Sunday, December 31st, 2000
1:03 am - My first entry .. yippie!
Hey, hows it goin :) its goin pretty good here for 1 in the morning. today was pretty lame my mom was having extreme bitchyness and bleh. I wached Frequency, very good movie. and then by that time it was to dark to go snowmachining with my best buddy brian, so i sat around listening to mxpx and such sexyness until goin out to a chinese place for dinner. then sat on the net till forever.. then i found this awesome page, www.envy.nu/closeoff/# it rawks my socks. especially since she finds mike herrera as gorgeous as i do ow OW baybee! anyways im headin of to bed later
current mood: tired current music: Good Charlotte - The Little Things
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