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January 2004
Sunday, January 11th, 2004 10:21 pm
moving up in the world?

I was promoted to supervisor last week. Yay :)

Kind of nervous though. Never been in that position before. I will have 19+ people directly under me. Our call center is 100+ people though.

Everything else is good. Just making it out there. Camron is getting HUGE, she eats a lot. Talks a lot or at least tries to talk a lot :) She rolled over for the first time a week ago, I missed it though. Maryanne got a couple of piercings. She might get a job next month + a car.

I am going to start power lifting starting next month. I was at 155 last week, I think I'm on 157 now. I have been eating a lot, trying to gain some weight. Would like to be 180+ by the end of the year. Of course most of it muscle, not fat. :)

cya later people. have a good week.

Current Mood: chipper
Current Music: Micheal Jackson - You Rock My World

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Wednesday, December 24th, 2003 11:11 am


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Monday, December 22nd, 2003 07:55 pm
im sure this is old, but i just saw it so i think it's funnay

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Thursday, December 18th, 2003 01:54 pm
I find technology intimidating. I hate the fact of not being able to know everything related to technology, especially because it's like they update the product every day.

I think this is a defect, because instead of sticking to one thing and try to do it right, I get involved in too many different little projects which never really get done.

They should develope medicine and cures like they do CPU's and kernel upgrades.

Current Mood: aggravated

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Tuesday, December 16th, 2003 02:30 pm
new pictures

I installed a new PHP script in the server, it rocks.

for newer pics of Camron in her x-mas outfit, click on: user galleries > zgambitx > camron and it's on the second page.

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Friday, December 12th, 2003 01:45 pm
Baby update

She's big!!! well she's 1 1/2 months now. She will be 2 in X-mas eve. Her nickname is Chee-tee, came from Chickie (Maryanne's touch) I thought it was cute so I started making up songs with the name cheetee and it stuck.

She is making more noises now, stares at your face and smiles a lot. She is very strong for her age from what I've heard, she can completely lift up her neck off the floor while facing down, she almost rolled over!

She really never cries unless really hungry, and he foopies (poopies) stink really bad. her eyes are still blue and her hair light brown. She has 10000 outfits. We're getting xmas pictures taken this Sunday.

Her favorite place to be I believe it's her swing. She likes to watch Maury, so Mar says....

More updates coming soon!

Current Mood: accomplished

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Thursday, December 11th, 2003 01:48 pm
I love Urban Legends

If you do too, check this website. I read it a lot at work and you should too.

here or just directly to this nice link here

Read on!

Current Mood: accomplished

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Friday, November 14th, 2003 12:04 pm
I want to be walking down the streets of NYC close to xmas time, with unlimited spending money to buy expensive cool gifts for everyone i know. I don't know why but imagining that scenario just is amazing.

Current Mood: amused

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Monday, November 10th, 2003 10:31 am
This will be long ...

Ok so I haven't yet posted the story of how it all happened. Let me begin...

10/23: Maryanne asked me to pick up for her a bottle of castor oil and orange juice, apparently she had read some info on-line from various sources about how castor oil speeds up labor if you're close to it. (she was a week away from her dd and if you're a pregnant woman you know that week must feel like a month) I didn't end up buying it for her but she got it on her own and took almost half the small brown bottle with orange juice to cut the oiliness. According to her it didn’t taste bad, just felt yucky. For all of you who don't know this, castor oil is a natural laxative and the contractions your stomach makes triggers labor somehow. I expected the laxative to take effect after a few hours, it only took about 45 minutes. She was in the bathroom for a while. Nothing else happened. I went to sleep at like 12, she woke me up at around 2:30 saying that something was wrong (those are the worst things to hear when you are waken up in the middle of the night) during the pregnancy we had a few false alarms and had gone to the emergency room just to be safe. I had read that castor oil was safe but I still got worried. I asked her what was wrong. She said Read more... )

Current Mood: happy

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Saturday, November 1st, 2003 09:18 pm
more pictures (the day after)

Current Mood: happy

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Monday, October 27th, 2003 01:50 pm
baby pictures!

these pictures were taken right after birth.

DOB 10/24

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Saturday, October 25th, 2003 06:38 pm
got bck from the hospital to get some stuff back to the hospital for the baby and mar and to take a shower.

our baby was born at 6:15pm yesterday (10/24) she's beautiful! i will update with pics and stuff later. she weighed 7.8 lbs and her lenght was of 21 1/4 inches. it is a wonderful thing indeed. i will write more later i promise, gotta go now!!!

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Friday, October 24th, 2003 10:03 am
ready for take off!!

mar is at the hospital, went last night at 2:30am her water broke just a couple of hours ago, will update more later!!! baby scheduled for delivery tonite!!!!!!!!!!!!

gotta go back to the hospital, bye!

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Saturday, October 18th, 2003 10:30 pm
Baaaybeee Beluuuuga

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Friday, October 10th, 2003 08:48 am
Early X-mas shopping

To all of you that do not know this yet, there was a class action suit against KB Toys, therefore KB Toys is having a 30% sale on every item regardless of discounts on item already, of course you need to spend at least 30.00 to get the 30% discount. On top of that every Fisher Price Disney at item comes with an additional 20% discount on top of the other 30%. So we went over to the mall last night and got 3 toys for x-mas, one for a nephew, the other for Maryanne's little brother and one for Camron. This is what i got for her, I think it's pretty cute ;)

Toy link

The other 2 toys were a TMNT (Raphael) and a toddler's Lego set.

At the mall we ate some Auntie Ann's pretzels, mmmm....

Current Mood: working

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Thursday, October 9th, 2003 08:47 am
This is a conversation translated from Spanish to English.

Customer: "I sent a payment to you guys but it got sent back and I was wondering why."
Me: "What address did you send the payment to?"
Customer: "..."
Me: "What is the address you wrote on the envelope? What did the mail get returned as?"
Customer: "It says something like inssuficient address"
Customer: "....I bought a money order and just wrote my address on the envelope"
Me: "You have to put our address on the envelope too. Our address is..."

So yeah, this is what I do. haha

Current Mood: annoyed

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Wednesday, October 8th, 2003 06:49 pm
Telephone stories of the unfaithful

For all of you that don't know, I am a customer service rep for 2 third-party telephone companies.

So today I get one of those common calls from people claiming they have not made some calls (especially those that are out of state and expensive) to certain numbers. Usually I listen to their bitching and open up a ticket for further research, sometimes I actually get involved for shits and giggles to see what I find out. So I go ahead and call the number that has been called the most in Kissimee, FL. Mind you this guy is from NJ and has his wife on the phone with him. His story is that they have no relatives in FL and those calls are not from them. Anyhow, I call and this lady answers her cell phone, I introduce myself and explain I am calling from the telephone company and that I have (customer's name) on the other line who's trying to connect to her and she can't. (I do that just to see if the person I am calling knows that person, most of the time is a relative) The lady I called doesn't know who the customer is because I mentioned the person's wife. Then I mention the man's name and she's like, "who's this again?" and I introduce myself again. I explained the man doesn't know why this number is on his bill and so on. She goes and tells me he is a liar and well damn knows who she is, that he knows him and knows him well. At that point I knew where this was going, thaked the woman for her time and told the customer on the other line I couldn't verify the information because the person I had called was busy but I did call the number alright, at that point the man got quiet, but I didn't say anything else, I just said to call back Monday for further information. I wasn't about to tell him he was a liar! I did however noted the account with the info the lady with cell provided me with, so whomever calls back Monday will be getting the good news.

I thought I'd share this wonderful story with you all.

Current Mood: chipper

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Tuesday, October 7th, 2003 07:53 pm
It's 8 PM, I'm still at work, it's almost time to go.
My daughter is due soon. Maryanne and I can't wait. What will she look like? How will she be? Even though I want to enjoy every minute of her being, I cannot wait until she can understand things, to communicate with words. Know what I mean?

Well guys reply back because I really wanna get back into this, or at least a bit. I will have the server back on eventually and will find time somehow to update quasi-often.

To infinity and beyond.

Qui non est hodie cras minus aptus erit.

Current Mood: accomplished

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Saturday, September 20th, 2003 11:23 am

I don't know how many of you still read this, but I just felt like sharing this with you.

I just finished reading A walk to Remember. I have never been so sad after reading a book. I just finished reading the last 100 pages or so at work since today is very slow. I had to fight the tears off my eyes but couldn't contain them all. If you haven't read this book, I strongly suggest you do. It makes you realize at least for a moment that there are greating things in life. I am never reading a book like this again! :(

Take care.



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Saturday, July 26th, 2003 10:12 am

It feels as if I haven't posted here in a long time. Maybe because it has been that long. :)

For all of you who still have me on your friends' list but missed my lasts posts, I am back in South Florida. I live in Palm Beach Gardens w/ my girlfriend Maryanne and our soon to be born baby girl Camrom Michelle :) Yup, I'm gonna be a daddy ;)

I got a new job doing cust service / tech support, it's pretty cool, actually I am at work right now. I got a new car (2000 Jetta 1.8T) last week. It's pretty sweet.

But more about the baby,

She is due October 31st. Halloween!! Seems a lot of people have babies around October and November, I guess people fuck a lot after or around x-mas ;)
The baby room is being decorated w/ a carebear theme and we're getting so much stuff (even before the baby shower!) that I don't know where we will fit all this stuff. Our apartment is cool but it seems so small already. We have 1 older cat, named Dusty Foopies (she's a prude) and a kitten named Felix who's a mama's boy, at first he was scared shitless of Dusty and his reflection in the mirror, now he (even way smaller than dusty still since dusty is a FAT cow) jumps on her from behind to attack her. LOL. however dusty responds with a headlock or sometimes she just rolls over him and the fight is won. nevertheless he comes back at her 2 seconds after she let's go. it's very amusing. we also have a rabbit who's name is random...because well he's random. we keep him -locked- outside because a little boy tried to steal him once. tsk tsk.

Maybe in the future when my server is back up I will post pictures of the baby's sonogram pictures and the belly and the animals.

//end of update.

Take care all.

Sarah: I hope everything is going well with you and your baby!

Current Mood: happy

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