and I are going to go buy some oriental bowls and gems so I can do that thing from Stargirl. what you do is you put the gems into a bowl to measuren your happiness level. say you're REALLY happy, then you could but all the gems into the bowl; or if you're really sad, then you could put only a few. :) I can't wait.. I'm so excited!
we're also going to go to Trader Joe's and buy some stuff.. we might also go skating and out to Sushi with El's room mate and her friends. we're just so busy, busy, busy! :) I'm having fun. miss you all! XOXOXO!
current mood: giddy
| Monday, May 24th, 2004
2:39 pm
Santa Barbera is awesome. on Sunday El and I went to the beach and hung out. first we tried to increase our volleyball skills, which I believe I failed at more so than Eleanor. then we attempted to build a "sand bakery," which kind of failed, but it was fun. we also played in the waves and jumped over all the high ones. :) we ignored Anthony (who was playing volleyball with his friends) and didn't say anything to him until we left, at which time I still don't think we really spoke to him. ;) now, I'm at the boys and girls club and the kids here are cerrrrazy! :) but, amusing.
oh, and we also hung out with Martin last night. he is rad. we went out to coffee, and we were going to go to the beach but I ran out of tissues and I REALLY had to go to the bathroom! ;)
so, this far my trip has been fun (but I'm still really worn out) and I'm happy to be here. I might write tomorrow, but if not.. I miss everyone at home, and I hope you're all behaving yourselves. ;)
| Friday, May 21st, 2004
1:14 pm
well, I'm packed and ready for Santa Barbera. El, I hope you don't mind that I have three bags packed. :D! .. I pretty much packed my whole life with me.. you'd think I was staying forever! see-ya tomorrow. ;)
also, can't wait to see Claire, too. :) I'll see you both soon. :)
| Thursday, May 20th, 2004
10:36 am - I just took my voice final with a sore throat and stuffy nose. whoopie!
schools out for the summer! celebrate good times, come on!
| Monday, May 17th, 2004
5:14 pm - Fall 04' Class Schedule
M/W - Sociology 1 from 3:30-4:55 = 3 units, Math 120 from 5:00-6:05 = 4 units
T/Th - Jazz Dance from 9:30-10:55 = 1 unit, Ballet from 11:00-12:25 = 1 unit, English 1A from 12:30-1:55 = 3 units, Math 120 from 5:00-6:05
F - Work.
Units Total = 12
| Saturday, May 15th, 2004
12:50 pm - Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me
:) 17.. I'm approachin' the hill, man!
I re-painted my nails just now, and they look awful. :) I look hippi-ish. my nails looks funny, I'm wearing one of those hawiian type anklet thingys. lol. ;) I'm sure you all know what I mean.. right.
I attempted to curl my hair, which failed. my hair, as it is right now, is mean and will not do as I wish it to. ever since that woman thinned out my hair.. err.. I am never going to hairport again. :(
I'm also wearing my purple flowery skirt, which is nice because I hardly ever wear it. I think I look decent. not too dressy, but I also look like I'm dressed for something out of the ordinary. :) so..
well, we'll how much 17 differs from 16, and analize the results later. ;)
current music: Our Lady Peace - I Loved You All Along / Jars of Clay - Faith Like a Child
| Wednesday, May 12th, 2004
9:33 pm
I need new music.. my music is getting super, super old. and I'm not really good at finding new stuff.. :( how depressing. help..?
| Saturday, May 1st, 2004
7:38 pm
I just got back from interviewing councilam Kerrigan. :) it went really well. he's such a nice guy! I felt a little silly, though, because I only had a few questions, and most of them he couldn't answer. but, he did refer me to the finance department, which will be open on Monday, so I can just call them then.
I'm feeling a little bit of the stressed side because of my math and speech being due within a few days. :-\ I think I can finish my math pretty quickly, but I'm having a horrific time starting this speech and it's driving me crazy. you'd think it would be simple.. I want you to adopt a park, this is how you can do, and this is why I think you should do it. simple, easy, straight forward.. but I'm still having trouble. oh well.. I better get started on it sooner than later, though, and just be done with it. it will all be over soon.. that's just what I need to keep telling myself.
current mood: tired
| Thursday, April 29th, 2004
8:35 pm
yay! Mr. Kerrigan called me back! ... and then I called him back! and now I have to call him back again on Saturday! and he's agreed to meet with me so I can interview him! and I have questions all prepared and ready! and felt all assertive and proud for calling him and articulating what I wanted from him in a way that made real sense! yay! I'm so proud of myself! happy days for Ashley! biscuits all around!
current music: Ari Hest - I Forgive You
| Monday, April 26th, 2004
3:08 pm - I hope you'll call soon, but if you don't, I'll know you're happy now
I'm in a really good mood. I called the City Manager's office today to confirm that there is an Adopt a Park Program in Eureka, and they said that there was and I could pick up an information packet at city hall later today. :) (I'm doing my pursuasive speech on Adopting a Park in Eureka, BTW) I also left a message on Councilman Chris Kerrigan's voice mail requesting an interview. :) I'm quite proud of myself.
in addition to that, I called the Red Cross to ask when they had CPR and First Aid classes, because I'm required to complete those two classes before working for the city, and I might go down there before class and sign up for classes. I'm excited. mom helped me out by telling who to call and whatnot, but I'm proud of myself for getting myself together and actually calling these people requesting information.. this was very unlike me..
so, I got a lot done this afternoon, and I'm happy. hopefully at some point this week I'll talk to Councilman Kerrigan and find out where the really serious repairs are needed and maybe take some pictures of those places for my visual aids. this just keeps getting more and more exciting! :)
I'm started to tidy up around my desk and bed area.. it's been really bad these last couple of weeks. I've had such a mess from work and school related stuff over there that it wasn't even funny. I'm probably in such a good mood because it's been such a nice day today. I'm in cheery spirits, and I hope it lasts awhile. I don't think I have time to stretch before class, but I'll probably make time to before going to sleep.. sounds like a plan to me.
I should call Gretchen and Boo sometime soon.. I haven't talked to them in awhile. I'm such a busy person, and I never take time to call anyone anymore (how many times have I said that? ;))
I feel bad for mom.. she has to study last minute for a Biology test she has to take while I'm at Math class tonight. I'm not really sure how to help her with it, though. I gave her a little advice, but I don't think it really helped. (Good luck, Mom!)
there's only two more weeks until my birthday. wow.. I'm getting so old! not going to be such a little girl for much longer. :) and I've almost completed my second semester at CR! how exciting! and, I'm about to be working at my very first self-earned job. I really do have a ton to be happy about right now. :) I need to stop being so mopey, although that doesn't necessarily mean I won't, I just won't be as often, and I'll try not to be.
I'm so glad that school is almost over. I can't wait until school ends and summer starts. I can't wait to have my leader shirt and sweatshirt and be working for pay. ;) yay! I'm so exciting!
current mood: cheery current music: Newsboys - Truth and Consequences