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"Foto’s bij een zee of zo, of jou alvast met dat cadeau
Ik wil foto’s van hoe mooi het was vandaag..." - Acda en de Munnik

Wizard of EarthSea premiering today

2004-12-13 13:23
Mood: hungry



...and I've been reading a couple of threads on IMDB.com in anticipation. Especially this one is a wonderful read; after reading the books this year I'm pretty worried about the book-adaptation. :s It's a comfort to know that I'm not the only one.
What I am looking forward to after seeing the sneak peak trailer is Amanda Tappings three-second cameo as Elfarran ;) Then again.. The effects pretty much look like crap. It's like Harry Potter and the Graveling of Shadow ;)

Anyway, you know how when you taste something that doesn't taste good, other people will actually try it on your recommendation of how gross it is? In the aforelinked-to thread, IMDB user james-337 pointed out a similar 'typically human' phenomenon:

"You know, I frequently wonder why on earth we all seem to look forward to and watch adaptations of our favourite books. We're never happy with them. They never match our perceptions or live up to our expectations of them. And yet still we get excited when it's announced that someone's going to film one of them. We must be complete masochists."
So, my gentle readers: what book would you like to see a big or smallscreen adaptation being made of? ;)


2004-12-12 04:07
Mood: chipper



I managed to cut back on the amount of sugar I need to do in my tea in order for it to taste the way I want to! :D
I don't know how exactly I did it - I was watching tv and decided to just try it with less sugar. I then forgot about it (I got distracted by the pc) and only remembered it when it was 'too late'. I didn't even notice it! :)

It's three dessert spoons instead of five right now, and I know I really should take even less. Diabetes sort of runs in the family and it can be 'cultivated' by taking too much sugar, so it'd be best for me to just have as little as possible. It's a disease I'd rather not have! :)


2004-12-09 20:54
Mood: amused
Music: Acda en de Munnik - Je Huis Is Af



[19:54] <+Anneke> WOW @ Lost
[19:54] <@Siri> \o/
[19:55] <+Anneke> I was like, huh, and then I was like, wha? and then I was like, WOW! ;)

it's getting better and better. And now I'm itchin' for more, but no more episodes this year! Alas! :(

In other news, not much to write about lately. I didn't write about my dinner with Hein and Ingeborg two weeks ago, and it's pretty pointless to do that now. ;) I'll just end with this new meme )

Your Dominant Intelligence is Musical Intelligence

Every part of your life has a beat, and you're often tapping your fingers or toes.
You enjoy sounds of all types, but you also find sound can distract you at the wrong time.
You are probably a gifted musician of some sort - even if you haven't realized it.
Also a music lover, you tend to appreciate artists of all kinds.

You would make a great musician, disc jockey, singer, or composer.


2004-12-09 04:03
Mood: busy



Everything about Sarah Michelle Gellar's visit to the Netherlands - from pictures to news items - can be found at http://sarah.dutchbuffy.com/ from now on. :)

Erm.. I'd write a story to not make this livejournal entry so short, but it's 4 am and I'm tired. Up again tomorrow at ten! :)

Nog een SMG-verslagje

2004-12-07 17:14
Mood: crazy



het mailtje wat ik naar de BNL lijst gestuurd heb )

The Day I Met SMG

2004-12-07 12:39
Mood: hyper




So, last week, I was mindin' my own business, checkin' my hotmail, when I got an e-mail from a friend with news that soon made for a frantic discussion on the dutch Buffy-NL mailinglist: Our Buffy-heroine SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR would come to the Netherlands to attend the Dutch première of her new film The Grudge. Naturally a delegation of our mailinglist had to be there as well!

So, what was it like? :D )

I *really* hadn't expected to see James Marsters and Sarah Michelle Gellar this year - or ever. Makes you wonder what could happen in 2005. :D

Daar wordt aan het haar gefrunnikt...

2004-12-06 15:08



;) Corona is blijven logeren na het Sinterklaasfeestje in Warmond. ;)

Vanaf nu chat ik bewust

2004-11-30 22:11
Mood: artistic
Music: Avril Lavigne - Forgotten



Met alle tijd, in alle rust
In rijmpjes schrijven, dat is het plan
want tot nu toe bak ik er erg weinig van

BNLers en MSNers dus, opgelet
want vanaf nu wordt er enkel in rijm gechat
Heb wel geduld met mij en praat mij niet klem
want met dichten ben ik helaas niet erg ad-rem ;)

/me is benieuwd hoe lang ze dit vol kan houden; dit is zelfs een hele klus *met* rijmwoordenboeken-fraude!

Mothers, lock up your daughters

2004-11-29 03:09
Mood: shocked



So, while the news probably didn't reach many beyond the LJ-community (and the regional newspapers), probably most livejournallers have heard by now of the 16-year old chick that supposedly hired two 24-yearolds to kidnap and kill her 48-year old mother. :s

The last thing [info]smchyrocky wrote in her journal before being arrested, "Just to let everyone know, my mother was murdered."

While some of the comments made in the thread belonging to that last post are frightening, what frightens me most is the closing statement in Beth Bragg's column on the subject:

"Some may see red flags when they read a poem called "Ode to Suicide.'' Some may be alarmed by information in her user profile, in which she lists her hometown as "Hell, Alaska, United States,'' or by the name of her journal, which is "My Crappy Life -- The Inside Look of an Insane Life.''

But many of the thoughts and words found in Waterman's journal aren't terribly different from the thoughts and words of other teenagers.

Until you read that final entry."

To sum it up: Criminals: they're all around us! *spooky music*

Anyway, it makes me wonder how many people act like nothing is going on online, while in fact a whole damn lot is happening to them IRL. We all know about the livejournal dramaqueens who try to get as much attention as possible by writing about horrible things (suicide threats, cutting). But I just have to say, the total opposite of the dramaqueentype scares me just as much. :/

(And no, I am not making any statements about when someone is a drama-queen or not. If anyone on my livejournal friendslist is offended, please rest assured that I do not believe I have aforementioned type of dramaqueen on my friendslist. *hugs*)

Yay, I'm still me :)

2004-11-27 13:26



You are Anneke, "listmom" to this lovely bunch of people, and proud of it too. You love your friends and hate to see people sometimes not getting along.

What BNL character are you?

dumb quiz result )


2004-11-26 15:33
Mood: busy
Music: Manu Dibango - Pata Pata



that survey all the cool kids are doing nowadays )

And now I'm off to Grun! \o/

Greg the Bunny icons!

2004-11-26 02:25
Mood: pleased



I present to you...

Anneke's Greg the Bunny livejournal icons! )

Blast from the past...

2004-11-25 13:52



Or: I wanted to do this long ago, but never got around to it. ;) I came across my highschool diploma and thought it might be fun to post it in my lj. For future reference ;)

Cijferlijst )

Edited to add:

nuggets are love
brought to you by the isLove Generator

(apparantly, when I'm a spring-type person it's Buffy :) above results are of me as an Autumn-type person)


2004-11-24 22:41
Mood: discontent
Music: Silent Witness on tv



It's going to be 10 and a half months... instead of 6 and a half :(

Joss Whedon's Serenity Pushed to September 2005
Joss Whedon, the man behind "Buffy" and "Angel," tells WHEDONesque that the release date for his latest film project, "Serenity," has been pushed back to September 30, 2005.
Whedon says the decision gives "Serenity" a better shot at audiences because the film's original April 2005 slot is "crowded with a lot of titles aimed at a similar demographic." He stresses that the push is not bad news: "This isn't about a lack of confidence in the film -- in fact, they [the studio] told me this before they even saw it. And now they have seen it, and unless they're way better liars than I'm used to, they dug it."
"Serenity" is a big-screen adaptation/continuation of Whedon's short-lived sci-fi TV show "Firefly."

Source: a posting by Mac Slocum on the Filmfodder weblog


2004-11-24 19:05
Music: Acda & de Munnik - Totdat Ik Jou



Twee week geleden mailde ik LU met de vraag of ik misschien rondgeleid zou kunnen worden in de fabriek waar de Nederlandse pocky gemaakt wordt. Corona zei 's avonds dat dat heel onwaarschijnlijk was aangezien dat spul in een bakkerij in Frankrijk gemaakt wordt ;) Maar ja. Proberen kan altijd. :)
Ook vroeg ik of ze misschien een lijst hadden van winkels waar ik LU Mikado kan kopen omdat ik na een middag zoeken in Zoetermeer toch wel moedeloos werd ;) Niet alle Albert Heijnen (de enige keten waarvan ik wist dat ze het verkochten) hebben de Mikado op voorraad. Grootte maakt niet uit ;)

Affijn, vandaag werd ik teruggemaild door de consumentenservice:

"Beste Anneke,

Bedankt voor uw reacitie.
Helaas is het niet mogelijk om een rondleiding in de fabriek te organiseren.
Mikado wordt in Nederland maar in heel weinig supermarkten verkocht. Alleen AH en Jumbo kunnen het product bij ons bestellen.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
LU, consumentenservice"

Dus. Op naar de Jumbo! ;)