There is No Love for a Sad Little Emo Girl [entries|friends|calendar]

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(1 last calls for alcohol | closing time)

[21 Feb 2005|05:42pm]
home :o)

(closing time)

[21 Feb 2005|02:30pm]

(closing time)

[21 Feb 2005|12:23pm]
ok recap...

lol this is gonna be so short because i dont remember half of it.

sooo friday i went to my classes. packed up my stuff. chatted with the meeks. got my stuff together in the car. forgot a towel and flip flops. oh well.
drove and drove. listened to steves tunes and some of the radio. made damn good time. because we all know how i drive.
got here. um. lol i dont remember what happened after that....i know we were drving around for a long time. ended up in a sns. got pissed about their cheese bazaar. drove some more. went to spikes. hot dog! drove some more. ended up in mikes sns. mad about their cheese bazaar too. got some pepperjack. and some dixie cups to do shots with lol. came back. tommy was makin fun of my littleness.

suddenly i dont wanna update anymore. lol.
songs of the weekend tho:

think twice
the freshman
jesse's girl

sometimes a fantasy
mr brightside ;o)
bombs over baghdad
caught up
the ketchup song
summer girls
sunday morning
answer the phone
downeastern alexa

what ails a sore throat?
you taste like barf
you smell
my phones more erect....would you like me to deerect it for you?
lindas a spy!
bob dole
here is a winter evergreen chocolate lollipop for you

you know you wish you had jareds girl

(closing time)

[20 Feb 2005|11:16pm]
every new begining comes from some other beginings end

(6 last calls for alcohol | closing time)

[20 Feb 2005|12:31am]
i just hit my elbow

i def madce out with jared morettti

hes laughin at me

im doin great tonight

(1 last calls for alcohol | closing time)

[19 Feb 2005|11:34pm]
lol i heart jared

(closing time)

[19 Feb 2005|10:45am]
dixie cups- imitation shot glasses

You Are A Realistic Romantic

You are more romantic than 60% of the population.

It's easy for you to get swept away by romance...
But you've done a pretty good job keeping perspective.
You're still taken in by love poems and sunsets
You just don't fall for every dreamy pick up line!

(closing time)

[19 Feb 2005|10:38am]
secret staircase?
secret way to take out the trash?

these bryant kids are crazy.

im going to do something now. lol i dont know what.

do you know that i hate you?

(2 last calls for alcohol | closing time)

[18 Feb 2005|09:49am]
a million things to do and so little time to do it in. arg.
2 more classes
packing packing packing
drive drive drive
jared moretti?

oh what fun.

(2 last calls for alcohol | closing time)

[17 Feb 2005|12:40pm]
i was thinking about what mark said. about how he limits the amount of people he knows and associates with. and i seriously should have thought of that sooner.
so i can think of 2 people to get rid of. maybe 3. depending on how things go.
nah lets just get rid of all of them. so much easier.
cry cry. i dont care.

(1 last calls for alcohol | closing time)

[14 Feb 2005|12:32pm]
so fresh and so clean!

(2 last calls for alcohol | closing time)

[12 Feb 2005|02:32pm]
bitches and hoes man. bitches and hoes.
i think im failing my mission

still there were no specifics on what i was supposed to accomplish, sooooooooo
i think i did okay. cant technicaly call it a failure. but man i wish i could do more.

i need to say what i mean and mean what i say.

why are boys so difficult? seriously! dont play games with me!

do you even LIKE me?

(4 last calls for alcohol | closing time)

[10 Feb 2005|12:26pm]
here i am again. i had a million thoughts to write. this was gonna be a huge entry. you were all going to actually get a clue as to whats going on in my life and in my head for once, but no. i cant write. cant express myself. and im having trouble just trying to say that i cant write.
wtf is wrong with me?
i almost wish i chose another major. that i hadnt taken that class with schmid and bigbey. maybe then i wouldnt think so much and analyze everything.
who knows.
thanks for fucking up my life and making me the basket case i am today.

(5 last calls for alcohol | closing time)

[09 Feb 2005|02:42pm]
why does life have to be so difficult, so complex?

(closing time)

[08 Feb 2005|08:43pm]
the ideal man

hes gotta be a gentlemen, but doesnt like gotta open doors or pay for dinner all the time
hes sensitive and isnt afraid to show emotion, but at the same time isnt a pussy
romanticly unpredictable
has goals
a half way decent job
a car
hes gotta have confidence, almost to the point of cockiness, but like he cant be an asshole about it
overall just sweetness
has patience
doesnt feel the need to check in, nor feels the need to have me check in
gets jealous when i hang out with the guys, but doesnt freak out about it
is protective
taller then me but not too tall
is affectionate when appropriate
can match my stubborness
wont give me crap about being quiet
hangs out with his friends and doesnt give me crap about hanging out with mine
is cuddly
has time for me, but has a life outside of our relationship
can take a joke
has a sense of humor

(closing time)

[07 Feb 2005|10:14am]
field trip to the computer lab. gah i feel like im back in high school.

(4 last calls for alcohol | closing time)

what summer will bring [05 Feb 2005|03:43pm]
*a work in progress*

we need to/will do:

-meet billy
-complete/continue our missions
-take more trips to vince lombardi
-go to six flags
-go to one of those medevil times things

i need to/will do:

-complete my final mission
-lose the rest of the weight
-find someone to balance things
-get a decent tan

(7 last calls for alcohol | closing time)

an ode to yesterday [04 Feb 2005|02:28pm]
today of course was like any other. typical. school in the morning. still when i woke up i knew something wasnt right. somehow i knew my sister wasnt gonna have a good day. i shrugged it off, as i seem to do with all gut feelings. a habbit i wish i could break.
i came home from school and changed quickly. i hate it when i get jeans wet. when i trudged back down the stairs, i could feel a difference in the atmosphere. it felt almost like...death. i changed my mind about eating right then.
i plopped down in front of my laptop and figured now was a great time to catch up on alias. the cat hopped up on the couch next to me, watching intently. shes seemed to grown quite attached to me these past few days. whatever.
i watched an episode and got into another when my mother called. she chatted about the usual how was school do you have work your fathers comming home early. and i wandered around the house as i always seem to do when im on the phone.
i stopped when i got to the tv and peered into the hamster cage, expecting to see a mound of shavings moving up and down. i didnt. instead there was the little guy, lying on his side, a little stretched out. not breathing.
it finally happened. at least hes not suffering any longer.
after i got off the phone i found a box my mom had bought some jewlery in. it seemed like it would be big enough.
teddy was home shortly after. he took some shavings and lined the box. for a coffin it looked kinda warm and cozy. he placed raspberry inside, along with some pumpkin seeds. those were always his favorite. teddy wrote some things on the cover of the box. raspberry. 2/4/05. resting in peace. teddy was bein so cute it almost made me cry.
so i put on my sneakers and my sisters winter coat. we went out to the garage, teddy placing rasperrys coffin on the hood of brenda. he grabbed the spade thing, i retrieved the shovel. he picked up the box, and we shuffled our way to the back of the yard. i stepped in teddys footprints in the snow. i felt like shuch a little kid. teddy dug out a little hole, coughin and swearing like he always does. he mumbled something about we should have cleared this area about and used markers, instead of having them all scrambled and scattered.
who knew wed have so many pets die?

raspberry starred in our movie. i wanted a sequal. such is life. or death.

im sorry squants.

(closing time)

[03 Feb 2005|01:48pm]
i think ive just been bullshitted into a lot of guilt for no reason.
ugh sour

(3 last calls for alcohol | closing time)

the #1 i hate guys is..... [01 Feb 2005|01:48pm]
[ mood | angry ]

him (2:59:28 AM): you guys hook up yet?
me (2:59:36 AM): no
him (3:00:04 AM): do it already so he can stop havin interest in you and you could actually remember something besides doing the chalk boards

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