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New here, and in need of advice... [30 Aug 2004|10:23pm]

[ mood | scared ]

Well, before I get to the advice asking bit, let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Alicia, although I prefer my middle name Grace. I am an eclectic/kitchen/what have you witch, and have been practicing for several years.

I'm normally very shy about joining communities, but this one seems polite and open-minded, and I need advice from as many people as I can get. A friend of mine x-posted to several of her communities, so I'm sorry if you've already seen this.

Just a few minutes ago, I half jokingly asked my mom "Did you by any chance piss off anyone with the power to curse you and your firstborn?" "Well...."


There was a "warlock" as she refered to him (not the correct term, but suffice it to say he was into some bad mojo), in Maryland who was obsessed with her. They spent a weekend together, and then she went back to Virginia. Back at her apartment, things started to get REALLY F****** SCARY. The carpet pattern moved, there were eerie sounds, and she saw him at the window for a flash. Her roommate and roommate's boyfriend came home and they all prayed together, and it stopped.

I keep thinking though, all my life I have had the worst of luck. And not " I lost my job and my boyfriend left me" bad luck, "spoonfeed your mom after an accident, move across the country to find your stepdad is literally a psychopath who was in lock-down ward most of his life for violence" kinda bad luck, and that's tip-of-the-iceberg stuff.

I know it's unlikely, but I can't help but wonder if this man did something else to "get back" at my mother. If anyone knows of anything, or knows anyone who knows anything that could help, PLEASE tell me, I'd appreciate it so much. I don't care if you're the fluffiest of the bunnies or the spookiest satanist, any advice is wonderful. Please don't flame me, I realise that this is probably just paranoia on my part, but for my peace of mind I want to be sure. Thank you for reading this long post.

keyboard sacrifice

Teaching Questions [30 Aug 2004|03:28pm]

[ music | Classical Gas, Eric Clapton, acoustic ]

Suddenly having 'acquired' local students again after quite a few years of not teaching, I'm updating all the assignments. Only now the reading list for each is suddenly about double the size it once was - and the new additions are (mostly) URLs.

This is actually adding a much broader exposure than in past just due to the easier access to a URL rather than having to dredge up copies of the books for all the students or making photocopies for everyone.

- How have you used the Internet as a teaching tool?
- How has it been useful?
- Any problems or negative impact from using the Internet in teaching (or having it available to your students)?


(x-post in pagan)

keyboard sacrifice

ZAUBEREI [29 Jan 1970|12:24pm]

There's a teaser news piece published about ZAUBEREI, so I can make a little announcement.

ZAUBEREI, meaning "magic" in German, is a new band, a powerful collaboration between a core unit of three women artists, the unique Wiccan singer-songwriter Wendy Rule, the very talented cellist Rachel Samuel, & me (Talie Hélène) on Double Bass.

Wendy Rule has been pioneering a unique solo career of mythic songcraft for ten years in Melbourne. Rachel has worked with many artists including Monique Brumby, Kerri Simpson, and Beth Gibbons (Postishead.) I'm playing Double Bass in ZAUBEREI, & my previous ensemble experience includes as keyboardist with the Projekt band Eden, & Modern Invasion metal band Hobbs' Angel Of Death.

ZAUBEREI is a theatrical & imaginative group, & I am thrilled to be embarking on this project with these artists.

You can read more about ZAUBEREI here at

We will be launching the band in Melbourne on Halloween, October 31st 2004, as a Masquerade Ball - details to be announced.
3 of the bones| keyboard sacrifice

sun phases... [24 Aug 2004|08:57am]

i'm looking for reading material on the phases of the sun the same
way we look at the phases of the moon astrologically. while the moon in the signs deal with emotions and the Goddess, i've read the sun represents our actions and how the God is an influence in our lives. can anyone recommend anything?

thanking you in advance

x post--pagan, un_pc_occultist
13 of the bones| keyboard sacrifice

[23 Aug 2004|03:24am]

Anyone have ANY advice on natural remedies or techniques to overcome insomnia? I seriously think I'm going to crack....
8 of the bones| keyboard sacrifice

[23 Aug 2004|01:38am]

what are some simple but effective things i should do to cleanse and bless my new home, and basically fill it full of good magickal energy?

3 of the bones| keyboard sacrifice

Boston's resources. [21 Aug 2004|05:40pm]

[ mood | curious ]
[ music | Backstabber~ The Dresden Dolls ]

If this post is deemed offensively off-topic, I offer my apologies, and do feel free to delete it, [info]hex_kitten! I would not like to make myself a spammer.

That said, I am going into Boston will a fellow Witchy friend tomorrow. Though I have lived fairly close to the city my entire life, I've never really explored the Pagan community therein, or taken advantage of any of the Pagan-oriented shops that exist there.

Since it will just be a fun day-trip, I am looking for some particularly interesting/versatile/well-stocked stores that we can browse through-- particularly shops with decent literature, and a good array of herbs. I've checked shop listings on WitchVox, but personal opinions and suggestions are far more reliable.

Any input, Boston-area Pagans? Thank you in advance!!!

(Horrendously cross-posted. So sorry!)

4 of the bones| keyboard sacrifice

Pagan web site creation community [17 Aug 2004|03:15pm]

Please join me at [info]pagan_websites. It's still a work in progress, but wanted to let you know its out there.
1 of the bones| keyboard sacrifice

Endless Night Festival New Orleans, Halloween weekend update [16 Aug 2004|07:59pm]



Posted Monday, August 16th, 2004

Greetings all!  Many have been asking what is going on with Endless Night this year, so we at ENP thought it would be good to give this partial update.  More details will come as soon as they are available and confirmed!

GREAT NEWS!  We are expanding Endless Nights to be 4 days this year and our goal is to make this more of a format of a European style music and dark festival, in the vein (LOL) of Wave Gotik Treffen.

The Endless Night Festival was started in 1998 as an alternative to the Anne Rice Coven Ball and is traditionally held Halloween weekend in New Orleans annually.  Since then it has become the staple dark gothic / vamp event for Halloween in New Orleans.

Here is the schedule so far (all bands listed are confirmed):

Thursday, October 28th

- Opening Ceremonies at Club 735 Bourbon - band showcase, FREE for VIPs and weekend ticketholders. $10 otherwise.  Gates @ 10pm.

Friday, October 29th

- JUST ADDED MORE DETAILS SOON! The Dark Fetish Ball at Club 735 Bourbon - bands and performers TBA.  $25 in advance, $30 at the door.  Gates at 10pm.

- Dark Bazaar at the Hampton Inn. FREE admission.  Gates noon-7pm.

Saturday, October 30th (All Hallows Eve / Devil's Night)

- The Vampyre Ball @ Club 735 Bourbon.  Confirmed bands include Seraphim Shock, Saint EvePsiVamp and URN.  DJs include Xian (Perversion, Fang Club, :WUMPSKATE:, Funeral, Black Cat Gallery), Jack Dean Stauss (Gothic, Fang Club LA) and Lestat (Long Black Veil & Hidden Shadows NYC).  Performances TBA. $25 in advance, $30 at the door. Gates at 10pm.

- Dark Bazaar at the Hampton Inn. FREE admission.  Gates noon-7pm.

- Michelle Belanger's book signing at Esoterica Occult Goods for her new book the Psychic Vampire Codex by Sam Weiser Books.

Sunday, October 31st (Halloween Day)

- The Sanctum of Elorath Quabal at a secret location.  VIP and invite only.  6pm-10pm banquet and private vampyre Sanguine Mass.

- Dark Bazaar at the Hampton Inn. FREE admission.  Gates noon-7pm.

VIP tickets for the entire weekend including all events are $99 ea. and include a T-shirt, invite to the quabal, access VIP room at both balls, a T-shirt and a copy of V - the Black Veil, Special Edition. 

For updated information and ticket locations / sales please visit

2 of the bones| keyboard sacrifice

Thought some of you might be interested in this... [16 Aug 2004|02:33am]

A witch, running for council in Australia, has won an anti-discrimination suit, and as a result has become the first person in Australia to swear an oath to The Goddess to tell "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth..."

More details here, here, and here.

If for some reason the article doesn't load, and you get a screen inviting you to register, there's a button towards the bottom of the page which allows you to 'register later and continue to article'.

Thanks to [info]mordwen for the heads-up on this one.
1 of the bones| keyboard sacrifice

go. sign. [12 Aug 2004|07:27pm]

Lifted from [info]cr_r


Tara, seat of the kings of Ireland and the veritable soul of Ireland
itself, is threatened by plans to build a major motorway through the
area. A large number of archeological sites will be immediately
impacted by this decision, and a floodlit 34-acre highway interchange
will be placed half a mile from the sacred hill itself.

You can do something about this really bad idea by going to

run by the Tara-Skryne
Valley Campaign.

(Cross posted to [info]celts, [info]kissmeimceltic, [info]mothertongue, [info]celtic_ogham & [info]darkpaganism.)
keyboard sacrifice

Quick question. [11 Aug 2004|05:19pm]

Hey there...

Does anyone here know of any deities associated strongly with owls, and/OR the color crimson? If any that you can think of are also tied to theater (or any figurative meaning that theater might suggest ie drama, passionate emotion etc.) or the arts in general, that would be very much worth mentioning.

I thank you,
25 of the bones| keyboard sacrifice

What would Odin say about Gun Control? [10 Aug 2004|12:22pm]

[ mood | thoughtful ]

An interesting point of view.

Any Odinists or other warrior-traditions want to offer an opinion?

What would Odin say about Gun Control? )

10 of the bones| keyboard sacrifice

Tarot - help wanted! [10 Aug 2004|09:46pm]

(crossposted to a few pagan/magic/art groups; hope it doesn’t irritate too much)
I’m hoping some of you may be able to help me find a tarot deck. I’ve never gotten into tarot as much as I’ve liked, because I’ve never managed to find a deck I could really connect with (I’ve had the most success with Crowley’s Thoth deck, but it’s still not really quite right). Being an artist, the aesthetic component is a huge factor for me, and I’ve honestly never seen a deck that I found attractive enough, or with the right symbolic aesthetic, to really draw me in. I’m also hellishly picky, which doesn’t help.:)
If anyone can recommend a deck, I’d be really grateful. There are hundreds of them out there, and it’s difficult to see them all (even without my pathetic university internet account with its incredibly limited weekly download quota). I’m looking for something maybe a little dark, certainly a little decadent, not overly ‘modern’, rich in symbolism, and not one of those decks with pre-existing paintings stuck on cards because they sorta match (unless it’s actually *really* good). My aesthetic preferences run along the lines of Victorian symbolist art, art nouveau, decadent aestheticism, rich colours, that sort of thing...I have fairly ‘gothic’ tastes, basically (the vampire tarot and vertigo tarot leave me cold, by the way). It doesn't have to look specifically Victorian or adhere specifically to that list - it's just a list of aesthetic clues, I guess. Really I just want it to be rich and beautiful. I’m also a pagan with celtic symbolic leanings – not that that matters overmuch to a deck, but it’s worth mentioning. I’m hoping that somewhere out there, there’s the perfect deck, just waiting for me to find it. I’m hoping to start making my own tarot soon, but it’s going to be a *very* long-term project, as you can imagine, and I don’t want to wait that long – I also want a deck I can really learn from while I’m researching.
Thanking you in advance...
24 of the bones| keyboard sacrifice

Genii Loci -- Spirits of Place [09 Aug 2004|11:17am]

Odd dream last night, I was back at school but in a Mythology lesson (Hogwarts maybe?!?).

Anyway, I was being told off for having been sitting in class dreaming about the flying girl I'd seen at the train station the day before, who just spread her cape like wings, took a running jump off the platform, and landed on the far platform about 20 metres away. At the time she told me it was all down to her steady diet of Lego people hands, but I didn't quite believe her.

So, I responded by telling the teacher I knew loads about mythology, figuring that I could answer any high-school level question on the subject, even in a dream.

He asked me where the Greek gods lived. "Mount Olympus." I says.

"That's a far too simplistic answer. What about the Genii Loci? They lived everywhere."

"But Sir, they weren't gods, they were spirits."

We proceeded to have an argument on the subject, and reached the conclusion that a Genius Locus is a god when it's in its place of power *and* if it's being worshipped at the time; otherwise it's a spirit. This seemed a useful enough insight to share, at the time; it was something I'd not really been consciously aware of before. Whether its useful to any of you now, I don't know.
2 of the bones| keyboard sacrifice

[05 Aug 2004|01:51pm]

[ mood | contemplative ]

Last night I moved out of my body for a bit. I was laying in my bed clearing my head and realized I had begun pulling out of my self. I pushed myself up more but both "bodies" were still laying prone. It felt like their was a muscle being stretched up painfully from the back of my neck. I registered that I hadn't been laying fully "uncrossed" as a book I've read on this sort of thing suggested. I thought about going back down to fix the error, but instead I tried to move around above myself. I couldn't flip around completely, (I wanted to see my body while I was out of it), because of the feeling in my neck like it was being twisted painfully. I thought I could fix it by moving up higher and in the process it seemed like I messed up and sent myself somewhere other than my room. Strange journeys followed. I went back to my body and the pain in my neck ceased.

7 of the bones| keyboard sacrifice

what you believe comes into being [04 Aug 2004|08:15pm]

I have a habit of writing a lot of my life down on paper (and in these online journals)...
I also have a habit of re-examining them over a period of time (a year and a day type thing) to look for patterns and cycles and such...
What I've come to notice lately is that whatever objectives I wrote down, even if I was just bullshitting them for some random exercise, becomes true.

Specifically speaking...
yesterday I was looking over an old career + fitness journal from a college-level career course that I took back in January of 2001. We were asked to write down our short term goals and prioritize them somewhat. I was kinda shocked that the goals I remember just rambling out so I could finish my homework... happen to be the very things that came to be.

It just made me think...
if I wrote down a goal, any goal... even one I would never aim for, would it come true later?
Is my unconcious picking up on these and putting it down in a to-do list or something?

Anyone else notice that?
Forget doing much more magick than that... just writing it down seems to work for me. :P No need for long rituals and burning of papers or whatever... :P
Or maybe it was really just an unconcious goal and by just rammbling it off, it worked it's way to my concious being?

10 of the bones| keyboard sacrifice

One Beautiful Thing [03 Aug 2004|07:06pm]

[ mood | enthralled ]
[ music | SES - Love ]

Hi all!

This past weekend I went to the Faerie Worlds festival in Oregon (perhaps some of you have heard of it, or even went there youreselves) and I had a rather interesting experience. This, being directed to all the empaths and mediums in the group, is what happened. I'm hoping to hear if anyone has had similiar experiences. The bulk of this post was cut and pasted from my own journal, but I want to make a special point to highlight something below. There was a presence of virtually /no/ dead energy in the area. Nor the type of spirits I'm used to dealing with. If either one were presesent, they were /completely/ covered up by this other stuff.

The faerie festival I experienced this past weekend was filled grand experiences. Above all others, the one time that clearly stands out to me occured on Saturday night.

I was wearing my blue pants, a white shirt, and large violet faerie wings at the concert. The band was Woodland, and I descended down the tree dotted hill to the dancing area -- it was beautiful. I do not know precisely what time it was, but a wave of serene energy poured over me. The band played and people danced. The ratio was perfect, two winged folk for every three wingless dancers, for every three of the wingless one or two had a costume of their own.

I stood entranced for a few moments before blinking a few times and beginning to weave my way through the sea of celebrating bodies. I paused a few strides into the area and for reasons I could not understand I wanted to cry. It was a powerful urge; I had to turn and flee from the area. I turned my face so no one could see me, my eyes wet themselves, and by the time I'd escaped a few steps up the hill again these feelings settled. I was okay.

I looked back to the people dancing and watching the musicians play. They were far more wonderful to me than the entertainers themselves. There was a masked man riding a giant ball like a unicycle into the crowd, and I felt like I was peering into an alternate world. I looked up to the band for all of a moment, and then dared to venture back down into the fae type dancing area.

The emotions I felt this time were genuine, yet curious. I felt as if I were a noble ghost of a fae infused with life brought back again to be with his people. I had more emotional fortitude this time in that I lasted approximately two or three minutes with the others before feeling this powerful force again. It was as if it was hell bent on getting me to shed my cool spectral shell, crying, or driving me from the area. I almost lost it that time.

I fled once again with my eyes lowered to the ground and making my way with great haste in the direction with the fewest people possible. I took a deep breath once out of its 'range.' I looked to sky and admired the stars in all their beauty. It was a good feeling because even from there, I could look around and there really wasn't anything I could say that was unbeautiful. The tears I wanted to release were that of awe and rapture rather than sorrow.
Some things a person experiences are just too gorgeous to be given a name or set of words to describe them. They are what the feelings were, and if there are such words to construct feelings worthy of such unhindered, tear evoking, beauty I have not heard them. Granted, I have had read sad or happy stories that have made me cry, however never before can I recall a piece that captures crying beauty for the sake of beauty.

I returned again to moon light faerie dancers. I felt joy and wonder. This feeling over came me again, one last time after a few minutes of being within the swarm of people, but it wasn't as strong, more of an emotional nudge really. I outstretched my fingers, and grounded to the air around me. I reached my senses out to the spirits around me, and to my surprise there wasn't a single easily identifiable dead person around me. The energy was wild, thick, and full of life. I'll be completely honest in saying that I am NOT an authority on dealing with any sort of nature type spirits. To be quite honest, I'm not for certain that they even exist in the same sense that I have come to understand /my/ spirits. What I can say is that there was a presence of very active, very thick, bubbling chi all over the place.

I don't really know what to say besides that the experience was ... touching and wholesomely magickal. I'd be curious if any other mystics who were at the event (especially the medium type) had similar experiences.

Thanks for taking the time to read!

8 of the bones| keyboard sacrifice

Church of Gagarin [01 Aug 2004|11:49pm]


keyboard sacrifice

An out of print gem of a book! Enochian! [30 Jul 2004|07:58pm]

I am sorry if this is considered spam but I really think some people may be interested in this:

Apparently I have a rare book up for auction. It is out of print and is currently selling on amazon used for $90.00+! My auction starts at $5.00 NR!

The Enochian Magick of Dr. John Dee by Geoffrey James.

Review: "Dr. John Dee's system of Enochian Magick has been enormously influential in the practices of the Order of the Golden Dawn. Though long out-of-print, this book has become an occult classic because it holds all the secrets of Dee's private magical workbooks, just as Dee recorded them in the late 16th century."

Please check out my auction at:;=6915863146

Pass this on to anyone who you think would be interested!

Thank you!
4 of the bones| keyboard sacrifice

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