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[03 Sep 2002|07:54pm]
jenny just called she said she went to the doctor today and she heard the baby's heart beat she almost cried
she finds out the gender in two weeks, she's excited
i'm so happy for her
and they're moving into a house today and they're excited too
everything will be ok.
growl at me!

correction [02 Sep 2002|05:02pm]
phil, i know you're 15
i was doing that survey whilst i talked to my friend from ohio and i got confused but i had already pressed post dealie
growl at me!

don't want to go to school... [26 Aug 2002|10:26pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | GUK-mass pike ]

hey kids, meet up if you want around 9:45 at the steps near the junior parking lot. outside the biology/religion hall. outside the lobby on the 20's side of school. you'll know where
and if you don't, call my cell. i'll find you.

growl at me!

[26 Aug 2002|09:49pm]
went to campus outfitters with paola
isa ppl took over the place
saw the prettiest little girl, she said "hi" to me
saw a frosh from school
tried on blazer
saw pai lin
got sweater fun
paola got tired out coz she yelled a war cry at a stupid van on 123
i think i saw what i ran messed up/crushed to tell what it was
school tomorrow...
gotta be at theresa's by 9:40...getting breakfast on my way there
i don't want to go
almost done with one outline
1 more to go, then 4 short answer questions. not too bad
not due tomorrow so eh well
i hope i see Phil tomorrow
growl at me!

[26 Aug 2002|11:55am]
oh and did i mention i'll be driving to school on fridays now
aw yea, i told theresa that since i'm driving we'll be stopping a lot on the way home. get food and such. she was like, "thank god!" coz we never got to stop last year unless she drove. and now 3/4 of us are driving. aw yea. haha. the end.
growl at me!

i think i drive better when i'm under some sort of intoxication [23 Aug 2002|10:40pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | the used-noise and kisses ]

my car smells like paint, and it made me a little woozy. heh fun times but now my head hurts
luckily it wasn't too hot outside so i could go with the windows down, til it started raining. eh well it was good
egad, i am in an abnormally good mood. like really, i am damn happy.
except for the face that i downloaded young crazed peeling's a mute black screen. well hot damn
oh well
hehe i met lissa today, she's so pretty. like whoa. hung out at boyer's today. hehe the boys liked my cupcakes that paola helped me make :) paola, we rock at baking. fo sheezy.
i came home and had cake, it's damn good.
sam liked my shoes :) teehee! she said i should name them, and i had been thinking of that so...i'm i'm not, i dunno. haha anyone wanna name my kitty cats?
i'm tired
and excited for tomorrow i get to be a big girl and pick phil up haha yea...ok. :)

3 rawrs| growl at me!

and now for some unadulterated fun... [18 Aug 2002|02:32pm]
eh, i'm just going to lunch and the movies
but catchy title, no?
i miss you
growl at me!

[14 Aug 2002|08:37pm]
msn is blowing my arse, it won't let me post a pick of alex and will, so i sent it to mike heh aw yea

bah! door!

that was odd...brian and...eric? the new kid on the street came and asked if i would play guitar and/or sing in their new band (the wawa's) uh, too bad i can't play or sing. i wish i could sing, not for them...just sing. it was awkward. he has a mo-hawk now. heh so does kevin! i wanna see kev's :)
he's their mascot
eh, i thought it was my dad at the door
3 rawrs| growl at me!

[14 Aug 2002|12:34am]
paola! i have car tomorrow!
and an ana paola fund!
wanna hang out??
growl at me!

[14 Aug 2002|12:34am]
growl at me!

[13 Aug 2002|02:44pm]
for some reason everyone downloads spanish music off me right about this time
i have a car...nowhere to go...not fun
guh, i always get like this
it was cleared up, but nooo...fuckin a...
i think i'm just gonna go back to sleep
i don't want to think
growl at me!

hahahha [11 Aug 2002|01:21am]
tHe bOyR: what happend with mike squared and paola??!
Punk w Cake: hahah whoa you want in on the gossip?
tHe bOyR: hell yeah!
Punk w Cake: haha
Punk w Cake: what do you think happened?
tHe bOyR: mike times 2 and paola hooked up?
Punk w Cake: nah

that amused me. i dunno why, i guess coz it's boyer and i didn't think he was paying attention. maybe my pelvic thrusts hinted it off. hehe sam found them comical :) that and the sound i made. when we offered hugs for money some boys told shauna "We're gonna need more than that" and she said "ew...i don't want to eat your pee pee.." man i was cracking up. and i made this....sound...haha i can't type it but it made them laugh, and i felt like a comedic genious. haha or...not whatever.
6 rawrs| growl at me!

[08 Aug 2002|10:52pm]
i saw a lotta people i knew and kind of knew today. some people i shouted after heh and some people i didn't really know enough to say hi to.
i saw mike, he was very nice, i liked him. as in, genuinely nice not fake nice. but i never saw age of ruin. i'm sorry i feel as if i failed you. heh
mike...i like you :)
that is all, thank you
14 rawrs| growl at me!

[07 Aug 2002|11:30pm]

What's Your Movie Dream Car?

by Auto Glass America

and i'm off to bed
early morning tomorrow
mike is coming over at like 10, i think we're getting breakfast. haha. i'm glad i get to go with someone. :)
um...the bag debate continues coz i know if i take one people (PAOLA) will ask me to carry shit for them..hassel.
growl at me!

[07 Aug 2002|06:12pm]
mom called me just as i was pulling into the drive way and said "Phil just called you, where are you?" heh i told her and she was like "ana! he just called!" haha aw mom
so i called no one answered.
paola and i went on an adventure today. it involved
pumping gas
getting beads
little boy batman
wal mart
the vanderbeeks (sp?)
sponge bob
bring it arouuuuuuuuuuund town
and so much more. she's cool to drive place to place with. haha. it was fun. :)
i told her bout theresa. i think i needed to get it out.
7 rawrs| growl at me!

[07 Aug 2002|01:45pm]
Phil comes home today <3

heh i'm such a geek...
2 rawrs| growl at me!

[06 Aug 2002|08:30pm]
i'm bored
and ive been saying this for a while now, but i am finally going to take off/cover that sticker on my car. right now.
it's nice out, kinda chilly, perfect for a nice summer nite walk. i haven't had one in a while. and i've actually never had one with a boy, especially with a boy i like. heh i wouldn't mind walking with him one night and just, walking. heh with fireflies around. i dunno...i'm rambline.
i love him
a lot
a whole lot, and it's such a great feeling. i still haven't gotten used to it, and i don't want to get used to it, it's comfortable. i like how it's like a new thing to me everytime i see him.
sorry, i got sappy =\
growl at me!

[06 Aug 2002|07:57pm]
damnit, i wrote a longish entry and its gone
in the end kids i realized today that i don't like people honking at me, then looking in the rearview mirror and realizing i'm on empty road, it's creepy
and i definately don't like old men that cut me off and tailgait me later on down the road. god he cut me off in his huge ass cadillac. it wasn't even a nice caddy, an old man caddy. who knew old men could be such...assholes!?

ugh. tomorrow theresa, john, and i are gonna watch october sky, coz the book is too damn long.
growl at me!

[06 Aug 2002|01:04pm]
hehe Happy Birthday Andy Warhol. i remeber joyce called him "Andy Candy". in art once, we were collaging and i saw a little pic of him and i cut it out for her. hehe i think she liked it. :)
i don't know, i just remembered that

i'm bored...and mom took the car...
growl at me!

[04 Aug 2002|05:59pm]
i talked to theresa today
she is planning a trip to the beach...a CARPOOL trip. remember the carpool?! well...carpool minus tiff. theresa, john, and me. i'm not sure if there will be adults there...hmmmm hahaha john and i will go nuts haha and theresa and i can be like his mom heh
but for some reason, i'm not sure i wanna go...i dunno, i'm just not. going with mr. gymnastics and the ex-anorexic...woo
growl at me!

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