Shannon's Ego Trip [stream of consciousness|inspirations|torn out chapters]

[ sketch | chaotic discovery ]
[ scrapbook | introspection ]

A few days late in the copying into the journal... [Thursday|02 December 2004|10:18pm]
But here it is... Everyone needs an ego boost.

1. Reply to this post.

2. Watch my journal over the next few days for a post all about you and how neat you are. A whole post dedicated to how cool you are!

3. Post these instructions in your journal and spread the love.
1 idiosyncratic gripe| challenge my ego

[Sunday|28 November 2004|04:01pm]
Oh my friends, what a glorious day! It is SNOWING! First snow of the season. First time this Floridian has driven in it. I went to the hardware store to get sandbags for car weight, and on my way there, there were three houses with kids in the front yard making snowmen. I wish I'd had a camera because they were adorable! Oh, this is FANTASTIC! I took some awful pictures earlier today. Perhaps I'll just put up the one with snow on the deck and part of the view out my back slider from my apartment. Oh, SO exciting! Perhaps I'll actually take some BETTER pictures later and post them up. Especially since there's more snow now.
challenge my ego

[Thursday|25 November 2004|08:01pm]
Thanksgiving... And, I get pulled over for speeding on my way to Thanksgiving dinner.

Cursed bad karma! Damn me for saying (just last night) that I only get pulled over during November, December, and January... AND, that I had only been pulled over in Florida.


Ah well. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
challenge my ego

This is so UN-me. [Sunday|07 November 2004|09:46pm]
I never fill these things out, so I thought I would tonight.

5 things you wear daily:
1. jeans
2. necklace
3. watch
4. tshirt
5. underwear

5 movies you'd watch over & over:
1. Home Alone
2. Rudy
3. Chasing Amy
4. You've Got Mail
5. High Fidelity

5 objects you touch every day:
1. my car
2. my computer
3. my backpack
4. my cell phone
5. my keys

5 things you do every day:
1. shower
2. sleep (or try)
3. eat
4. brush my teeth
5. chew gum

5 foods/drinks that you can't live without:
1. water
2. chicken
3. diet coke (recently only)
4. gum (by executive decision, I can include this here)
5. cheese

5 people that have influenced your life:
1. Mom
2. Matt Radio
3. Jenny
4. HeL
5. Jim

2 material things you cant live without:
1. Duncan
2. computer

5 things you are doing right now:
1. watching tv
2. talking to Matt Radio
3. waiting
4. yawning
5. sniffing (my nose is stuffy)

2 things you ate in the last 24 hours:
1. hot dogs
2. eggs

5 things you did so far today:
1. snuggled with the blankets in bed
2. went to Village Inn for breakfast
3. went to the office to work on homework with the kids
4. harassed LT
5. took a shower

3 things you can hear right now:
1. the tv
2. the loud guys upstairs
3. wind blowing outside

5 colors you can see:
1. orange
2. red
3. green
4. yellow
5. blue

5 thoughts in your head:
1. My throat is killing me.
2. Are you up yet?
3. I wonder how cold it's going to be in the morning.
4. My shirt smells good.
5. I can't wait to get into bed tonight.

10 things you like in the opposite sex:
1. Honesty.
2. Sincerity.
3. They have morals.
4. How they look at you.
5. How they know exactly where to tickle you that will drive you crazy.
6. They can smell really good... When they want to.
7. They're good snugglers.
8. They way that they make you smile.
9. How they kiss you on the forehead.
10. How they like what you look like in the morning.

5 objects in your room
1. my tv
2. my stereo
3. my bed
4. my dirty clothes on the floor
5. my fan
4 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

[Friday|01 October 2004|07:29pm]
Friday night and I'm home doing laundry and cleaning my apartment.

I lead a glorious life.
2 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

Take the first left onto Memory Lane... [Sunday|19 September 2004|11:58pm]
"I remember the night your dad made me a drink."

"I'm thinking of a night on the beach with you. Well, there are a couple, but the first one I recalled was one where you and I kissed and walked around in the moonlight. It came unbidden and it's a happy memory. Distant, but happy."

"Just talking to you tonight... Makes me realize how much I missed you."

"I've missed you too. It got to the point where I had to IM you. So, I get it."

"People form relationships because they fill in the blanks the other suffers from. There's no reason to assume that I had filled those blanks on my own you know. Time may heal all wounds, but I'm still me* and you're still you*."

"I would love, right now, to find someone I can get in bed with at night and just talk. And, I know that sounds so naive and simple, but..."

"It's naive and simple and crucial. *Begin Poetics* All of our desires are naive and simple. I'm hungry. I'm lonely. Somebody feed me and hug me. Nothing wrong with that at all."

"Well....when I was single....for....17 years I had a theory. Single life is a funny thing. 98% of the time, it's a glorious, liberating, productive, constructive experience. You get things done, you're motivated, you're hungry. 2% of the time, you're lonely and depressed. That's what I like to call bedtime."

"I have all these memories flooding my head right now that I haven't though of in SO long."


"Like, sleeping on the couch together one weekend when I came up from school."

"That's a good one."

"Like, waking up at 5 am and my mom nearly killing me for not getting home till 6 am."

"I remember one night, I don't remember the circumstance exactly. We were sitting the couch, you were to my right, and I remember everything being awkward, and you leaning over and kissing me."

"And then freaking out about it. Because I shouldn't have done it."

"That's the night."

"I remember that night."

"All this wandering down Memory Lane here is making me so nostalgic... As well as making me feel things I know I should NOT be feeling."

"I'm feeling them too. It's okay."

"Was it us that played with the kids on the playground?"

"Those kids were awesome. Man, that's way back dude. You really are getting some memory flood action."

"I remember you driving me around in a white truck whilst we listened to some incubus."

"*I* remember the Medieval Fair."

" Shit, I remember too. You brought a friend of yours and I was wandering about aimlessly after the chess match."

" I remember a kiss outside of blockbuster. A daring peck as I recall."

"Well, I appreciate the company on our trip tonight."

"Memory lane eh. No sweat. See ya' around kid."

*Names have been changed/omitted to protect the guilty. :)
1 idiosyncratic gripe| challenge my ego

[Monday|30 August 2004|09:55pm]
Kevin Smith fans will appreciate this.

That's fantastic.

Salsa shark!
2 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

[Saturday|28 August 2004|07:26pm]
*laughs* Oh, this makes me laugh.

londonreign's LJ stalker is poetsdontknowit!
poetsdontknowit is stalking you because they have nothing better to do with their time. They are also prank calling you regularly!

LiveJournal Username:

LJ Stalker Finder
1 idiosyncratic gripe| challenge my ego

How could I not post this? It makes me laugh. And, probably Laura. [Saturday|21 August 2004|04:02pm]
Pick-Up Lines to use on Mathematics Chicks

  • You fascinate me more than the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

  • Are you a differentiable function? Because I'd like to be tangent to your curves!

  • You and I would add up better than a Riemann sum.

  • My love for you is a monotonic increasing function of time.

  • Wanna come back to my room and see my copy of Euclid's "Elements"?

  • I am equivalent to the Empty Set when you are not with me.

8 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

[Friday|20 August 2004|07:03pm]
If you know how to Telnet to a server, I need your help. I'm trying to set up my campus webpage, and I need to Telnet to get a file from my home computer to my campus server.

6 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

Take cover and be safe, kids. [Friday|13 August 2004|12:50pm]
Alright. I'm totally freaking out about Hurricane Charley. I can't bring myself to stop watching The Weather Channel. It really hit home when they said that the worst storm surge would be in Port Charlotte.

Now, I KNOW I'm in Lincoln right now, but I'm worried for my family and friends down there. I called [info]misshelene. They're squatting. My mom sounds freaked out, but trying to hide it. She might even leave. That's what really scares me because as long as we've lived in Florida, we've never left. Even my dad called my mom to see how it was going. That's when you know it's bad. Since my parents are divorced.

Even [info]poetsdontknowit headed to a friend's house with the evil Nightmare.

I'm freaking out, and I can't stop. I'm going to end up having a stroke from watching this on TV until 6am this morning, then getting up at 9:30 and flipping it on. Talk about anxiety.

I want a full report from everyone I know down there! I want to know that all is okay.

Normally I'm not like this with these things. What is my problem?

Who hit my panic button?
3 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

I'm here. I'm in Lincoln. [Friday|06 August 2004|12:30pm]
Well, I'm here. I'm in Nebraska. The family has gone back to Florida, and I'm holding down the fort alone. Now, I need visitors because I'm super lonely out here. I haven't even see neighbors on my floor. I must live in the building with 1 bedroom apartments because no one is ever around. Which, is kind of boring.

So, the mishaps in Florida with the moving truck are over. Damn UHAUL! Do NOT ever use them!! So, everything for the most part is here, except, you know, furniture and my bed. Hopefully they'll be shipped up to me soon and I can stop sleeping on an air mattress and quit having piles of clothes in the closet.

The place is pretty badass. I'll have to get some pictures up when I finally get my furniture and decorate. Thank you Trading Spaces, now I should have some ideas.

Let's see. What else? I had lunch with Steph yesterday. Jenny is about to leave for school in a week, so we'll have some time to hang out before she leaves. I opened my checking account today. Now, I just need to change my cell phone number, get my ID card, and figure out where to park on campus. Monday I'll find out where my new office is. THAT is kind of exciting.

HeL, where are you? I've been calling since yesterday and leaving tons of messages. Are you MIA?

I'm rambling. I'll get new contact information out soon via email, so comment on this if you want updated info.

Rock the day, kids.
7 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

[Thursday|29 July 2004|11:16pm]
What a nightmare!

That's really all I can say about this day.

Also, tomorrow I'm out of here, going cross country. Which, is a long story along with today's nightmare. I'm surprised we're still leaving tomorrow.

I'll be offline for a bit, and hopefully I'll get my internet connected Monday in my new apartment.

In the meantime, take care kids.

I miss this place. I don't visit much anymore.

Rock it!
2 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

[Saturday|17 July 2004|10:19pm]
After yesterday, I never want to celebrate my birthday again...
5 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

[Monday|12 July 2004|11:37pm]
My Best Friend is [info]misshelene
Our 22 common interests are: cheese, coffee, dashboard confessional, dreams, emo, eyes, green day, inspection 12, jimmy eat world, kevin smith, love, movies, music, photography, piercings, rain, sleeping, snow, stars, sunsets, the used, ultimate guy
Who is your best friend?
Created by [info]macoto

londonreign and misshelene share 22 interests.
londonreign and befly62 share 22 interests.
londonreign and poetsdontknowit share 19 interests.
londonreign and emergentpattern share 19 interests.
londonreign and libertylad share 14 interests.
londonreign and comic_book_nerd share 14 interests.
londonreign and mourningtheft share 10 interests.
londonreign and kreigvargr share 9 interests.
londonreign and reefus share 2 interests.
londonreign and imnotcryin4u share 2 interests.
londonreign and msr_iaidoka share 1 interest.
londonreign and knockfirstboys share 1 interest.
londonreign and myhostage share 0 interests.
londonreign and mercury116 share 0 interests.
londonreign and loudly share 0 interests.
londonreign and joekujo share 0 interests.
londonreign and craftymartha share 0 interests.

I thought it was interesting that [info]misshelene and I and that [info]befly62 and I share 22 interests, but only [info]misshelene and I are best friends. Hrm. Something to think about.

In other news, I finally got my apartment. Not that I've actually seen it yet, but there have been pictures, thanks to Jenny. And, with the deposit, it is all MINE! :)
challenge my ego

[Tuesday|29 June 2004|10:01am]
Hey there, kids. Well, I never update this thing anymore... Since I don't feel like I'm really doing anything exciting enough to update about.

Just for reference. In a month, I'm moving and will be changing contact info. Thus, for those of you who want the new stuff, let me know.

And, for all of you who can find me a kick ass apartment, ALSO let me know!

Rock the day!
11 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

Attack of the killer bee... wasp... bug... thing. [Thursday|03 June 2004|05:14pm]
Since it's been forever since I actually updated anything on this crazy thing, I thought I would tell you all of the "scary" experience I just had getting out of my car.

I'm coming in from work, pull up in the yard (I had the windows down to get the hot air out)... Back to the story. So, I put the car in park, and this giant bee wasp thing flies into my car just as I'm putting the windows up. So, I panic, because if you know me well, you know I'm allergic to EVERYTHING. I didn't want to get stung, so I swung at him to shoo him out the cracked window and he flew at me.

I scrambled for the door and nearly fell out of the car onto the ground (which would have been conveniently into an ant pile). But, I didn't see him after that. I'm hoping he's not still in the car. Or on me. But, I'm so itchy just thinking about it.

Yeah, "scary"...

Now, I must go investigate the car.
3 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

I jumped on the bandwagon... You should too! [Friday|07 May 2004|07:16pm]
1. Go into your LJ's archives.
2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.

They've become completely weak and naive.
challenge my ego

[Friday|07 May 2004|10:20am]
What the hell is up with Hotmail??

This server is too busy.

Yeah, I'll give you too busy. You've been telling me this for weeks. Perhaps it's time to add another server!!

Now, give me my email!
1 idiosyncratic gripe| challenge my ego

[Tuesday|04 May 2004|10:25pm]
Damn these national banks! My bank (that I've used all through college) no longer exists here on the West coast, so I can't deposit any money to pay my bills, unless I drive 2 hours north. That's lovely.

AND, trying to find a bank in Lincoln is also another problem. I thought I would just switch it over once I got home from college and switch it to a national bank so it was all ready to go when I got to Lincoln, but no such luck. No banks in Lincoln that are here. Fan-fucking-tastic.

Tomorrow. To Tampa. To deposit money.

5 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

[Monday|03 May 2004|11:29pm]
Happy Birthday, Jim!

Early, because I'm thinking of it right now.

Hope tomorrow is as fantastic as you imagine it.
3 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

[Friday|23 April 2004|10:42pm]
I did it! I chopped my hair!

I might even supply pictures for those of you who ask nicely.
5 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

How did it all go so fast? [Wednesday|21 April 2004|12:23am]
The realization that I graduate in 10 days is really tormenting.

For four years I've been bitching and whining about this damn school, and about how much I couldn't wait to graduate. We've had a countdown since the beginning of this academic year, that has counted down days to Halloween, Thanksgiving, winter break, Christin's birthday, Mardi Gras, Spring Break, graduation, and even Armageddon (which conveniently is supposed to happen the day before graduation)... But, now that it's here, I'd rather it not be.

I feel like I've busted my ass for four years here, trying to prove myself, and all I'm left with is the fear of moving on. I'm scared to leave here. I'm scared for August. I'm scared of starting over.

I'm so sick of starting over. That's what it really comes down to. I don't want to start over some place else with people I don't know.

I'm in love with a boy that doesn't know if he can come with me. I'm in love with a boy that is scared for us. I'm in love with a boy that I want to spend the rest of my life with, but I'm scared that the slightest error on my part could send that crumbling into a million pieces.

I'm sad to leave Jenny, who has been my partner-in-crime for the last few years, despite the fights, the stress, the everything. We can't even talk about graduation because we don't want to cry, but I feel like it's all building up inside of me ready to explode--I feel like I should do it now, rather than at graduation. I'm not really sure if I'm ready for her to leave. I'm not really sure if I can leave her without feeling like part of me is leaving too. For those of you who know us, you understand. For those of you who don't, take it for what it's worth.

I lay in bed at night and wonder if she's thinking all the same things I'm thinking--she probably is. I know her too well.

10 days. I just don't think I'm ready. I don't know if I'll ever be. Some crazy part of me doesn't want this period of my life to be over, not just yet...
challenge my ego

[Friday|16 April 2004|11:35am]
Thesis is DONE! And, turned in.

Now. What the hell am I going to do?
8 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

[Friday|16 April 2004|12:23am]
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions

"We might have to do a little work to see that an equation is separable."

Differential Equations (textbook)
challenge my ego

I can't believe I'm doing this... But, here it is. Make it worth it! [Thursday|15 April 2004|01:56am]
Hijacked from [info]mourningtheft:

I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.
9 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

[Wednesday|14 April 2004|12:35am]
Here we are. Just about 60 hours from the end of this hell. That's right. By Friday at noon, thesis hell will be OVER! I could drink to that. *laughs* I think I just might.

It's going alright. I've "laid down the law" with as much as I can with my advisor. I think he's finally realized that I can't write like him, and nothing he does is going to make this damn thing the "perfect" thesis he wants it to be by Friday. Ha!

Downside: He wants me to keep editing after Friday. He also wants to write and publish a paper with me. When will it all end?

Oh, that's right... 17 days.
1 idiosyncratic gripe| challenge my ego

[Wednesday|07 April 2004|02:03pm]
Here it is, kiddos!

An update. Though, there's not much to write about, as the last few weeks of my life have been consumed with thesis writing, and little else.

Upon turning in the full draft of my thesis on Monday, I've been inclined to do all my homework. So, by the end of Monday, I'd finished my History paper, most of my math homework, and read for class on Wednesday.

Today, Friday's presentation is done, and now I'm just debating whether to show it to Belogay or not. Laura liked it! :)

Hell, I even filled out all my graduation announcements.

Two hours till class, and I haven't a thing to do. This never happens. I don't know what to do with myself.

I tried to make amends yesterday, by email. The reply was cool, but nothing since. I see the chaos of life took over again, which has prevented further contact. That's okay though. I just keep telling myself that when he's got two free minutes, he'll write me.

Perhaps I'll pack up some of my room... I think that's the plan.

24 days till graduation! And counting...
2 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

[Wednesday|31 March 2004|11:22am]
I could kill my thesis advisor. I've spent the last few days crying my eyes out from the stress that he's putting on me about this damn thing.

If it's not "his" way, then it's wrong. And, apparently, my best just isn't good enough. I hate that. I HATE IT.

The damn thing is over 60 pages, and he keeps giving me conflicting suggestions. I'm about to set the damn thing on fire and give up completely.

I'm not sleeping. I'm sort of eating. I'm skipping class. Laura has my tutoring hours. All because he's got me so stressed out about making this thing "perfect"--I feel guilty for doing anything else other than sitting in front of my computer and working on my thesis.

It's pathetic.

There will be a nervous breakdown between now and April 16th. *laughs* Probably sooner.

2 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

Webster says, "No." [Saturday|20 March 2004|02:12pm]
Is "chemosterilization" a real word? And, if it is, what the hell is the definition?
5 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

[Friday|05 December 2003|02:52pm]
YAY! I'm the green heart!
11 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

[Friday|31 October 2003|05:22pm]
The GRE is over... So, Happy Halloween!

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul
londonreign goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Rubik's Cube.
adamu585 tricks you! You get a moldy pretzel.
aurelio1979 gives you 6 pink cherry-flavoured gummy bats.
befly62 gives you 7 dark blue passionfruit-flavoured gummy fruits.
jameslaczkowski tricks you! You lose 7 pieces of candy!
joekujo gives you 5 blue grapefruit-flavoured gummy bears.
kreigvargr gives you 9 brown passionfruit-flavoured miniature candy bars.
libertylad tricks you! You lose 15 pieces of candy!
misshelene gives you 9 light blue cola-flavoured gummy bats.
msr_iaidoka gives you 2 orange tropical-flavoured hard candies.
poetsdontknowit gives you 7 dark blue coconut-flavoured gummies.
londonreign ends up with 23 pieces of candy, and a moldy pretzel.
Go trick-or-treating! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
1 idiosyncratic gripe| challenge my ego

[Tuesday|28 October 2003|10:42pm]
What about now?
2 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

[Monday|29 September 2003|09:39am]
September cleaning of the LJ Friends list...

Sorry kids. If you're that bent out of shape about being removed, let me know. And, if you'd like to be removed, also let me know.
2 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

[Wednesday|24 September 2003|08:51pm]
[ music | New Found Glory - Vegas ]

What is Your Destiny? by Valcion
DestinyFall in love with dreammate
Date when you fufill your destinyMarch 15, 2025
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

6 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

Fish heaven... [Wednesday|17 September 2003|07:34pm]
It is a sad day in fish world.

Banky is no longer with us.

I lost him to old age. At the ripe age of 2 years.

He's been flushed.
5 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

And, thank you, Jim. [Friday|12 September 2003|11:50pm]
Sum up your opinion or impression of me in one word, leave it as a comment in this posting, and then post this sentence in your own journal.
22 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

Had to do it... [Thursday|04 September 2003|02:06pm]
[ music | John Mayer - Comfortable ]

What is your emo band name? by spiralinghalo
Your band name is:Dark Eyes
You sound like:The All-American Rejects
You will be signed to:Drive-Thru Records
Your emo lyrics are:"Slit my throat, so I won't taste you anymore"
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

challenge my ego

[Friday|22 August 2003|05:00pm]
Current situation: No air conditioning in my house.

Current mood: Pissed off from sweating all day.

Current movement: Nothing. If I move, it just makes it worse.

Thankfully, I'll be back with Jenny tomorrow in the dorm, and we'll have the AC cranked. Hopefully, Laura and Christin are bringing their parkas.
challenge my ego

[Friday|22 August 2003|03:00pm]
Oh, I had to laugh at this...

My own show: Life with Londonreign. But, a TV-G rated show on PAX at 10:30?

And, don't I look just like James Earl Jones?

My LiveJournal Sitcom
Life With londonreign (PAX, 10:30): londonreign (James Earl Jones) makes misshelene (W.C. Fields) look stupid in front of a large crowd at the cinema. Upstairs, craftymartha (Ricky Martin) hires msr_iaidoka (Katharine Hepburn) to perform pantomime at the Grand Canyon. That same day, poetsdontknowit (John Belushi) teaches libertylad (Sally Field) about Lovecraftian horror. The week after, aurelio1979 (Jennifer Connelly) makes lots of money playing guitar on the street and makes joekujo (Sela Ward) jealous. In the next town over, p13xu5 (Ewan McGregor) and mercury116 (Scott Caan) build a shed at a preschool. TV-G.
What's Your LiveJournal Sitcom? (by rfreebern)
3 idiosyncratic gripes| challenge my ego

[ glimpse | stream of consciousness ]
[ scoot | chapters past ]