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[30 Dec 2004|01:28am]

Name: Subject to Change
Pairing: John/Jesse here. you'll see what else comes up.
a) This fic is going to be written in a very, very different format. It might be confusing at first, or hell, all the way through. But I know you're all smart cookies and can get it, right? I don't know how much I'll like updating in this format. It takes so long to...well, format. Or how much anyone will actually like this. I really hope everyone's browser renders it correctly, and that everyone can at least tolerate it.

b) Yes, it's written in all lowercase. It's supposed to be that way. Deal with it.

c) Slight rewriting of history. Not enough to be AU, but don't keep these bands' history in mind when you read it.

d) I don't know where this is going or how it will end. Or how many chapters it will be. Hopefully more than 5, since it seems that's what happens to most of my chapterfics.

e) Hint in reading this: reread each section a few times. Some of them say different things when read different ways....granted, I made it horribly obvious (I think), but sometimes people like me miss things like that.

f) Yes, it's really called 'Subject to Change'. That is not the status of the title. It IS the title.

g) New Dying Calendars hopefully on Dec. 31 or Jan. 1. Considering it will be the last chapter and the title of that is stolen from a song about new year's and all. ("Jet Black New Year" by Thursday - like calendars dying at new year's eve parties...)

without further ado, chapter 1
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[29 Dec 2004|11:11pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | "I just wanna live" - GC ]

Does anyone have pictures from the "I Just Wanna Live" video?
Because I need a pic of Paul in the burger suit...
But if you have any others that would be nice too.


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[29 Dec 2004|11:23pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | MEST ]

Title: My Band Made It to International Stardom and All I Got Was This Emo Angst? (2/9)

Authors: oritsu_luv and jaded_hopeless

Pairing: Tony/Matt

Rating: R

Disclaimer: None of this actually happened. It was all made up in the minds of the authors'. Sadly.

Summary: Tony's a slut when he drinks. Actually, Tony's a slut sober too. Matt has problems with this

A/N: This was written over a long period of time and through AIM, with one of us as Matt and the other as Tony. So if the view points are confusing, we apologise in advance, although they should be pretty straight forward as it mostly shifts from Matt to Tony and vice versa. Comments and feedback are always welcome. Thanks for all the reviews!! We're so glad people like it!!



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Say Anything [29 Dec 2004|08:30pm]

[ mood | creative ]
[ music | Mest - Compulsive Prep ]

Title: Say Anything
Author: [info]manual_babbling
Pairing: Matt / Benji
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Matt asked Benji out at a group therapy session, and Benji has a past that may or may not affect their relationship. [I suck at summaries. Give me a break.]
Disclaimer: I own no one, I know no one.
A/N: Review, please. I need advice. I don't care if you think it sucks, as long as you review. ♥

Chapter Eight )

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[29 Dec 2004|10:46pm]

Put Sonny in the Corner

Author: Lestat Manson

No harm, no foul.

Pairing: Sonny Moore [From First to Last]/ Ace Enders [The Early November]

Notes: This is the very, very short first bit of what will hopefully be a longer, multi-chap. I very much love this. I have put a lot into it. If you don’t like it, please don’t tell me, because it will hurt very much. I’m trying a new pairing type thing, and I enjoy it. Adam Lazzara isn’t in this at all, and hopefully, he won’t show up. This part is vague, not telling too much, but it will get much better. Thank you.

Teaser: This introduction, actually, is a gross misrepresentation of your personality, because this is not at all how you talk, or how you think, and if anyone would like to sue Sonny Moore for false advertising, they can send their complaints and sharply-dressed lawyers to a house that does not belong to you, or your mother, who you are tempted to call the Mommy, thus ripping off one of those great, thoughtful writer guys who speak for their generation in best-sellers.

Read more... )
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[29 Dec 2004|06:50pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | muse: sing for absolution ]

Hey, kids.

I'm making something in photoshop for a friend of mine and I wondered if any of you had any high-quality pictures of Mr. Conor Oberst.

It would be much appreciated

IM me at reverse for luck
email them to
or leave them in the comments.

thank you much.

<333 meg

ps; if this isn't allowed, delete it yourself 'cause i'm too lazy.

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[29 Dec 2004|04:49pm]

[ mood | horny ]
[ music | "The Last Time" - Mest ]

Title: Harder to Breathe
Author: Jaydn (aka weallfadeaway)
Rating: NCI7 [for naughty behaviour]
Pairing: Matt/OMC, Tony/Benji, Tony/Matt, Matt/Joel,
Summary: Touring + Hot Boys + Crushes + Alcohol = Drama
Disclaimer: Do not know or own anyone involved in this story other than Blake Wilson, Bastian Miller, Garret Meyers, and Victor Sanchez. I also own the name of Blake's band, Monolithic Nightmare. Also, I own Blythe Valmont and Ashley Hall.

There's mild sexual content in this chapter.

All previous chapters can be found at my journal.

Chapter 27 )

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Say Anything [29 Dec 2004|05:43pm]

[ mood | crazah ]
[ music | Mest - Misunderstood ]

Title: Say Anything
Author: [info]manual_babbling
Pairing: Matt / Benji
Rating: R-ish, I guess.
Summary: Benji and Matt have to go to "group therapy." Totally better than it sounds, I swear.
Disclaimer: I own no one, I know no one.
A/N: Review, please. I need advice. I don't care if you think it sucks, as long as you review. ♥
A/N 2: Italic means it's a flashback, okay? Okay.
Dedication: This is for [info]rejected_love because she's awesome, and she made my new icon. ♥

Chapter Seven )

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[29 Dec 2004|01:16pm]

[ mood | optimistic ]
[ music | Straylight Run - The Tension and the Terror ]

I have a favor to ask of anyone who would like to help...

I have a couple of pictures I would like to turn into icons but my animator expired and I don't feel like going to find another good one I can get for free...

Would someone make them for me if I sent them the pictures? We could even share them! lmao...


And, would anyone have any interest in writing a John/Adam fic based on this song ) and maybe with a bit of this )

Ok, that's all of my begging.

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Just Like Me [29 Dec 2004|09:43pm]

[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | Ford Econoline - Nanci Griffith ]

Title: Just Like Me
Author: Blink-sum-new-muse
Rating: PG
Fandom: Good Charlotte
Summary: None of that was just like him. In fact, it was just like me.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the members of Good Charlotte or their families. I also don’t own Sid Vicious. I do, however, own Adam and Jason from A, Matt and Dom from Muse, and Bryan Holland from The Offspring. Yes indeedy. But they can be rented out. Prices negotiable. Fiction is the word, and the words are mine.
Status: Finished.

Just Like Me


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[30 Dec 2004|08:41am]

[ mood | creative ]
[ music | Alkaline Trio // This Could Be Love ]

Hey, just posting to let everyone know there's a new role play at [info]_mysideofthebed. Only a few characters have been taken, so feel free to go on over there and have a look.

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Soap [29 Dec 2004|09:10pm]

Title: Soap
Pairing: Joel/Benji
Disclaimer:I own no-one, this is pretend
Author's Note: No Tony, no David, no Matt, no Jared, just the Twins...
Dedicated to: [info]iluvtwincest for mithering me about writing some twincest, here you go honey!

Review, thanks :)

x-posted like the Review Whore I am...

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[29 Dec 2004|10:00pm]

[ mood | annoyed ]

Title: Don't Make Him Look So Pretty Burning
Author: Emelie
Paring: Bert McCracken/Gerard Way
Rating: R
Dedication: This is a Christmas gift for [Bad username in LJ tag]
Summary: Bert wants to kiss Gerard...
Note: Not true, I don't own the characters and this never happened. Please don't kill me? And a big thank you to [Bad username in LJ tag] for the help!

( Don't Make Him Look So Pretty Burning)

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off-topic kinda, it's still slashy [29 Dec 2004|06:44pm]

I don't if anyone posted this before but look haha...

MCR live on Conan 12-17-2004. Frank hugging Conan and then giving Gerard a lil kiss... He's too damn fucking cute.
Video found on

Animation )
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[29 Dec 2004|10:18am]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Good Charlotte xXx "We Believe" ]

Title: In Joy And Sorrow
Author: K. Romance
Bands: H.I.M
Summary: There's a new student in West Chester PA. 
Disclaimer: Not real. Never will be

X-posted in  [info]__vam


In Joy and Sorrow- Chapter One )

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[29 Dec 2004|01:24am]

Title: Love Doesn't Cost A Thing
Pairing: Jesse/Surprise
Rating: R
Chapter: 1
Disclaimer: I own them. They're in my closet wearing skanky clothing.

Love Doesn't Cost A Thing )
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[29 Dec 2004|12:04am]

[ mood | okay ]
[ music | We Believe - Good Charlotte ]

Title: It’s A Twin Thing
Author: Me, Peachy
Bands: Good Charlotte ; Mest
Summary: he never made it back. His car was smashed. He fell asleep at the wheel.
Disclaimer: Not real. Never will be.
A/N: POV’s change every other chapter or so.


Chapter One

Sorry it's short. I'll try to make the next chapter longer. Reviews? Kthnxbye.

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[28 Dec 2004|11:04pm]

[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | My Chemical Romance ]

I made a few icons. My first time. Awww...I lost my icon-making virginity.
They prolly suck, but here you go...

7 Random Icons )

22 comments|post comment

The Boy With the Thorn in his Side Chapter Two [29 Dec 2004|12:23am]

[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | Crass- do they owe us a living ]

Title: the Boy with the Thorn in his side Chapter Two
Author:[info]el_blanks77 and tv_set on
Rating: PG-13 as of now. R later, and possibly NC- 17 in later chapters.
Pairing: Tim Kasher&Conor Oberst
Warnings: Abuse, Rape (in later chapters)a 19 year old, and a 15 year old. But all that comes in later chapters.
Dedication: Morrissey, for being a genius. Conor Oberst, for being, well, Conor, and Tim Kasher for creating Curisve.
Summary: Tim Kasher, 19, is in love with the boy he watches everyday in the front of the Northwest Highschool. They've never talked before, and he doesn't even know his name. All he knows is that something ails him, and he wants to find out.
VERY SPEICAL THANKS: Jan! I ♥ you. And anyone else that helped me! I actually wrote a 2nd chapter!!

And because I feel I should start a new trend to learn about different bands:
Musical Reccomendation #1: Crass. Great crust punk band! Personally, I like 'Asylum' but it's a little harsh. Tell me what you think in a review if you decide to listen to them! And give me a reccomendation as well!

Also, this is unbeat'd once again. Sorry!

How Does It Feel? )

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Mest Up [28 Dec 2004|11:00pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | "Cadillac" -Mest ]

Title: Mest Up
Author: Trip
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Crossover
Pairing: Matt/Billy
Summary: Matt loves Billy, Billy likes Matt. Jere loves himself, and
fucks stuff

1 )2 )3 )4 )5 )6 )7 )

Chapter Eight )

Yeah, it took me a while to get it out, and its pretty short, but I hope you enjoy!


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