Vally Gally's Journal

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Friday, July 12th, 2002
1:35 pm - DaYmn, I haven't updated in a LONG time!
Howdy peoples!!!

I absolutely HATE it here in Georgia this summer! There's NOTHING to DO!!! I miss EVERYONE!




hehehe... w/e... I'm bored off my @$$ so... hmmm...
let's see... I have a theme song now!!!

I wanna Save You by Something Corporate.

"...And she wants someone to see her, she NEEDS to hear she's beautiful, she's beautiful... I wanna SAVE you.. I Wanna SA-AVE YOOOOOOUU, I NEED YOU, To SAVE ME TOOOOOO!!!!"

Cavanaugh Park is pretty accurate too...

"And there was NEVER any place for someone like me to be TOTALLY happy. I'm running outta clock and that ain't a shock, some things never DO change, never do change... never do cha-a-a-a-ange"

I LOve You guys... God, I wish I was home.

I went swimming the other day... actually, almost EVERY day since I've been here... but that's really not for fun, it's a personal fitness thing... also, NO cokes till the end of this month. Then I get a ONE week break. Then no more until the first week of school... you know... one week a month thing... haha. wonder how effective THAT'S gonna be... maybe since the GAY ASSED MOTHER F***ERS are taking away the vending machines, I'll do better.

Anyways, enough about me... I want ANYONE who reads this to IM me if they have AIM. My Sn Is PuNkRocKeRFrK...

Well, i don't know much else to say, so ttyl!

current mood: annoyed
current music: Savage Garden- track one... lol.

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Tuesday, April 30th, 2002
4:53 pm
WeeeHA!!!! I smoke my breakfast!!!

Miss piggy!

I am the head lice.. mr.axe is stupid.

yes, well, go to my DJ. i use that more than this one...


Yes, If you want my DJ link, IM me, cuz not EVERYONE can see it!~ ;-P

current mood: high
current music: she's gptta girlfriend now- Reel big fish

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Wednesday, April 10th, 2002
5:03 pm - Lalalala....
Hey I'm bored so i'm updating... < wishes for something > yea.... thats all. today was a good day... more later.

current mood: determined
current music: Ashes- The gufs

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Tuesday, April 9th, 2002
7:10 pm

Which Rainbow Brite kid are you? By Growing.

current mood: good

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5:42 pm
Yes Trina, you were right, I forgot a few... :-) So here's the new list:

< thinks > yes.
*nice eyes
*someone who can be patient with me when i get into my 'wierder than usual' moody-moods.
*someone i can relate to
*likes music
*muscular... but not overdone.
**nice smile
**smells goooood! ;-P

(two **s means i added it today!)

well, more later! love you!

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Monday, April 8th, 2002
6:46 pm
Nothing but silence now...

Remembering how to be myself
i cant expalin where ive been
i dont think i luv u anymore

bitch, yea that just brings my happy self way down and

whore, the girl who just loves to go and sleep around

why? the question that i'll ask myself every night

good bye is something that ill no longer have to tryyyyy


< ponders, then speaks > I've decided what I want in a relationship.
I'm looking for a serious relationship, but not an intense one like I had
with "dear ol' " Fred. < sticks out tongue and grins > I want someone who
I can just hang out with and who won't pressure me. Someone who I can
truly trust, a guy who can be more than a boyfriend, someone who can be
my buddy, no matter what.

yep thats it. no pressure, not intense, just serious and trusting.

and I'm working on what i TRULY want in a guy... hmmm < thinks > yes.
*nice eyes
*someone who can be patient with me when i get into my 'wierder than usual' moody-moods.
*someone i can relate to
*likes music
*muscular... but not overdone.

... yea, i think thats about it... maybe I'll add more later.
There's not really anyone i have in mind... but i DO know that there's one
guy who fits at least 7 of the nine... too bad I can't read him like a book, lol.
< winks at you > Not to mention the fact that... well, let's just not mention it...
< smirks, then laughs at you >

hehe, more later babes!!! e-mail me!! or call!!

Love you!! < blows a kiss >

< thinks of who she could possibly think of, then smiles > does she have someone
in mind? the world may never know... 8-P

.::.>< Valerie ><.::.

current mood: busy
current music: Atention Defecit- 2 months to nowhere (da bitch/whore song)

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Sunday, April 7th, 2002
8:56 pm - I am NOT.
nononononononononononononononon I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!
I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!! I am NOT!!!!!

No. Simlpy NO. Two little letters: N-O.

gggrrrrr, just cuz im interested does NOT make me obseeeeesive, okay?!?!!! so SHUT TFU!!!!!!!!!

current mood: bitchy
current music: David Gray- Babylon, Its helping.

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1:45 pm - HmMmMmMmmm... scg's....
Wow, I just read Lynn's DJ and it was SOOO cool to know that she trusts me like thatt cuz I trust her in the EXACT same way... and ther's not many people I trust like that... Hmmm < thinks >.. there's like... not many...
1. Lynn
2. Stella
3. Trina
wow, you guys are awesome and I love and cherish you all SOO much!!

hmm... < thinks some more about SCGs... >

I DON'T GET IT!!!!! < stomps her feet and screams into her pillow >

WHY?!?!?!?!!!!!! silly boys...

Yea, so I FINALLY met Skyler Alex and Peter this weekend. That was really cool. What fun fun people. I just hope I didn't look like an idiot... 8-\ hmmm... oh well.

< ponders something... > I don't like Ben anymore. Or Jason. Tim-Beau is a good friend and he only likes asian girls, one of which I'm OBVIOUSLY not! lol. So, there goes my cloud nine too... < sigh >... Crappit. Lalala, I got a boat tho ;-) < ponders again... > I DON'T GET IT!!!! < growls through her teeth > CONfuckingFUSINGness..

Yea. Blahzay Blahzay Blazay... < metaphorical headache > uuuuggggghhhh....

Yea, Joy Ride was a flamingly homosexual movie... I was like, "shoot my frikin face!!"

rusty nail: CANDYcane...? CANDYCANE?! Anyone out there know a Candy Cane??

Yea, the ending is whats REALLY homo. And Don't Say A Word wasn't scary...
"I'll never te-ell..." ... yea, L-A-M-E.

HmMmMmmm... < thinks some more... realizes it hurts her head to think so much but doesn't give a flyin ef and keeps thinkin >

Why do some people act one way one minute and another the next and it's like...


and it's like, "Not so much, man, not so much." < pauses > 'SHOOT ME IN THE FACE!!"

"Do you ever wanna make up yer mind?" -Old Song... by some old guys... i forget

you know, it's not nice to randomly jump out of trunks at people.

Randomly showing up at NORMAL places is fun tho... too bad no1 does that for me... < hint hint >

What is WITH these SCGs???

Love Bites and So DO We.

I whould type more, but It'll hafta be private or friends only cuz some people are gonna read this... well, that are SCGs...

Rock my face man, ROCK.
(If you're new to my lil phrases and schtuff, thats a GOOD thing.) But it's not always cool to be an scg.

okay, well, I'm out. Lataz!

< confused face > < happy face > < confused again >

current mood: pensive
current music: Some instrumental fun stuff... helps me... pense, lol.

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Tuesday, April 2nd, 2002
5:50 pm - Why is it that i cant have the only thing in the world that i want?
Why can't I be happy?

All I ever wanted was to have someone to hold on to
When the nights got cold
And all hope seemed lost.
I have none of that now, though i used to.
I let it slip through my numb fingers
Till nothing was left.
Nothing at all.
Now I'm empty...

Without any feelings, nothing matters anymore...

I don't care what you think of me
I don't care how I look
I don't give a fuck if you hate me
I don't give about what's in these books.
I don't care if teachers hate me,
I don't care if I make you frown,
I really dont give a $h!t if you stare at me
All people ever do is bring me down...

if you hate me, i really dont care. Just tell me to my damn face...

The only things that keeps me going in this life are my friends, my TRUE friends. Thanks for being there when I need you the most, you guys are great. You help me out more than I think any of you know.

I'm just SO damn jealous if everyone...
because they're everything I'm not.

My poetry still sucks, but i think it gets the point across. Damn it all, Damnation.

current mood: jealous
current music: a place for my head- LinkiN parK,WHAT ELSE when I'm Pissed?!

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Monday, April 1st, 2002
6:54 pm - Bleh, this is totally how I feel...
Take this silver lining
Keep it all in your Sweet head
Shine it when you're lonely and the night is
Burning red
Shine it in the twilight
Shine it on the cold, cold ground
Shine it till these walls I've built
All come tumbling down

Take all the things Ive done
And All the things I've said
And keep them all locked up inside
Of your sweet, precious head.


Everyday I fight a war against the mirror
Can't take the person staring back at me

I'm a hazard to myself
Don't let me get me
I'm my own worst enemy
It's bad when you annoy yourself
So irritating
Don't want to be my friend no more
I wanna be somebody else

Someone told me
You'll be a pop star
All you have to change
Is everything you are
Tired of being compared
To damn Britney Spears
She's so pretty
That just ain't me...

And that's EXACTLY how I feel.

Hey, i just decided that david gallagher is amazingly sexy... lol.

Yea, today was a depressing day, I don't even know why... =(

current mood: depressed
current music: Don't let me get me- p!nk

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Tuesday, March 26th, 2002
4:38 pm


that's all.

current mood: angry
current music: screaming infidelities- dashboard confessional

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Sunday, March 24th, 2002
12:58 pm - Spring Show, Bowling... being sick...
Last night was fun stuff. I went to spring show with my youth group to see my favoritest Deb (ERWINN!!!) perform. It was some AWESOME stuff, man. I think one of the best parts was when Grant Baxter's 'itty bitty teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini' top fell off in the middle of the boy's act. I was laughing so hard I thought I was gonna cry!! After SS, we all went bowling.

Oh my gosh, I SUCK at bowling, no lie. We should have used bumpers. My first score was 58... ooooh suck. But it got worse. My next score was 36. haha.

I think i ate too much food yesterday.
Cuz I woke up at like three this morning and threw up. I haven't done that since I was, like, 7 years old. EEEEuuuuurrrrrggggghhhhh. My parents were mad that I didn't make it all the way to my tiolet. The porcelain God was not pleased with my antics either.

Yuck. Oh well, I got up this morning and took a shower and I feel much better.

Benji totally ditched on me this weekend. >-P oh well. maybe nxt weekend!!!

I dunno what else to say., so bubbye for now.

current mood: sick
current music: uh, nothing really...that funny Cho CD i borrowed from Lynn

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Tuesday, March 19th, 2002
5:04 pm
hmmm... wanna know about ski trip? ask me for more details than are in this condensed version of the trip. haha. here it is:

okay... 20 hr bus ride... we made a spin off 'road rules' series... good times... so then the nxt day we get there but we didnt get to ski till the next day. The next day.. WE SKIIED!!! it was awesome!!!!! I LEARNED HOW TO SKI!!! went to evening worship and listened to an AWESOME singer named joel engle... he kicks man, he kicks. okay so anyway, that was cool. then the next day was kinda the same cept fo' i MET THE GREATEST guy... and we sat together on the bus on the way to worship. Same with the next day, but Ben was STILL that gr8 guy and we ate dinner together too...
Then we rode back together too!!!! ::sigh:: lol. I like his hair... and his hat.. and his sunglasses... and his eyes... hehe. then the last day i wnet to the hot springs... it was all good. I GOTTA HUG when we got home to tx!!! ahhhhhhh... 8D yea, thats it in a VERY CONDENSED FORM... lol. ttyl!!!! leave me commenty thingies!

no1 knows how he feels exactly, they all THINK he likes me but nobody seems tooh be sure.... I WISH I KNEW!!!

. .

current mood: curious
current music: my NEW addiction/i dont care CD... THANKS LYNN AND SKYLER!!

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Sunday, March 17th, 2002
4:59 pm
Full Name: Valerie Anne Camp
Nickname: ValGal, Val, Val-Val, Vi, Vallie, Ducky, Curls, Hats... lol. there's more I can't think of right now... like SCHOOL BUS... gosh that was forever ago...
Birthday: June 15, 1987
Birthplace: Garland
Hometown: Garland
Righty/lefty: Righty
Status: SinGle, but hopefully not for long!!!
Height: eh... 5' 5 to 5' 6
Weight: 103 lbs
Eye color: Sexy Hazel ALL THE WAY!!! lol Stelz.
Hair color: dark brown
Favorite animal: Soft fuzzy puppies!
Favorite artist / player: Joel Engle (he's an awesome guy!!) or Cher, lol.
Favorite band: Linkin Park, Blink 182, Sugar Ray, gosh, there's a lot
Favorite candy: PayDay
Favorite car: hmm... supras
Favorite college: I dunno right now...
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite day of the week: Friday
Favorite drink: Dr.Pepper
Favorite food: pizza
Favorite holiday: christmas
Favorite icecream: Peppermint
Favorite movie: Kate and Leopold or Shrek...
Favorite number: 8
Favorite place to hang out: uh... in front of the computer or at church.
Favorite radio station: Kiss FM
Favorite season: Summer
Favorite smell: hmmm... Addias Moves for men and Davidoff Cool Water... or Curve for men... YUMMY.
Favorite song: hmm... Nothing Left of Me (joel engle), Papercut (linkin Park), Babylon (david gray), Magic carpet ride (Stepin Wolf), Unbreakable heart (jessi Andrews)...
Favorite sound: hmmm... waves crashing on the beach...
Favorite sport to play: basketball
Favorite sport to watch: swimming
Favorite superhero: SUPERMAN!!!
Favorite texture: Ben's Sexy head... lol.
Favorite tv show: F*R*I*E*N*D*S

SKi Trip:: see nxt entry!!!!!!

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Saturday, March 16th, 2002
9:02 pm - Mas detallias tomorrow!!!!
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Wowzers... I'm SOOO pupmed! I'll tell yhoos ALL about it manana... haha bannana.



current mood: ecstatic
current music: nothing left of me- joe lengle

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Sunday, March 10th, 2002
9:33 pm - Sleeeeeepy
I just got back frm all youth and i leave tomorrow for colorado till friday!!!

Wrestling with Josh is heaps of fun... gosh im sore, BUT I GOT YOU PINNED!!!

Oh, and Lynn, in case you're wondering... I didn't get to ask Tim~Beau to TWIRP, but honestly, I tried. I asked Josh (from my church ^^^) to go instead and I think we're going together!

I g2g to bed, but I'll try to write more tomorrow morning!!! Love YOU ALL!!!!!!

current mood: sore
current music: Be like that- ~3~Doors~Down~

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Wednesday, March 6th, 2002
5:17 pm - BOBBY!!!!!


current mood: giddy
current music: Newsboys- take me to you leader

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Sunday, March 3rd, 2002
8:30 pm - Boys Suck.
Yep, talking a leaf outta trina's tree. Guys SUCK. EVERY last one of you... with the exception of the homosexual boiz out there!!!

Jason, you confuse the living snott outta me. you stink... wait, you smell really nice actually... but I really don't get you. not at all... what IS your deal???!

And Bobby- what in the hell is with you and phones?!?!!?! I MISS YOU!

and Tim-Beau- hehe, perfect.

oh, and you, stinnett, you're awesome too! and kute as... well, you! ;) you sexy, sexy thang, you. lol.

OHHH and Alan,- I LOVE YOU!!! YOU'RE THE BEST GAY MAN EVER!!! and also, the whitest black boi I know... lol.

My friends are awesome... I love you all. you do soooo much for me, i really dont think you know how much you impact my life. thanks for being here for me, even when i do and say the stupidest things... thanks.

Stella, I'M BADDER!!!! lol. not MY bucket of cheese!!

Nightie Night!!!


current mood: pissed off
current music: Billie Jean- Michael Jackson

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Thursday, February 28th, 2002
7:40 pm - Stupid Phones
Do guys just NOT know how to use the phone or what?!!!! I'm soooo sad!!

where is my perfect in every way bobby?!!!!
why hasn't he called?!
WHY WHY WHYYYY?!?!!???! I can't ask him to TWIRP or to marry me if he won't call!!!

now i gotta babysit AND fill in for Laura at Gerry's office tomorrow!! I don't mind filling in for Larua OR babysitting, it's just that IF HE'D CALLED, I'D BE GOING OUT WITH HIM INSTEAD OF SPENDING MY EVENING WITH 3 TEN-YEAR-OLDS!!!

I wanna be with YOU, not little middle school wannabees.


I love you.
I hate to love you.
I love to hate how I love you.
you get it?!

so why am i so sad...?

~Vallie Gallie

current mood: sad
current music: Nobody Wants to Be Lonely- Christina Aguilera & Ricky Martin

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Tuesday, February 26th, 2002
7:25 pm - CHA -CHA- CHA!!!
u know what's scary? I was just staring at my phone, telling it to riing and for it to be bobby... and I kept thinking that for like 10 seconds, and then the phone rang...

I was excited.

but it wasn't bobby.

It was my mom. that sucked.


but it was stella.


it was a machine.

WHERE IS MY BABY?!?!?!?!!!! yes, I AM obsessing!!!!! crapperz, I'm a nut...

I can't stop thinking about you,
everywhere i go...
I can't stop.......




current mood: anxious
current music: Answer the phone- sugar ray

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