55 tears fell in silence's Journal
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Below are the 13 most recent journal entries recorded in 55 tears fell in silence's LiveJournal:

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    Wednesday, May 18th, 2005
    10:26 p.
    It seems everyone in this community feigns an approach to suicide as a form of somber recognition; I'm convinced English is a second language for 60% of the members. For fuck’s sake, if you want people to read your shit put some fucking effort into it. I'll personally split open the veins of next author of "I cut myself so I can gain for my worthless, shithole life." In a few years you'll realize you are as meaningless as you realize you are now, but you'll come to terms with it; in the mean time, conjugate a fucking verb or put a bullet in your head as a personal favor.

    Current Mood: aggravated
    Current Music: General Poor Taste In Music - Angry Youth
    2 tears cry for me
    Thursday, May 19th, 2005
    01:22 a.
    Ending it now

    Im ending it now
    take ahold the knife
    let my vains bleed
    Take away my life

    when youve seen what ive saw
    and you give up on dreams
    life isnt worth living
    its not what it seems

    theres no perfect life
    theres no perfect place
    my only dream
    was held in faith

    i wish you could be me
    just a day to see
    how you hate living
    and wish to be set free..

    I cannot turn back
    This was all pland
    i wish you could be me
    to even understand

    ive seen family die
    In the glimpse of my eye
    thinking it was a dream
    life isnt what it seems

    I lost two people ive cared for so much
    Ive gave up on life
    i wanna go up
    to feel gods touch

    im now up there
    where someone will care
    its not a dream
    its a new life...
    it all started with a cut of a knife..

    Current Mood: depressed
    Current Music: Sarah Mclaughin - In the Arms of an Angel
    1 tear cry for me
    Wednesday, May 18th, 2005
    08:22 a.
    with bloody hands i type in vain to say what i need to say
    i read what has been writen my death design and whach it all go away
    i trully am at the end of it all and no one seems to care
    soon ill find theres nothing but time tell you come my way
    no one could tell what really goes against me
    i spend my time writing these lines with no no life ahead
    ill spend more time writing more lines so untill then fair well.
    cry for me
    Tuesday, May 17th, 2005
    11:45 p.
    Behind my sarcasm desperate memories lie.
    Decisive Wager

    The deck was shuffled,
    Time and shit muffled
    The current game to be played,
    And the bets were now laid.

    “Blackjack my dear?”
    For his current fear
    Was his partner’s
    Insidious hand at poker.

    “The game tonight
    Will benefit my fight,
    For your clever hand
    Shall not strand.”

    He conceded,
    For she needed
    A better battleground
    To make her qualms hound.

    The cards were dealt,
    Prepared to welt
    The opposition
    With quick incision.

    Each stayed,
    The first bets weighed
    Far less than the pot.
    The game was for Lot.

    “I’ve a pair of you
    Being a bitch which grew
    Gracefully into an insane
    Cunt, established in your reign.”

    “I have a straight
    Of adulterer, irate
    And unfettered
    By his better.”

    His dignity was taken
    But he was left unshaken,
    As it was a small loss
    Of withered dross.

    Time passed a mirage,
    Over the great barrage
    Of misdirected emotion,
    Across the once clear notion.

    The final hand was dealt;
    At the end, it is felt,
    The preservation of clarity
    Is key to the loser’s austerity.

    The stakes were high,
    For one would die;
    The game was for Lot,
    Neither fought for not.

    “A Royal flush,
    For you crushed
    My early dreams
    With insidious schemes.”

    It is often said,
    Only a man and a head
    Found composure
    And closure.

    Current Mood: drained
    cry for me
    03:44 p.
    new poem.......
    you can't look into my eyes
    and say that im ok
    you only watch the pain escape
    through my struggling tears
    i don't have the strength
    to go on through the days
    as each one brings fear into me
    that my last will await, to come
    behind my eyes lies a story yet to unfold
    of everything that i held deep inside
    nothing that you would ever understand
    the truth hidden among the lies
    i can't fight back the tears
    as the pain grows stronger
    i have no control of myself anymore

    but is there someone out there
    who will grab my hand and save me from this nightmare
    to tell me that everything will be over soon
    as i fall into my dreams
    to a fairytale of sweet lullabies
    lulls me to a deep sleep
    to an imaginary world
    as dandelions hold every wish to come true
    of sugarcoated love
    wrapped in artificial sweetness
    a place to take me away

    screams shout back at me,calling my name
    haunting me of every last heartbeat
    as their voices claw at me
    of bloodied whispers
    sends shivers under my skin and through my bones
    but i don't want to leave
    i won't let them take me away again
    back into this reality
    where my nightmares come alive again
    i feel so lost and empty inside
    the raindrops licked my tears away
    but not the pain that still lingers
    i am left here alone
    i am all alone
    there is no where left to hide
    there is no esacpe from here

    Current Mood: depressed
    cry for me
    Monday, May 16th, 2005
    08:55 p.
    May have already submitted this one
    The aches of yesterday come back time to time
    Memories of the days gone past never seem to leave
    My conscious mind in peaceful silence
    I remember all you do, all the words you have said
    Never is there room to forget
    The pains of all your hate

    I remember…

    The days when you still said “I love you”
    But they are so far away
    It doesn’t matter anymore that I ever had that
    I once felt the warmth of your pride in me
    But coldness comes when I remember all I have lost
    All I will never have again

    I remember… Yes I remember…

    When the wind passed my calls
    To the springs in the distance
    The open arms waiting for me there, I can feel them
    Around my body, again
    But it’s all gone, the years have passed on

    Days have left me behind
    In the shadows of your soul
    The darkness engulfs my body there
    With no room to breathe, to think
    Of anything but this past, I loved so much
    But I hate

    I remember, yes I remember yesterday
    I remember yesterday
    Remember yesterday
    3 tears cry for me
    01:44 a.
    Support us Please!
    We got our first demo song out there online!
    We are going to be on the radio this up coming Thursday.

    Go to our site register, and download our song :)
    It's funny! It's Starwars!


    Thanks Guys,

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: ParoDeez Band - No Padawan
    cry for me
    Sunday, May 15th, 2005
    08:06 p.
    forgive me for promoting
    Image hosted by Photobucket.com
    Join [info]_fallen_starz_
    5 tears cry for me
    Saturday, May 14th, 2005
    04:58 p.
    My Everything

    He, is someone that means so much

    So very much to me,

    Even though he is very different, he kind of resembles me,

    He touches my heart without knowing, which slowly breaks my heart,

    Even though he thinks he’s nothing, he just means everything so much,

    He makes me smile in peace, and he slowly opens my heart,

    He doesn’t really know, that I want him all so much,

    I feel so plain selfish, I just slowly look at me,

    I say “What is wrong with me? Why do I feel so much pain?"

    I slowly walk by him, as I smile in peace,

    I will never tell him what I’m feeling,

    Because he will never feel that way,

    Because I’m only me.

    ummm. ^_^" I hope u liked it....



    Current Mood: hopeful
    3 tears cry for me
    03:44 p.
    New here
    Since I'm new here, I guess I'll give alittle info on myself.

    Name: Lindsay
    Age: 15
    Location: SC

    I guess I'll post a poem as well. :D

    "Take It All Away"
    I cannot break from this sadness,
    Its driving to madness,
    Yanking my hair from root to end,
    When will this pain inside me go?
    And in truth,
    I'm afraid to show,
    How I feel to anyone,
    Hell burning inside me,
    Screaming to be free,
    Don't know what to do,
    Seems like I'm always the fool,
    Tell me why do I live like this?
    I'm tired of all this!
    Fire burning in my mind,
    A heart is something I can't quite find,
    Stop yelling in my ear,
    Cause your voice is something I don't hear,
    Tired of people telling me destined to hell,
    Cause in my mind,
    I'm already there,
    And screaming for someone to reach out and save me,
    The light at the tunnel,
    Looks to me more like a whirling funnel,
    Tell me why I live like this.
    One day, I'll be done with it all,
    And everyone will see me fall,
    And break to pieces,
    Cause I'm not what you all think,
    I'm not everyone's perfect shrink,
    My reward is helping the world,
    But when the world help me?
    I just want someone to save me,
    Hold me high and take it all away,
    I can't save the world,
    And I can't make everything ok,
    I can't say I don't try,
    Where will you be when I die?
    I'm sorry, but I'm far from perfection,
    But I will try for you,
    And for anyone who goes for my hand,
    And wants me to understand,
    I'm there when you need me,
    But what about when I need me?
    Where am I when I need someone?
    I'm helping everyone hold up themselves..
    Now all I'm asking,
    Someone hold me high, and take this all away!

    Current Mood: determined
    Current Music: Evanescence - Solitude
    2 tears cry for me
    08:51 p.
    capricious desires
    Here is a poem i posted on my site ages ago.
    I had a huge decision to make which i still have to live with today.
    This is one of the poems i wrote while having to make the momentous decision
    All is well now, but here it is...

    Capricious desires
    Poetry of my soul
    open and close
    to the depth of my desire
    i feel the illusion of fire
    dragon sits high on the hill
    unravels masked desire
    laughs out loud
    with mockery
    as he perceives caprice
    riddled through this
    being that's me

    Current Mood: reminiscent
    1 tear cry for me
    01:38 p.
    Morbid Beauty Lasts
    The thorns have sprung their roses
    A beautific flower pose
    Such beauty has such innocence
    Such that can not grow old
    The thorns have such a menace
    Touch promise blood and tears
    Such thorns have such a beauty
    A prolific spiny spear
    These thorns feel oh so ancient
    As they watch the roses wither
    Such beauty that is morbid
    Will grow old through years of winter

    Current Music: Behind Blue eyes - Limp bizkit
    1 tear cry for me
    Friday, May 13th, 2005
    09:21 a.
    A new song
    Somewhere in this city )

    Current Mood: sad
    Current Music: My Own
    4 tears cry for me
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