Friday, December 17th, 2004
11:39 am - Why I love being a Padre fan
1)We made the most improvment in baseball last year 2)We have the best second baseman in baseball 3)We have the best 1-2-3 closer/set-up guys combo in baseball 4)We have a frontline catcher 5)We have the most exciting young shortstop in baseball 6)We have sluggers in the 2-5 spots 7)We have a number one who won the ERA title last year 8)He is 23 years old 9)all 8 of our regulars 1-8 have a very high ceiling 10)Eric Young>>>>>Dave Hansan 11)We have a number 5 starter who had a sub FOUR ERA just 2 years ago.....In tha AL 12)7 guys in our line-up are capable of hitting 20 hrs 13)7 have hit atleast 17 in a season 14)We have Brian Frickin Giles on the Padres 15)Both our GM and manager are very likeable guys who are long term Padres 16)We have some very nice prosects 17)We owe very little money after 2006 18)We have a GREAT new ball park 19)Jerry Coleman 20)Ted Leitner 21)They play in San Diego 22)Everybody who IS a Padre...Wants to be a Padre 23)we could have the exact same 8 starting position players as last year 24)They are all good 25)The players seem to care about each AB as much as we do. 26)Were not the Dodgers
Stole this from the Padres ESPN message board, I thought it was pretty damn good. All you hear right now is how the Padres aren't doing anything, yadda yadda yadda [damn local sports guys, they need something to complain about]
By the way, how long has it been since both the Padres and Chargers had a winning season, in the same year.
Ball Her Discreetly
| Tuesday, July 13th, 2004
2:16 am - In case you were wondering...
I just threw up Rocky Road ice cream from my nose.
I won't lie, it tasted much better going down then it did coming up.
Now on to your regulary scheduled programing.
current mood: groggy
Ball Her Discreetly
| Wednesday, July 7th, 2004
4:07 pm - I swear i've saved more money then that...
![](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/web.archive.org/web/20050602012941im_/http:/=2fwww.quitmeter.com/graph.php=3fYear=3d2002&Month=3d10&Day=3d28&Time=3d6=253A06=253A05pm&Zone=3d8&Cigarettes=3d20&Periodicity=3d1&Price=3d3.00&Currency=3d=2524&Perpack=3d20&Template=3dELAPSED+since+quitting.+CIGARETTES+cigarettes+not+smoked.+=2524SAVED+saved.&backgroundcolor=3d=2523CAFAFB&textcolor=3d=2523000000&fontsize=3d12&fontname=3dn022003l.pfb&wrapcolumn=3d0&antialias=3d16&alignment=3dleft&Transparent=3d) QuitMeter Counter courtesy of www.quitmeter.com.
Not a day goes by where I don't want one, however it was the best decesion of my life. I just wish my parents would quit...
current mood: creative
Ball Her Discreetly
| Saturday, June 19th, 2004
9:10 am - A fat man and a preist walk into a bar...
My niece got a cell phone today.
Did i mention she is 8-years-old.
In her defense, it is for emergency purposes only and she is sharing it with my 52-year-old stepdad who has no clue how to work a regular phone, let alone a cell phone. Pure comedy. I love it.
We had closing ceremonies today for T-Ball. I will miss those 14 kids for the winter, but I had a blast and I am glad it is over. However, I cannot wait until next March when it starts up all over again.
Nothing feels better then watching a little boy hit his first baseball with his father in the stands jumping up and down as his pride and joy runs the bases.
current mood: happy
Ball Her Discreetly
| Monday, June 14th, 2004
9:52 pm
I don't normally do these stupid LJ things, but the last two have been sort of funny. I promise to post more often.
current mood: dorky
Ball Her Discreetly
12:40 am - Oh, you are dating a retard?
| Thursday, June 3rd, 2004
12:47 am - hmm, an actual post!
I want anyone and everyone who reads this to post in here something they would LIKE to do with me SOMEDAY. Then post this in your journal to find out what I want to do with you.
current mood: grateful
Ball Her Discreetly
| Saturday, April 10th, 2004
11:42 pm - Awwwwwwwwwww yeah!
Recieved a letter today from the Los Angeles Times.
Dear Matt, Congraulations! The Los Angeles Times is pleased to inform you that you have been selected for the 2004 class of The Times' Jim Murray Sports Journalism Workshop. As anticipated, the pool of applicants was very strong and competitive. You should be very proud of your accomplishment.
Twenty-seven students have been selected to particpate in the workshop from colleges and universities across the country.
Plus much much more that are not important.
The best part, the top two people get a summer internship with the L.A. Times!!!
current mood: good
Ball Her Discreetly
| Tuesday, March 30th, 2004
12:54 am - It's like WHOA!
| Friday, March 5th, 2004
2:13 pm - Web Designer
So i am currently making a website for a San Diego business. My actual first paying gig. Well sorta. We agreed on 10 pages at 70 dollars a page.[I've made 16 pages so far, some small, very small, but some quite large as well] Quite a steal. Well, the thing is, its almost all done, and I've yet to see a dime. I was told I would get half now and half in July, which i was like ya whatever i need the money NOW. Seeing as i couldnt pay my truck payment last month. Well this guy emails me DAILY about shit he wants to do to the site and it's really annoying. He is always wanting to change things or add things and just bleh. So i found this today and i thought it was awesome. Laura should get a kick out of it.
okay kids, this is a checklist. before advertising for a web designer, make sure you read and understand each of the following:
1.) no, i cannot create an animated dog for your home fucking dog food company that will lick your visitors upon arrival for that extra special something and automatically create a database sorted by sex, flavor, age and career, from which you can send out personalized mailers. you were honestly the fastest sperm, huh?
2.) if you know flash, why do i have to?
3.) if you state in your ad that you know absolutely nothing about web design, you will get soaked. period. we're all just sharks, circling around, waiting for that phrase to appear in an ad. we all know what other quotes you're getting, and when we charge you fifteen hundred dollars for a three page, two color layout, it's your own fault. by the way, we all got together and spent the fee on hookers. ugly ones.
4.) sneakily trying to advertise for a web designer to make you a porn site is weak. just say in your ad that you want to show naked pictures of women fucking dogs so i can decide, before i apply, if i want to see that sort of thing, and not AFTER you've sent me a mentally and emotionally scarring photo of a maybe-blonde (it was hard to tell, at that angle) and a great dane, and THEN ask me if i am comfortable with that kind of content.
5.) do not ask me to design something to send you and then tell me you've found someone else. if i am spending three hours putting something together to show you, you're going to pay me for it. period. make sure to attach your work number so i can call your company and tell them disgusting and embarassing stories about you, if you happen to decide to rip me off.
6.) try very hard to consider what you're looking for. if you want a twenty-five page site with eighteen forms and six flash animations, complete with unique, personally written soundtrack, fifty page, five hundred image photo gallery of your sailing trip across lake michigan, which must, at all costs, be password protected, expect to pay better than three bucks an hour.
if not all of this is necessary, say so up front. if it IS necessary, include it in your fucking ad, fucktard.
7.) not every web designer on earth knows flash, php, cgi, mysql, how to program your vcr, where you put your porn you downloaded off kazaa for 'educational purposes', and whether or not that deal you got on your two year old palm pilot was awesome. do not assume we do.
8.) no, you don't need flash. no one is going to be impressed by it. if you're selling handmade bird cages bedecked with ribbon and lace, a flash movie is not going to increase your sales. try suicide. shit's always worth more after the 'artist' has kicked. also, you're taking up air that the rest of us could really use.
9.) when i quote you a price, it's based on what you've told me about your site needs. if you want to alter something, expect a new charge. that's just how it works. if you ordered a red car from me and then changed your mind after a week and wanted a black one, you'd be up shits creek, sans paddle. look at it this way - i'm not beating you about the head with a stick, so you're getting off lighter than the last guy who fucked with me.
10.) after all is said and done, the site is uploaded and i'm expecting a check in the mail that never comes, be prepared for some indignation on my part. ripping someone off for money they earned, especially when they've given you the deal of a lifetime is not just rude, but bewildering. and if five months later, you happen to see someone in glasses, wearing a checkered shirt complete with pocket protector, and holding a picture of you - run. all web designers know each other, and we're looking for your ass to beat you with an old c64 keyboard.
so we can rob you and call the hookers back.
current mood: full
Ball Her Discreetly
| Friday, February 27th, 2004
12:08 am
Why in the hell do i like 311 so much...Argh
current music: 311-Creatures
Ball Her Discreetly
| Sunday, February 15th, 2004
9:30 pm - V-Day
We had an awesome time on Valentines Day. We went to dinner at this swanky/skuzzy little Italian place in Esco.. One of their tables was an old school pac-man game.. I KID YOU NOT! Could i even make that up. Anyways dinner was good but they had this special menu for V-Day, that way you could only order from a range of 5 things as to speed up the process, but they jacked up the prices big time because the cheapest thing was like 20 dollars.. Anyways after that we saw Miracle. Great movie. Go see it. Or at least rent it. As for presents i totally made out. I got this:
![title or description](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/web.archive.org/web/20050602012941im_/http:/=2fwww.fossil.com/images/us/local/products/detail/FS2990.jpg)
It makes me look hot. Thanks baby..xoxoox
Also i was reading through my friends list and this girl posted something that i thought was super funny.. She even put this behind a LJ cut with this warning...
"Mildly graphic, however I wanted to avoid any mess with people reading this that would have rather not... And let's just say it's not for the young persons..."
So of course i read it. In her post she states that she got bad razor burn from shaving her privates and shes afriad of giving it to her better half because he did the deed...and yadda yadda yadda. So i'm nosey and i click on this girls name... She is 16. HELLO!!! She filtered herself out of her own post.
I'm done now. Bye bye..
current mood: chipper
Ball Her Discreetly
| Monday, February 2nd, 2004
12:37 am - For those who need proof
| Saturday, January 10th, 2004
11:17 pm - I made it this far now...
I told myself i need to write more in here so i am going to give it a try, since i know SOOOOOOOOOOOO many of you hang on every word i say.
Screw the bills this month, Vegas calls, and so does the MGM Grand.
I know what you are thinking, did Matt rob a bank?? Nope, but we are going Monday through Thursday and during the winter, thus rooms are SUPER cheap. Like me.
We are also going to see Tom Jones. We were also going to see Dave Attell from Comedy Central because he is the shit, but someone else much who has 10 times more shit that Attell invited us to a New Years Eve bash......yes New Years Eve bash.. we are going to party like its 2004.
So ya Andromeda, we will be there. We will be poor, which is nothing new.. Come to think of it, we will be going from Party City to your pad.. wow you have a bit to live up too, but knowing you, you'll do just fine.
Wow i talk too much. Bye.
current mood: crazy current music: Yellowcard-Way Away
Ball Her Discreetly
| Saturday, January 3rd, 2004
9:06 pm - NewsFlash!!
Britney was married....
Oh well, i guess she couldn't wait for me..
Source- http://www.reviewjournal.com/ Posted 19:17:00 PST Pop singing superstar Britney Spears was married to childhood friend Jason Allen Alexander Saturday in Las Vegas, the Las Vegas Review-Journal has learned. An affidavit of Application for Marriage License filed Jan. 3 showed that Spears, 22, of Kentwood, La., and Alexander, 22, also of Kentwood were granted a marriage license. It is the first marriage for each
current mood: sad
Ball Her Discreetly
| Thursday, January 1st, 2004
10:21 pm
| Wednesday, December 24th, 2003
11:59 pm
To you and yours, Merry Christmas. May it be what you wished for and then some. Be safe.
current mood: thankful
Ball Her Discreetly
| Saturday, October 4th, 2003
6:03 pm - For my baby,,,
Right back 'atcha kid xoxoxo
I've waited hours for this I've made myself so sick I wish I'd stayed asleep today I never thought this day would end I never thought tonight could ever be This close to me
Just try to see in the dark Just try to make it work To feel the fear before you're here I make the shapes come much too close I pull my eyes out Hold my breath And wait until I shake...
But if I had your faith Then I could make it safe and clean If only I was sure That my head on the door was a dream
I've waited hours for this I've made myself so sick I wish I'd stayed asleep today I never thought this day would end I never thought tonight could ever be This close to me
But if I had your face I could make it safe and clean If only I was sure That my head on the door Was a dream
current mood: loved
Ball Her Discreetly
| Monday, September 15th, 2003
12:38 am - Is this true?
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
current mood: apathetic
Ball Her Discreetly
| Saturday, July 5th, 2003
12:20 am - sucked into the LJ vortex