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Christian Hippies

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first timer. [29 Apr 2004|09:46pm]

[ music | Green Tea-Perpetual Groove ]

I ran across this somehow...I really can't remember to tell you the truth. Anyhow, I think an introduction is probably best.

I'm Owen. I'm 22 and a banker in Nashville, TN. I've been in church my entire life and consider myself christian. I was raised methodist and still go to my childhood church. I believe in community via church and I believe in congregating because of a similar belief. While I like the idea of church and religion, I find it to be more separating than unifying. I am not looking to condemn anyone and hope that everyone else here is the same way. That is one huge issue I have with being involved with church, especially in the south.

I'm not professing any political leanings, I just go with my gut. I am pro choice only because I don't believe in making that decision with the government. I personally would not abort a child except for very extreme circumstances, but I do not expect all to do so. It's not up to me. I am on the fence in regards to legalization of marijuana. I do not partake, which probably explains that. I don't mind folks who do, but I don't know that legalizing it would solve anything. Apparently in Canada, the 'legal weed' isn't good anyways.

As far as being a hippie goes...i'm not sure I fit the bill, but i'm into jammy music and I love the outdoors and being barefoot. I see God in all things, and try to keep my relationship with God about me and God, not about other things. I think all of the differences between each type of faith are just preferences, and the important part for me is the faith and the relationship with God.

I think that's enough for one day. Excuse the length.

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[29 Apr 2004|09:09pm]

[ mood | uncomfortable ]

And so a Christian cannot promise to do another person's will without knowing what will be required of him, nor can he submit to transitory human laws or promise to do or abstain from doing any specified thing at any given time, for he cannot know what may be required of him at any time by that Christian law of love, obedience to which constitutes the purpose of his life. A Christian, by promising unconditional obedience to the laws of men in advance, would indicate by that promise that the inner law of God does not constitute the sole law of his life.

Leo Tolstoy, The Kingdom of God Is Within You


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Christian Hippies and the Lennon/Oko Bed-In [29 Apr 2004|01:30pm]

Why do people think hippies are crazy? )

So more than likely, you've heard of John and Yoko's (in?)famous bed-in, right? Well, you probably also know of my and Aaron's plans of chopping our (longish) hair tomorrow to give to Locks of Love. So, today, in true hippie spirit, we'll be taking lovely black & whites as a personal tribute to one of our favorite protests. How novel, eh? Come back soon and I'll post the pics! luff, n i n a

"You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war."

"It will be a great day when our schools get all the money they need and the air force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber."

"If the people lead, the leaders will follow."
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"The Jesus Factor" GWB on Frontline Thursday Night PBS [29 Apr 2004|02:25am]

Hey, check this out. :) Should be really interesting.
Thursday, April 29, 10:00pm
The Jesus Factor
As an evangelical Christian, President Bush has something in common with the 46 percent of Americans who describe themselves as being 'born again,' or having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Often has the president recounted praying about major decisions facing the nation — but what do we actually know about the rudiments of George Bush's faith? To what extent do the president's spiritual beliefs impact or influence his political decision-making? And how closely do Bush's religious views mirror those of the country's burgeoning and politically influential evangelical movement?

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[29 Apr 2004|07:09am]

[ mood | giggly ]

Jehovah 1

-- space god

The Church of the SubGenius is the PAN-RELIGION of the FUTURE, and REBELS against the namby-pamby, goody two-shoes "NEW AGE" and "AQUARIAN" ideals of most occult weirdos. Such people are fools, they do not curse, they have no understanding of the need for spiritual violence in this modern space-age a-go-go society.

The SubGenius wants no part of the "New Age," it is already here and it obviously sucks. The SubGenius would rather RETRIEVE the manly Past, before 1971 or even 1953, or else dwell in the naughty, fun-loving REMOTE FUTURE, a strange time when anything made of plastic is a valuable antique that collectors will KILL for, when SEXHURT will be recognized and indulged in as sane human nature no matter whether any 'church' or 'government' allows it. But such things are TRIFLES! The SubGenius knows that JEHOVAH 1 is a VENGEFUL GOD OF WRATH! JEHOVAH 1 - a.k.a. YAHWEH - is a mad alien, full of eyes round about, He cometh with the clouds, radioactive, all-pervading, He has forged His covenant with the SubGenius in CHAINS of GENETIC PROGRAMMING and DEMANDS OBEISANCE to His caveman sense of humor. He has been denying us SLACK and what He is making us do dates back to Homo Connectus, First Whole Man; only by letting our bodies obey the Code of financial lust survival that is built into them can our brains be freed from his INEVITABLE FIST.

Everything we do, have done, or will ever do, normally on-the-job but also and especially on the causational level of micro-atomic occurences and billionth-of-a-nanosecond electron collisions, is dictated by the permutations of the great SKORE, the cosmic worknet of cause-and-effect, the mutamorphic ARCHIVE of the shapes and movements of every blood tick, sperm whale, vampire gnat, movie star and gorgosaurus, "all the molecules of oil on all the grains of sand of every moonlit beach of the world. " No, "YOU CAN'T CHANGE THE SKORE." But JEHOVAH 1 can...and like an ax this TOTAL FATE PROGRAM confronts our similarly-encoded SENSE OF SLACK and cleaves our heads straight down the middle into schizocephalic right and left sides whose sub-id battleground is responsible for our precariously balanced NENTAL IVES: clones of us in the spirit world whose duplicate lusts influence our behavior on this material plane. Yes - JEHOVAH 1 smote us in primeval days with BAD BRAKES by which we cannot stop our devil twin from overcoming our 'better nature' and by which, furthermore, we cannot even begin to tell the difference between the two! Brakes keep us from committing ANYTHING WE MIGHT IMAGINE IN OUR MOST DANGEROUS FLEETING FANTASIES, such as chopping off noisy children's heads and giving... well, all of us, even non-SubGeniuslike whimps of the second and third waters, are Jekyll/Hyde monsters of two conflicting Noggin Polarities in our personalities; the SHAFT OF SUPPRESSION rears its ugly Head in response to this utter psychosis which squirms for most of our lives only in the dim, unseen reaches of our behavior-pumps; we act completely normal most of the time, but who is to say at any given moment which side, the 'good' or the 'bad,' is currently in control of The Animal? Thank "God" we are usually never aware of the subconscious Armageddon which expresses itself, physically, in our paranoias, human Work Instincts and universanal compulsions, and, spiritually, in our unruly but subtle psychic powers - which result not so much from any 'inner aura' but rather from a somewhat mindless 'ghost' standing invisibly at our sides: it is the half of our intelligence which is currently not controlling The Animal, it is the NENTAL IFE, and it erupts from its usual idiot blithering into weird, occult pheno-manifestations only when our turbulent mental background reaches such peaks of simultaneous crisis and repression as the stormy glandular rampages of adolescence!

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FYI [28 Apr 2004|02:02pm]

I used to be [info]frozenlolliepop

Just wanted to let everyone know of the *change*.

Hope you are having a wonderful wed.

Feel free to add // if you wish.
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first post [28 Apr 2004|10:16am]

Hey my name's Cathy and I'm a newbie to livejournal in general.
I'm 18 and about to graduate high school and move on to Samford University.
I really love Jesus and people and the planet.
I've been thinking that, especially within the Baptist church (my denomination) the attitudes and views of the church leaders towards women and their place in the body do not line up with Christ's. That's where I think Christian hippies need to come in. It's obvious that Christ esteemed women as equals, and the need for women to sit down and shut up to prevent social unrest has been a thing of the past for decades. How can we make it easier for women to lead prayer, be on committees, become deconesses, preach, and evangelize in all denominations? What are your thoughts on a women's place in the church?
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Speak your mind . . . [26 Apr 2004|02:40pm]

God + tattoo's = ?

Whats your opinion on tattoos?
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[26 Apr 2004|04:34am]

[ music | Ramones ]

I'm gonna vote for Bush. I think he's an awesome Christian man. EVERYONE BASH ME. I'll enjoy it.

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I'm New Here [26 Apr 2004|12:01am]

Hey all,
I am a male, 25 and single
A Christian (of no particular denomination)
I've been a Chrisitan pretty much my entire life.

As a kid I regularly attended a Pentecostal Sunday school, not because I shared any of the particular Pentecostal beliefs, but because it was the easiest church for me to get to. The church actually sent a bus to local area towns and picked people up. This was great because I live(d) in a very rural area. My best memories of that church are of singing, and summer bible school (we would play games and put on performances).

That was the last church that I regularly attended. Partly because I don't feel you have to go to chuch to be a complete Christian, and partly because I haven't found a church that is right for me at present time.

Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father
neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem" JOHN 4:21

I graduated from the University of Maine, with a B.A. in New Media (May 2003).
After I graduated I spent 3.5 months traveling around the country with one of my best friends. I can give more detail sometime if you'd like.

I love music (currently working on an album).
I love film.
I love photography.
I love love
Would like to learn to paint and draw better.
I am pro life.
I support alternative energy sources.
I would someday like to eat only organic and free range food.
I did not support the reasons our government gave for going to war in Iraq, although I feel that it is a good thing the people of Iraq are no longer under the control of a dictator.
I agree with our reasons for sending troops to afghanistan.
I think we should get rid of income tax, and increase sales taxes.
I feel everyone should be provided with healthcare.
I support the right to bare arms as long as the governments of the world have guns.
I'm currently registered as an independent.
I voted for George W., but there is no way I'll be voting for him again.
Self employed at present time.

Any questions for me feel free to ask:-)
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Simply Prayers [25 Apr 2004|05:28am]

I didn't see a rule against promoting, so I hope it's okay to post this here.

[info]simply_prayers is a livejournal community dedicated to sharing prayers. Prayers from any tradition are accepted, be they ancient, brand new, or even something that functions for you as a prayer that was written as something else (a poem, song, etc...)

[info]simply_prayers is not a community for the posting of prayer requests or specific petitions, nor is it for the publishing of prayers as part of a ritual (that's why God invented the classifieds) nor for rambling diatribe "Dear God" type letters.

Please join and share your favorite prayers with us.
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[20 Apr 2004|05:55pm]

Is anyone else subscribed to *Jack Van Impe's* mailing list?
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Hey yall.. [17 Apr 2004|03:03am]

[ music | telepopmusic "Breath" ]

Hi. This is my first post in the Christian Hippy forum...

I am 26 and am married with two kids (Ezra 2yrs, Levi 5mos).

Before I was a Christian I was a wiccan who smoked allot of pot and followed the dead/phish a bit. God got ahold of my heart and it was awesome. That was a little less than a decade ago. Since then allot has changed.

Here's a snap shot of some political views and likes/dislikes/facts/opinions/etc..

I love free jamming rock music
Pot is illegal, so the Bible says no. (took a full year to quit)
I love parties that last till 4 am.
My babies sleep through drum circles at my house :)
I love my wife. She Rocks.
I am pro life.
I could live on bacon and green tea.
Before I had kids, I was ALWAYS on a road trip. Colorado, S.Carolina, Ontario, Detrtoit (homish), Cali.. :) man i miss the road, but love my house. Good trade, there's 5 lots of nothing but forrested swamp beind my house thats mine all mine ;)
I worked for the DNR (didnt pay enough but what a fun job)
Now I work for a juvenille detention center.
I love my president.
Gays can't be married biblically because they can't be joined physically or spiritually in the same way as a man and woman. But they should legally be able to have the same rights as anyone else and to me, that means gay union, not changing the definition of marraige.
Racial division in Detroit is healing.. very slowly...
I own a '73 superbeetle.
I could fill my house with people for a week straigt and never feel crowded
I think America should be on the forefront of electronic transportation.
I supported fighting the old Iraqi government cause baby that HAD to go. I wish we were better at building nations and wish there was an easy way to wrap this up, but at least the good thing was done.

Not sure what else to say, I guess my opinions will come out in time.. I'm bound to be a minority where ever I go and I'm sure the same will be true here. Not much of a conformist I guess. I formulate opinion on the Bible and personal conviction. I'm not afraid to be disliked by the masses.

I never spell check :)


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Do you believe in signs? [16 Apr 2004|04:24pm]

Without going into too much detail I will just briefly describe my encounter, and you can tell me what you think and your own experiences [if you feel the urge].

Last night I was driving and I had this *vision* so to speak, or my minds eye saw me standing at a pulpit giving a "speech", "sermon" or something else along those lines.
Almost instantly I start to tear up, and I just feel like going back to school would be the right thing. Certain things have keep me from going to college [I'm 20]. However, I did extremely well in h.s. At work today 3 different ladies [customers] on 3 different occassions spoke with me for ten to fifteen minutes about how I should go back to school, travel the world and not get caught up in *men*.
What do you think of this?
I know what I think, but I am interested in others opinions.

*Also* without sounding ^too much^ like a sad little puppy if anyone wants to add another *friend* to their list ... I am here!

[x.posted in several places]


I hope everyone has a blessed weekend!
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first post :) [12 Apr 2004|11:43pm]

Hello everyone, my name is Megan and I am a 20 year old college student. I just joined this community today. It seems like a pretty cool place. It's refreshing to see people with my same beliefs. A lot of Catholics (and Christians in general) are pretty conservative, especially here in the south (I live in Florida.)

And now for a little bit about me. I am:

+ Catholic
+ open minded
+ vegetarian
+ pro-life, for humans & animals (except in extreme cases)
+ pro-sex ed. and birth control
+ pro-equality
+ pro-gay rights
+ pro-peace
- anti-war
- anti-bush
- anti-racism
- anti-ingnorance
- anti-intolerance

Thanks for reading.
And since I read that some of you support the legalization of marijuana, I will leave you with this:
Grow More Pot! )

(Just as a warning, there's a little bit of profanity behind the cut. I don't know if anyone will take offense, but I thought I'd warn just in case.)
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[12 Apr 2004|02:24pm]

I hope everyone's Easter was the best ever.
[I sure know mine was].


When do you "think" the Rapture will occur?

Are there any books on religion/God/the Bible you would reccommend?

[x-posted : [info]christianhippie [info]friendsnchrist [info]seekinghisface [info]christianrock ]
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[10 Apr 2004|01:22pm]

Happy Early Easter everyone!

Does anyone happen to know where the story is about God kicking Satan out of heaven?


Also has anyone read "Surveillance Society"?
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[06 Apr 2004|10:55pm]

New here, and a question for you hardcore Christians out there: Why is it that you believe what you believe? Was there something like divine inspiration that drew you to Christ, or was it something more earthly?
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Hi All! [06 Apr 2004|03:35pm]

WOW! Well i have to say i never thought i would find a community like this! HOW EXCITING!!!
My name is amanda and im 19, i have been a Christian pretty much all my life but i really commited myself when i was about 15. I'm married to a wonderful guy and we have a beautiful son who is 20 months. We are into attachment parenting, organic foods, vegetarian etc.... We are currently living in VA we have just moved from Australia! Im very excited about this community!
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.the.end. [02 Apr 2004|01:44pm]

How do you believe it will end?

I am very interested in the ending of it all, and I am eager to hear your opinions related or not related to mine.

I believe )

x.posted in [info]friendsnchrist
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