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Sunday, February 25th, 2001
7:26 pm
trying to find a way to increase the weight of my move so i get more money in the settlement. I have 2000 lbs and i am authorized 7000. I'll be happy if i can pull off 3500...

I already hit up edward mckay's free book bin, and i'm thinking about making a trip to the local thrift shop to pick up some $10 furniture before i head off to the scales on friday afternoon.

current mood: headache
current music: AFI

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Saturday, February 17th, 2001
10:53 pm
And so it starts...

Kyle & R.J. took off on Friday. R.J. i will most likely never see again, Kyle i might see when he is home on leave.

Heather takes off in the morning, I doubt I will ever see her again.

Brian is leaving next Friday, I'm sure that i will never see him again.

I'm not sure why this is bothering me, in the course of the last four years i've met and lost more friends than i want to think about. It will be nice to have a stable, normal life. I am really going to like Chicago

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Thursday, February 15th, 2001
5:04 pm
Yea i sign out the second of march and can hit the road that afternoon!

current mood: content
current music: Burden in my hand - STP

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Tuesday, February 13th, 2001
6:53 pm
"Many risks fail because they were not taken in time. Too many risks are postponed until unnecessarily elaborate preparations are made. Don't sit back waiting for the perfect moment. It almost never comes."
--David Viscott

current mood: sad
current music: fairytale of newyork- the pogues

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8:51 am - Back
Well, i finished my little home vacation. All of the things that i needed to take care of were taken care of quite nicely. My U-haul rental is scheduled, all of my appointments are scheduled, but i still need to start getting all of my packing supplies togeather for the trip.
I called a company called Moveline yesterday, they are willing to pay me $12.00 an hour part-time as a move coordinator. The job won't start until April, which means i have to decide wether or not to take unemployment insurance for the month that i will be in Illinois without a job.
Vagina Monologues this weekend was great. I took Heather, and she sounds like she had fun. We were even talking about it briefly over breakfast.
I also purchased a "new" car, or another used car. It's a '98 Toyota Tacoma with 21k miles, which cost me $3,200 over my trade-in which was a '96 honda civic with 69k miles. I think i got a good deal. It only took me 3 hours of arguing the price down from $10,999 to $9,450.

current mood: tired
current music: the bothersome hum of my work compuer.

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Monday, February 5th, 2001
12:24 am
still alive... trying desperately to unload the civic before the big move.

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Monday, January 29th, 2001
11:07 pm
I start off on holiday tonight. two weeks with out work. Yea! i need the break. i have so much to do as far as going to school in the spring, and moving to chicago. Civilian Life here i come.

current mood: giddy

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Saturday, January 27th, 2001
9:34 pm
I took Tony to Wilson, NC today to go and see a man about a used Mercedes. '89 300 series with 190,000 miles. I was kind of shy about the whole thing, but the dealer had the papers for every oil change and service the car ever had. I was impressed. For $6,500 it doesn't seem like that bad of a deal. I just hope he doesn't end up with a lemon.

I searched for a used car at the land rover dealership later on that afternoon. They have really awesome deals there on trade-in cars because they are trying to get them off of their lot, but hardly anyone knows about it. $9,950 for a '96 Subaru legacy gt with 67,700 miles. If I can sell my car this week I am going go get the Subaru.

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Sunday, January 21st, 2001
9:03 pm - warning i am about to bitch.
You were warned.

I got a call last night that I had to go into work this morning. They didn't know for how long, or if I was going to be spending the tonight in the woods. The lack of communication in the army cracks me up. People assume that you can't call the higher-ranking sergeants and officers and ask them what is going on. Like they aren?t human or something. People prefer to run around like a headless chicken until they figure out what to do. I understand the idea of respect, and agree with it. But, rank doesn't mean that a person's ass doesn't stink, and a bullet won't drop him as dead as it will me. The worst part is that thing that could get all of us killed is the lack of communication. Enough of this ramble.

Anyway, I lucked out. I get tonight to be home, and have to go out tomorrow. It is supposed to get pretty cold for NC tonight, low 20's. Tomorrow won't be much warmer, but I will have a little more time to prepare.

It cracks me up that the people at work are so insistent about getting there last use out of me before I leave. There is no reason for me to be in the woods this week. I have a job to do at my desk in the office, and I can?t very well do that job when I am out in the middle of the forest. I should be grateful I guess, my contract had me doing this until June... But then again if this were a civilian company I would have gotten double time for the work I did this afternoon.

Pardon the bitch, but I had to release somewhere and the roommate isn't home tonight.

I'll leave with one of my favorite quotes from Hi Fidelity. It makes me laugh. I can use a laugh right now.

"I don?t know if we were listening to pop because we were sad, or if we were sad because we were listening to pop."

current mood: bitchy
current music: smashing pumpkins- rat in a cage

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Saturday, January 20th, 2001
8:22 pm - yea..
i ended up getting the tickets for heather and myself to go to the vagina monologues. $20 each for the tickets & 15 for the "afterglow" cast party. not too shabby. it cost a friend of mine over $50 to see it in chicago, and that was without any kind of party. to boot there is an art exibit starting a couple of hours before the show, all women's stuff. Heather knows nothing about the production other than it is an all women's cast. I don't know if she is going to be offended with it or like the whole thing. I don't really care to tell the truth. Yea for me.

current mood: happy

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Wednesday, January 17th, 2001
8:37 pm
today was pretty uneventful.. I want to go to find out what is playing at the cameo, and see something with either heather or kyle later this week. I also need to purchase tickets for the monologues and rent before they sell out.

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12:19 pm
I wow, just when i had completely forgotten about the y2k bug it came back and bit me.

over the new year i was in Chicago with some friends. When I updated LJ I was at a friends computer. new years day my computer at home decided to go back to February 1 2000, so all of my posts that i thought were eaten when i got back home were just in the wrong spot...

current mood: annoyed

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Sunday, January 14th, 2001
1:12 pm
I reached an epiphany today.

I was talking with a friend about joining a college sculling or rowing team when I get to Illinois; he had to work through lunch so I went to the cafeteria by myself. The cafeteria was kind of crowded for a Tuesday because it?s everyone?s first day back from the MLK holiday. I didn?t see anyone I know in the crowd, so I sat alone and enjoyed my lunch of polish sausage, mixed veggies and cauliflower with creamy brown gravy on top. When I was finished I put my tray up and walked out to my car. Parking was a little difficult, I had to park at the shop next door to the cafeteria. While I was walking I started to realize that I was really happy. It kind of reminded me of something my grandmother said about some kind of supernatural spiritual experience that she had where she was surrounded by ?true happiness?. Which kind of amused me being that I rejected Christianity some time ago. Just about then I got into my car and started driving back home. Just as I started onto the frontage road I realized why I was so happy. I have two weeks of work until I go on holiday, and I am functionally out of the army. All I have to do is some paperwork. I started laughing harder and harder until I had to pull over the car. A couple of minutes later I was laughing and crying harder than I think I ever have in the whole life. (With one negative exception on the crying part)

Don?t get me wrong it?s not as if I hated being in the military. It was overall a positive experience. It was just the release of knowing that after nearly 4 years that I will be free to live as I please, and not have to keep inside all the things about my personality that might get me in trouble with the army. After nearly four years having all of the fundamental rights of a normal American citizen.

current mood: content

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Friday, January 12th, 2001
3:04 pm - I'm back
I'm back from my trek to the frigid windy city.

News- my move to chicago is going to take a little longer than expected. I just found out that aurora university closed their campus in chicago a couple of months ago. Rent in aurora is the same as it is in downtown chicago.
Because of this i am going to be shareing a one bedroom apartment with L. (turning the living room into a studio).
When i got back i found that my old fathfull computer had died. something had gone wrong with the motherboard. $300 and one day later i switched from my old P2 233 running windows 95, to an amd duron 800 on windows 98. not too shabby. not that i'll ever need anything this fast.

I have two weeks of work left in the military! On the 30th I go on vacation until feburary 12, do some paperwork for two weeks and you can stick a fork in me. I dont think that anyone who hasn't been through what i've put up with for the last 4 years can even begin to understand how happy this makes me.

current mood: ecstatic
current music: NOFX- so long and thanks for all the shoes

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Thursday, January 4th, 2001
10:04 am
On holiday, (sans computer) till the 12th. Happy new year.

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Tuesday, December 26th, 2000
1:59 pm
Yea!! I am starting to get all kinds of responces to the add i put in the illinois skills match for a job,

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1:50 pm
yuck, no more christmas with irish people. I dont think i've drank so much alcohol in my entire life,,,, So hungover....

current mood: sick

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Sunday, December 24th, 2000
6:51 pm
laaa la laaaaaaaaa.......

"Boy that purdyer than a brand new set of snow tires."

(contemplating the need to purchase snow tires for winter driving in Chicago.)

current mood: silly

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Saturday, December 23rd, 2000
8:26 pm
as much as it pains me to say it, i miss Phoenix.

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8:23 pm - Christmas
It just really hit me that this will be my first christmas away from friends and family. So it goes.

current mood: lonely
current music: godsmack- voodoo

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