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(7 started a revolution | are you ready for this?)

[03 Feb 2005|11:03pm]

[ music | Godsmack - Sick Of Life ]

So, ever since we had zeroday and eleophant avaliable for download on here, ive fallen for school shooting moives.
I have to own them. All my friends think im a freak because i love them so much...but fuck that.
Luckially, ive been abvle to find every movie i know of so far relating to columbine/school shootings etc.
I have Elephant, Bang Bang Your Dead, DUCK! The Carbine High Massacre, Home Room, and ill own zeroday if it ever comes to dvd.
And I read about heart of america on here a while ago, and i looked and found it on amazon for like, 30$.
It was going to be the next movie i bought on amazon once i get my paycheck....reluctantly...because of the 30$ was kinda bullshit.
Well, I was at Hollywood video last night and randomly, somehoe came across a huge stack of Heart of america dvd's for 9$.
I was stoaked so i bought it today...I havent watched it yet but if anyone cares ill let you know how it is..
But i jsut thought i'd share that if anyone wanted the moive, check out your hollywood video store . . .

(6 started a revolution | are you ready for this?)

[04 Feb 2005|12:38am]
whats your favourite part of all the eric and dylan tapes youve seen?

(5 started a revolution | are you ready for this?)

[03 Feb 2005|06:25pm]

[ mood | amused ]

Download Duck! The Carbine High Massacre here:)


(4 started a revolution | are you ready for this?)

Zero Hour [01 Feb 2005|04:26pm]

[ mood | excited ]

For any Australian's here Zero Hour is screening on February 12th at 9:30pm on the Discovery Channel. Yay!

(13 started a revolution | are you ready for this?)

chapter 10 : violent crimes [30 Jan 2005|03:55pm]

"In 1999, there were 15 victims of a massacre at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado."

At least my Criminal Justice book in college understands...

I was kind of impressed actually. Just wanted to mark the observation.

(5 started a revolution | are you ready for this?)

Hallo humans [21 Jan 2005|11:30pm]

[ mood | without deffinition ]
[ music | Pigface - Bitch ]

Hey there. Just thought I'd post and say hi. I found this community cause I was pokeing around on my friends journal. I'm not 100% sure why exactly I joined this community to be perfectly honest and I feel kinda bad about that, don't get me wrong, I am very interested in things like this and the information presented in this community is very... informative, heh, but, I don't think I'll be able to contribute, I'm not bright enough to find information like this by myself. So, yeah, hi and sorry for wasting about 12 seconds of your fleeting time that you have to live, haha.

(11 started a revolution | are you ready for this?)

Weißes Fleisch [21 Jan 2005|09:27am]

[ mood | contemplative ]

I'm sitting here going through my archives, getting ready to do another update, and I came across a close-up of a document I already had... it's a rant of Eric's from his notebook. The original is already on my site but because it's small and his handwriting's nearly as bad as mine, I hadn't really read it. I did today, and whaddaya know? I learned something new.

White, tasty flesh )

(10 started a revolution | are you ready for this?)

Hmmm [19 Jan 2005|01:59pm]

I thought I would share this~,1413,36~54~2645511,00.html

(22 started a revolution | are you ready for this?)

Kill Em AALLLLLL!!!! [18 Jan 2005|11:17pm]

I just happened to stumble onto this community by sheer coincidence. I'm not even awake at these ungodly hours. I have researched and have found great interest in Columbine since the day it happened. In high school I was not well-liked. I was more the nerd, straight-A, white Keds, Disney store clothing reject kid that everyone made fun of. There was nothing freakish about me. I was the classic over-achiever. However, I was ridiculed daily. Younger students, older students, teachers, janitors; you name it. When I heard of Columbine the motives hit close to home. I vacillate between feeling sorry for their victims and feeling a sense of empathy for Dylan and Eric. Although I would never have carried out that type of massacre, I often dreamed about it, wrote about it, planned it out in a sparkly silver notebook.

Fast-forward six years later and well out of high school. I find my differences striking and amusing and quite loveable. I'm glad I stuck around and allowed those who laughed at me to remain the mindless idiots they were and continue to be. It provides that much more entertainment for me.

I scrolled over a post about the Dawn Anna movie. To be perfectly honest I had put Columbine on the back burner. All magazines, newspaper clippings, and videos were put into a box and packed in the closet. Lifetime is my preferred station so I often am sucked into movies. They touted the Dawn Anna movie as being about a woman who suffers from a neurological disorder and the power of family. They showed a brief news report where the reported said "there's still no word as to how many victims there are". One would not suspect Columbine from that preview. However, as the movie wore on, I heard little hints. Each morning she'd wake up and hear the radio say "Good morning Denver". The high school had a big "C" on the gym floor. I thought I was imagining things until I saw the scene where Lauren Townsend's character is going into school and a kid walks by in a Columbine letter jacket.

I thought "oh hell no." It was quite shocking as I hadn't given my extensive research in Columbine much thought over the past year.

If you've stayed with me this long, thank you. I am glad I found this community and the various websites to look and read through different reports. You all seem to have level heads and good discussion skills. I expected to find a mob of angry teenagers worshipping Eric and Dylan.


(20 started a revolution | are you ready for this?)

Sim RebnVodka [16 Jan 2005|10:06pm]

Along with other hobbies, I'm a Sims player. As an artist I can and do create custom skins. I did the following as an experiment to see if I could. I don't normally do real people as skins so I wasn't sure if I'd even be able to pull off anything that looked close to real. Eh. See what you think. Click it for a bigger pic.

(7 started a revolution | are you ready for this?)

[16 Jan 2005|09:04am]

[ mood | confused ]
[ music | none ]

Iv been a member of this community for a month or so..this is my first post. Just wanted to make sure id welcome myself. so hallo

(49 started a revolution | are you ready for this?)

[11 Jan 2005|03:38pm]

Hey guys. I have realized in the past few months that having this as a communtiy is stupid because Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were in fact stupid. They were pretty much idiots and were just like any other kid, the only difference is that they killed people, which is really stupid. Why I joined the community was probably because I thought I would find some people who have the same interests, and who enjoyed researching this topic to an extent, but you are all obsessed lunatics, except [info]nineinchnails, but she doesn't update anymore, so yep, pretty much a bunch of obsessed lunatics. So, umm....see you later n00bs, and good luck with that whole loving killers thing.

(10 started a revolution | are you ready for this?)

[11 Jan 2005|01:48am]

I haven't posted here in ages, and when I finally do, it is to say goodbye. Ironic, huh?
I'm surprised I stayed as long as I did; what was once slight fascination with Columbine, turned into seven months of borderline obsession. But, not only has my interest recently diminished, but I am joining the Coast Guard soon, so I probably wont be home for the next oh...2, 3 years.
Well, it's been fun...most of the time. If you're still reading this, bye again!
(Oh wait, I didn't say it before just then... fuck!)

(32 started a revolution | are you ready for this?)

[08 Jan 2005|04:25pm]

Hey, I'm new!

I'm from australia, I'm fourteen, I've been interested in columbine for a while.

Anyway I was wondering if anyone here had seen Zero Day, any thoughts?

(5 started a revolution | are you ready for this?)

X-posted from my message board.... [02 Jan 2005|05:30pm]

I just thought I'd share this with you people.... :)

Salazar: Release grand jury report on CU
By Kevin Vaughan, Rocky Mountain News
December 31, 2004

Ken Salazar used his last news conference as Colorado attorney general to stump for the release of a grand jury report on the University of Colorado football program, expressing hope that his successor will keep up the legal fight to make it public.

Salazar, scheduled to be sworn in as Colorado's new U.S. senator on Tuesday, also hit on several other pet projects during a short, relatively lighthearted meeting with reporters Thursday.

But while Salazar was relaxed in jeans, a denim shirt and cowboy boots - and while he smiled easily as he talked about his impending move to Washington - his voice took on a serious tone when he was discussing the grand jury report and several other ongoing cases.

"It has been our position that the grand jury report should, in fact, be made public because it would be in the public interest," Salazar said.

Salazar, whose resignation as attorney general becomes official at 10 a.m. Tuesday, also touched on other cases that will be left to his presumed successor, U.S. Attorney John Suthers:

• He remains hopeful that a school-violence expert will be given access to some still-sealed Columbine documents, including a report by the Jefferson County School District and depositions of the parents of the killers.

That expert, Dr. Dell Elliott, is expected to issue a public report on Columbine in 12 to 18 months.

"I think it's important for the people of the state of Colorado and of the nation to get a full understanding of the root causes of what happened at Columbine," Salazar said.

[02 Jan 2005|04:47pm]


I decided to do 6 'Bang Bang You're Dead' icons cuz I fell so in love with the movie.. so yeah .. XD


( omgFAKE!LJcut )

(6 started a revolution | are you ready for this?)

[02 Jan 2005|12:06am]

I'm putting on "Bang Bang you're dead" over the summer at my local library. I'm hoping there may be a kid in the crowd that's thought of a shooting. I'm hoping that this play may turn a few heads, change a few minds, teach a few lessons.

If I was really bad ass, I'd come out before the show and annouce:

"I'd like to dedicate this performance to Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. They've taught lessons in the past. Tonight, maybe we'll teach a few. Perhaps, teaching lessons without violence. If only they knew that was possible."

I could probably get away with something like that. Afterall, I am director. But, I'd probably get a ton of shit for it.

(52 started a revolution | are you ready for this?)

A belated Christmas present for you guys [01 Jan 2005|11:21pm]

Have a little preview of some of what I've done so far on "Fifteen" - I give you the first seven pages. Yes I know I'm breaking my word on not showing anything till it's finished but I figured a sneak peek isn't too bad. Thanks Imageshack! They are all in order, so click away.

Free Image Hosting at Free Image Hosting at Free Image Hosting at Free Image Hosting at Free Image Hosting at Free Image Hosting at Free Image Hosting at

p.s Props to necro and nineinchnails for running this community.

p.p.s All thoughts of "but his/her/their legs/eyes/nose/face/etc need more work, it doesn't look just like them" please read this statement before commenting. Thanks! (and thanks to [info]blisteredavalon for reminding me!)

(6 started a revolution | are you ready for this?)

Resort wants guests to bring guns, shoot villains [30 Dec 2004|11:01pm]

I can only imagine what Michael Moore would think about this latest from Colorado...

Resort wants guests to bring guns, shoot villains

Associated Press
Dec. 27, 2004 08:55 AM

MONTROSE, Colo. - A new luxury Colorado resort is offering guests a blast. The Elk Mountain Resort encourages patrons to bring their guns and gives them a chance to shot the bad guys, too.

The resort offers firearms training, including a three-floor complex where shooters can fire at make-believe thugs, muggers and even airline hijackers.

After a day of firearms training, guests at Elk Mountain can relax with gourmet meals, vintage wine and a smoke in the cigar lounge.

Resort owner Thomas Forman is charging up to $2,000 a night.

(19 started a revolution | are you ready for this?)

[29 Dec 2004|02:07am]

[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | "Anarchy" by KMFDM ]

hello all...

i probably won't be posting here anymore, unless something intrests me enough. i'm moving to england in february. does anyone from this community live there? it would be nice to have a friend!

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