Friday, November 26th, 2004
2:09 pm - 2day's thingy
express yourself!
when you least want to is usually when you most need to
(hot potatoes)
1:55 am - .....a small exercise in submission.....
so, i'm friends with Carole, one of the coolest LJers i know.
i dunno where to start for you carole. you are intensely excellent. first of all i guess, i think you're cool cos you came to meet me, and i got to meet your lovely girls, and the boys too. ;-) and you have been ultra supportive and understanding for coming up on 3 years. but here's one cool thing about you that i can't say about anyone else reading this with any sense of certainty: i know it sounds macabre, but if i were to die, i feel sure you'd attend my funeral. wow.
i also think you're super sweet, which is in some ways better than cool.
thanks for everything.
(hot potatoes)
| Thursday, November 25th, 2004
1:48 pm - 2day's fibre
truth speaks for itself we can speak of it but never for it
(hot potatoes)
1:37 pm - .....world shut your mouth, shut your mouth, put your head back in the clouds.....
Helen thanks for adding me again when you re-joined LJ. let me gas on a bit about how cool i think you are.
first of all, though we have similar views on plenty of subjects, you are so cool that whenever we've disagreed, it's never been a bad thing. there's a lot of respect there, and i thank you for it. i wish more people were like you in this regard.
i also think you're cool cos even though life has a habit of knocking you down, you stand right back up.
you can tell your excellent hubby that i think he's pretty damned ace as well!!!
(3 potatoess | hot potatoes)
1:25 pm - .....from the heavens to the bottom of the sea.....
mermaid, you are cooler than cool, brighter than light, and so deep as to be bottomless. you've shown me a lot of strength and steely determiation in your approach to life, and i only hope i am half the man that you are a woman, if you know what i mean.
honestly, when i write in my LJ, you are one of the people i feel i'm talking to, particularly. how cool are you? you make time for people, you've probably met more of your LJ-only friend's on your list than anyone, and you've gone outta your way to do so. heck, you're even gonna traverse the ocean and meet me.
cool doesn't even come close, babe. back in the 50s when the word 'cool' was becoming a slang word, they had other slang that has since died out. but i'm gonna ressurect one just for you:
Mermaid, you are The Most
(1 potatoes | hot potatoes)
| Wednesday, November 24th, 2004
9:08 pm - .....it's so much better i'm funkin' out in every way.....
coolishness abounds.....
i've only got a few LJ friends in australia, and the most recent is Kat. this is one cool kitty, let me tell you what makes me say so.
Kat speaks her mind, and has the guts to stand up for herself. She's got a grip on how subtle and complex things can be, which i think is ubercool. she has been a rock when i've been in low spirits, and that makes her more than just cool, she's a sweetheart.
last but not least, Kat has a very cool self designed tattoo of a dragon, which is one-of-a-kind cool.
~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~
my friend caroline in scotland is cool and then some. she seems to me to be a Very Amazing Person indeed. she knows a lot about a great many things, and has given me lots of insight into problems and issues, and she's entertained me and consoled me. the fact that i know she reads me inspires me to try to write some interesting things from time to time. how cool is that?
carol, i hope you get to see this, cos i want to say it means a lot to me that you've taken some time out on my behalf to help me sort my head. it might not seem to you like you do much, but to me that makes it even more cool.
~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~
i'm not sure i ever knew keightball's name, but that doesn't lessen my estimation of her coolness.
she talks straight, and she's got what i think is a pretty cool attitude towards, well, sex. i also have seen the tattoo on her back which commands mad props and recognition of cooliosity. it's a silouette of a tree, and it takes up most of her back. awesome work.
thanks for all the hugs and comments hon!!
(2 potatoess | hot potatoes)
2:23 pm - .....re-ee-wind, and the crowd say Bo! Selecta!.....
LJ has really given me a fun social outlet, and it's payback time baybay!! i've got lots of really cool friends here, and let me tell you how cool this particular lady is. her name is Mikelyn.
i don't only like her cos she has good taste in men (mike once told me you thought i was a bit of alright). ;-P i think she's cool because she's got a heart of gold, despite life having dealt her some pretty hard to play cards.
mikelyn is a fun and sensitive woman, and she loves one of my best LJ buddies, so she's got ample coolness in my book. she's never been anything but sweet to me.
Mikelyn, i think you're ace!!! did you not already realise? bless ya!
(hot potatoes)
9:58 am - .....tramps like us baby we were born to run.....
i know this woman named Amy. let me expound about her coolness.
amy is probably THE most intelligent person on my friend's list, though p may just be smarter...
anyway, i think amy is the bomb, cos she's got it all goin' on. she looks at life in the eye, okay, so maybe she has staring contests with it.
the coolest of coolnesses about amy, for me, is her attitude toward people and life. she's not prone to romantic dissillusions of how things are, or supposedly ought to be.
(i'll do a group one later, or else it'll clog up your friend's pages too much...)
(1 potatoes | hot potatoes)
| Tuesday, November 23rd, 2004
11:57 pm - .....is it any wonder? you're far too cool to fool.....
vaysha, i shall address you directly.
you are so far beyond cool it's ridiculous. when i read your journal, or look at your artwork or photos, i feel you present with me, if only in my head. that is major cool, at least to me.
but the really cool thing about you, is that i feel comfortable saying/admitting anything to you. what a gift it has been finding you as a friend. may it long continue.
i've been working on something for you, i won't be much longer!! :D
current mood: last one tonight
(7 potatoess | hot potatoes)
11:39 pm - .....i could walk 500 miles & i could walk 500 more.....
one of the first friends i ever made on LJ is called Allan. let me tell you why i think allan is the bomb.
smart, sexy, semi-obsessive, sensitive, stylish, allan is every man's, and every woman's, dream, although he'd be the last person to say so. so i'm saying it. you are coolasfuck allan!
i also attach unusual amounts of cool bonus points for his loving star trek too, and also for his political insight. the world would be cooler if there were more folks like allan around.
(2 potatoess | hot potatoes)
11:28 pm - .....they sing, 'this is my message to you-uu-uu'.....
well, if this is about coolness, then i think Marianne is particularly cool, cos she and i seem to have our heads in sync so often, that if i didn't think it was cool i'd think it was scary.
the coolest thing to me though is how supportive she's been during my dark season.
you are a ray of light.
(3 potatoess | hot potatoes)
11:14 pm - .....a grave waits for you at heaven's gate.....
one of the reasons i think you're cool is because though we've been reading one another off & on for over a year, i still don't know what makes you tick. the scripts and sketches that i read are always cool, or maybe i only read the cool ones, i dunno. ;-P i just think the motivation to actually do that much of that kind of writing is pretty awesome dude.
(hot potatoes)
3:15 pm - ......hey mister DJ put another record on......
there's this guy on LJ who ought to be honorary president of the country of Cool. his name is Mikee, and let me tell you some of the reasons i think this guy rocks.
first of all, i seldom like men. so, when i meet one i get along with, it's seriously an event for me. when i was a brand new LJer, i found MIkee's LJ in my very first search for people to add. he's not a prick, he's a niceguy. he was funny. he was intelligent. most of all, he was interesting. and its only gotten better since then.
Mikee cares, Mikee is fun, Mikee is as sharp as a needle but won't prick you for being dull.
what i like most of all is that Mikee is honest about himself, even to himself. he's a REAL real person, and i treasure our friendship like i treasure the stars.
(hot potatoes)
3:09 pm - .....to have and to hold, to squeeze and please.....
so i've got this LJ friend whose name is Jess. let me tell you how cool i think she is.
she's a deep young woman whose depth and insight haven't gone to her head. in fact, she's self depricating, despite her many talents, like writing. she's a great poet, and a vivid dreamer, and i really admire her imagination as well her determination.
jess, i don't even know what you look like, though we've been friends for 2 and a half years. but i think you are a beautiful person.
(hot potatoes)
10:18 am - .....i could be your steam train if U just lay down your tracks.....
Let Me Tell You What I Like About You! 1. Reply to this post if you want/need me to tell you how cool you are! 2. Watch my journal over the next few days for a post just about you and why I think you rock my socks. 3. Post these instructions in your journal and give your friends a much needed dose of love and adoration.
nabbed from the cooler than cool ocean_song
(19 potatoess | hot potatoes)
10:08 am - 2day's bit of fluff
1:15 am - latenite lint
| Monday, November 22nd, 2004
12:40 pm - 2day's rock candy
12:23 pm - .....many have i loved and many times been bitten.....
it's been a long time since i've let 3 whole days go by without going onto lj. i've no idea how everyone has been doing, and i feel a bit slack for that. as for me, i had a fair weekend, though i am an unsettled character.
took saturday off again, and whisked the family up to Falmouth to do some Xmas shopping at Trago. partly this is another installment in my efforts to do more stuff out and about with peta, and partly cos Trago is super cheap, and christmas is sneaking up on me. i was gonna buy Falcon a bike there, cos they were 40% cheaper than they are here, but for various frustrating reasons it didn't happen.
saturday night i went out dancing, which had been planned for a week in advance. the advance planning is important cos it lets peta psyche herself up for it. she seemed okay with it this time before i left and after i came home. though i do hafta listen to all sorts of conspiracy threories from her about what i'm "really" up to. nevermind. i had a terrific time, dancing right in front of the speaker stacks and permanently damaging my hearing. but sacrifices to the gods of dance must be made, and little things like being able to hear can be overlooked in the pursuit of the vybe.
god, do i talk shit or what?
yesterday was a nice mellow day in. a few weeks ago i bought the game Pictionary at the carboot sale for 50p, and we finally got round to playing it. i had previously been the only one who'd ever played, but it's so easy and fun, and we all had a blast. i wasn't even bummed that me & Falcon lost to P & J. badly.
a few weeks ago p made me a compilation CD, with songs on it that obviously were chosen for their lyrical content, with special meanings on our relationship and so on. last night, i stayed up until 3am making her a compilation tape along similar lines. i'm nervous about giving it to her. i just had my first listen to it, and it's awfully close to the mark in a few places. still, it was a good exercise, and i hope she gets something from it.
more later.
(hot potatoes)
| Thursday, November 18th, 2004
10:02 am - 2day's bit of fluff
"i asked God for all things so that i might enjoy life. i was given life, so that i might enjoy all things."
-quote from a poem written by an unknown confederate soldier
(2 potatoess | hot potatoes)