Rob Simpson's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Rob Simpson's LiveJournal:

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    Wednesday, November 24th, 2004
    12:26 pm
    user-defined post topics
    Ok, here is my post, made cause I dont feel like working anymore today. Well I guess you all made it, and I just responded. so, without further ado, here it is:

    cut cause people actually participated this time )

    Current Mood: pensive
    Tuesday, November 23rd, 2004
    5:33 pm
    apathy, it's not just for breakfast anymore

    Poll #390596 do you care?
    Open to: All, results viewable to: None

    I haven't really posted anything of substance in a while, have you noticed?

    View Answers

    You haven't?
    5 (15.6%) 5 (15.6%)

    no, I haven't
    4 (12.5%) 4 (12.5%)

    yes. I have
    23 (71.9%) 23 (71.9%)

    Do You care?

    View Answers

    Not at all
    0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

    Not particularily
    6 (18.8%) 6 (18.8%)

    eh, a little
    11 (34.4%) 11 (34.4%)

    yes, I do
    15 (46.9%) 15 (46.9%)

    if you picked eh, a little or yes, I do, tell me something(s) to post about

    Bonus: Ron Artest:

    View Answers

    Got What he deserved
    16 (48.5%) 16 (48.5%)

    Got off easy
    3 (9.1%) 3 (9.1%)

    Will get what he deserves in court
    5 (15.2%) 5 (15.2%)

    need to be imprisioned and ass raped
    2 (6.1%) 2 (6.1%)

    who the fuck is Ron Artest?
    7 (21.2%) 7 (21.2%)

    Current Mood: apathetic
    Current Music: Van Halen - Jump
    1:16 pm
    meme cause I am not wanting to work

    Things in bold are applicable:
    Read more... )

    Current Mood: confused
    Current Music: U2 - A Man and a Woman
    Saturday, November 20th, 2004
    8:22 pm
    work work work
    worked pretty much all day... I stopped at 4am and went to bed, got up about 9:30 and got back to work at 10ish... I just quit and showered. whee. I think I shall go out, though looks like I'm going alone as all my friends are either working, playing poker, or not going out tonight. *shrug*

    oh well. adios.
    Tuesday, November 16th, 2004
    5:31 pm
    God bless the FCC.
    Well, the FCC certainly is busy these days.

    So, last Thursday night, Saving Private Ryan was shown on network TV in an unedited format. This movie contains strong language and quite graphic violence, but marginally meets the FCC descriptor of being beneficial to society.

    Many stations in the ABC network refused to air it because they were afraid of FCC sanctions since the FCC has been a little sanction happy in the past 18 months. A group of stations approached the FCC and ask if/what would be the sanction for airing Saving Private Ryan. The FCC declined to talk to them because "doing so would constitute censorship". The stations were told that the FCC could only act after the event was aired, and then only if complaints had formally been levied with them.

    So, asking for an opinion of content vs the decency standards versus the mantra of sociatal benefit is censorship? in more plain english, asking for the rules of the game before the game is played is now out of feasibility?

    So, you and I are playing chess. halfway through the game, right after I take you 2 rooks, I announce that rooks are, by popular demand of all players possessing them, can move sideways or diagnally, and can jump over other pieces on their same team, this is legit?
    Furthermore, this rule has been in effect the entire game. but you werent informed. AND the penalty for trying such a move that is illegal is forfeiture of the piece.
    sounds like a fun game to me!

    Go FCC, you can really win on this on. if someone COMES to you with content that they dont know if it fits the decency (obscure) rules or the societal benefit (vague) doctrine, you won't test the rules that only you know until after the fact?
    Brilliant. just brilliant.
    You are exercising more censorship by scaring them away from such broadcast for fear of fines than by applying your rules to something that is not yet a complaint.

    And last night, ABC finally got another good intro to Monday Night Football. Desperate housewives meet terrell owens. but it appears that it was, apparently indecent.
    9:56 am
    mmm morning

    Current Mood: sleepy
    Monday, November 15th, 2004
    5:25 pm
    monday monday
    Was a long weekend again.
    Friday night was launch party for work. Got drunk. won the poker tournament (it was a casino night), came in second in the casino night part, only played 45 minutes (due to poker). man, I wish I could do THAT for real :)

    Worked saturday morning, then made about 4 trips to home depot to acquire mulch, manure, and dirt.
    Spread 3 bags of manure in the garden.
    Saturday night went out with friends, saw Claudia, she payed attention to me! :)
    A fight started near me, the bouncer was having problems seperating them, I helped. I seem to have pulled/strained a muscle in the arch of my left foot. dear god that is a bad place for a muscle injury.

    Yesterday I got up and worked some more, then a quick trip to the store(world market)... Then watched some football, then went out an spread mulch around the roses and trimmed them up a bit. Afterwards I planted some more radishes, and then transplanted some onions and peppers I was growing in a starter tray. I like making my own starter trays, I should do that more in the spring with flowers and such.
    Now I have about 25 bags of asst mulch/dirt/manure in the garage to spread IF I ever get much free time again on a weekend. wheee.

    After all that, I went to the kitchen to try out a new recipe that I was told...
    guess what? MORE cooking with Rob )

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: Led Zeppelin - In My Time Of Dying
    Saturday, November 13th, 2004
    3:58 pm
    Purple Saber
    You have a Purple Lightsaber.

    Purple is associated with wisdom, dignity,
    independence, creativity, mystery, and magic.
    Purple denotes high spirituality and religious
    aspiration. Purple also represents Peacefulness
    and Purification. It also has a sense of
    intuitive understanding and a feeling of
    intimacy with the world.

    What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have?
    brought to you by Quizilla
    Wednesday, November 10th, 2004
    11:49 pm
    Care to join Rob in his kitchen?
    so, after my workout, I cleaned up and started work in the kitchen.

    the rest of this post is photo intensive...
    IF you are on some atkins like low carb diet, or a sugar denied WW type diet, you may not want to read this :)

    kitchen activity )

    Current Mood: full
    Current Music: CNN
    5:02 pm
    Played darts last night... we beat one of the best teams in the league 10-2. cool.
    I did well, threw 5 marks over 114... 3 of them in one game. I his all 4 outs that I threw at, and ended the match with an impressive 4 count on bulls... impressive since I had blocked the center with the second single bull, and had to take a step to the side and arc it up and over the blocking darts, and it hit the double.. hehehe

    Anyway, after visiting with Kyra and Greg and Delana for a while, as my team all had to leave, and the other team (of mostly my drinking buddies) had another match, I came home and slept. ahhh sleeep.

    This morning I got a haircut, then came to work.
    Had lunch at some new chinese buffet near work. I was not really impressed, it was average->poor even as far as chinese buffets go, and it was a little more expensive than average (8.75 each).
    My fortune was:
    Look to the coming month for resolution to your problems (in bed)

    Current Mood: okay
    Current Music: Korn - Another Brick in the Wall
    Tuesday, November 9th, 2004
    6:02 pm
    an update! wow.
    Welp. been a busy 2 weeks or something.

    about 10 days ago they moved up a deadline for us to have a Beta version ready for testing.
    The same day, they had a budget cut limiting the hourly resources we could throw at it... what does that mean? us full-timers got to work very long hours for quite a while, the contractors got "normal" 50-55 hour weeks.

    Anyway, about 600 features were added in that 10 day period, the last being added today by me about 10 minutes before the deadline. the 3 DLLs we created over the past 40 days are about 44,000 lines of code (after comments are removed) total. wowzer. Now we have "intense testing" for 2 days, then back to the feature list for beta 2. they want it BEFORE thanksgiving... you have to be fucking kidding. the list here is more intense than the first beta. I really don't feel that I am willing to give up that much of my life (what little I have) to get these things cranked out at this pace. This is what happens when a business person sets a deadline for code-complete, then decides what the feature list is after the fact.

    Tonight is dart night. I am looking forward to the release, but I am still just exhausted from the hard work. We play Kevin/Steve's team, so that should be fun. I havent had a single beer since last tuesday, and am craving big time.

    oh well. guess I should get going

    Current Mood: crazy
    Sunday, November 7th, 2004
    8:58 am
    welp. same shit different day I suppose. one task complete this morning. about 17 left.

    goddamn whoever decided to turn air circulation off on the weekends
    *tries to breathe*
    Saturday, November 6th, 2004
    10:08 am
    welp, 10am, and I've alredy been at work 90 minutes. on saturday

    got the base class for the modal popups worked out, now to build the popups and edit classes themselves. wheee.

    I find it odd that I can get up and get to work easier on the weekend than during the week. I stayed out til about 1 last night playing darts, woke with the first alarm at 7:45 got up and came in.. usually I snooze 8-10 times and get up about 8:30-8:45

    oh well, a fun day of plugging away on these app classes. wheee

    Current Mood: grumpy
    Current Music: Tool - Eulogy
    Sunday, October 31st, 2004
    10:47 am
    Sunday laziness
    Did a bit o yardwork today. Mowed, edged, and trimmed the lawn, then I watered and fertilized the gardens. Damn, that is alot of work. I put some mums (red mum and chrythsemum) in my handing baskets. I cant seem to keep anything alive in those baskets, we'll see how these work.

    Today is gonna be mostly a lazy day. I worked my ass off yesterday to get something caught up at the office, I didn't finish all I would have liked, cause I need one of the applications I interface with to make a change. hopefully he'll fix that in the morning.

    anyway, I shall now share some photos while I watch football...

    pics )

    Current Mood: sleepy
    Current Music: football...
    Saturday, October 30th, 2004
    1:31 pm

    Welp, it's 1:30 on a Saturday afternoon and I am at the office slaving away because I couldnt get my VPN connected from home. such fun.

    Guess I should finish debugging this class so I can get outta here.

    Oh yeah, saw A Chorus Line last night. it was a pretty cool musical... as the resident perv, of course my favorite part was "Tits, and Ass!" but it was decently put together, thought the plot timeline was in nearly realtime, that was kinda odd.
    oh yeah, and 2:30 with no intermission, I had to pee like a racehorse after that.

    We ended up going down to Ernie's on banks after that for a brew or three. mmmm

    ok, enough procrastinating. back to work with me.

    Current Mood: cranky
    Current Music: White Zombie - Super Charger Heaven (over-caffeinated mix)
    Thursday, October 28th, 2004
    3:04 pm
    a little pre-election humor
    I walked into the Boss's office a while ago to ask a few questions...
    he was playing this game...

    Give George W a brain:

    Remember: It always comes down to a turd sandwich against a giant douche

    Current Mood: amused
    1:59 pm
    the internet
    to quote [info]smalloy:

    the problem with the internet is that it lets all the freaks find each other and they start to think they're normal
    Wednesday, October 27th, 2004
    5:17 pm
    ass clowns
    Well, turns out that Centerpoint is even more incompetant that I thought. So, here I was awaiting a promised 1/2 hour warning phone call of a service call that THEY OFFERED TO GIVE ME, at 4:00 (nearly 3 hours early) I left work, as after that, it would take me much more than 1/2 hour to get home. I get home and find a note on my door that the service call was attempted at 4:00pm but could not be completed as I was not home, and a friendly note at the bottom telling me to call the customer service center on the next business day to reschedule.

    I ALMOST (but not quite) feel sorry for the lady working the call center that happened to answer the phone for me. She got well more than an ear full, placed me on hold about 5 minutes to find out "what happened" returned saying "the driver we assigned doesnt carry a cell phone so couldnt call" ok, then WHY THE FUCK DID YOU ASK ME FOR A NUMBER? We had another brief and pleasant chat(heh), and I was placed on hold another 10 minutes, it was a man's voice that got on then and explained that they would place a "Rush Order" to get someone out here by 7 or 7:30 tonight, and he was even going to take the "Unusual Step"(his words) of waiving the $50 rush order service fee.

    Well, I hope they are there by 7:30, cause the call center closes at 5:30, and if they don't get my gas turned back on tonight, tomorrow will probably get me hung up on more than once.

    (yes I checked and Centerpoint is the ONLY gas provider to my address).

    On a brighter note, I actually got to see my garden in the daylight and harvest a few things... here is today's haul (I love fall veggies):
    see photo )

    Current Mood: gloomy
    11:13 am

    I made a poll about utility bills.

    answer it here
    10:53 am
    I'd like to thank Centerpoint Energy for the cold shower I took this morning since my gas was shut off for non payment. Sending them a check when they ask is, evidentally not good enough for them, perhaps I was supposed to hand deliver the fucking thing.

    I'd also like to thank them for nearly $100 in reconnect fees for a bill that was under $40 even in its "overdue" status.

    I'd like to thank them even more for waiting til after this payment had been made to inform me that someone 18 or older had to be at the house to let the service guy in, and to tell me that he'd be there sometime between now and 6pm. I guess they don't have customers that have fucking jobs.

    I am out 100$ extra dollars for a payment that I mailed (on time even), and I will still be taking cold showers as I dont have the spare time to sit at the house all day and wait.

    So, according to the builder in my subdivision, Centerpoint is the only gas company I can use... Is this true? cause they have pissed me off royally.
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