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Thursday, February 19th, 2004

Time:1:34 am.
I trimmed the friends list down a little bit. Um, sorry? (I thought of cutting a couple people that I'm actually really close to as a practical joke, like Phil or Jillian or someone, but then I thought, "Nah, who needs scandal?")

You know how you can give everyone on your friends list a different colour and then it shows up in a square behind their icon on your friends page? I stopped doing that a long time ago. So if you're ever looking at my friends page and you notice that other people have pretty colours and you don't, its not because I don't like you. Its because you were added to my friends list after I stopped picking out colours for everybody.

(Oakville fucking sucks.)
Comments: 2 and a half ramblings - Rant and ramble..

Tuesday, February 17th, 2004

Subject:I don't know why she swallowed a fly. Perhaps she'll die.
Time:1:38 pm.
Last night (or this morning rather) I had a dream that I drew an awesome picture on my etch-a-sketch. I was really excited and went downstairs to show my mom. (The house we were in was similar to the one I'm in now, for some reason.) I tried to hold the etch-a-sketch really steady, but by the time I got downstairs half the picture was gone. The really awesome part was still there, but it was faint. My sister Mackenzie was sitting on the living room floor playing with a game or something. I asked where mom was, and she said, "Oh, she's upstairs in her room." I said "Dammit!" and threw the etch-a-sketch to the ground, and it broke open. One piece jumped out, and I couldn't see what it was or where it went. I sat down to put it back together, but I needed that missing piece.

Etch-a-sketches aren't as much fun when they're broken.
Comments: 2 and a half ramblings - Rant and ramble..

Monday, February 16th, 2004

Time:11:44 am.
Marriage is love.
Comments: Rant and ramble..

Saturday, February 14th, 2004

Time:5:59 pm.
Happy Vagina Day everybody!

The List complete with two new additions. )

I e-mailed my new contact info to people yesterday, and my dad replied with a snippy little note about how he didn't know I'd moved already until Mackenzie told him yesterday. Should I be keeping him up to date with my life with every little thing that happens right when it when it happens? Should I have called him as soon as I knew the exact day that I was moving and told him, "This is the day I'm moving! Write it on your calender!!!"? I do not think that I owe him that. Telling him that I planned on moving and then giving him my contact info after I moved was enough.
Comments: 10 and a half ramblings - Rant and ramble..

Thursday, February 12th, 2004

Time:10:49 pm.
Interesting story. For some reason internet explorer stopped working on this computer, so now I have to use freakind netscape. So I checked my hotmail and there were some lj comments in my inbox. Since microsoft is a control freak and wants to rule the world, hotmail wouldn't let me open any of my e-mails with a browser that wasn't internet explorer. I ended up changing the address that my comments get sent to to a yahoo one (fuck you hotmail) but for some reason I can't reply to any of my comments through lj now. Does this make sense? No? Good. Any way, I'm replying to the comments that I couldn't reply to in this post:

chibikeba: I too can relate to the angry vagina. Before the fact that hotmail belongs to a dictatorship pissed me off, my e-mail address was

bonanzajellybee: Indeed!

Jas: I knew you would remember making the list! You sent me an e-card on V-Day that year. It was a picture of a black rose. Ahh, memories!

Laura: Of course being single is not a stigma! Being single is fucking great! Not that I don't like being with Phil. But singledom had a lot of perks.

Ryan: Thank you for your song suggestion! My school was normal until shortly after Columbine, when we had our own little trench coat mafia scare. That's when backpacks started being not allowed, and the rule was still in effect when I left.

I think that's it. I can reply to comments to my posts from my yahoo account, and I can post on other people's entries. But I can't reply to comments to my posts from livejournal. What the crap is that? is probably what you're thinking. My answer to that is that I don't know.

I have a job interview tomorrow morning. Wish me luck
Comments: 9 and a half ramblings - Rant and ramble..

Time:2:08 pm.
Today's comment comes from Jessa in reply to my last post about my hatred for Valentine's Day:

" I, Jessa, whole-heartedly agree with your position on Valentine's Day. I would like to add to your rant that I recently heard that it is the second-most profitable occasion year round for only to Christmas. Screw lovey-dovey crap! Screw large corporations sucking people's money and forcing them to pretend that they enjoy it! Screw making single people feel like dunces because they don't have a "special someone" to share such a crappy occasion together! Screw it all, especially when your boyfriend wants to go out for a nice dinner and give you flowers!"

Thank you, Jessa, for bringing a very important issue to light. Its time to take Hallmark down, and I have just the plan. Melissa shared this plan with us on the radio once when we used to do the Feminist Hour, and I'm sure I've shared it with you before too. It involves sending Valentine's Day cards to people for FREE. (Or for 48 cents.) First you go into a Shopper's Drugmart with a post office in the back. (If you're in the States, you probably can't do this. I don't know how your drugstore/postal service works.) Bring a pen with you. Pick out a nice card and fill it out, then put it an envelope and address it to someone. Take it up to the postal desk and buy a stamp for it, and send it off. So easy. And if you happen to work at Canada Post desk in a Shopper's Drugmart, you can help out by not busting the people who are stealing cards. (By the way, oh postal working friend of mine, how much are the 47 cent stamps?) If you hate Valentine's Day like me and won't be sending out any cards, I'll understand if you don't do this. Celebrate Vagina Day, not Valentine's Day!

And now this:

Band: Loudon Wainwright III
Are you female or male:: Between
Describe yourself:: Dreaming
How do some people feel about you:: You Never Phone
How do you feel about yourself:: Cobwebs
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:: The Sh*t Song
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:: So Damn Happy
Describe where you want to be:: Primrose Hill
Describe what you want to be:: A Year
Describe how you live:: Something for Nothing
Describe how you love:: Heaven
Share a few words of wisdom:: Much Better Bet
Comments: 11 and a half ramblings - Rant and ramble..

Tuesday, February 10th, 2004

Time:11:02 pm.
My hatred of Valentine's Day continued. )

The following year, I was single, free at last! I was gleeful when Valentine's Day came around and I was free to hate it. Oh the joys! I thought it might be really fun to go to a Valentine's Day dance and request songs that are really inappropriate for this "special day". Laura, Jasmine, Shannyn, and I came up with a list. Tonight Laura and I have been busy conversing on MSN and doing our best to reconstruct it. It can be found at the end of this post.

I don't know if I hate Valentine's Day as strongly as I used to. Hatred has turned into indifference. But its still fun to hate it. Really fun. And now I'm with someone who loves me and doesn't make me celebrate it. Yippee! Hating this day has become a part of who I am. I can't just start liking it now. It would be like if I started liking pap smears or the Backstreet Boys.

Here is the list that we made. Feel free to comment with suggestions for additions to the list, and corrections if you think we got the singer or the band wrong:

Songs that are inappropriate for Valentine's Day.
These Boots Were Made for Walking by Nancy Sinatra
Love Stinks by the J. Geils Band
Love Hurts
Bitch by Meredith Brooks
Nobody Loves me but my Mother (and she might be jivin' too) by B.B. King
How Blue Can You Get by B.B. King
She Has a Girlfriend Now by Reel Big Fish
Your Cheatin' Heart by Hank Williams
Maggie May by Rod Stewart
Tainted Love by Soft Cell
Knowing Me Knowing You (breaking up is never easy I know, but I have. . . to. . . gooooo. . .) by Abba
Eleanor Rigby by the Beatles
Yesterday by the Beatles
Yes it is by the Beatles
Its my Party and I'll Cry if I Want to by Leslie Gore
Cecelia by Simon and Garfunkel
Sylvia's Mother by Dr. Hook and the Medicine Band
Walking After Midnight by Patsy Cline
Crazy by Patsy Cline
Untouchable by Ani Difranco
You Oughta Know by Alanis Morisette
He Had it Coming from the musical Chicago
d-i-v-o-r-c-e by Tammy Wynette
Goodbye Earl by the Dixie Chicks
Die die die die Jeannette Dagger die by Laura Estill and Johnny the Fray
White Wedding by Billy Idol
You're So Vain by Carly Simon
It's Too Late Baby by Carole King
I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor (the version by Cake is even better because they use the word "fuck" instead of the word "stupid")
It Ain't Me Babe by Bob Dylan
Rolling Stone by Bob Dylan
Piece of my Heart by Janis Joplin
Paradise by the Dashboard Lights by Meatloaf
50 Ways to Leave Your Lover by Paul Simon
Another One Bites the Dust by Queen
Josh by Skasmopolitan
You Make Me Feel Like a Whore by Everclear
No Sugar Tonight by the Guess Who
Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones
You Never Call by Loudon Wainwright III
Comments: 11 and a half ramblings - Rant and ramble..

Time:12:59 pm.
I'm in Oakville now, frantically searching for a job. Well, I guess its not really a frantic search. But I've been dropping off a lot of resumes.

Explanation of why I hate Valentine's Day. )

I have to go now, but I'll finish this story later. It gets worse.
Comments: 9 and a half ramblings - Rant and ramble..

Monday, February 2nd, 2004

Time:11:24 pm.
I feel unattractive today. Maybe because I have an ugly blood blister on the tip of my thumb. Maybe because my hair isn't being shiny. Maybe because my skin is so dry and I smell like wood smoke. Maybe just because its winter and I can't do much outside so I feel bleh. Tomorrow I'll have a nice long soak in the tub. Then maybe I'll feel beautiful again.

The last time I saw Phil was before x-mas. I really miss him. But I'm moving there this week! Then the plan is to whore myself out to the corporate slave drivers who run that town hand out resumes, find a crappy job, give them two weeks notice before I go to Guatemala, and then find a decent job when I get back. Hopefully I find a job rather quickly. I will work anywhere! Even at McDonald's. Really.
Comments: 8 and a half ramblings - Rant and ramble..

Sunday, February 1st, 2004

Time:1:33 am.
Music:Primrose Hill-Loudon Wainwright III.
The lady in the pilates video is such a snob. She just assumes that every body has a mat to do their excercises on.

I can only feel it working on my stomach muscles. But I need to strengthen my legs for the mountain climbing ahead of me. I need new excercises. I wish I was still swing dancing. I'm so out of shape. I'll be laying at the foot of a mountain telling Jasmine, "Go on without me! I can't go a step further!" to which she'll reply, "But we haven't even started climbing yet!"





I want to talk to Dr. Feldman and Colin, and say, "Look, I'm going to Central America, I'm doing something now. Its happening for sure. I bought the tickets. You don't have to worry about me now," but I don't know how.
Comments: 5 and a half ramblings - Rant and ramble..

Saturday, January 31st, 2004

Subject:And the sad thing is I'm so damn happy.
Time:12:47 am.
Mood:a bit tipsy, my loves.
Music:something for nothing-loudon wainwright III.
People in cities go out late. People in the country and small towns go out early. Why is this, do you suppose? I went out tonight and I'm already home. The roads were drifted over on the way home. And suddenly I missed having sex in the back of a car on a deserted back road.

But my lips were numb, and I was grateful that I had nobody to make out with. Yet I longed for somebody else's fingers to touch my scalp.

There was something else I meant to say, but what?

Whenever there's dancing or karaoke, nobody else wants to go until everybody else does, so somebody has to be the first person, so nobody else is shy. I was that person twice tonight. Yet with some people I'm shy. Why is that, do you suppose? I was told that I'm a good singer. They haven't heard Sarah or Kate.

Caffiene and alcohol together at last.
Comments: 4 and a half ramblings - Rant and ramble..

Friday, January 30th, 2004

Subject:English Assignment.
Time:2:11 am.
"I can't stand reading John Keats. I'm glad that he died young so that there isn't more of his crappy poetry for people to force me to read."
-Saraline Grenier


EDIT: I just realized that I subconciously copied somebody else's post. Not the part about Keats. But the "discuss" part. Oh, I'm so STUPID!
Comments: 16 and a half ramblings - Rant and ramble..

Thursday, January 29th, 2004

Time:1:47 am.
Mood: excited.
I am leaving for Guatemala city on April 1 and returning on May 5. Back in time for Laura's birthday! But not in time for mine. Jasmine says that there shall be tequila shots. And I'm thinking that maybe there'll be an active volcano. Or monkeys. Last year there was a pinata. That was fun. But I generally don't have two good birthdays in a row. So maybe I should just ignore it this year and pretend that I'm not getting any younger.

I remember when I was preparing to leave for University I was worried that I'd get hit by a truck or something and die before I got to enjoy life outside of Port Rowan. I thought it would happen like, the day before I moved or something. Or right after I got to Windsor. And then I would never get to accomplish anything. I had plans. Good plans. I still have plans. I'm working on a screenplay. The movie will be spectacular when its made. I'll have a cameo in it.
Comments: 14 and a half ramblings - Rant and ramble..

Tuesday, January 27th, 2004

Time:12:59 am.
purplekabong: Are you bringing books?
purplekabong: If so, I will have to apropriate some kind of shelving unit
queenofarmpits: I am bringing a few books, although not all of my books.
purplekabong: ok
queenofarmpits: Just the ones that I'll be reading in the near future.
queenofarmpits: And my dictionary.
purplekabong: I, uh
purplekabong: have a dictionary
queenofarmpits: But I love mine.
purplekabong: okay
purplekabong: then it's settled
purplekabong: We will have 2 dictionaries
purplekabong: Hopefully, we can breed them and sell pocket dictionaries on the street :D

We'll be set for life.
Comments: 5 and a half ramblings - Rant and ramble..

Sunday, January 25th, 2004

Time:10:22 pm.

I know that I used Ernie for Kate's birthday, but he's just too good not to use again.

One day my mom worked with a guy named Will Cox. She thought that Wilcox was his first name. She called him by his first and last name all day because she thought that they were one name.

She also used to work with a guy who she thought was named Hernando. She told me and my sisters about it today. She even told other people that his name was Hernando. "Well, what was his real name?" we asked. "Mike," she said.
Comments: 9 and a half ramblings - Rant and ramble..

Friday, January 23rd, 2004

Time:10:44 pm.
I got my passport photo done today. Since passport photos (much like driver's lisence photos) always end up looking bad, I decided to look bad on purpose. "There's no point in fighting it," I told my mom. So last night I got very little sleep and then I woke up early to go have it done. When my picture was being taken, I leaned my face forward a bit so my head would look bigger, and I didn't even smile. Mission accomplishment! When I showed the pictures to my mom, she said, "Were you trying to look scary?" Scary is a nice little added bonus. :D

When I was about 4 or 5, my Dad left for a couple of years to go do other stuff, so it was just me and my mom. We used to walk down town together all the time. It was really nice. Today when we were in the mall (for my passport photo) it was kind of like that again. Only now I'm allowed to go in stores by myself.

Afterwards, we went skating with Eli and his kindergarten class. It was his first time skating. As soon as I put him on the ice, he started screaming, "AAAAHHHH! AAAAAHHHHH! I don't want to go skating!" Then an older kid came over with one of those walker things that kids use when they're learning to skate and said, "Here Elijah." So I put him on that and said, "Okay, go!" (I might not be the best skating teacher ever.) He frantically moved his feet about while whimpering until I beckoned my mom to come out. Then he calmed down a bit. After a bit his teacher came and said, "Do you want to skate around the circle with me?" and she took him by the hand and led him away from the walker thing. He kept looking back at it with a terrified look on his face. My mom said, "When you skated for the first time, you just went right out there and started skating." Elijah did okay, I guess. I didn't do so good. Skating's more fun when I'm in shape. Ouch. OUCH. It was my first time in three years. I'll have to go again soon.
Comments: 7 and a half ramblings - Rant and ramble..

Wednesday, January 21st, 2004

Time:12:02 am.
Mood:Still excited..
Music:Check out my new icon!.
Now let's play "Find the event in this post that Saraline and Jasmine will try to avoid when they go on their trip.

I've been looking at sites about Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. A couple of the sites about Guatemala warn travellers against taking photographs of Guatemalan children. Apparently rumours often circulate about tourists kidnapping children and selling them.

How could these rumours circulate? Could this be something that has actually happened? It certainly sounds like something tourists would do. Those fucking tourists.

Everybody tell me something about how you personally are repeating history. Also, tell me about how only you can prevent forest fires.

queenofarmpits: Check out my new icon!
purplekabong: uh
purplekabong: lj?
queenofarmpits: Yesm.
purplekabong: ok...
queenofarmpits: Its sexy
purplekabong: ok...
purplekabong: That's not sexy!
purplekabong: You lie
queenofarmpits: *cries* You don't find me attractive!
Comments: 9 and a half ramblings - Rant and ramble..

Saturday, January 17th, 2004

Subject:"And its just one big orgy in heaven. . ."
Time:11:04 pm.
Mood: curious.
Music:Loudon Wainwright-Heaven.
Three years ago I couldn't find an unabridged copy of Peter Pan anywhere. I eventually found one, but it was a long and tiring search. Now they're everywhere. I am very happy that my copy doesn't have a picture from the movie on the cover.

I've been told that the new Peter Pan movie coming out follows the book more closely than other versions did. I wonder if they'll have the part when Wendy was born and Mr. and Mrs. Darling had an argument about whether or not to keep her? (Mr. Darling's argument was that they couldn't afford her.) And I wonder if they'll mention that they got Nana the dog because they couldn't afford a real babysitter? And will they show the part where the mother brainwashes the children before they go to sleep? And will they include J.M. Barrie's conclusion that all children are selfish and undeserving of their mother's love? Because that would be wicked! =D

Thinger. )

My parents have gone to bed and Elijah's still up. =\

In my eagerness to pay off my debt, I gave the university too much money. Now THEY'RE in debt to ME. Ha.
Comments: 23 and a half ramblings - Rant and ramble..

Friday, January 16th, 2004

Time:1:20 am.
Considering the fact that on average I move twice a year, it would probably be a very bad idea for me to have a collection of any kind. All that extra stuff bogging me down. . . packing it in boxes. . . finding room for it in a new place. . . and I already have so much crap as it is.

Yet today I thought to myself, "I would like to collect chess sets." I daydreamed about this for awhile. All kinds of fun, exciting, interesting chess sets. A glass one, a wooden one, one with magnets, a Lord of the Rings one. *sigh*

Then later in the day, I thought, "Nay! I'd like to collect board games in general."

But a collection of any kind would be invonvient for me.

(Although a board game collection wouldn't be as difficult to move around as a guitar collection.)
Comments: 16 and a half ramblings - Rant and ramble..

Thursday, January 15th, 2004

Time:1:30 am.
When I was about sixteen I realized that my mother has a sense of humour.

This, of course, changed everything.
Comments: 2 and a half ramblings - Rant and ramble..

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