Amy the Great ([info]serenity8719) wrote,
@ 2004-10-12 18:11:00
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I have not updated in a while so here I go.....

On Friday just as I was leaving the library to go back to school the UPS guy came in and had me sign for some boxes. And what was in these boxes you ask? I will tell you. Books. And not just any books.....two of them I had been waiting for. "Snakecharm" for a year and "Abarat: Days of Magic Nights of War" for two years.

I read "Snakecharm" last night. And when I say last night....I really mean I read the entire thing at work. I started it at 8 after my round and then finished it at about 11:30 or so. I immediately started the other book. IT IS SOOOO GOOD! Le sigh.

I got out of all my classes early today. I think the teachers are ready for fall break. I read with my free time after the first two classes. After the last I got to go home and eat lunch! I never get to eat lunch on Tuesdays. I usually get out of class at 1:30 and go in to work at 2. So no time for Amy to eat.

I finally got my story that I wrote back in Mythology. I got....**drum roll** a....100% WOOT! My mom finally got around to reading it Sunday night and she told me she loved it. Jenne liked it. Jen loved it. Sister Sellers loved it. I feel very happy.

I was at the bookstore for nearly three hours on Saturday. Amanda showed up and then we talked with some other manga fans for a while too. So basically we were there till close. BJ (the manager) told me that I can go ahead and bring him a list of title to automatically set aside when they come in. That way...I get them first and I don't have to special order them if some other person comes in and takes the last copy off the shelf.

Saturday is the re-enactment. Yayness!

Okies...I am outies.

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