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slick shoes central

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[28 Jul 2004|12:26pm]

Hey i noticed that the interests category on here said "Jesus"
=D Awesome!!!!!

SO i just wanted to say.....
I was just kind of thinking there is alot of people who claim to be saved or people just assume they are saved their whole they walk the walk and talk the talk but in their heart they fear.....if there is anyone out there like that?let me know id love to help you! I struggled with this personally before -now knowing if im saved that is.So i'd understand and love to talk to you.

AIM: freak4JESUS237


or just comment to this or comment on my journal HISgirl237.

or my buddy alex


screen name: brokenxrernains

live journal user name : spread_x_truth
(2) angels | without wings

[28 May 2004|01:59am]
fat club 7"s on ebay!!

please help me out, i'm poor and need to move
(1) angels | without wings

manhattan! [25 May 2004|12:39pm]

[ music | haste the day ]

please take a listen to this band.
i promise you it wont take more than a few minutes.
it would be really kind of you to just take a few minutes of your day to take a listen.

hope you enjoy, please comment if you like and if you don’t please no anonymous bull smack.
**If you like them and would like to join their community its [info]__manhattan**
thank you for letting me be a part of your day.

(6) angels | without wings

Noob [26 Mar 2004|06:33pm]

[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Rise Against- Like the Angels ]

Hey. I love slick shoes, Im from their hometown Lancaster represent :D I always see them when they play here at the El Dorado, They're all really sweet guys who I love very much.


how long you've been a sxsx fan: like 3 years, they LIVE here of course I know who they are

fav. sxsx song:Hope against hope or now is the time

why you think sxsx is the bestest ever:Because they're t only good band from this hell hole

And I'm planning to get a pic with me in my Slick shoes shirt, signed hat, and the signed record I have, its Rusty and I got it signed at thelast time I saw them in December I think, It's a clear LP that i got for uber cheap on ebay, I don't get why someone would sell it for so cheap, but then again it was BEFORE I got it signed.

(4) angels | without wings

represent [03 Mar 2004|12:37pm]

[ mood | creative ]

I though it would fun to post pictures of all us Slick Shoes fans in some kick ass Slick Shoes gear ...

I got this shirt at warped tour this past summer ... I like the font and the skulls.

Now your turn! Post picutres of you in your Slick Shoes gear.

(3) angels | without wings

im new! [24 Feb 2004|09:13pm]

[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | I Knew --Slick Shoes ]

name: Laura

how long you've been a sxsx fan: for a couple of months now. yeah im new to them but i love them to death.

fav. sxsx song: ahhh i have to choose!?! hmm ill give u a top three.

1. once again
2. angel
3. alone

(no particular order)

why you think sxsx is the bestest ever: theyre the bestest ever cuz their instrumentals rock, the lyrics rock, i heard they were awesome live and plus ryan kepke. so hot.

yeah so now u know me.

i got some of my friends to like slick shoes.

its kinda hard to not like them.

but hey. thats just me.

take heart sweethearts.


(1) angels | without wings

[15 Feb 2004|09:57pm]

I'm currently selling some of my old band t-shirts, posters, and sweatshirt because I just don't have room for it all anymore. I'm selling this Slick Shoes shirt, among other things:

Slick Shoes-Small (front):

If you're interested in buying this shirt or any of the other items I am selling, please e-mail me at with an offer. The shipping for the shirts and posters is $3. Here are the other items that I amselling )
without wings

Newbie [13 Feb 2004|10:31pm]

Yo im Matt..Im new to this community.

Just sayin hey.
(3) angels | without wings

[26 Jan 2004|06:29pm]

Hey!!!! what are the chances anyone out there has the lyrics to "i think i'm turning japanese" in japanese? or knows where to find such a translation . . . or is actually adept enough to translate it for me? :D please????? ^_^

the lyrics to "domo arigatou" would work too! ^_^
(8) angels | without wings

[24 Jan 2004|04:42pm]

Friday, January 30 at The Knitting Factory in Hollywood
Slick Shoes (Sideonedummy)
Staring Back (Lobster)
Eleventeen (Sessions)
Big Collapse (The Militia Group)

Tickets are $10 and can be bought here. Details are also at that link. Come see Anthym play new material off their upcoming EP and Matt (singer) of Staring Back's last show ever with the band!
(1) angels | without wings

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