18 rabbit ([info]poison) wrote,
@ 2004-11-23 16:15:00
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Current mood:sinister
Current music:footsteps.

sit beside my window and listen to the sirens.
you represent a wall in between at least two different groups of people.

oh, fuck you and fuck you again.

["now that they're with him it almost seems as though it's us versus them."]

don't lie to me.
i have ways of finding things out.

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2004-11-24 05:04 (link)
...? Are you ok..?

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2004-11-29 02:18 (link)
[i'm a bit late in responding, but yes.. i'm ok. thank you for caring. :)]

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2004-11-24 05:55 (link)
*blinkblink* what happened?

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2004-11-29 02:17 (link)
meh.. something that i'll have to explain offline.
i think i've already talked to you about this, though.

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2004-11-27 16:40 (link)
who? what? why?

walls are bad... and i a wall?

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2004-11-29 02:17 (link)
oh, doll.... you know it isn't you.

i ♥ you jack. i'll explain this sometime when i.. see you.

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