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User:maudlin (41704) maudlin
Loss and Longing and Sloppy Satori
( she was hidden in the potted plants )
Location:Marietta, Georgia, United States
AOL IM:AIM status laurie likes red (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Bio:thin and unshaved
drunk and mysterious
o, I must say
lifestyle is curious
with a little touch of the sniffles
and filthy socks
gnawed, crumbled fingernails
never doing tomahawk chops
flaky head dandruff is distinguished
lacquer is red vain is the varnish
"what is at the root of this?"
she'll say "whatcha got?"
"what participle do you possess?"
she'll say "which I have not!"
one blustery day we rode out to the meadowlands
we saw and were amazed then hauled it back into town again
Mississippi is a mess sometimes
and not only when it rains
how come you went back to that malaria island
'cause our friendship is strained
those were the days when you were so cosmopolitan
these are the days
my letters they're so increasingly maudlin
I wrote you an eloquent postcard once
about this most exquisite onion soup
but I never mailed though
cause it was your turn in the loop

I'm a costume designer at CCM. I like to make fancy dresses and baked goods. I enjoy hardwood floors.

minimalism is love
brought to you by the isLove Generator

I also have an amazon wishlist, if you love me a lot.
Memories:12 entries
Interests:130: andy warhol, art, art films, atlanta, avant-garde, baking cookies, band saws, bassoon, bathroom graffiti, beads, bill murray, blankets, books, booty shaking, bricks, bronze, buddhism, cabbagetown, camarilla, candles, carnegie mellon university, ccm, ceramics, chapstick, charcoal, chisels, chocolate, chuck close, cinamon toast crunch, clay, coffee, coke, college conservatory of music, conte crayons, converse all stars, costume design, costuming, couches, crafting, dancing, dancing frogs, dinisio d martinez, dirt, diy, dreams, dust, ear muffs, emulsion, feathers, fish, french, fried clams, friends, gardens, geekdom, glasses, good karma, grits, hard wood floors, harry potter, hashbrowns, heaters, history, holding hands, huddle house, human anatomy, ib, illustration, incoherency, indie rock, installation art, iron chef, irons, kissing, knitting, lambchop, larping, liquid light, love, metal sculpture, minimalism, mittens, mojo nixon, music, novellas, oil paints, old books, philip glass, photography, plants, poems, pop tarts, power tools, printmaking, quote dictionaries, rain, raku, red, richard adams, robots, safety dance, severus snape, sewing, silence, simple pleasures, singing, snow, socialism, socialist, socks, steel, subways, sweaters, the cold war, the dollar store, theater production, thrift stores, thunder storms, university of cincinnati, vic chesnutt, waffle house, warm beds, warmth, water soluble crayons, welding, wendy cope, wood, writing, yoga, zen. [Modify yours]
People108:_aqualung_, a_machine, adatomata, alazrael, amazinggrace, angel_bear_01, aptinuviel, artistsmls, arwenn, bearkatkitten, belize, bettyray, blacktw, boca133, boring_plant, brightlights20, camarillamst, catnik, chrismaverick, colin_chaotic, corock, cronono, dales, dellamorta, drcristin, dreckofinfinity, drspooky, electracide, emmalineemory, erin1115, fizzbang, geegermaine, godlygrey, graceron, harpercanon, hillbert2, hungerf9, huxley_boy, ifjuly, jadey_mcshadey, jameel, jasjasmw, john_story, johnmeier1, katieboyd, kissmary, komakin0, krotscheck, kwei_cee, le_femme, leahtortilla, littlepurple, lonelocust, magneticdonut, manthaccino, maudlin, mechanicalhyena, merhamedha, mermaidnumber7, micahh, mistergone, moonboy, moredhel_dk, mrrockmessiah, mrwoolite, msproduceruc, munkeesee, mystikbabe, naughtyfatalist, noeticist, oakfrost, opheliaxox, pageturner8305, pandapore, perspicacious, piscivore, porepanda, princessdiablo, pyrtolin, qthewildchild, quack3, rakin, random_vamp, razorgirl_au, rdean, remedysweet, riksowden, romeosolo, runesigner, sammycofacts, sophistscribe, status, t_love, techstep, thatwaynerkid, theadana, trebekah, vienna, villanelle, vixeninsocks, waryn, wik, wildorchids, x_kali_x, xmalexslutx, xsomberx, xxdpbittercupxx, yunicorner
Communities16:atlanta_acting, atlantart, buddhists, camarilla, costume_coven, costumes, craftgrrl, designers, formerly, georgiatech, getcrafty, keep_it_going, sewing, vegrecipes, zen_buddhists, zetapsisigma
Feeds3:officialgaiman, savagelove, wordsmith_daily
Account type:Free Account

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