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User:lutherans (1429473) lutherans
Lutherans Around the World!
We are Lutherans.
Website:A Website For Lutherans
About:This is a community for those who of the branch of the Christian Church known as Lutherans. Founded by Martin Luther, our church id the FIRST Protestant church! We're the originals!
Interests:39: catholicism, chiors, christianity, christmas, church, churchgoing, communion, easter, germans, germany, god, historical figures, history, hymns, jesus christ, john 3:16, lbw, lent, luther, lutherans, martin luther, monks, pastors, protestants, sunday, the 95 theses, the bible, the church, the cross, the holy sacrament, the holy spirit, the holy trinity, the large catechism, the lutheran church, the protestant reformation, the reformation, the saints, the small catechism, wov. [Modify yours]
Members:49: agentredhead, art1008, backseatgaffer, basswhooper, bcfcbowen, bitter_desire, blergeatkitty, blondeegrl0789, budia3, carrie3412, chaz_lehmann, comeforward, coreyleigh, ditz929, j14o34e, jeshohiah, kinkybeaver, laur4xoxo, leipensa, leoetiquette, llahlahkje, lmsbabe1705, lutheran, matrushkajen, mike1thinks, paraphasiclotus, plexaure, psalm_51, quixoticone86, redbead, reverendtara, sandimyth, sensefille, shadowyfigure, shaynester, shui79, sophantastic, spk1121, sunnyfaye, superdan523, tcbandgeek, texascellokat, theatrelight, theinnergeek, theophaneia, thislonging, tjackson, tutal, violachic
Watched by:45: agentredhead, archaist, art1008, backseatgaffer, basswhooper, bcfcbowen, blergeatkitty, budia3, chaz_lehmann, college1919, coreyleigh, ditz929, j14o34e, jeshohiah, kinkybeaver, laur4xoxo, leipensa, leoetiquette, llahlahkje, lutheran, matrushkajen, meikochan, mike1thinks, plexaure, psalm_51, quixoticone86, redbead, reverendtara, sandimyth, sensefille, shadowyfigure, shui79, spk1121, sunnyfaye, superdan523, tcbandgeek, texascellokat, theatrelight, theinnergeek, theophaneia, thislonging, tjackson, tutal, tv_elf, violachic
Account type:Free Account

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