Monday, July 5th, 2004 |
10:48 am |
And then the village idiot showed up... I feel so stupid..
I just went to work and found out that the office is closed today. |
Wednesday, June 23rd, 2004 |
12:08 am |
Still kicking.. chants...
*must update more often*
*must update more often*
but I'm still going..
still working..
still planing/pondering massive roadtrip..
Yeah.. It's still in the works..
So hard to just set a definitive date for when I quit work and start traveling. As much as I whine and bitch about my job,.. I'm sure everyone has gathered that I'm okay with it overall. Otherwise, I wouldn't be there. So there's no real, massive pressure to escape and go.. which I'm know my mom is dismayed about.. but that's the way the cards fall and that is entirely another post.
Ultimately though, it's my dream, my game plan.
And my assurance that I'm working toward something better than wasting my years in the mediocricty of my nice, sheltered life. Oh the joy, to just say, "Yeah.. I existed and I did absolutely nothing but excel at doing nothing.."
And I have to grin.., because I feel that that may be an accomplishment unto itself.., but at the same time I know my definition of "normal and mediocre" isn't exactly "normal." So perhaps I am doing something and just refusing to acknowledge it.
Ignorance is bliss? or avoidance? Hmm..
I'll see what today brings. |
Wednesday, June 9th, 2004 |
2:46 am |
changes.. Due to recent events, I've concluded.., or perhaps reaffirmed, that there is, indeed, no such thing as justice or karma.
*Hangs up the "Under new management" sign* |
Tuesday, March 23rd, 2004 |
7:34 pm |
Back from my first cruise.. (See Wes' journal for pix)
Still trying to get caught up on LJ..
And despite the malfunctions, I had a great time and can't wait to go another.
Snorkeling in Cozumel was awesome.. but I'm still getting my land feet back and wishing the world would stop rocking back and forth..
Wow.. It was grand.. |
Friday, February 20th, 2004 |
2:01 am |
it's weird.. it's strange.. but in the past few weeks.. I realize I've been really happy this past year.
Lots of good times with good friends.. I think that's what really made it for me..
but I suppose this is a "hey!" and an "thanks!".. |
Friday, January 2nd, 2004 |
12:38 pm |
Damn.. I can't believe my two weeks here in Vegas are nearly up.
I've had a great time seeing my family and celebrating the holidays but it's time to go home. I miss my friends and my house.
I forgot my camera so I've been taking pictures with the horrid excuse for a camera that is built in my cell phone.. some of them are actually half-decent.., but I'm bugging BJ and Matt to give me their photos so I can make a decent post of the trip when I get home.
But now for my rant:
My original flight got cancelled.. So now I get to enjoy a 4 hr lay-over in Houston.
I HATE the houston airport. HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT..
There is no where to smoke.. Not the bars. Not the bathroom.. None.. Nada.. I have to go outside to smoke and go back through all the @$%$@#!& security checkpoints. And they removed all the AC sockets so I can't charge my laptop and cell phone. I'm serious.. Try to find one.. They're are none. They suck. But now, I fully understand why it's called "George Bush International".
Oh well.. I'll be home tomorrow.. Hope everyone had a good new years.. |
Saturday, December 27th, 2003 |
2:28 am |
HA, I realized I was posting drunkk and deleted it.. Ha.. hooray for self--censorship/..
But I'm in vegas and havin fun...
wiith picturess!!
but now i must go find my nose.. bercaaauseit fell off it.. and I needd ity....
somewhere.. |
Monday, December 15th, 2003 |
10:23 am |
bastards... #$@%$#@#@$
They just had to say who the winner of survivor was on the main page... grrr..
hadn't watched it yet.. :(
definitely monday.. |
Tuesday, December 2nd, 2003 |
12:53 am |
I'm blameing this on that stupid magic 8-ball they brought me today.
Remember those?? You shake it and ask a question and, supposedly, the divine forces of the cosmos will cause it to barf up an answer. Yeah.., those thingies. Soooo... Some vendor promoting some latest thing had their logo stamped over a bunch of them.. And they a gave us a box of them.. so they passed them around the office. And while shakeing it and asking it questions was entertaining for a few minutes.. It was not nearly as cool as standing in my office chair and watching everybody else.
It was like art.
An office full of cubes.. With people standing around in them. Silently asking questions.. Shakeing their balls.. and frowning at the answers.
And now that I've been thinking about it.., I think that whole scene has alot to say about people, society, and religion.
But I didn't get to really think about it at the time. Because my boss leaned in the door and yelled "Hey! Stop playing with your balls and get back to work!" And we started laughing.. And he turned red and stormed out..
But i've been sitting here.. and thinking about my life. Choices I've made.. Choices I'll have to make. And it's a neverending cycle of questions..
Life is crazy.. |
Saturday, October 4th, 2003 |
3:04 am |
fmgfdslfnsdl Wheee!!!!!
Shhh!!! It's a secret..
Carry On.. |
Friday, September 12th, 2003 |
5:58 pm |
i hate these things.. Blame it on Naught! |
Monday, September 8th, 2003 |
11:21 pm |
A bridge too far.. *chanting* no more tv.. no more tv.. tv leave my head alone.. In the past 48 hours.. I've watched at least 6 episodes of Paradise Hotel.. -oh.. I thought I knew what pain was.. 2 Episodes of Dead Like Me.. -love that show.. 2 of The Amazing Race.. -yeah.. it's over. 3 Big Brother 4's.. -makes me want to play the sims again.. and the list goes on.. but no more.. I just saw a commercial for cat food the is "specially formulated for INDOOR cats". --- Whoa buddy.. I draw the line there.. I can handle hour upon hour of people clawing each other eyes out like angry, rabid animals.. but cat food specially formulated for indoor cats.. NO forget the formula.. or if it's shaped like a fish.. or if it stays crunchy in milk.. the cat does not care.. and neither should I.. ----- anyways.. ----- I'm sitting here completely stumped. Try to remember all the great events and people I owe thanks too. Let's see. There's DCON, blueman group, baseball, dinners, crazy high school reunion, and.. and.. there's too many to remember. But I wanted to say thanks.. It means the world to me. Current Mood: blank |
Monday, August 18th, 2003 |
11:24 pm |
Blues Been feeling down lately..
Last night, The job called me at 3am.. .. and I had to go in and fix a server that had nothing wrong with it. On call, or not, I was pissed.
But I wasn't completely pissed at them. A good chunk of it was me being pissed at me. Because this wasn't supposed to happen. I was supposed to be jobless, carefree, and lost in America. But I'm not.. I'm still here. Which isn't entirely bad.. just severely aggravating at times.
And it's happening.. just not as fast as I had hoped. Must stay collected.. Must dream of that day when I write the "To whom it may concern," email.
Ah, stupidity. It keeps me warm. |
Friday, July 25th, 2003 |
6:51 pm |
Thanks for the smiles! dhyme - Don't make me drive out to Vegas.. :) karlita - inch nails? twistopher - just old cobalt RaQ 1's.. they only suitable as door stops.. here2bsilly - friends, booze, games, movies.. it's all there.. vortex - don't know.. A wedding dress?!?! hmmm.. fritzling - ah.. a trick question.. there is none in huntsville!"> and the others should check their email.. Current Mood: goofyCurrent Music: bowie - under pressure |
1:35 am |
Blame it on peer pressure.. Poll #160647 Help me get through friday..
Open to: All, results viewable to: NoneQuestions or Answers.. Send them all.. |
1:05 am |
Grrr.. Be weekend already! Stress Stress Work Work Sleep Sleep Save Save Bills Bills Drink Drink
I need a break break..
And back to the ..'s |
Friday, July 4th, 2003 |
1:54 pm |
Just wanted to wish everyone a happy fourth o' july! I don't get particularly fired up about the fourth,.. but.. Free food, no work, and hanging with friends.. are great reasons to be festive. Current Mood: hungry |
Wednesday, July 2nd, 2003 |
7:00 am |
yawn.. I hate it when I wake up on the sofa.. :( I just wanted to move my laundry over.. Just needed to stay awake for another 15min but poof.. I fall asleep..grrr Current Mood: sleepy |
Friday, June 20th, 2003 |
2:16 am |
Just got back from rehab.. I was (and still kinda am..) addicted to the stupid shadowbane MPRG game.. I was doing well but getting really frustrated. Running around and fighting imaginary wars against nations with 14yr old dictators.. Absolut silliness.. and talk about fickle politics.. gah.. but anyways, I'm doing okay.. no longer on-call and feeling social.. I'm ready to go get some drinks and be social. Hope everyone is doing well. And if your not.., smile anyways.. It pisses them off. ;) Hello friday! Current Mood: hyperCurrent Music: Chili peps - By the Way |
Friday, May 16th, 2003 |
2:25 am |
post.. I just got back from seeing the Matrix Reloaded... Overall.. I liked it, but some things with the movie bugged me. At this point, my head is still sifting through it all. I know that I didn't like it as much as the first matrix.., but it not's fair of me to compare the experiences. I went to see the first matrix with low expectations and nearly zero knowledge as to what it was about. and I loved it... I was worried that this one would flop and suck. The laws of "The Sequel" are vicious and unkind. but it didn't.. and that makes me so happy. Definitely going to go see it again. Current Mood: pleased |